River's End (River's End Series, #1) (20 page)

BOOK: River's End (River's End Series, #1)
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Then he shifted, placing his leg between hers as he moved her, and lifted her up against him. She could feel him getting hard and warm as he cradled her against his belly. His hands moved restlessly on her back until they found the hemline of her shirt. His hands felt so warm against her bare back and she sighed at the touch. He suddenly pulled her with him, turning her as he guided her somewhere. She was too focused on his mouth over hers to care where or what they were doing. She’d never felt a kiss so long, or deep, or so intimate.

A wall hit her back. The barn wall and he lifted her up. Her legs were now supported by the leg he thrust between hers. Oh God, what was happening? Where was this coming from? They weren’t like this. They were careful to not even brush hands when they switched lead ropes back and forth. How could Jack’s hands now be on her? Or Jack’s mouth be on hers?

His hand came to her stomach, so warm and soft, she groaned. He gently pushed up, his fingertips brushing over the lace of her bra and the tight beads of her nipples. At his touch, her insides seemed to twist around. The sudden fire that ignited wherever he touched ran lower and much hotter inside her.

He suddenly lifted his mouth off hers, and dropped down, pushing her shirt and bra out of the way and placing his mouth on her. She nearly screamed at the sudden wet, hot sensations. His lips circled her puckered, tight nipple, as his tongue licked over it, first one and then the other. His hands ran down her stomach, into her jeans and beneath her underwear. She nearly quit breathing as her breath hitched and her vision went fuzzy. His hand pushed the seam of her underwear aside as he touched her. Inside her. She ran her hands in the silky strands of his red hair as she felt the pressure of his fingers. Oh God, it was incredible; so quick and hard, she felt the spirals of delightful sensations starting and soon couldn’t hold herself up.

He suddenly straightened, pulling his mouth back to hers as she nearly collapsed against the wall and onto his hand. Her hands circled up around his neck and she held on. She couldn’t stand it. She felt the pressure, and saw the colors swirling behind her closed eyes. He watched her face and she could feel his gaze on her, but could not open her eyes. She would not open her eyes.

He was thick and hot against her and his hand moved to the top of her jeans, where he started to undo them.

“Dad? Are you out here?”

They both froze in unison. Erin’s eyes flew open as she looked up at Jack. He was leaning close to her, and her arms were around his neck. She could see the start of whiskers on his cheeks, and the faint color of his eyes in the murky light. Jack suddenly whipped his hands off her and took his fist, slamming it into the wall, high above her head. “Fuck me,” he muttered, as he unclasped her arms from around his neck, and stepped back, breathing hard. She pulled her shirt and bra back into place.

Jack’s scouring gaze raked over her. Then he turned and walked out of the barn to go to his older son who nearly walked in on his father screwing her against the barn wall. Erin almost fell onto the hay-strewn floor, she was so mortified. With herself. And with Jack. Especially, since Ben or anyone else could have caught them.

What just happened? Why would Jack do that? Kiss her? Touch her? And why did she let him? She wrapped her arms around herself as she scrambled to her feet. Tiptoeing towards the back of the barn, she planned to get out and sneak back to her trailer and hide while she figured out how she could ever, ever, ever, again in her lifetime, be in the same room as Jack Rydell.

Chapter Nineteen


Jack glanced around the barn, but she was long gone. He didn’t know whether to be glad or not. Ben was beside him, chatting away about a girl from school. He couldn’t have repeated a word his son said to him if his life depended on it.

What just happened? He didn’t know. One moment, he was about to kick Erin off his ranch, and the next, he was kissing her. And nearly having sex with her in his barn. Right about the same time his elder son always got home from school. Jack ran a hand through his hair. What came over him?

He had no clue or foresight that he would do that. He never contemplated kissing Erin, let alone, doing what he’d done. He was mad at her, sure; and shocked at seeing the job where she worked. At last, all the wayward comments he kept hearing from various men in the valley made sense to him.

And what did he do about it? He nearly made all their innuendos a fact. He felt his stomach pinching. This wasn’t like other situations. He had to face Erin, and couldn’t merely ignore her, or not call her since she freaking lived on his ranch.

He wasn’t sure exactly how he could ever face her again, which was an odd sensation for him to have. It wasn’t like he usually got shy about sex or whom he had it with. But never before did he have sex with his little brother’s former girlfriend. He felt ashamed, which shook him up. When was the last time he’d done anything but the right thing? The honorable thing? It had been awhile, and he wasn’t glad to see he still hadn’t outgrown some of his urges and reckless behavior.

