Read Romance: Luther's Property Online

Authors: Laurie Burrows

Romance: Luther's Property (76 page)

BOOK: Romance: Luther's Property
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“Don’t stop,” she begged, feeling her juices welling inside
of her, finally ready to give her release.

As soon as she said the words Bradley stopped, a wicked grin
on his face. There were a lot of things in life he enjoyed, and teasing a woman
senseless was one of them. Zoey moaned in protest, wondering why she was being
tortured so.

“Ask me,” he rasped, his voice heady and full of sex.

“What?” Zoey gasped, not quite sure what he meant.

“Ask me if you can come.”

A shot of liquid heat splashed against her thighs as she
imagined the naughtiness of the idea. It thrilled her to no end, and
immediately gave over her power.

“Please, Bradley, may I come?” Zoey asked, her voice
dripping with sexual arousal.

In reply, Bradley dropped to his knees and moved Zoey’s ass
to the edge of the table. At once his head was buried between her thighs,
lapping at suckling at every precious part of Zoey’s spread legs. Her orgasm
released almost immediately, sending another warm wave of her liquid heat into
Bradley’s waiting mouth and trickling down his chin. He moaned in delight and
felt his own orgasm spurt out as he drank as much of Zoey as he could.

She was the sweetest woman he had ever tasted, in more ways
than one. It took her several long moments to stop trembling, but he didn’t
mind. Instead, he leisurely cleaned her with his tongue, licking up every drop
of her until her thighs finally quieted down. Only when she ask him to stop did
he finally rise from his knees.

Her breath was still coming in heavy gasps as she looked at
him, the vein in her neck throbbing noticeably as she tried to catch her breath
after such an enjoyable excursion. Zoey couldn’t believe how incredible his
lovemaking had been. The idea of what she had been missing out on for the past
several years saddened her, but she quickly forced it from her mind.

“You feel so incredible,” Bradley whispered, pulling her
into his arms.


Zoey yawned sleepily as her head lolled like a ragdoll
against Bradley’s chest. With him as a pillow, and small sea of warm water and
bubbles as her blanket, Zoey felt as if she could have fell asleep right there
in the giant tub. It was an hour after they had made love downstairs, nearly
two. It had taken them both a long time to simply move from holding one

There had been so much pent up passion built up between
them, that less than ten minutes after their first round of sex they had a very
quick one to accompany it. By the time Zoey was finally taken down from the
table, her legs were wobbling and trembling from over use. Chuckling, Bradley
had picked her up and carried her up the stairs.

“What’s on your mind little one?” Bradley asked, running the
bathing sponge lazily over her pert breasts. He liked having her in his arms,
probably more than anyone else that had ever been in them before. He found
himself constantly finding reasons to keep her wrapped in them.

Zoey smiled at the question and closed her eyes. “I was
thinking that this is- I mean, I can’t believe that this was waiting for us all
along. If I would have known, like even a little bit, that this is how good it
would feel to be with you, I would have seduced you a long time ago.”

Bradley chuckled and kissed the back of her ear. “It’s
probably good that you didn’t. You’re mother would have definitely killed you
if we would have done this while we were still married.”

Zoey giggled and snuggled deeper into his arms, thinking
about all the times that she had thought that Bradley was way too good looking
for her mother. As a teenager, she’d had those thoughts often. On more than one
occasion he had starred in her adolescent sexual fantasies as she discovered
self-exploration as well.

“Did you ever love her?” Zoey asked, several moments later.

“Hmm? Who?”

“My mother,” she replied, not sure why she was even asking
the question.

“I think at one time I thought she was going to be my
happily ever after,” Bradley answered truthfully. “When I asked her to marry
me, to be with me forever, I had meant it at the time. Truly meant it.” He
stopped for a moment and sighed, recalling the memory.

“I don’t know if she ever really felt the same way about me
though. I think that she liked me, very much even. But I don’t think that she
ever expected us to stay together forever and all that jazz. She was just
too…jaded, by the time I came along.”

Zoey thought of her mother and how chronically unhappy she
seemed to be. She remembered her always popping pills as easily as Zoey herself
used to pop M&M’s. She was always on something, whether it was alcohol,
anti-depressants, pain relievers, or all three.

“What did you see in her?” She asked, her voice soft. Zoey
was in an odd mood. She felt safe, warm, and relaxed. It stirred in her a
desire to try and understand her mother better, if it was possible. She heard
Bradley sigh, and she wondered if he was actually going to tell her anything,
or if he was going to shut down the conversation. When he cleared his throat,
she knew he had chosen the prior.

