Rod (30 page)

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Authors: Nella Tyler

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“My thoughts exactly,” Trish interjects as
if she was waiting all day to speak.

“Good, glad we got this all cleared up,”
Ronan tells us.

He shakes my hand and shakes Trish’s as we
get up to leave his office.

The night turns into daylight and I pick
up a newspaper to get a beat on any current events.
I’m struck by the headlines of the day.
One says: “Trial of the Century involving
Samson, Vinton,
Clayton to begin in TWO WEEKS”.
I yawn
at the sensationalism of the headline, but secretly feel the need to frame

In the accompanying article, Lester Samson
is called out for his previous criminal misdeeds.
A judge in an older case has come forward to
talk to the paper about being on the receiving end of threats by Seth Vinton to
cover up Lester’s bad deeds.
The judge
issues an apology to the Fitzgerald family for not coming forward sooner.
I beam as I read through the piece and wonder
aloud about who has the kind of balls it would take to threaten a judge.


Chapter Fifteen

Rodney Vinton


Two weeks isn’t a long wait, I think as I
sit the newspaper down on the table in front of me.
I remember the night vividly, standing in a
sea of red and blue lights swarming Boris’ house.
Trish and I came to her sister’s rescue and
the reward was in and of itself.

My phone rings; it’s the familiar number
of my father’s attorney.
I promptly hit
‘ignore’ and feel a twinge of satisfaction.

I dial up Trish’s number, eager to learn
of her plans for the day.

“Hello?” she asks from the other end.

“Hey babe,” I tell her.
“Just wondering what you’re up to today.”

“I’m just hanging out with Sasha.
She’s really worried about the trial.
She’s convinced that she will say something

“Can I talk to her?
It might help to hear from someone who’s not
actually family,” I tell her.

“Yeah, sure.
It couldn’t hurt,” she says.

After a moment passes, I hear the sound of
Sasha’s breath on the other end of the phone.

“Hey, Sasha?” I ask.

“Hi, Rodney.
Trish told me you wanted to talk to me?” she
asks curiously.

Trish told me that you’re having a problem with the trial?”

“Yeah, I just don’t
say the wrong thing,” she tells me.

“You are going to do just fine,” I say
“I have no doubt that
you will tell them everything they want to know so that those bad guys don’t
hurt anyone else.”

“You really think so?” she asks with this
tone of pure innocence.

“I know so, Sasha.
All you have to do is tell the court people
what you told Trish, me and the cops.
you’re worried about how many people will be there, pretend that you’re just
talking to me.
You’re going to do great,
I promise.”

“Will that work?
Pretending to just talk to you?”

“It always does, I know it.”

“Alright,” she says sweetly.
“I’ll just look to you when I get scared.”

“That sounds like a great idea, kiddo,” I
tell her.

“Thanks, Rodney, I’ll get Trish back for
you,” she says, leaving me hanging in silence.

“I don’t know what you said to her, but
whatever it was, it made her smile,” Trish tells me.

“I just told her not to worry and that she
can pretend I’m the only one in the room, if it helps.”

“Pretty smart,” she says.

“I try,” I say with a twinge of sarcasm.

up to the club in a few minutes, want to join me?” she inquires.

“Sure, I can meet you there,” I tell her
as I disconnect the call.

I walk outside and climb on my motorcycle,
revving it up for the full effect.
wear my colors proudly and know that I have had a contribution in helping Trish
and her family.

I make my way to the Lair, bringing up the
dust of the old dirt roads in my wake.
Once there, I see that Trish is already there, so I park my bike next to
hers and head on inside.

A celebration is happening with all of the
members drinking and enjoying themselves.
I see Trish from afar, standing at the bar and I feel the urge to join
Alex Maple stops me before I can
reach her and has that look on his face that tells me he needs to ask me

“What’s up, Alex?” I ask.

“I don’t really feel I’ve played my part
in helping with all of this Sasha business,” he says rubbing his hands

“What do you mean?”

“Well, it’s just that you and Trish saved
her, my brother Jason helped with the bank account stuff, but I didn’t get to
help at all,”
he explains.

“It’s a little late to help out with
everything, though, don’t you think?” I inquire.

“Not exactly,” he says, pushing for me to
ask for his take on the subject.

“What do mean?” I ask, taking the bait.

“I just want to blow Lester Samson’s house
sky high,” he tells me in response.

Before I can answer, Ronan Fitzgerald is
standing here with us and has his arms on both of our shoulders.

“I don’t think that’s going to be
necessary,” Ronan tells Alex.

“I just wanted to help, boss,” he explains
his case.

“I understand that, but we can’t just go
around blowing up people’s houses,” Ronan says loudly.

“It’s not like he’s going to need it
anytime soon,” Alex explains.

“Lester Samson has a niece who he wronged
in the past, the house should go to her, end of story,” Ronan says adamantly.

“I just wanted to help, boss,” Alex states
again plainly.

“I know that and trust me, it is
Surely, we could make
better use of your talents,” he tells Alex.

