Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) (23 page)

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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“I’m no gentleman, Chas, and there will be
nothing ladylike about the way you’re screaming my name,” he grinned, kissing
his way down my body. His fingers began to tease my G-spot as his tongue found
my clit and I was in seventh heaven, curling my toes and gasping out loud as he
brought me closer and closer to the brink with his delicious, expert actions. I
had my hands buried in his hair, squeezing his scalp, exploding in a barrage of
white light as he brought me off in the most incredible dual orgasm that lit up
my body like a firework as I arched upwards, gasping his name over and over

It took an age
before I could force my eyes open, my body still trembling with pleasure as I
gazed up to find him smiling at me. “I think you just gave me a bi-gasm,” I
said as he laughed.

“I’m not familiar
with the term, but I’m guessing from your reaction that it was pretty good,” he
said as I nodded breathlessly. Good was an understatement and I was keen to
repay the favour.

“I’ll take my
bi-gasm, and raise you a tri-gasm,” I smiled as he laughed.

“What the fuck are you talking about, Chas?”

“Oh, Mr Hunter,
you’re about to find out just how pleasurable it can be to have three parts of
your body stimulated until you blow your load right down my throat,” I winked,
licking my lips as a satisfying low groan rumbled through him. I began the
heavenly descent, gliding my tongue down that hot, hard torso, tracing every
muscle in my path as he moaned impatiently above me.

His cock was
enormous, bulging veins and an angry head, demanding attention as I lavished it
with my tongue, taking in the whole length and increasing the suction until he
was twitching in ecstasy in my mouth. He groaned hard as I pulled away, moving
straight to his heavy balls. I licked and sucked as his hips thrust against me,
his big firm hands weaved into my hair as he cried out in pleasure. I spent a
few minutes stimulating him there, gripping and massaging his cock simultaneously,
spurred on by his moans of intense pleasure before moving my mouth back to his
rigid shaft and my hands to his balls.

His thigh muscles
tensed as he hissed through clenched teeth, our gazes locked as I drove him
closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck, Chas, that’s amazing,” he said as I
wrapped my lips around that glorious penis, fondling his balls with my palm and
inserting my finger into his arse, pressing his prostate as he cried out loud.
“Fucking hell, baby I’m coming,” he gasped, filling my mouth with liquid
pleasure almost instantly as I swallowed it down.

He was breathing
as hard as I had been, still flushed from my own orgasm as he pulled me back up
towards him, kissing my swollen lips with a possessive passion that I savoured,
knowing this would soon be over and nothing more than a sweet, sweet memory.

“I have no words
for how good that was,” he smiled as I laughed. “I’m already hard again and I
really need to be inside you. I haven’t forgotten just how beautiful it feels
when your gorgeous body is bound to mine; your sweet little pussy is so
inviting, gorgeous,” he said, flipping me over as I gazed up at him.

“So, you’re not
using the word cunt, today?” I smirked as he shook his head, reaching down into
his trouser pocket to retrieve a condom.

“I don’t want to do anything you don’t like,
princess. I hate that I hurt you and I want us to have the goodbye we should
always have had. I meant it when I told you that you’re special to me. I never
want you to forget that, sweetheart, and if you need me I’ll be there for you,”
he said as I tried hard to fight back a sudden onslaught of unwelcome tears.
Sweet Roman wasn’t someone I was used to, and he was taking me by surprise.

“What’s the
matter?” he asked as I shut my eyes.

“Nothing,” I said,
guiding his solid cock between my wet folds as he fucked me well into the

We were curled
together as we woke and it was with a heavy heart that I turned to face him,
knowing that it was over and it couldn’t be any other way. I had my list and
Roman was Roman, but I was grateful that he’d come, despite the fact that he’d
scared me out of my wits. “I meant it when I said to let me know if you need
me, precious girl,” he smiled, kissing me gently as I placed my head on his
chest for the last time.

“And how am I
supposed to find you? You’re pretty elusive, Roman,” I smiled as he laughed.

“I’ll give you my
number. Call me anytime. Very few people have this, baby. If I can’t answer for
whatever reason, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can,” he said, reaching over
to my nightstand and scribbling a number of a scrap piece of paper.

“I have something
for you as well,” I said as he gazed at me curiously. I got up, and reached
into the top of my wardrobe, pulling out an old shoebox where I’d kept his
father’s letter in a card I’d bought. I took it out tentatively, turning to
face him nervously, unsure how he’d react. He’d wanted to burn it, and I’d
never got to the bottom of his feelings about it in our short time together. I
only hoped that as the mist of grief cleared, that one day he’d be happy I’d
rescued it from the flames.