“When I met her she was fresh out of a stint in rehab. She
was completely sober, and I, well, I was a waiter at the tennis club. I was
bussing tables to make extra money on the weekends while I waited for the
results of my bar exam. She liked me right away, and I liked her too. When she
asked me out on a date I was really surprised, and then later I remember one of
the other waiters telling me it was common for the rich, lonely women to take
on lovers my age, and that they themselves had often done it.

So I went over to her house, and to both our surprises we
didn’t end up having sex. Instead we just talked, and laughed, and made fun of
a lot of people at the country club. That woman then, to me, was the most
beautiful I had ever seen, and I knew that my heart was hers. At least for a
little while. I tried my best to keep her sober, and according to her
therapist, I actually did a really good job for quite some time. About eight
months, I think.

Then right at the wedding we served champagne, if you can
remember. It was all down hill after that. Of course, as we headed for divorce
she told me that she was never really truly sober when we were together, but I
think she was just saying that to try and hurt me. She wanted me to feel like I
wasn’t as important to her as I thought I was.”

“I’m sorry,” Zoey whispered. “I shouldn’t have asked.”

Zoey felt Bradley’s arms tighten around her and his lips
sink into the sensitive flesh of her neck.

“Don’t be,” he assured her. “I want you to know that there
were actual moments with your mother where she wasn’t a total wreck. Sometimes,
she could be a really good person.”

The idea was funny to Zoey, and she snickered. A yawn
climbed its way up her throat and out of her mouth, making Bradley quickly
follow with one of his own. Looking up at the clock, he saw that it was nearly

“I think we should head to bed,” Bradley advised, already
working to stand up. “I’ve got to do some work on your case and I’m also
closing another in two days.”

Together they climbed out of the tub and towel dried one
another off. Zoey leaned in to kiss him goodnight when he was done, but he
playfully scooped her up and carried her to his bed. They had just shared so
much together, and there was not way that he was going to let her sleep alone.
Neither of them quite knew what was going on with one another, but was they did
know was that they weren’t ready to stop just yet.


Zack’s eyes stared into Katie’s, his eyebrows moving up and
down in a suggestive manner. Katie was Zoey’s new replacement at work, and he
was hoping for her to be her replacement in bed as well. Unfortunately for him,
Katie was not quite as subjective to his charms as Zoey was.

“Don’t do that,” the redhead shot back, rolling her eyes.
She had a look of disgust on her face, one that had Zack thinking twice about
hiring her. She was so nice in the interview, but now that he was trying to
know her better, he found that she was quite surly whenever it came to casual

“Just give me a reason why you won’t go out with me,” Zack
told her. “Give me a solid reason and I’ll leave you alone. Scout’s honor.

Katie ran a frustrated hand through her hair and turned
around to look at Zack. “For one, we work together. For two, you’re my manager.
For three, you’re also the Human Resources director, so you should know better
than anyone that relationships in the work place are not only a bad idea, but
it’s also against company policy!”

The fierce woman rose to her feet, tired to being hit on.
“If you hit on me one more time I will report you to a senior manager, got it?
You may have had your fun with other women, but I am not someone to fuck around
with, got it? And if you try to fire me I’ll sue you so hard and so fast you
won’t even have time to blink, got it?”

Zack’s temper flared and he opened his mouth to speak. “If you
think you can”-

“Zack! I need to see you in my office. Now.”

Zack heard the deep, stern voice of the Nathan Fields, the
company’s senior manager behind him, and a chill of horror ran up his spine. He
glared once more at Katie before he turned around and plastered a wide, fake
smile on his face.

“Nathan, hi. What’s up?” Zack asked, taking a step towards

“In my office. Now,” Nathan growled. The older man was not
someone to toy with. He was ex military and had earned his spot as senior
manager by being a bad ass. Knowing better than to argue, Zack made his way to
Nathan’s office, knowing full well, that the tall, bearded man was right behind
him. To his surprise, Bobby Justice, the company’s lawyer, was waiting for them
in Nathan’s office. Like Nathan, he did not look happy.

“What’s going on guys?” Zack asked, taking a seat as Nathan
closed them into the office. “Is this about Katie? Because honestly, I was just
joking with her. You know women, they can’t take a joke for anything without
accusing you of being sexist, right?”

Nathan took a seat behind his desk and cracked his knuckles,
not amused. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about with Katie, Zack, but
whatever it is, you better knock it off right now. No, this is about Zoey

Zack’s eyes narrowed as he leaned forward in the seat. A bad
feeling settled into his stomach, and he wondered if he was about to vomit.
Zoey was a soft girl, quiet. She wouldn’t do anything to hurt him. Would she?

“What about Zoey France?” Zack asked.

“Look, we know that you were dating her. That’s fine. You
kept your PDA to a minimum in the office, you never showed favoritism, and to
us the relationship looked happy and mutual. When you guys broke up I heard
that a couple people were sad to see it happening. However, when I heard that
you fired her a week later, that was suspicious to me.”

