Riveted (Art of Eros #1) (18 page)

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Authors: Kenzie Macallan

BOOK: Riveted (Art of Eros #1)
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“We need to talk about earlier this morning. How are you really doing with it all?” He cupped her cheek tenderly in his hand like a porcelain doll.

“I’m okay. I didn’t realize I had all that stored away. It was a relief to acknowledge the anger and sadness and get rid of some of it. I came out the other side and know I have some work to do, but I won’t let anyone take advantage of me again.” The look in her eyes confirmed her words. She had a newfound confidence and strength that showed through her in every way.

“How about some breakfast, my little warrior princess?” He said without being condescending. She was one of the strongest women he knew, next to his sister. Facing all of her demons head-on and coming out on top. Watching her transform and build her self-confidence made her even more attractive. He wanted her again. He seemed insatiable when it came to this woman. Eggs, pancakes, waffles, fruit, and biscuits were ordered to replace the burned calories of the evening’s events.

She grabbed a t-shirt he’d flung over the back of the couch and put it on. The oversized shirt hung on her like a rag and came to mid-thigh.

Goddamn, if she doesn’t look sexy as hell in my shirt.

She sat down carefully, a little sore from the morning’s activities, but her appetite raged. She took one of everything and filled her plate. She hadn’t eaten like that in quite a while.

Mac started to belly laugh as he sat across from her. “So, now I know how I can get you to eat more food, burn calories with great sex.”

He wondered if the ravenous creature across from him would eat her weight in food. He took it as a good sign, a very good sign.

He abruptly shifted the mood. “So, I was hoping we could get together later. I have some work I need to catch up on today.” He said cryptically, and she saw a hesitation as his eyes darkened and he cast them down away from her. She didn’t want to push him. Let him come to her.

“No problem. I need to catch up with Leigha and Raquelle anyway. Give me a call when you’re done.” She gave him half a smile with concern in her eyes. The cord between them tightened, wrapped in uncertainty, leaving her unsettled. She was certain the other shoe was about to drop. She could sense that he was hiding something from her. Her instincts about him took another hit.

She finished breakfast quickly and got dressed. Before she left, she gave him a deep, lingering kiss making it understood that she would be there for him no matter what. Apparently, he hid some demons of his own. Not knowing what they were, she prayed it wouldn’t ruin everything they shared together. As she left, the darkness still hadn’t left his eyes. She hoped he could work it out, for both their sakes.


Chapter 16


He tried desperately to hide his emotions from Mara over breakfast. After he got up that morning, leaving Sleeping Beauty in bed, he caught up on the case the boys back home wanted him to keep an eye on. In his wildest dreams, he never expected what waited for him in that folder. He hoped this case would be his last one because he wanted to move on to the next chapter in his life. Tired of running, he needed to put some roots down. He couldn’t think of a better place than New York City. The global security firm of McKenzie, Bryan, and Knight, or MBK Global Security, were head hunting for another team member with international experience, and Mac seemed like a perfect fit. He got a reference from an old friend working for the CIA out of the New York office. MBK Global handled security all over the world and was expanding internationally, but most of their business took place in the States. His current job gave him exposure to international as well as domestic arenas, so he was hoping to hear from them by the time his holiday came to an end. He wondered how Mara would fit into his puzzle. Only moments before, he made an ironic discovery, making his head reel.

He opened the folder with the case McFadden had given him before he left. The thick dossier gave a run down on the long-time surveillance of a man named John Walker Jr. John worked at the investment firm of Chaplin, Zaret & Roman, or CZR Investments, located in New York City. Both the CIA and MI6 were watching this firm very carefully because of indications of suspicious trading in the US and the UK. The implications included ties to the prominent families of the Russian mob. The agencies called them “czar” investments for a reason. The Russian mob had expanded globally in recent years getting their hands in hi-tech espionage, along with the old ways of doing business—drugs, money laundering and racketeering.

John came on as a rookie about nine years back and headed up the ladder pretty quickly. He made a lot of money very fast in some shady investments. Using some loopholes in a financial system that relied more and more on digital frameworks, he made offshore accounts invisible. A string of shell companies seemed to be linked to the Russian mob and indirectly connected back to CZR Investments. However, the agencies were having trouble connecting the dots. Some of the shell companies had holdings in some of the most powerful banks in Britain, Japan, Dubai, San Francisco, New York City, Zurich and the Cayman Islands. They seemed to have covered their tracks very well. It was abundantly clear they must have one badass tech guy. Top-notch hackers got hired all the time, just not always by the good guys.

