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Authors: Laurie Burrows

Romance: Luther's Property (33 page)

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Chapter Nine

“What do you mean that we’re in your room?” Lucrecia asked,
turning wide eyes onto Nolan. “Don’t you think that this is inappropriate?” she
murmured, her voice dropping lower and a light pink blush staining her cheeks.

“Not if I’m right about how you actually feel about me,”
Nolan said, stepping forward and closing in on Lucrecia. He knew that he was
right about her, otherwise she would have turned tail and run by then. However,
she stayed still, and let him get close enough to put a hand on her cheek. “And
I know that I’m right.”

Lucrecia glanced away from Nolan, but didn’t dare to smack
his hand away. She thought of how Fausto would have treated this situation.
Certainly, he wouldn’t have been leaning in, and pressing his lips against hers
until she couldn’t see and couldn’t think.

Lucrecia fell against Nolan all at once, but he was prepared
to keep her steady and stabilized. After she had regained her feet, Nolan’s
tongue was at her mouth, begging her for entrance. She allowed him access
easily, and the feeling of his tongue licking into her mouth was paired with
his hands, strong and warm, cupping her breasts perfectly. They were small and
round in his hands, the perfect size for greedy men.

Lucrecia pulled back from the kiss as Nolan continued to
grab at her, her eyes glazing over with each second that passed. She already
looked wrecked, and Nolan loved the idea that he was going to take that
innocence from a woman such as herself. It made him beam with pride, and his
grin turned somewhat feral.

A spurt of confidence going through him, Nolan undid the
buttons on the front of Lucrecia’s blouse, and pushed it away from her
shoulders. Her skirt was a separate piece, and she was left in that, and an
old, tattered corset.

“Are you certain that we should be doing this, Nolan?” she
asked, her eyes flickering back and forth between Nolan’s. She was unable to
focus on just one of them, although she could not place exactly why. “What
about Fausto?”

“What about him?” Nolan repeated.

He didn’t care for his brother, and his brother didn’t care
for Lucrecia. To him, it seemed all too obvious what had to be done. There was
only one right choice for them to make, and he tried to make that clear to
Lucrecia in the way that he reached behind her, and began to unravel the
strings of her corset. She blushed and looked away from him, and it gave him
even more confidence than before.

“I’m supposed to be his wife,” Lucrecia whispered as her
corset was finally pushed away from her body.

“He only wants you and a child so that he can get money,”
Nolan said. His hands traveled to Lucrecia’s skirts, and with her help he was
able to get them off of her without too much trouble.

“And what do you want me for?” she asked, now left in only a
delicate pair of panties.

Nolan drooled at the sight, unable to stop himself from
staring at Lucrecia. Her breasts her small and had a gentle point to them, and
it was clear that she took very good care of herself. Nolan lowered onto his
knees, the way that a man might propose, and put his hands on Lucrecia’s hips.
She seemed to get the idea, as her lower lip was pulled between her teeth as
she watched Nolan.

He pressed a kiss to the front of her panties, and even
through the layer of cloth Lucrecia could feel the touch go through her body
like the strongest current of electricity. She wound her fingers into Nolan’s
hair and gasped, unable to look away from him on his knees in front of her. His
tongue darted out of his mouth, and he laid a fat swipe of it along the front of
her panties until his tongue met skin. Lucrecia squirmed in his grip, but he
wouldn’t allow her to go anywhere.

Nolan moved one hand from her hip to between her legs,
already able to feel how dripping wet that she was. Nolan took pride in that.
He had wrecked this beautiful lady. He had made her soaking wet and flushed and
hot. All of those things were happening because of him, not because of his

“Because I want
Nolan finally answered, looking up at Lucrecia. She was an absolute mess, and
it made him grin wider. He moved his fingers back and forth across her hidden
entrance, listening to the way she practically mewled for him to do more to
her. He was more than happy to oblige.