He was frowning
slightly as I crawled back into bed beside him. “You look worried,” he said as
I smiled, handing him the card.

“I bought the card
because I thought it said everything.” I watched his face as he read the
inscription on the front. It was the serenity prayer, and the instant I’d seen
it in the shop I had thought of Roman and his father.

“‘God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things
I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.’”

He opened the card
as the charred letter from his father fell out and he stared at me hard for a
moment. “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to meddle, but I thought one day you might
want to read it again,” I said as tears welled in my eyes at the look on his
face. He sat up slowly, placing the letter on the night stand and gripping me
against his chest in a clutch so brutal it felt like I might suffocate.

“Thank you, baby,”
he whispered against my ear as his breath hitched and a huge sob echoed through
his chest. I was certain that Roman Hunter was about to cry. He was silent for
a few moments, just holding me and enveloping me in the silence.

I wasn’t certain
what I’d do if he broke down. Layer after layer of this dangerous, captivating
and beautiful man were being revealed and they were impossible to ignore. If he
showed his vulnerability, I’d be putty in his hands and walking away would be
harder than ever. It would always be tough, but if I saw any more humanity it
would be heart wrenching. I almost wished he’d revert to arrogant dick mode. It
would certainly make life easier.

“Chas?” he asked
tentatively as I glanced up at those blue eyes that were showing no signs of
the hurt I feared, but were twinkling brightly.

“Yes,” I said,
narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

“One more for the
road?” he asked, quirking his eyebrow suggestively as I laughed out loud, not
getting any further opportunity to respond before he was pinning me again the
mattress and nuzzling my neck.

“It would appear I
have no choice, Mr Hunter. I assume that if I say no, you’ll probably just bugger
me senseless, with or without permission,” I laughed.

“Now there’s a thought, Miss Evangelista.”


Chapter Seventeen

As the end of the
week rolled around I was still thinking about Roman. I hadn’t cried when he
left. I’d enjoyed the time we’d had together and loved that he’d come back. It
had been the closing of the circle for me, the ending of a short term romance
that would always have a special place in my mind and in my heart. At least I
thought that’s what it was. I was glad I’d had it, not sad or regretful, and
that was in direct contrast to how I’d felt on Monday. I wasn’t altogether
happy that he’d broken into my home, but I might have guessed. Nothing about
Roman Hunter was straightforward and I couldn’t help but feel confused. I had
feelings for two men and the fact they were brothers just made the whole thing
altogether more awkward. My head was all over the place. Ordinarily she’d be
the last person I’d call for advice on men, but I needed to ask her something
and could barely wait to get the basic niceties out of the way before diving
straight in.

“Do you believe in
‘The one’, Jess?” I asked; already certain what my sister’s answer would be.

“Of course I do.
Lucas is the one. He is everything I could ever want and more. I can’t put into
words how much I love him, Chas.”
I knew
that and I thought about it for a second.

“What about Jake
though? You were head over heels in love with Jake. I know he’s gone, but what
if he wasn’t? What if you met Lucas while you with Jake, what then?” I asked. She
was silent for a moment.

“But I wouldn’t
have looked at Lucas if I was with Jake. I would never have got the opportunity
to explore those possibilities or learn to understand the man beneath that
serious exterior. I suppose I would never have known he was the one if Jake was
still alive, but I don’t know really. I was drawn to Lucas immediately. There
was a strong connection, so fierce it was impossible to ignore. Maybe I would
have still had that, I don’t know,” she said and I could tell she was thinking
about it hard.

“Exactly, Sis, and
that’s my point. Jake was ‘the one’ for you, but so is Lucas. It kind of
negates the fact that there is ‘a one’. Maybe it’s two, or three. Maybe the
possibilities are endless and there are thousands of souls out there who we
could find our happily ever after with, all offering us a unique and different
way to find it. Perhaps all isn’t lost if we miss one chance because another
will come along, another ‘one’ to complete us?”

“I’ve always been
fixated on the thought of that one special person, but maybe you’re right,
Chas. I think fate brought Lucas and I together though and maybe it wouldn’t
have done that if I was still with Jake. Maybe my heart would have been closed,
so I wouldn’t have noticed those stunning eyes and that smouldering,
captivating gaze,” she said dreamily.

“Yes you would,” I
laughed as she joined me.