The timing of John’s death was very convenient given the fact he just made some bad investments and lost a significant amount of money for many clients. Some of those clients might have been in the mob. His fatal car accident in Brighton Beach was questionable, considering the lack of head or hands, making identification almost impossible.

The hair on Mac’s neck stood on end. He continued to read the profile, as his gut gnawed at him. Up until that point, John seemed to be living well, with a home in Greenwich, Connecticut and an apartment in New York City, a far cry from the poverty-stricken community where he grew up in upstate New York. His mother left him and his brothers when they were very young, to more or less fend for themselves. His father, John Sr., kept busy working and drinking his wages away at the local pub. However, John studied hard in high school, earning himself a scholarship to NYU. He graduated with a degree in finance and economics summa cum laude. He proved himself to be no dummy, which made him very attractive to CZR Investments.

The agencies were currently waiting on DNA evidence to confirm it was John’s body in the car. Mac’s hunch, probably not. There was also the matter of a five-million-dollar insurance policy taken out with his wife as the beneficiary. Only, she seemed surprised it existed. Being quite wealthy, she didn’t need the money. According to the value of her accounts, five million would be a drop in the bucket.

Right around the time John started to work for CZR Investments, he got married to...
Oh, fuck no!
Marabella Luccenzo. Mac’s head screamed, “This cannot be happening.” He clutched his chest to try and stop his heart from dropping into his gut. He wondered if she knew of her husband’s involvements. Fate always had a cruel twist to it. As a postscript, the profile mentioned his family knew John as ‘Brock’, he never used his legal first name. The dossier included pictures of Mara and Brock, as well as Brock with many other women in compromising positions. Tall with short blond hair and blue eyes, very good-looking by anyone’s standard, Mac imagined the women came easily. Apparently, he used it to his advantage, because Brock looked like he’d tasted fifty-one flavors when it came to women. His rage boiled to the surface, but he kept it in check for Mara’s sake. She deserved so much better than that piece of shit.

Mac tried hard not to show Mara what he found out before breakfast, but a pit sat in his stomach. In a short period of time, things changed drastically. He felt more protective than ever and hated keeping secrets from her, especially after she bared her soul to him. During his abrupt change in topic that morning, he had the impression Mara sensed something was up. Based on the start to this day, the rest was going to suck donkey balls.

He needed to contact headquarters and bring them up to speed on the situation. It seemed his job at MI6 wasn’t done with him yet, but he would protect Mara with his life if Brock was still among the living. He might call in his brothers for backup. He needed to keep tabs on her for the rest of this trip. Whether she liked it or not, he had just become her guardian angel—or stalker, depending on how she looked at it.

Mac spent the rest of the day working, of course. Since Mara was involved, there was no rest for the weary. He contacted his boss, Neil McFadden, and let him in on the current situation in Mexico.

“So, mate, a holiday in Cancun, eh? You didn’t suggest it for a reason, did you?” Mac didn’t let Neil off the hook. They worked together for many years. McFadden could take a little ribbing.

“Why, what do you mean, Mac? You don’t love the sun, surf, and bikinis?” Mac heard Neil laughing in the background.

“By the way, I don’t know if you also control fate, but I have accidentally met the potential asset in this case. I assume she’s the one you wanted me to keep an eye on. I met her on the plane ride down here, before I knew who she was to the deceased. We’re staying at the same resort, coincidentally. I don’t think she will be of any use to us. She’s only now discovering things about her husband she wished she didn’t know. Where are we with the DNA?”

Mac didn’t give McFadden the whole story about his relationship with Mara. The less he knew, the better. He wanted McFadden off Mara’s scent, not only to protect her but because he truly believed she didn’t have a clue about Brock’s other life. When he probed her, she vaguely seemed to know what Brock even did for a living.