“We should move this elsewhere,” Lucrecia murmured, carding
her fingers through Nolan’s hair over and over again. She couldn’t get enough
of the feeling, and neither could he.

She was upset with the lack of contact quite suddenly, but
then Nolan was there, and kissing her again with all of the heat and fire of a
raging forest fire. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and
she was worried that perhaps the feeling of it was addictive.

When Nolan pulled away, he grabbed her hands and began
leading her back towards his huge, plush bed. It was only then that Lucrecia
noticed that Nolan was still fully clothed, whereas she was in nothing more
than panties, garters and stockings. He seemed to appreciate the sight, but it
would have been so much better were he in the same state of disarray and dress
as herself.

Nolan gently pushed Lucrecia back onto the bed, and then
took a step back. All at once, her prayers were answered. He wrenched his coat
away from his shoulders, and his simple vest was soon to follow. His clothes
were not as intricate as Fausto’s, but he looked just as handsome and it made
Lucrecia sit up with anticipation.

Chapter Ten

Nolan was stripped down in a matter of seconds, and Lucrecia
couldn’t stop staring at the way that his cock stood at full attention, just
for her. It made her heart race and her blood rush through her body with such
force that she could hear it.

“Is this something that you want to do?” Nolan asked as he
clambered onto the bed on top of Lucrecia.

Rather than giving him a verbalized answer, Lucrecia
unhooked the clips that held up her stockings, and then pushed down the thin
panties that she was wearing. Nolan’s eyes widened as he watched her, and soon
enough, one of his hands found the warmth that was lurking between her legs. He
pressed his fingers between the lips that he felt there, and Lucrecia threw her
head back against the pillows. Her spine arched in the most beautiful way from
the mattress, and Nolan took in every curve that was displayed to him.

He steadied his other hand by Lucrecia’s head as he lined
himself up. The woman had propped up her knees, resting them at Nolan’s sides
to allow him a better angle. She was self-conscious of the way her stomach
folded, but if Nolan noticed, he either didn’t want to say anything or didn’t
care. Lucrecia knew that it was the latter. He had eyes only for her, and he
would never judge her for the slightest thing.

“Yes, this is something that I want,” she whispered, leaning
her head back against the pillows. “I’ve never wanted anything more in my

“What about Fausto’s inheritance?” Nolan asked. He didn’t
want to offer the option to Lucrecia, but it was a real fear that he had about
what they were doing. “You’re going to miss out on so much. I’m not going to be
given a cent of the money, it’ll all go to him. I’ll never be able to give you
what he has to offer.”

Lucrecia shook her head, and put a hand on Nolan’s cheek.
“That’s not true,” she whispered. “You have so much more to offer than you
would ever believe. You’re everything that he isn’t, and you’re nothing that he
is. You’re better than him, Nolan.”

Nolan smiled at that, and with a gentle push of his hips, he
was sliding inside of Lucrecia. Her bodily accepted him readily, and the two
were hit with the immediate heat of being connected with someone in the most
intimate of ways. Lucrecia moaned and closed her eyes, her chest already
heaving with the effort it took to keep herself calm.

Nolan pulled his hips back, nearly leaving her body entirely
aside from the swollen head of his cock. With gentle thrusts, he pushed back
into her. That was the way it stayed for a long time, slow and gentle, taking
the time to learn the other person’s body and to explore all of the things that
they had to offer for each other.

Wrapped up in the feeling of it all, and unable to silence
the noises that were pouring from parted lips, Lucrecia hardly noticed when
Nolan’s grip on her hips turned savage. She had been teetering towards orgasm the
entire time, but now it was consuming her entire body as Nolan changed the pace
all at once.

What had once been tender and quiet was loud and rough. From
passionate lovemaking to fucking in the best of senses. Nolan’s hips were fast
and sharp, pulling Lucrecia against him with every single thrust and forcing
her to take in every inch of him every single time.

