Rock Hard (21 page)

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Authors: LJ Vickery

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Rock Hard
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Lahar quickly agreed and the others would, sans-bodies, position themselves around the property to guard against possible PP infiltration. Marduk and Enlil would bunk down in the guest house. Everyone was ready to call it a day. Well, almost everyone.


Marduk stood alone on the porch of the guest house and saw a flash of color move quickly between the back of Tess’s home and the barn. It was Tess, wrapped in a beach robe, shivering in the chilly night air. She was headed for the hot tub he had discovered earlier behind the barn. What was she thinking? How many times did he have to warn her about the danger she could be facing?

Marduk made sure his knives were all tucked in place and he moved stealthily out into the shadows, then over to the structure that stood well back of the house. Leaning silently on rough barn boards, he peered around the corner, weapons poised.

Holy shit! Tess had dropped her robe and was standing, naked and glowing in the moonlight. Marduk could only hold his breath and stare. Great, he moaned, now another weapon was poised and ready.

She obviously thought she was alone as she stretched her arms up toward the sky, lifting and offering pert nipples to the heavens. What he wouldn’t do to suck those tender buds into his mouth and tease them until she moaned and begged for more. Marduk scowled and looked around, making sure that none of his gods were attending the show. This was for his eyes only.

Now the real question…what to do? He watched Tess climb the two stairs of the tub, her taut backside teasing him as she crested the top, then blissfully sink down into the warm water. Marduk made up his mind. He couldn’t stand the thought of her wet and naked a moment longer. He backtracked and came all the way around the barn from the opposite direction, beginning an off-tune whistle as he approached the hot tub.

“Marduk?” Her small voice called his name tentatively into the night.

“Tess?” he replied as innocently as possible, considering the lust that threatened to choke him.

“Yes, it’s me.” To his ears, she sounded a little panicked.

He loosened his tense jaw and let his smile reach out to her in the moonlight.

“I’m in the hot tub and I’m naked,” she stated, as if that would deter him. He moved forward, steadily.

“Did you hear me?” She squeaked in that appealing way she had.

“I heard you.” Her voice made his heart jump and, when he was finally close enough, he pulled his shirt over his head.

“Oh no,” she squealed, “you can’t possibly think you’re going to come in!”

“I most certainly am.” Pop! He worked the top button on his jeans free.

Not looking, not looking, not looking! Tess hid her face in her hands as she heard him laugh and his jeans drop. The gentle splash of water alerted her that he had entered the tub. Her tub! He sat away from her and stretched his long, muscular legs across the expanse. His foot nudged her thigh and, at the same time, a rumble of thunder sounded across the field. She really needed to ask him about that. Tess scooted as far away as she could.

“I came out here to be alone.” Her breathless voice belied her next words. “You should leave.”

“Can you come a little closer?” Tess heard the laughter in his tone. “I think I’m having trouble with my hearing tonight.” He tapped the side of his head innocently.

“Go away,” she said a little louder.

“What’s that?”

Tess wanted to scream, he was so infuriating!

“If you won’t come over here and tell me what you want, I’ll just have to come to you.” Marduk moved slowly in her direction and goose bumps broke out all over her skin. She didn’t know if it was the cold, the thought of him touching her again, or the underlying fear of what might or might not happen. She shivered as the god’s arms found her waist.

Before she could protest, he had pulled her onto his lap. He attempted to nudge one of her legs over his knees using his elbows, but she resisted. There was no way she was going to straddle him! The feel of his rock hard erection pressed against her hip was shocking enough. And shocking was just the right word. My God. He had to be enormous. A current of some kind passed between them that set her body humming. She pictured every nerve ending in her body standing at attention.

“Tess,” he crooned. “I want to touch you.” So far his hands hadn’t strayed from her waist, but she could feel his big thumbs inching up under her breasts. She was finding it difficult to draw a breath. She wanted him…badly, but she was so damned scared.

“Let me feel your nipples.” Tess felt his glance brush over her eager peaks and watched him lick his lips. “I can tell they want to be touched.”