It wasn’t long before Charlie came home and he, too, joined them out in the arena with the horses. He was talking a mile a minute and excited about the end of the school year project they all planned to do. He wanted to collect horse manure and start a compost pile with food scraps, from which he could show the before and after results of his efforts. Jack had a tough time not chuckling; only eight-year-old boys could find horse crap interesting enough to turn into a class project.

“Hey Dad, is it okay if I asked Ms. Gray to dinner tonight?”

Jack stopped before the horse he was saddling. “You invited your teacher to dinner? Tonight?”

“Actually, I asked her last Monday. I forgot to tell you. She said yes though.”

Jack stared at Charlie. “Your teacher is coming to dinner tonight? Are you kidding me, Charlie?”

“No. Isn’t that okay? She’s really nice, Dad. I think you’ll like her.”

“I know she’s nice, Charlie, but why would you invite her to dinner and not tell me?”

He avoided Jack’s gaze. Jack wasn’t sure what Charlie’s intent was all about. He exhaled a sigh as he glanced at his watch, and saw it was four-thirty.

“We’d better put the horses away and get to the house. Lynnie will at least have it clean, but we’d better wash up and see about dinner. And next time, Charlie, ask me first. And don’t forget to tell me.”

Jack rubbed a hand to his temple. He already had a headache from his previous encounter with Erin and the resulting aftermath he didn’t want to deal with. Now this? Charlie setting up a dinner with his teacher? Was there something going on at school that he didn’t know about? He looked at all of Charlie’s work, and talked to Charlie daily about his school day. Could he be missing something important?

Erin, of course, would not be out to ride horses today. Of that, Jack had no doubt. Between the way he yelled at her and then… what? Made up with her? Nearly tried to have sex with her? He was so ashamed, he couldn’t even contemplate where to go next.

Charlie followed him towards the house, talking again about Ms. Gray’s fun way of teaching them their math facts, and how she always planned parties for every student’s birthday.

He met Allison Gray at Charlie’s parent-teacher conference. She was a pretty woman in her mid-twenties with red hair, like him. However, while his was dark in color, hers was bright, and she had the milky-white, freckled skin that was more typical of a red-head. She had a pretty face and a warm smile. Jack could see why Charlie was so infatuated. She had a fun, warm, nurturing air about her. A womanly air, that Charlie couldn’t get enough of because he had no mother. Jack stopped at the bottom of the porch steps and frowned. Why exactly did Charlie invite his teacher for dinner?

Charlie ran inside to his room to change. Jack took his boots off and walked inside. Kailynn was finishing up. She had a stew simmering on the stove and the entire house smelled of spices and warm bread from the bread maker. Thank God she cooked something that resembled a meal one might serve to company.

“Did Charlie mention to you that he invited his teacher to dinner?”

Kailynn turned at Jack’s voice. She was a pretty girl whose father was a long time friend of theirs. When she needed a job, they readily gave her one that accommodated her schedule

Kailynn nodded. “He asked me to make your favorite stew. He didn’t ask permission first?”

“About twenty minutes ago.”

Kailynn smiled. “I wonder what he’s up to?”

Jack grumbled, “Got me.”

Ian came through the door then and glanced at Kailynn with a hello. She smiled and turned back towards the laundry room to get her things to leave. “It’s all cooked and prepared; it should stay warm until you’re ready to serve it.

“Thanks, Lynnie, I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

She ducked her head at the compliment, then slid past him without another word. Ian looked after her, then back to Jack before stomping towards the closet and returning with a coat. “I’m going to town for a drink.”

Jack watched Ian leave. Who knew what was eating him? Not like Ian would ever say. And Jack had his own drama to deal with. He headed off into his room to shower and change before Charlie’s teacher showed up. He really wished Charlie hadn’t sprung this on him, and that the day would end soon.

When he finished showering, he threw on some dark slacks and a tan, button-up shirt. He came out of his room twenty minutes later and stopped dead in his tracks when he found Erin standing in the middle of the living room. His mouth opened in shock. This was not how he planned to face her. Not now. Not after today. Not in front of his sons. He muttered a curse as she raised her head and her eyes met his.


Erin glanced up when she heard Jack and rubbed her hands on her jeans to dry out the sweat on her palms. She felt like she might throw up from nerves. She’d never been so anxious to face someone before. But what choice did she have? She stared at Jack when she heard him across the room and gulped in shock. He looked so… different. And good. He wore dark slacks, with his shirt tucked in that showed off his long, strong build and made his red hair seem darker. He always looked tough, strong, and handsome, but dressed this way, he was devastating. He got dressed up for a teacher? She didn’t get it.

