Rolling Thunder - 03 (23 page)

Read Rolling Thunder - 03 Online

Authors: Dirk Patton

BOOK: Rolling Thunder - 03
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First and foremost I would like to thank my beautiful wife,
Katie, for all the support she gives me every day.  I couldn’t write these
books without her love, support and inspiration.

Again, my cover artist Georgie has come through, even if she
can’t read my mind and psychically know what I really want the cover to look
like.  Gotta work on that, girl!  If you’re an independent author, or in need
of graphic design services you can contact her at
[email protected]

There’s also a young man currently serving our country that
deserves special recognition.  Being the dumb Army grunt that I am, there have
been a few Air Force related errors creep into my writing (no I’m not going to
tell you what they were) and he has become my go to guy to help ensure I’m
accurately depicting Air Force personnel and how they operate.  Any errors are either
my mistakes or changes to make the story flow better.  Many thanks to AF SSgt
Z.  May the gods of war make you fleet of foot, strong of arm, stout of heart
and low of profile. 

I also want to give a special mention to all the readers who
have sent emails and contacted me on Facebook.  Thank you all for your
wonderful words of encouragement.  I’m so glad you’re enjoying my work. 

Last but not least I can’t fail to mention the real Dog. 
Somehow he’d know that I forgot him, again, and would most certainly make me
pay.  Now leave me alone and go get the damn squirrel.

Have a question or comment?  You can email me at
[email protected]
  I answer all
my email, sometimes not very quickly, but I do respond because I enjoy hearing
from my readers.  If you’re looking for status updates on the series or might
be interested in the general nonsense I post, like my Facebook page at

Finally, if you enjoy my books (I’m guessing you do or you
wouldn’t still be reading this crap) PLEASE post a good review on Amazon for
each of the books in the series that you have read.  Good sales are driven by
good reviews from real readers like you and the more I sell, the more I write. 
Funny how that works, huh?

Thank you again for reading and hang on for Book Four.  I
hope to have it ready for Christmas!


Dirk Patton

May, 2014










































































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