Zack shook his head, feeling as if he was being painted into
a corner. “I have the authority to release any staff with just reason that is
below my station,” he quickly responded.

“With just reason, yes,” Nathan replied. “But for all
accounts, there was no reason. I’ve talked with everyone in her division, went
over your own progress report, and guess what? Zoey was a model employee. And
yet she somehow got fired. How is that?”

“Look why are you asking me this? And why does it matter?
She’s gone, it’s done. It’s not like she would sue us or anything.”

“Actually she is,” Bobby spoke up, taking a file full of
papers out of his briefcase.

Zack deadpanned. “The fuck did you just say?” He asked,
completely shocked. Zoey wasn’t the suing kind. She was the soft mousy kind.
The kind that went squish when you stomped them.

“Zoey France and her lawyer are suing our company for sexual
harassment and wrongful firing. This guy has done his homework, Zack, and I
have to say if this goes through”-

“Which it will,” Bobby added quickly, his face grim. Nathan
nodded his head to him in thanks and continued.

it goes
through, she’s going to be taking this company for millions, Zack. And it’s
going to be your fault. If this happens, not only will you be fired and
possibly arrested, but you’ll also be blackballed from this entire field. When
we’re through with you no one in the marketing world will hire you. Do you

In his mind Zack heard the very similar words that had come
out of his own mouth when he was firing Zoey. Karma must indeed exist, he
thought, because he’d just been bitten in the ass by it. Sweating, he looked
from Nathan to Bobby, then back to Nathan again.

“What can I do?” He asked, shifting in his seat. “What can I
do to make this all go away?”

Nathan and Bobby shared a glance, happy to see that Zack was
understanding the seriousness of the situation.

“For starters you can offer her her job back, along with a
sincere apology about firing her in the first place. Then you’re going to have
to go back to dating her. Not for forever, but long enough to where she puts
this whole ordeal in the past. Whether this works or not, you’re officially
demoted from the Human Resources Department,” Nathan explained.

“From what little interaction I saw you having with Katie a
little while ago, it’s become quite clear that you’re abusing your power as an
HR manager. You’re supposed to be protecting our workers, not harassing them.”

Zack nodded his head silently. He had nothing else to say at
the moment, at least not to them. After he was dismissed, Zack walked into his
office and shut the door behind him. His body was trembling from head to toe as
he thought about the idea of being arrested for what he had done to Zoey.

It has stupid of him to think that his idea was going to
work, he could clearly see that now. Sure, he had hired her because she was
cute, but after he looked over her background check, he had seen that she
belonged to the one and only France family. They were millionaires, coming from
old money. If he married into her family then he too would be set for life.
Dollar signs flashed across his eyes as he had dreamt of his life as a

The fact that Zoey was sweet and cute were added perks. He
had genuinely liked her a while, that part was true. But after a year and a
half he had started to get bored. He began making excuses to himself, saying
that it was all right to cheat as long as his behavior towards her wasn’t
affected. So he started having one night stands on weekends when she went off
with the girls, and sometimes even on lunch breaks he’d fake a meeting and go
meet someone for a quickie.

It was a lifestyle that he didn’t mind, and would even accept.
After all it would be worth it if he got his millions in the end. He had even
bought a ring to propose to her the next Christmas. He’d had it all planned
out, and then Zoey had dropped the bomb on him. They were just sitting around
one night, not really doing anything special, when she started talking about
her parents. He had only been half listening, but as soon as he heard the words
‘no money’, he quickly began to pay attention.

As it turned out, Zoey had been informed by her parents that
she had been written out of their will when she refused to go to the college
they had picked out for her. She had no access to her family’s money
whatsoever, and had no eagerness to try and change that. After that, he found
the smallest things she did annoying. Even just brushing her teeth next to him
ground his gears. He did a good job, he thought, of acting the opposite of how
he felt. But he knew that he had to break things off, and soon.

He had thought a while about just breaking up with her and
leaving her at peace with the job. But the more he was around her, the more
upset he became. Zack had begun to feel as Zoey had been purposely hiding this
information from him, and that it had been unfair that she didn’t share her
lack of inheritance in the very beginning. So he did it. He used his power to
get rid of an annoyance for no solid reason, and it felt good. Really good.

As soon as he hired Katie he wanted to fuck her and fire
her, just like he had with Zoey, only in a much shorter time span. He enjoyed
the rush of holding that power over someone, and wanted it more and more. Zack
had never thought, in a million years, that Zoey would ever have the guts to
come after him. Now that she had, he was pissed. Pissed about her backbone.
Pissed about losing one of his titles. And pissed about being forced into a
makeshift relationship with her. He knew what he had to do. And the sooner he
did it the better.

BOOK: Romance: Luther's Property
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