Alex nods in agreement and wanders off to
the bar where Ronan and I watch him get a beer and sit down.

“That kid is one sandwich short of a
picnic basket,” Ronan jokes.

“Yeah, but I know we’re all glad that he’s
on our side in all of this,” I tell him.

Ronan and I share a laugh before he moves
on to business.

“So, I was
he begins.

“Yeah, what’s up?” I ask.

“Why don’t you call up that guy from the
and set up another meeting.
Tell him that I will consider a truce if they
agree to one final thing.”

“What’s that?” I inquire.

“Tell them that in order to prove that
they mean business, they’re going to need to pony up all of the money that your
father paid out to Lester, Ken and Boris and put it into an account for Sasha.”

“Sounds fair,” I tell him.

Let me know what he tells you,” Ronan instructs me.

“You got it,” I reply.

I pull out my cell phone and dial Red’s

“Red, it’s Rodney,” I tell him.

“Yeah, what’s up, Rod?” he asks.

“Want to meet up again at the deli?”

“Sure, when?” Red asks me.

“The sooner the better,” I tell him.

“Tomorrow morning at nine?” he asks.

“See you then, man,” I say in response, as
I hit the end call button on my phone.

I slide my phone back into my pocket and
give Ronan a thumbs up as I move to the bar where Trish is.

“Hey babe,” I tell her.

“Hey yourself,” she says.

“Want a beer?” Jasmine asks me from the
other side of the bar.

“Yeah, why not?” I tell her.

She cracks open the bottle and sits it in
front of me.
I take a drink and look to

“So, we’re meeting up with Red again,” I

What for this time?” She questions me.

“Your dad will do a truce if the other
club ponies up the money that my dad paid out to those goons to kidnap
Do you think they’ll do it?” I
ask her.

“They will if they know what’s good for
them,” Trish tells me.

“Want to join me?” I ask.

“Sure, when are we going?”

“Tomorrow morning at nine,” I explain.

“I’ll come over to your place tonight and
we can leave from there.
If that’s
okay?” she asks.

“Of course that’s okay,” I tell her

“Good, then let’s get out of here,” she
commands me.

“Alright, let’s go.”


Chapter Sixteen

Trish Fitzgerald


Rodney and I ride off to his place, me
following closely behind him.
Upon our
arrival, I park my bike next to his and get off.
I follow him inside and we head up to his

“Want to watch a movie or some Netflix?”
he asks as he turns to look at me.

“Sure, why not?” I tell him.

He pats the spot next to him on his bed
and I sit on the soft mattress.
He pulls
me closer to his body and I smell his sweet cologne.
The television blares on in the background,
but I tune it out immediately.

I look in his eyes as he caresses my cheek
with one hand, grazing the soft texture of my skin.
I bring my mouth closer to his plump lips and
he parts them, leading me in with his breath.

We share a deep, passionate kiss and he
lets his tongue wander in my warm mouth.
I gently suck on his tongue and take notice as his kiss intensifies from
the movement.
His hands are both
cradling my face now, and I kiss him again and again.

As our tongues intertwine with one
another, I feel his hand move from my cheek to my breast.
He massages it gently and tweaks the nipple
that stands erect underneath my t-shirt and bra.
I feel a tingle from deep down inside and it
makes me want him even more.

He quickly pulls my t-shirt from its
tucked spot in my jeans and slips his hands underneath my shirt.
His hands target my nipples as he moves my
bra to the side to gain access.

He pulls his hands out after encouraging
this pool of warmth that is building up between my legs and takes hold of my
He brings it up and over my head,
taking it off of me and he throws it to the side.

“You are so beautiful,” he tells me as he
takes in the sight of me sitting on his bed in my purple lace bra and jeans.

“Why don’t you show me what you’re made
of?” I ask him seductively.

My question throws Rodney into overdrive
and he rips my jeans down and tosses them to the side of the bed.
He massages my breasts with a bit more
enthusiasm and then reaches around my back to unclasp my bra.
He casts it to the side and then takes each
of my nipples in his mouth and bites them gently.

I moan at the sensation, feeling the
anticipation building up for his next move.
As he sucks on one nipple, his other hand is busy tweaking my other
nipple between his fingers, causing them both to grow more erect.

I look down at the bulge in his pants,
knowing that he will unleash his giant manhood on me, but only after he teases
me relentlessly.

I bite my lip and he presses his finger on
my bottom lip.
He tells me, “I’m
bite that lip for you.”

I take his finger in my mouth and suck on
it hard.
As I wrap my tongue around it
teasingly, I tell him, “I can’t wait to feel your cock in my mouth.”

Looking down at his jeans, I notice the
bulge grows in size dramatically at the sound of my words.
I press my hand gently, but firmly onto his
package and begin rubbing it through the confines of his pants.
I rub back and forth and feel its hardness
press forward.

He pulls my hand away from his crotch and
then pushes me gently onto the bed.
lie down on the soft comforter atop his bed and he pulls my panties down and
flings them out of sight.

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