ROMANCE: Mated to the Bear (Stepbrother Paranormal Shifter) (Threesome Taboo Romance) (42 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mated to the Bear (Stepbrother Paranormal Shifter) (Threesome Taboo Romance)
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Chapter 3

The bar was finally closed and Alyssa spent her time sweeping up. The other employees chatted together, mostly about the customers they saw tonight and what they were going to do during the next week. She suspected no one knew that Jonathan was her stepbrother, and if they did no one would care. But wouldn't you want to know more about their CEO? She was lost in thought until Veronica broke in.

"You did fantastic tonight!"

"But I broke a ton of glasses earlier," Alyssa protested.

"It's not a big deal."

"Victor made it seem like a big deal, though."

"Like I said don't worry about him; I got it."

Alyssa wasn't so sure if Veronica could get her out of inevitable trouble. “Hey, where’s Jonathan? Did he leave already?”

“Nah, he’s still in the V.I.P. area, probably passed out drunk. Oh, that’s right, he got you your job here. How do you know him?”

“Uhh.” Alyssa wasn’t sure if Jonathan wanted to reveal how they knew each other. “Our families are close.” She didn’t lie. “Do you mind if I go see him really quick?”

“Go ahead.”

“Thanks.” Alyssa hurried to the back of the bar, to the V.I.P. area again, finding Jonathan very inebriated. “Come on,” she sighed while throwing his arm over her shoulder. “You can’t drive and I’m sure you can’t even call a cab or your limo.” She half dragged him to the bars exit. “Hey, Veronica,” she hollered, “I’m getting him home.”

“Okay, drive home safe!”

Alyssa took Jonathan to her car and put him in the passenger’s seat, buckling him up. She then ran over to her own seat, starting the car. “Never thought I’d be in this position; thank you.” He didn’t even stir.

Driving to Jonathan’s house wasn’t too far from the bar, maybe five minutes. Luckily his keys were hooked on his pants. Unfortunately, Alyssa knew there was an alarm on the house, and she didn’t know the passcode to shut off the noise.

“Jonathan. Jonathan! Wake up!” She shook him from her seat, but no luck. “Fine, I’ll take you to my house.” Her house wasn’t too much further, just a few neighborhoods over, and they were there in no time.

She struggled, but was able to get Jonathan out of the car, and she dragged him out to her apartment door. Unlocking the door with one hand proved to be harder than she thought, but she eventually opened it. She took him to her bed and thought that she might want to sleep on the couch. Jonathan was her stepbrother, but she decided on sharing the bed since the couch was lumpy and quite uncomfortable. Crawling in next to him, he threw an arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her ear.

She was horrified. Did he know who he was snuggling up to and kissing? Yet she felt a sense of comfort from being held. When was the last time she was embraced like this? It was probably quite a while ago and deep down, she wanted it to continue.

And it did. Their lips eventually found each other and their tongues danced. She bit his bottom lip and he held onto her tight. His mouth made his way to her neck and he suckled it deliciously.

She knew this was wrong, but she wanted it. But sure enough Jonathan fell asleep, resting his head on her chest. She wondered if he would remember this or if it’d be her little secret. She hoped it would be her secret, primarily because she didn’t know how he would react to his drunken mistake. She wasn’t drunk at all, so why did she allow this to happen? She felt some guilt for taking advantage of him like this, but when she caught herself thinking about how she would never find this chance again, she realized that she was like those guys that take advantage of women. She was exactly like that.

The shame and guilt alone were enough to drive her to the uncomfortable couch for the rest of the evening.








Chapter 4

The next morning, Alyssa woke up early, out of habit, even though she had the day off from her regular job and didn’t have to go into the bar until much later. She decided to make a breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon for her and Jonathan. Her mind was still spinning from the night before, but hopefully focusing on breakfast would help calm her thoughts. She cracked the eggs into the expensive mixer Jonathan got her for Christmas one year, for her to domesticate her and “hopefully find a man” so she would stop being alone. Deep down it was a sweet gesture, kind of.