“No. They’re just cold.” She protested, but in a much meeker voice than she intended. So, here it was again? Different this time because she couldn’t deny the fact that she was aroused, but still…a man, much stronger and more determined than any she’d ever encountered, was going to do things to her body, things she wasn’t sure she would enjoy. She stiffened, closed her eyes and waited…and waited. She opened one eye and peered up at him. He looked to be sitting, patiently.

“Wh…what are you waiting for?” Her voice shook with an emotion she couldn’t name.

“I’m waiting for you to tell me it’s okay. That you want me as much as I want you.” Marduk’s voice was a little edgy, and Tess gave a nervous chuckle. His frustration was apparent. What if she didn’t let him proceed? Would he have to masturbate to relieve his growing need? Tess caught her breath. She’d never seen anyone do that before!

I’d rather not,
Marduk sent into her head.
But if it would please you…

Tess squeaked and tried to move away, but his hands would not release their gentle, yet firm hold. She drew in a breath, and pictured his big hands working their magic on himself…on her. She barely whispered the next words.

“Can you…will you…” Was that her voice, coming out so painfully? “…stop if I want you to?” It was so embarrassing to ask, but her only other experience had been one of pain, and she wasn’t sure she could handle this.

His answer was to swoop down with a ready tongue, softly pulling one of her tight buds into his mouth. “At your command,” he assured her, licking gently then lifting his head. He pulled her hip closer to his cock, which twitched at the contact. She wanted so badly to touch him; to wrap her hands around the length of him and see if he was as large as she imagined. Any normal woman, finding herself up against such a magnificent body, would have explored every inch of him already.

You’re not every woman,
Marduk assured her.
Do what you want, but don’t do anything that will make you uncomfortable.

Tess could see into Marduk’s head, too. She knew how much he wanted her fingers around his dick, but she couldn’t bring herself to move. Besides, the things he was doing to her breasts had her nearly incapable of thought.

Marduk lulled her into a state of arousal. Kiss one peak, thumb the other—she was being swept away to the point where she was willing him to work her swollen nipples a little harder. The sensations were all new, and she didn’t know how to deal with the feelings swamping her body. Part of her wanted Marduk to continue, and part was scared as hell. She finally abandoned herself to the pleasure he stirred up, confident he would stop if she thought he was going too far.

Marduk didn’t know who the asshole was who had mistreated Tess. He did know that he would make it up to her a thousandfold if she would let him. He kissed up her neck to her mouth, and she opened for him, meeting his tongue thrust for thrust. Gods! She was letting go, lowering her barriers.

Unbidden, she slowly lifted from his lap, turned and sat, legs finally splayed around his hips. Her heated core now brushed against his rampant cock, causing a deep rumble to escape from his throat. He grabbed her ass and pressed her closer, rubbing against a moistness that had nothing to do with the water surrounding them. The pressure was glorious; her warmth beckoning. He lowered a hand between them, reaching for her sensitive core. Would she allow his touch? He felt Tess draw back, watched her gulp against her panic, then felt her become oddly determined.

“Go ahead,” she swallowed. “I…I can do this,” she said, offering herself to him. He saw the sheen of tears brighten her eyes, and it nearly broke his heart. She shuddered. His little mouse was brave, proffering her body to him. She was willing to go against every fiber in her fearful body, just to please him.

“Come on,” she whispered bravely. “Waiting is the worst part.”

Marduk closed his eyes and willed himself to stop. He didn’t want her like this. If he worked hard, she might lose her anxiety and enjoy what they could do together, but he wanted her smiling, willing. Gently, he moved her from his lap, floating her away from his pulsing need. He tucked her up close to his side under a protective arm. She turned her head to question him.

“What did I do?” The heartbreaking hesitancy in her voice nearly had him roaring to the stars. Whatever had happened to her was so wrong!

“Nothing. You’re perfect.” He swooped and allowed himself one last kiss. “Let’s just enjoy the night, shall we?” He had trouble saying the words. He wanted Tess in a way that he had never wanted any other woman, and it took all his resolve to bring his libido back under control. It was worth every particle of effort it took. When he was finally able to face her again, she was looking at him, tearfully amazed.

“I’d like that.” He felt her sigh of relief to his very bones and knew he had done the right thing.