“Why are you
asking anyway, Sis? This is all a bit deep for you,” she laughed. Didn’t I know
it, but I’d been thinking about it a lot.

“I guess I’m just
confused and trying to get some perspective on things. I’ve spent my life
living up to my name, well almost, but last weekend threw me a curve ball. I
have really strong feelings for Charlie, but I really like Roman too.”

“I thought Roman
was just sex, a lustful brief encounter.” I was going to have to be honest
here, although I wouldn’t be sharing the details of last night.

“He was. At least
that’s how it started out, but the more I got to know him, the more I liked. He
opened up to me, Jess, at least a little and he’s more than the Hunter hard
man, a lot more,” I said and she was silent for a moment.

“Are you saying
you want more with Roman?” she asked and it was a fair question. He’d asked the
same thing. I wasn’t even certain it was an option, but what if it was?

“No, I don’t think
so, but I feel confused,” I said, struggling to verbalise the way I was
feeling. I was having difficulty getting my brain around it, never mind my

“You need to strip
everything back, Sis. If it was a level playing field, and Roman wasn’t AWOL
and Charlie wasn’t with Scarlett and you hadn’t had sex with either of them,
who would you choose?” she asked. I didn’t even need to think about it.

I stayed silent.
There was only one answer, but I still couldn’t bring myself to say it out
loud. It wasn’t a level playing field. He was with Scarlett, I had fucked his
brother and unfortunately it just made my life a whole lot more complicated.

“I guess you have
your answer,” she laughed softly and she was right, I did.

“Thanks, Sis. I’ll
see you tomorrow,” I said, knowing there was another call I still had to make. I
was working later, seeing Mr and Mrs Turnbull at lunchtime and out for my
birthday tomorrow. I needed to call Charlie. Lucas obviously hadn’t asked him
and he’d probably be busy, but I desperately wanted him there...alone.

“Hey, how are you
doing?” he answered brightly on the first ring. I smiled at the sound of his
voice, deciding to steer altogether clear of the subject of Roman and get
straight to the point.

“I’m good, thanks,
Charlie. Listen, it’s my birthday on Saturday and I was hoping to have a few
quiet drinks with friends and I was wondering if you could make it. Lucas and
Jess are coming,” I offered tentatively as he sighed down the line.

“Scarlett has
dinner plans,” he said as I decided to play hard ball.

“She can keep
them. I only want to see you,” I smiled as he laughed gently.

“I get it. You
want me to blow off Scarlett and put you first, Chas.”

Please, baby, it is my birthday,” I purred as his breath hitched and I couldn’t
help but smile. Charlie called me affectionate terms all the time, but it was
rare that I did and it had definitely had the desired effect.

“I really want to
see you,” I said as he chuckled softly and I could picture him shaking his head
and smiling broadly.

“I’ll come, but
only if you agree to take a tequila shot birthday style,” he laughed. I had no
idea what birthday tequila shots entailed, but if it meant Charlie was coming
out on my birthday then I had no hesitation.

“I’ll take it
however you want to give it to me,” I said, laughing suddenly as I realised how
loaded that particular sentence sounded when I said it out loud.

“Steady on, babe,”
he said and I could hear the humour playing out in his voice.

“I haven’t decided
on a venue yet, but we’ll meet at Number One Chelsea.”

There was one
reason I hadn’t decided on a venue yet, and that’s because I didn’t want
Scarlett turning up. The later I told Charlie, the best chance I’d have of that
not happening. He could know on the night.

“I’ll meet you
there, then. I’d better go and tell my other half I’ve changed my weekend
plans. That will be a much less fun call,” he laughed.

“Thank you,
Charlie. I can’t wait to see you,” I said and I meant every word. I missed him
and I knew the longer he stayed with Scarlett, the less frequently we’d see one
another, it was just how things worked.

I got myself
ready, heading off to the Deli for the Turnbull lunch. I already had the wine
and four hundred pounds profit in my account.

“You look
positively radiant, my dear,” Mr Turnbull smiled as I walked in, boxes in hand,
placing them on the kitchen counter. “I just need to bring in the wine and pay
the cabby,” I smiled as he told me he’d do it, and Monica pulled me in for a

“He’s right dear,
you look wonderful. Is it down to a man?” she asked as I started to laugh.

“Yeah, but it’s
not what you think. It was a weekend hook-up, three days of bliss; never to be
repeated, but absolutely unforgettable.”