“The DNA isn’t back yet, but I suspect Walker may be very much alive and kicking. If he
alive, the question is, what’s his next move? Will his wife be in danger, or is she in on it? Stay close to her and see if you can’t get more information from her about her husband. That won’t be a problem, will it?” Neil baited Mac to see if he already slept with Mara.

“Won’t be a problem, boss. She’s here with her sisters and staying occupied. Will she get notified about the results of the DNA?” Mac wanted to know where he should stand when the shit hit the fan.

“I don’t know. That will be up to the discretion of the CIA and NYPD. I’ll talk to you soon.” Neil clicked off, leaving Mac with an empty plan.

This might make him a believer in fate. Of all the women he could have been attracted to, Mara caught and held him captive. If Brock were still alive, he might come after Mara. He wasn’t sure what made him think that but once again, he ran on instinct.

He caught up with his brothers, Declan and Campbell. Both worked for the RAF and had leave coming to them, so they could come to Mexico if necessary. Mac felt like he might need some serious back-up for this, depending on which way the wind blew.

He would feel more in control after he touched base with Sydney. Only time would tell how things would unfold.


Chapter 17


When Mara returned to her suite, her sisters waited for her, even though they wanted to appear casual. Raquelle shattered that illusion the minute she opened her mouth.

She had a battery of questions to unearth what Mara didn’t want to talk about. “Hey, so how did things go last night with Big Mac? I can see by your rosy cheeks all went well.” This was an easy read for Raquelle. “So, did he give you the big O? If so, I would say that man has talent and heart, a rare combination. How did it feel to be with someone who actually cares about your needs for a change?” Raquelle’s voice dropped off, wavering, which made Mara curious. But since the door opened, she might as well step through.

Mara beamed. “Yes. Everything went very well. My body had no pain and no bleeding. I guess I’m normal after all. I can honestly say it was because of my partner that things went really well. For me, having sex with him was beyond incredible. I never experienced anything like that. Mac’s an amazing man and very talented.” A satisfied smile lit up her face. “But it’s more than that. We made a connection that I’ve never had with anyone. He knows me so well and he’s so tuned in.”

“Way to go, Mar. Are you having dinner with your demi-god tonight?” Raquelle ran over and gave Mara a high five. She gave a new meaning to the word ‘fresh.’

“Yes, I’m seeing him later. He’s a special man and definitely pushes all the right buttons.” Mara had a huge grin on her face, relieved to be talking about the enjoyable part of the evening. It felt comforting to speak openly with her sisters about intimate things, giving her a sense of belonging and closeness.

“I can’t help but dread once this vacation is over, it’s all going to seem like a dream. Mac and I are just getting started, but where can it go?” The grin faded as reality set in.

“I wish I understood him better.” Hidden somewhere in their subconscious, that statement took on a much deeper meaning for all of them. Her voice drifted off and she turned her head away. When she glanced up at her sisters, she noticed sadness in their eyes, a silent communication about their distant father.

Leigha piped up first. “What’s going on, Mara?”

“I’m not sure. I got the sense Mac was struggling with something, but he’s not sharing it with me. It has me on edge. He was odd this morning, and I could tell something was off.” Mara felt like Mac was about to drop his own bomb.

“I’m sure it’s nothing. This might be all new for him as well. Men can be hard to read sometimes. They don’t always know how to handle their emotions.” Raquelle was a dictionary when it came to men and knew more than the two of them put together.

“Well, I guess I’ll find out eventually. I’ll give him some space, but things can’t continue like this. I won’t let it, not when being with him feels this fantastic. I’m willing to fight for this.” A fierce determination came through in her voice that hadn’t been present before. Her affection for him ran deep; she wouldn’t give up on him because he might be running scared.

“I’m going to take a shower and freshen up a bit before lunch.” Mara needed some alone time to think things over and regroup. Then she’d figure out what was bothering Mac and read him the way he read her so well.


Mac got back to his suite after doing some asking around about the guy in the baseball hat. He needed to contact Sydney and ask her to do more recon on the mystery man who was behind drugging Mara. His phone binged indicating he had a text message saying she had arrived and to give her a call.

As her phone rang, she lounged poolside, basking in the warmth of the tropical sun. Sydney Polcheck’s long, black hair framed her bright blue eyes and creamy fair skin. Her body was built like an athlete, lithe and sleek, due to all her training as an agent. She was gifted with the best of both sets of genes from a Ukrainian father and a German mother, a match made in hell. Their very volatile love-hate relationship ended in a fatal car crash when she was ten years old. At that point, her Ukrainian uncle took her into his home and she became one of them.