Marduk mentally conjured every evil demon he had ever encountered, counting them off one by one, to take his mind off her naked nearness. Damn his clueless prick for stirring again. Hideous teeth. Gore covered claws.
Subside, damn you!
His cock was not behaving. We will not be having her tonight, do you understand? I will find out what’s got her so tied up in knots, and work slowly to make it right. I will not just take what I want.

Tess ran a tentative hand across his abdomen, carefully avoiding what he was still having difficulty bringing under control. He bit back a groan.

“You know,” she said conversationally, “you’ll have to fill me in on all the peculiarities of gods one of these days.”

“Nothing much different between a god and a human in these circumstances,” he admitted wryly, his words dragging from the back of his throat. Marduk’s eyes were closed, and he was attempting to relax his head back on the edge of the tub.

“You’ll excuse me if I disagree.” She sounded more sure of herself, and Marduk wondered what she was getting at. He didn’t have to wait long to find out. Tess brought her hand up over his chest to a spot just above his left pectoral. “I’ve never seen a human male glow red before.”

Marduk’s eyes sprang open, and the water splashed as he sat up and nearly leaped to his feet. It couldn’t be! He looked to where Tess gently tapped his skin.

Thousands of years had passed since he’d witnessed this phenomenon, and never did he think it would happen to him. He gazed down into eyes that shined up at him in rapt attention.

My gods! How could he tell her? He could barely acknowledge it himself, but there was no mistaking it. A god’s body never lied. For now and all eternity, whether Tess liked it or not, she had just been declared his Chosen.

Chapter Nineteen

The next morning in the kitchen, blissfully unaware of Marduk’s turmoil and released from the next step in discovering her true bloodlines, Tess thought it a grand time to show off her little town to whichever gods would be interested. She bent over to pull on her boots before going outside and felt the back of her neck itch, instantly suspecting she was being observed. She glanced, upside down, between her legs.

“Don’t mind me,” Marduk smirked. “I’m just enjoying the view.”

Tess blushed crimson. “Nothing to see,” she intoned. “Move along.”

“And not appreciate the delicate contours of your flawless fanny?” he questioned incredulously.

Tess snickered. “Nobody uses the word fanny anymore.” Although, coming out of his mouth, it sounded way cool. She stood and looked at him, enjoying the view of his muscled chest wrapped in a black silk, long-sleeve T-shirt, and then there were those leathers. Sinful!

Marduk looked puzzled. “Of course they do.” He became quite insistent. “You, yourself told me while in the cemetery that I was to rummage in your fanny pack.”

“Well, yeah,” Tess agreed. “But that’s a fanny pack, not…” How would she ever explain it to him? “Never mind,” she conceded. “Fanny it is.”

Marduk looked smug and approached to pat the body part in question. “Nice jeans this morning, miss.” He bent to nuzzle her neck and was rewarded with a turned head and a quick kiss pressed to his ready lips, before Tess backed up a step. Wasn’t she feeling bold this morning!

“Enough of that,” she said, saucily. “You, me, and Enlil are headed to the Sunrise Diner for breakfast and, after that, I thought I’d show you around town, then maybe take a trip into Bangor to get you and Enlil some cell phones.”

“Cell phones,” he repeated numbly.

“Sure. Since it looks like the two of you are going to remain solid-like, at least around me, a means of communication wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

“You have a point,” he pondered. “I’ll have to ask Shamash for information on how to pay.” Tess let that sink in. Wow, the guy had probably never used a credit card before!

“Do any of your friends want to join us?” Tess wondered how she would keep herself from talking to the invisibles out loud in public. A good number of the townspeople were suspicious of her already, considering her far-from-stellar past. Adding schizophrenia to the list just wouldn’t do. She’d have to watch herself.

“I have a couple of them still stationed around the property on guard duty, and the rest have already left with your brother to work out at his gym.” He laughed happily. “It’s a huge treat for them to spar against someone whose every move they don’t have memorized. That’s one of the problems with being by ourselves for so long. Lack of diversity has made us stale.”

Tess was surprised at the admission. From what she’d seen, they had done a damned good job adapting to the world around them, using computers and television….and those motorcycles! She hadn’t thought of the physical handicaps they faced. It was something she couldn’t quite fathom.

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