Her thoughts rolled into that holiday morning. Jonathan was late, which was odd since he was always on time for family dinners. He brought expensive gifts for everyone, which made her gifts of a crochet blanket for him, handmade beaded jewelry for her mother, and a crochet scarf and hat for his father felt inferior. Her mother spent part of the night reassuring her that she loved her gift, even though Jonathan surprised her with a bracelet loaded with diamonds and sapphires. He also had surprised Alyssa a $500 mixer and a $300 blender. He doesn’t know the meaning of being modest. She hadn’t even wanted such gifts, but she admits that the gifts were well loved at this point, using them almost every day.

“Hey.” A low voice emerged from a tousled haired Jonathan as she poured the scrambled eggs into the pan. “Why did you bring me here instead of my place?” He seemed slightly disgusted.

“I didn’t know your passcode to your house. I didn’t want to set anything off,” she pleaded.

“Well, thanks.” Was there a bit of shame in his voice? “I’m sorry you had to see me like that.” Yes, definite shame.

“I’m making breakfast; would you like any?”

“Why would I...sure. Breakfast sounds great. What are you making?”

“Well, I just started the eggs, and I also planned on bacon and toast.”

“I love bacon. Then again, what human doesn’t?” He smirked an adorable smirk.

Was that why she opted for bacon instead of sausage? Why did she think his smirk was cute? “Good. Limp or crispy?”

“Hm, definitely crispy.”

“Oh, my favorite!”

“Then limp! Just to be difficult.” He was being playful, and he hadn’t been like this since they were kids!

“Too late, you already made your choice!” She smiled and giggled.

“Fine,” he held up his hands in surrender. “I concede. You may continue.”

She pulled the eggs with a spatula, creating large, soft curds. “I hope scrambled eggs are okay with you. I think, if I remember right, you prefer them creamier?”

“Yeah.” He looked around as he sat at the table. “Yeah, that’s fine. Hey, is that the mixer I got you? Glad to see you use it. When I got it for you, I was actually worried that you wouldn’t use it too much.”

“Oh, I use it all the time. Thank you.” She was genuine in her gratitude. She wasn’t sure if she was before or not.

“Yeah, I honestly thought it would be useful.” He seemed genuine, too.

She put the bacon in the skillet and it sizzled in a blissful silence. She wondered if she should tell him about last night or not. She decided against it now; she didn’t want to cause breakfast to be awkward, or worse, start a fight. If only their parents knew what happened.

“Is something wrong? You look worried.”

“No, everything is fine, sorry. I’m surprised you noticed.”

“I’m not all bad, you know.”

“Maybe not, but it’s been awhile since you could call yourself good.” A twinge of sadness was in her voice.

“Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.” His speech was soft, admitting what he said. “Sorry for last night. You didn’t deserve that.”

She froze. Did he mean the kiss, or having to bring him home? “It’s okay, don’t worry about it!” She probably sounded fake, forcing the words in a high pitched voice. She flipped the bacon and pulled the eggs again to distract herself. When she went to turn around, she found him standing next to her. He pulled her by the waist to him and locked lips, kissing her long and passionately.

“You’re so caring and sweet,” he said, barely pulling his lips apart to kiss her more. “You’re genuine and helpful. Victor said you made so many mistakes last night but each time he told me of them, it made me weak.”

She couldn’t believe what was happening, what she was doing or what she was hearing. All she could do was kiss back and hope the food didn’t burn. Their tongues danced again. He picked her up, wrapping her legs around him as she had her arms around his neck to stabilize her, and he carried her back to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and kept his arms on either side of her, rubbing his lower body against hers. She had no escape, not that she wanted to. She kept her legs loosely wrapped, knees gently playing with the belt on his pants. He took the hint and pulled off her shirt and unbuckled his pants, but left those on. His hands wandered up her shirt and found her ample breasts, squeezing them lightly. She gave out a little moan.