It consumed Lucrecia’s body like fire, making her feel like
a boneless puddle that could hardly speak, let alone think or do anything aside
from repeat Nolan’s name over and over in a babbling tone. He was grinning
widely, adoring the sounds that Lucrecia couldn’t stop making. It was the best
thing that he had ever heard, and he was more than happy to think about how she
was saying
rather than

The glee was shared by Lucrecia, whose breasts were bouncing
almost painfully with every sharp push into her body from Fausto. She could
never imagine Fausto being able to deliver the same heat throughout her body,
as warm as a hearth and burning her alive like lava. She praised Nolan and his
actions, her hands going to his face to pull him down for a sloppy kiss.

It was all teeth and tongue, rough and biting, seeking that
release more than anything else. Urged on by the kiss, Nolan seemed to thrust
into Lucrecia even faster than before. It was beginning to consume his body,
and it wasn’t long before his pattern that had been so carefully established
became erratic and like wildfire.

With a scream that was certainly heard by the house staff,
Lucrecia came, her orgasm lifting her spine from the bed and making her hips
jut and stutter closer to Nolan as he milked out the last of his own orgasm.
Nolan was bent forward over Lucrecia, his arms bracketed around her head, as if
he was preventing her from even daring to think of leaving him. He was groaning
deep in his throat, a sound that seemed purely animalistic, coming from the
base of his chest.

As they regained their breath, Nolan pulled out of Lucrecia.
It left her feeling empty and weak, and without the same rush of emotion that
she had been pumped full of during the experience. Nolan seemed to be feeling
the same thing, as he held Lucrecia close, unable to get enough of the feeling
of their bodies pressed together.

He stayed quiet for a long time, wondering exactly how he
could phrase his question without coming on too strongly. He chuckled at the
thought. He’d already come on too strong. There was no way to avoid it now.

“Will you marry me instead of Fausto?” he asked, his voice
no more than a whisper.

At first, Lucrecia didn’t respond and it chilled his body
with fear.

And then she nodded.


Emily’s Desire,
A Mail Order Bride Western Romance


© Erin Walsh, 2015 – All rights reserved

Published by Steamy Reads4U


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Chapter 1

Emily sat at her workspace, carefully threading another
piece of yearn through the long, intricate spool that Finn had set in front of
She had thirty more to complete
before she took her lunch break, and she was already weary from the tedious
“I’m not sure how much more of
this I can complete, Leila.”
glanced over at her cousin who seemed unfazed by the looming pile of yarn
sitting before them.

“You know, Emily…”
Leila flicked one of her long tresses of golden hair behind her
“It could always be a lot
We could be stuck over in the
stables, mucking out straw and manure with Ellie and Felix.”
She chuckled and then covered her mouth,
feeling embarrassed that she had just poked fun at her male cousins’ work.
Emily rolled her eyes.

“Yes, yes.
I know
that situations always have the potential for being far worse, but it still
doesn’t take away the fact that my fingers are raw and my hands are going limp
from all of the pulling and tying.”
Emily wasn’t much of a complainer, but for months now she had been
hoping that by some twist of fate her life could be altered.
She wasn’t necessarily unhappy, but she was
still convinced that there was more out there in the world than she had yet

“Maybe Finn will promote you, and then you can help him with
the dyeing process, instead.
Jessie and
Carmine seem to like that phase of the industry work.”
Leila shrugged and then decided that there
really wasn’t much that she could do to appease her cousin’s woes.
As far as she was concerned, it was decent
work with decent pay, and she didn’t think it warranted too much to complain

“Maybe Finn will promote you, instead.”
Emily raised her eyebrows and then gave her
cousin a playful smile.
“I see the way
he looks at you every time he walks through here with a loom to
You know he is on the hunt
for a good, pleasant wife.”
wondered why Finn wasn’t married, already.
He was a fairly attractive man and he had a lovely home up in the
Lancashire valley.
Emily knew that he
had a real soft spot for Leila, but she also knew that Leila would have no
interest in him because of his age.