“Hey, I’m down at the pool. What’s up?” Sydney knew who it was without looking at the phone. She and Mac had a good rapport and a sixth sense for each other, which developed over years of working together. Although she found him to be a nice-looking guy, men didn’t appeal to her. She was attracted to beautiful women and had her lioness’ share, the one thing she and Mac had in common, an appetite for women.

“Can you meet me in my suite? I want to go over a couple of things with you and read you in on what’s been going on.” Mac called the shots in his work zone. She recognized his all-business tone.

“Sure. No problem. I’ll be there in ten.” She wanted all the intel she could before moving forward.

When she arrived at the suite, Mac looked worn out. She thought he was supposed to be on a relaxing vacation.

Mac saw the worry in her eyes and addressed what Sydney was thinking. “So, this hasn’t been the most relaxing holiday I’ve ever had, but I’ll fill you in.” Mac needed an extra set of eyes because with the distraction of Mara, he probably missed something. This was the reason why he didn’t become emotionally involved with women other than a quickie. They were too damn distracting, but she was the total package he didn’t even know he was looking for.

Sydney sat at the aqua glass dining table, one arm flung over the back of the rattan chair, looking causal but listening intently. Mac explained everything to Syd about the case, from Brock’s death to the drugging incident with Mara.

“Jack, the motherfucker who tried to drug Mara, said some guy with long dirty-blond hair in a baseball cap paid him to put the drugs in her drink. Said the guy would take it from there. I think he’s also the one watching her, but I haven’t told her about any of it. Mara didn’t say anything about any enemies or admirers as of late.” Mac puzzled over the situation as he tried to piece it together.

“Other than you, of course.” Sydney could see right through him. The way he talked about Mara was a dead giveaway. He kept rubbing the scar above his eye, a dead giveaway to his nerves. She’d seen him with a long line of women over the years, but this one seemed different. His eyes lit up from the inside, the mark of true happiness, for a change. She sensed his extreme protectiveness of her.

“That obvious, eh? She’s a very special woman. You know better than anyone I don’t usually hang around, but this one’s got me and I hope to hell I have her.” He looked concerned over his proclamation. Stating his emotions out loud to someone who knew him so well made them that much more real. He wanted to take the next steps not knowing if he was ready for them and not sure what they were. He’d take his cues from Mara.

“Oh, you always were a charmer. I’m sure you’ve got her hook, line, and sinker.” Sydney smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. She wondered what it would be like to have someone like that in her life. The last couple of relationships were epic failures with some beautiful yet seriously fucked-up women.

“There is a chance Mara’s late husband is alive but God, I hope not. I’ve got a bad feeling about all of this. I’m anxiously awaiting the DNA test results for Brock’s body. If he’s still alive, that could mean trouble for Mara. We would also need to find him before the Russians do, or he’ll be dead before we get the information we need. From what I can gather, Mara knows little to nothing about Brock’s goings-on or what he did for a living.” As he finished he let out the heavy sigh he’d been holding in all day.

“I’m going to start doing some recon and try to find your guy in the baseball hat. That will be about half the guys here. I’ll throw on a bikini and do a little sightseeing. I think I’ll start at the pool with some drinks.” Sydney wiggled her eyebrows. She had become a master at how to play the game to extract information from people, but she also needed some downtime. It had been a while since she let down from the stress of her job. Traveling from one assignment to the next left little time to think about what the job really entailed or what else life had to offer.

“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you being here. I know you’ll have my back if I need it. We’ll touch base tomorrow to see if you come up with anything. I hope to hear from McFadden by then.” His eyes showed relief as he handed her the dossier, thinking he could really focus on Mara. Sydney let herself out as Mac lay back on the couch and shut his eyes. After all the events of the day, he was totally spent. He had to tell Mara about his assignment. She had a right to know everything about him. There would be no more hiding behind his wall. He fell asleep thinking about the different scenarios to tell Mara. None of them seemed right. He woke up an hour later with a start knowing the time had come to reveal his secret.