“We can’t…” Her voice was small. She wanted this.

“We’re only stepsiblings; no real blood. It’s okay.” His voice was smooth, comforting, and made everything okay.

He carefully pulled off her shirt and, while keeping their lips locked, shook off his pants, leaving just his boxers. She unclasped her bra and slid off her pajama pants. She pushed her body against his, keeping their private parts in close contact. She felt his organ grow large, rubbing coarsely against her pussy. She moaned again in pleasure, and he took the opportunity to start kissing and biting her neck. She used one of her legs to pull him closer to rub more efficiently against her clit. Her moaning stimulated him even more, causing him to kiss and bite more aggressively, which caused her to moan even more. He got his hand in between them and slid a finger over her pussy rhythmically, which caused her to shake and buck her hips gently. Then he slipped a finger into her panties, going up and down the lips of her vagina, leaving her unable to move on her own. She was in bliss at what was going on.

To her dismay, he flipped her over, changing positions so she was now on top of him, straddling one of his legs. His knee grinded into her clit wondrously still. This position though gave him better access to her breast, though. He took off her unhooked bra and tossed it aside. They were medium sized, not too large but definitely not small. He squeezed them and pinched one of the hardened brown nipples with one hand, using her juices on his finger to lubricate it. The other his mouth was attending to, licking, biting, and suckling to keep the nipple as hard as possible. She held her chest out, propping herself to give him the best view and access. Then she got an idea.

She kissed him fiercely, and slowly made her way down to his lower body, disconnecting him from her breasts. Each kiss filled them both with anticipation. When she got to his boxers, she stalled a little before sliding them off. His cock was revealed, hard, stiff and large. She cupped it with one hand gently and kissed it along the side. She even licked it, feeling the tension in his thighs. He was moaning in pleasure. She knew what he wanted.

She let the tip enter her mouth, gently grazing her teeth on it and suckling it. She didn’t think his penis could get harder, but it did somehow. She kept her one hand on his balls and one at the base of his long cock. Slowly, she slid his entire shaft into her mouth, causing him to moan even louder. She pumped her mouth over him, making him buck his hips in ecstasy. Then he sat both of them up, keeping her on her knees as he stood there, masturbating himself and letting her lick him up. Then he starting to shoot out spurts of come onto her face until they slowed to a stop. Then she giggled, wiping away the come from her eyes and mouth with a towel as he fell onto the bed.

“I can’t believe we just did that.”

“I can’t either, but you were…really good.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her close in his embrace, kissing her forehead. “How do you feel?”

“Fine? Why?”

“Just checking.” He squeezed her tight. “I think your food burned.”

“Oh my god!” She leaped up and ran to the kitchen. “Shit!”

He waltzed after her, completely naked, his cock and balls freely hanging. “What happened?” He should have guessed the answer.

“Everything burned and my pans are ruined!”

“It’s okay. I’ll buy you a new set. It’s the least I can do.” He hugged her from behind around her waist.

“No, no. I got it. I should have thought-“

“We weren’t thinking. Just doing what felt… right.”

“Burning my pan was not what seemed right.” She laughed. She felt happy, something she hadn’t felt in a while. Before she knew it, though, they were back in her room, putting their clothes back on.

“I gotta go,” he suddenly said. “I need to shower and change and go over to the office.”

“Oh, okay.” This shouldn’t have taken her for a surprise, especially since everything that had happened that morning he didn’t have planned. “I guess I’ll just see you at the club then.”

“Yeah, I’ll try not to get drunk next time.” Did he already regret what had happened? He seemed distant again.

“Well, call me if you even need a ride home. I promise to take you to your rightful home.”

“It can be nice here once in awhile. I’ll try not to mind so much.”

“Oh, so are you saying you want this to happen again.”

He kissed her quickly on her lips and gave her butt a nice squeeze. “Definitely.” And with that he was gone, leaving her beside herself with her thoughts.



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