“Sometimes those
are the best kind. They live in the memory long after they’re over and years
later you still get flashbacks of the glorious, brief encounter and it gets
better with time, dear. Those halcyon days before dirty socks and starched
collars kick in, when you’re feeding each other in bed for the hell of it
because you want to, and not slaving over a hot stove because you have to.
Long, enduring lifetime love is wonderful and incomparable, but those perfect
affairs still send shivers down my spine when I think of them. Just don’t tell
Mr T,” she smiled as I raised my eyebrows. Monica was certainly lucid and happy
today and it was lovely to see.

“Don’t tell Mr T
what?” Mr Turnbull asked, walking in with the wine.

“Just girl talk,”
I smiled, laying everything out so I could run them through what they’d be
serving. A host who didn’t know what was on the menu was a dead giveaway.

“You said it was
informal, so I’ve done a selection of canapés to start with. I thought I’d set
them out on the tiered platter and let everyone help themselves, that way
you’re not up and down too much,” I smiled as Monica nodded. “Then it’s salmon
in a champagne sauce with dauphinoise potatoes and green beans. “Dessert is a
light lemon cheesecake, topped with raspberries. You can cut that at the table.
“You’ll only need to spend five minutes in here for the main course, to create
the illusion of authenticity. If anyone comes in, I’ll pretend I’m the
cleaner,” I laughed as Mr T licked his lips.

“It sounds
wonderful, Chas, and you brought my favourite wine,” he said as I nodded,
refrigerating the bottles and setting the champagne on ice.

“This will
compliment the salmon,” I said, switching on the oven and arranging the canapés.

“Do you need me to
set up the table?” I asked as Mr Turnbull shook his head, smiling proudly.

“Monica did it,
she’s on really great form at the moment aren’t you, sweetheart?” he gushed,
kissing her on the cheek and the love between them was palpable.

“You seem great,”
I smiled and it was the truth. Last time I’d done this she was barely there,
like a half person living in a shell and she’d had absolutely no interest in
what I was doing. It was a different woman standing before me today, and it was
wonderful to see. She finished getting ready and turned on the soft classical
music in the bright dining room.

“Do you think
she’s better because you’re home more?” I asked as Mr Turnbull poured himself a
glass of wine and watched me move around the kitchen, preparing their lunch.

“I hadn’t thought
about that, Chas, but you could have something there. I’m consulting three
mornings a week, and golfing a little, but we are together the rest of the time.
She’s getting out and doing things with me that we haven’t done in a long time.
I thought I’d hate it at first, but when I finally came to terms with
everything, I realised there is more to life than work. I was swept away in the
business, but I’ve made enough money and nothing on this earth makes me happier
than seeing a smile on Monica’s face.”

“Maybe Charlie and
Lucas Hunter did you a favour,” I smiled as he chuckled softly.

“Maybe they did,
but there are others who aren’t taking it lying down. Those boys have amassed
more than a few enemies with their business practices. There were a lot of
people who respected Silus, or feared him. With him out of the picture I
suspect those Hunter brothers are about to reap what they’ve sown,” he said as
I swallowed hard, suddenly worried for Charlie and Lucas and desperate to glean
as much information as I could. I wasn’t supposed to mention them here, but
this was more important. If they had enemies they weren’t aware of, they needed
to be warned.

“How do you mean?”
I asked, fiddling with the food and trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

“Delaport are
apparently going in for their engineering division, something to do with a
Government contract they think is in the bag. Bloody hell; listen to me blabbing
on about business. I’m still hooked, Chas, but I’m working on it. Monica just
tells me to shut up. I’m sure this is the last thing you want to hear about
when you’re prepping for a dinner party,” he said as I laughed. I certainly
didn’t want to raise suspicion and wondered if I had enough to warn them. It
was too late now as he left to answer the door to the first guests as a nervous
churning grew in my gut.

The afternoon passed off without incident and
they were laughing and chatting with their friends as I snuck out, calling
Lucas the second I was in the cab.

“Lucas, I’ve just
done the Turnbull lunch, and I know you said not to mention you, but he brought
it up and said something that made me nervous.”

“What is it,
Chas?” he asked calmly, clearly less worried than me.

“He said your
business practices had made you some enemies,” I started as he began to

“Yeah, that tends
to happen in this game. There’s only one winner,” he said as I took a deep

“I know, but he
said that someone was going after your engineering division, something to do
with a Government contract you thought was yours.”

“Did he say who?”
he asked sounding suddenly serious.

“I think he said

“What else did he
say, Chas?” he asked as I tried to remember every detail of the conversation.

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