Mac walked through a thick haze as he made his long trek to Mara’s suite. His heart sank heavily and his nerves back again, only this time for a much different reason. He dreaded how Mara would take the news that he worked for an Intelligence Agency. God, life always had the last laugh.

He stood at the door of her suite for a couple of minutes, trying to pull himself together. He relented knowing he would never be ready, so why put off the inevitable. He knocked on the door and Leigha answered.

“Hi, Mac, come on in.” She sensed his somber mood. “Mara, Mac’s here to see you.” Her eyes never left Mac’s face as she stepped aside to let him enter.

Mara walked into the living room, smiling, glad to see Mac, but then came to an abrupt halt. His mouth grimaced like someone had died.

“What’s wrong?” The bad news written all over his face struck her head-on. This part of him made her nervous, the light gone from his eyes. They were dark and hooded, giving the impression of impending doom.

Mac gave a heavy sigh. “Where’s Raquelle? You might as well all be here for this.” Leigha and Mara looked at each other, more perplexed than ever.

“I’ll get her. She’s sunning on the deck.” Leigha left Mara and Mac alone with tension strung tight between them.

They watched Leigha leave as a heavy silence invaded the space between them.

Mara turned back to Mac. “What’s going on, Mac? Why do my sisters need to be here? Whatever you have to tell me, I won’t fall apart. I’m a big girl. I can take being dumped.” Mara crossed her arms over herself as protection. The tears welled up as fear and hurt wove their way into her heart.

God, does she think I would dump her after last night? The whole night was beyond my expectations. She still doesn’t get that I want her, no matter what.

He took a step toward her. “I’m not dumping you, Mara. How could you think that after last night? It was incredible, and you’re perfect for me. I think I’m falling—”

Leigha and Raquelle rushed into the room, with worry on their faces. Mac was so totally focused on Mara he didn’t even register Raquelle’s micro bikini, barely covering her gorgeous curves.

“I need you all to sit down. I have something to tell all of you, not just Mara.” The sisters slowly sat down together on the couch, not sure what to make of the situation, eyeing each other cautiously.

“First of all, I’m not in security, per se. I work for British Intelligence in London, which I shouldn’t be telling you but there’s no way around it at this point.” He let that sink in before he dropped the second bomb. Mara sat there stone-faced, no emotion whatsoever, and her sisters each wore a frown. He didn’t take her reaction to his first piece of news as a good sign.

He continued, not sure where to go. “Second, I was given this assignment to look into Brock’s death because of his possible connection to the Russian mob. And here’s the kicker.” He laughed a little hoping to lighten the mood, as he scratched his scarred eyebrow with his thumb, an old nervous habit. His eyes pinned Mara as he gave the next piece of information. “My boss suggested a holiday in Mexico with the idea I would somehow make a connection with you, making you a potential asset in piecing this case together for us.” The minute the words left his mouth Mac waited for Mara’s reaction.

Mara continued to wear a blank mask for a couple of seconds, while his new information sunk in. All eyes turned to her as she stood up with her fists at her sides. “You fucking son of a bitch! You were on assignment this whole time and never told me. British Intelligence? You played me the whole time so you could get information about your case? You lying fucking asshole! I knew it. I knew there was something you weren’t telling me. And to tell the truth, I really don’t give a fuck. I want nothing to do with you from this point on. Tell your boss you just lost the ‘asset’.”

Her arm swung back ready to slap him. His automatic defensive instincts kicked in to catch her arm, but he thought better of it, as Mara slapped him hard across the face. Then she jerked back and covered her mouth, shocked at her physical assault on him. The pendulum of passion seemed to swing in both directions. She never slapped anyone before, but firsts seemed to be a common thing lately. The appearance of a red mark on his cheek made her feel guilty but in control again. That slap was meant for Brock. The mention of his name brought back the feelings of betrayal and lit the wick. Mac received the brunt of it. He made her want to do things she’d never done before, feel like she never had before, but he turned out to be a fraud.

Mac didn’t flinch and remained very calm. “I was in holiday mode and met you before I saw what the assignment entailed. I swear that’s the truth. I read it this morning.” His voice level and calm made him appear to be under control, but his accent always grew thicker as he became emotional, his eyes pleaded with her to believe him.

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