“I think that the two of us would benefit from some time
away from this place, even though I really don’t mind the work.”
Leila smiled and pulled a long strand of yarn
from the pile.
She threaded it around
the spool and then lifted it up above her head.
Emily watched as Leila spun it around the spool.
Just as Leila was about to comment on how
much she liked the color of the yarn, the door swung open, and Finn stepped

“Good afternoon, Emily and Leila.
I’m happy to see that you are both hard at
You might be glad to find out that
I am letting you both out early this afternoon.
I just received a report from further up in the hills that snow is
coming in our direction.”
Finn stood
with his hands on his hips.
He looked
concerned, yet not fearful.
It was
somewhat unusual for Lancashire to be hit with winter storms this time of year,
but the two cousins were thrilled, nonetheless.

“Well I suppose we best get cleaned up in here, then.”
Leila was the first to get up from her
She scooped a large pile of
yellow yarn into a pile, and then stacked her cotton squares into a neat pile
on the floor.
Emily began picking up her
scissors, spools, and yarn bags.
watched on with satisfaction, pleased that the girls were both efficient and
He wished that all of his
employees had the same solid work ethic and positive attitude.

“Thank you, Mr. Dillmore.
We’ll be on our way shortly.”
Emily smiled and then got up from the table.
She was relieved to have the rest of the
afternoon free, and she was already thinking of creative ways to spend the
Leila wiped down her area with a
dry cloth and then pushed in her chair, as well.
Finn watched on a few more minutes, and then
walked away to break the news to the rest of his crew.

“Shall we stop at Griffin’s Café on the way home?
I bet they still have some of those cinnamon
rolls from breakfast.”
Leila’s eyes got
wide as saucers.
Emily chuckled, always
amused by Leila’s love for sweets.

Let’s get some
coffee and some cinnamon rolls.”
was thrilled with the prospect of doing something that didn’t involve a
She could go to Griffin’s Café
and sit by the window, then wait for the ominous snow to begin falling.
She smiled.
It would be time put to good use, regardless of what she chose to do.

By the time the two had put on their coats and walked to the
front door, the sky had turned from blue to gray, and a subtle chill filled the
They walked away from Lancashire
Textile Company, and toward the center of town.
Emily smiled and gave Leila a playful tug on the arm.
“This is so exciting.
When’s the last time we had an afternoon free
to do something fun?”
Her eyes widened
and she thrust her head up toward the sky, watchful for any signs of a

Leila smiled in response, and then looked over her shoulder
just in time to see a throng of middle-schooled aged males running past
“School’s out early!
School’s out early!”
One of them in the front yelled at the top of
his lungs and the others followed behind him, their arms flailing in excitement
as they past Emily and Leila.
When they
reached the Griffin Café, Emily opened the door and the two cousins stepped

“There’s nothing like the smell of fresh coffee and hot
cinnamon rolls.”
Emily closed her eyes
and sniffed the air.
Martha, the head
baker, stepped out from behind the counter and threw her arms on her thighs.

“Well if it isn’t the Fawn cousins.”
She smiled and then let out a hearty
She had known the girls since
they were just babies, and her daughter, Maggie, had often babysat for both of
their families.
Emily and Leila
unbuttoned their coats and hung them on the hook by the door.
Emily gave Martha a hug.
“I’m so happy to see the two of you.”
Leila smiled and ran her hands through her
long brown hair. Then she gave Martha a hug, as well.

“Well have a seat and tell me what I can get for you.
I’m running a special on peppermint mochas
She raised her eyebrows and then
scooted behind the counter to wait on a customer.
Emily and Leila sat down by the table closest
to the window.
Emily closed her eyes for
a moment, relieved that she was out of the Lancashire Textile Company.
Tempted by the peppermint mocha offer, she
got up and ordered one at the counter.
Leila did the same.

“You know, Leila.
think the only thing missing from this picture right now is a significant other
to share it with.”
Emily smiled and took
a sip of her hot drink.
Leila rolled her
She was becoming used to Emily’s
recent preoccupation with finding a mate, and she often humored her to quell
the obsession.

“I bet one day, when the time is right, both of us will end
up happily married.
For right now we
need to just be content with our jobs, and focus on making enough money to rent
a new flat with more living space.”
Leila nodded her head, confident that her response was the appropriate
Emily rolled her eyes.

“Of course what you say is correct, Leila.
But neither of us are little school-girls any
We need to find someone before we
hit the old spinster era of our lives.”
Emily spoke dramatically and reached across the table to emphasize her
Leila shook her head and sighed.

“You need to find a theater company to work with on your
spare time because the melodrama is strong with you.”
She sipped her drink and then reached for a
newspaper that was sitting along the windowsill. Just as she opened up the
front page, snowflakes started to fall on the town.
Emily’s eyes widened.

“Here it comes, Leila.
Maybe we’ll get so much snow that Finn will have to close the shop
She spoke with a hopeful lilt
in her voice, and then sipped on her mocha with delight.
Leila looked outside and the two girls fell
silent for the next five minutes, both of them in awe of the beauty that came
with a heavy snowfall.
Martha came out
from behind the counter and joined them in observation for a few minutes.

“Nothing like an unexpected snowfall in the middle of
November, right?”
She smiled and then
went back to her position behind the counter.
She knew that a heavy snow could mean a rush in business, so she got to
work on prepping coffee and rolling out another section of dough.

“I think it’s time for a cinnamon roll, Leila.”
Emily got up and then ordered a roll from
She sat down, pulled it apart,
and then gave half to Leila.
The two
nibbled and giggled for the next hour, both of them feeling the levity of
having some time away from the dreary confines of the textile building.
When dusk rolled around, they both got up and
bid their goodbyes to Martha.

“You two take good care, and stop back in some time
Martha waved goodbye then went
back to waiting on a long line of customers who had recently filed into the
café. When Emily and Leila stepped outside, the snow was already up to their

“This is the kind of snow that we used to love for making
snow men and snow angels.”
Emily looked
up to the sky and then stuck out her tongue.
Leila laughed as she watched Emily catch a series of large
The two giggled and walked
until they reached the front of their apartment.
Then they walked up the steps and unlocked
the door, stepped inside and kicked off their shoes.

“I’m ready for a long bath now.”
Leila walked into the bathroom and Emily
stood by the windowsill.
At times like
these, she often thought about her parents.
They both lived in London now because Emily’s father was trying to get
into a medical science program at the university.
Emily had traveled out once to visit them,
but found that they were both too preoccupied with her father’s new aspirations
to pay much attention to her.
She sighed
and then at down on the plaid, wool couch.

When night fell on the town, both Emily and Leila readied
themselves for bed.
The snow had tapered
off, and a thick white blanket settled over the rooftops.
They decided that they might as well assume
that work would be scheduled for tomorrow, but they both secretly hoped it
would be cancelled.
At six a.m. Emily
looked out the window and watched the townspeople make their way on foot into
“I think we should get dressed and
prepare to go in.”
She sighed and then
opened her closet to pull out her textiles clothes.

Leila rolled out of bed and got dressed, but she wasn’t
feeling as disappointed about going into work as Emily was.
“You know, Emily.
Maybe Finn will open a new factory sometime
soon, in a different part of town.
you’d at least have the opportunity to meet some other people, to get out of
the same building.”
Leila realized that
her cousin had a different personality, that she was more of an adventure
seeker, and that she craved creativity and spontaneity.

shrugged, and the two made their way down the steps and outside into the
The snow crunched under their
boots and the two reached the front of Finn’s building just as the sun peeked
out from behind a heavy cloud cover.
“Good morning, girls.”
He greeted
them at the door and let them both inside.
Emily’s smiled disappeared as soon as she walked down the long, dark
corridor to her work station.
The scent
of peppermint mochas still in her head, she pretended to be outside making snow
angels and tossing snow balls.

BOOK: Romance: Luther's Property
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