His eyes met hers for a second before he looked away. Or did she look away first? She wasn’t sure, but now found herself staring at the couch to the left of her. Charlie bounced over to his dad.

“I asked Erin to dinner, Dad. That’s okay too, isn’t it?”

She glanced at Jack’s face because she knew his eyes would be focused on his son, and not her. Jack’s face showed displeasure, and no doubt, the next question he wanted to ask Charlie was why did Charlie ask Erin to dinner? Especially tonight, of all nights?

Erin wondered the same question. He finally looked over his shoulder at her. She fidgeted under his vacant stare. She came there in only worn jeans and a sweatshirt. Nothing to mistake her as the slutty siren Jack liked to portray her; but not nearly dressy enough next to him now.

She didn’t know what to say when Charlie came knocking at her trailer and begged her to come to dinner with his teacher. She knew Jack would be there, of course, but what possible reason could she give Charlie for not attending? She was too busy? Everyone knew she wasn’t. So there she stood.

Jack straightened to his full height, towering over Charlie and her. His hands, long and firm, gripped the edge of one of the chairs. She had to look away as a heat wave swelled in her stomach when she pictured those hands. How could she now face Jack? The only thing to make a bad situation worse would be to have Joey join them.

Charlie trotted off to start setting the table. Ben came down from upstairs and helped Charlie. Erin stood there, feeling useless, with her hands stuck into the pocket of her hoodie.

She finally walked forward, but stared down at the floor and not up at Jack. “Charlie cornered me. I couldn’t say no.”

Jack was, no doubt, looking down at her because she felt the energy radiating off him. He was quiet before she finally raised her eyes to his and thought he looked as grim as she felt. She jerked her eyes away as a flush covered her skin.

“We need to talk.”

She nodded. She knew that. Oh, did she know how they needed to talk. If only to blame her for what happened between them and for her stupid, bikini-uniform job, as well as for being a leech on the Rydell ranch. Yes, she knew they needed to talk about all of that. She didn’t know how she could, however. There was no way her tongue could work properly anywhere near Jack, and possibly, not ever again.

Hearing a knock on the door, Erin nearly whimpered with relief. Jack answered it. She made an effort to avoid staring at the way his shirt stretched over his back and narrowed down to where he tucked it into his pants. He wore his clothes quite well.

Into the room came Allison. Erin closed her eyes in frustration. Jack looked out of the ordinary tonight, which must have been in honor of Ms. Gray. Why shouldn’t he want to look nice and mannerly before the lovely, respectful lady who taught his son third grade?

Allison came in and Jack gallantly took her lightweight suede jacket to hang it on the coat tree. She was a pretty woman. Where Erin was small, almost to the point of skinny, uneducated, and inarticulate, Allison Gray was always dressed in lovely, teacher-worthy clothing. She had full breasts and beautiful curves to match. Clad in pretty, tan slacks and a soft, short-sleeved sweater, which looked utterly appropriate and was of obvious fine quality, her outfit barely hinting at the good figure she had. Allison seemed far more seductive than Erin, who seemed too skinny and too small in her bikini at the coffee stand.

Allison wore her long hair down, and it flowed around her in a straight mass, with a fringe of bangs that framed her big blue eyes. The freckles that made her so cute and so pretty made Erin cringe because she felt like she looked so white and pasty. Her coloring was much too harsh for her black hair and makeup-free face.

Allison noticed her and smiled. “Erin, I didn’t know you were joining us. How nice to see you again.”

Erin stared at her with a suspicious expression as she tried to judge Allison’s sincerity. Was she for real? Or was that really hidden, catty bitchiness? But no, it wasn’t.

Allison was actually sweet, good and nice. She was everything Jack would have approved of in a woman. She glanced over at Charlie as he ran towards his teacher, taking her hand and guiding her inside to show her around. Erin watched for a while. It didn’t take long to figure out what Charlie was up to: setting his father up with his teacher. Erin was a hundred percent convinced of that as she watched them. Charlie sat his dad directly across from Allison, and he sat by his teacher. He chatted the entire meal. Erin sat in a chair that prevented her from staring directly at Jack. She put Ben between them and tried to shrink inside her seat. How often did it occur for Ian, Shane and Joey to all be out of the home at once? Not often. But of course, tonight it would be so. So why did Charlie ask her to dinner too?

Erin barely ate. Her stomach churned in knots as she listened to the conversation that was cheerful, friendly and warm all around her. There was no way to ignore Allison, she was so affable and lively. Being well read, she could talk about anything from the horses to her classroom to current events, and she possessed an ease with herself and her conversation that Erin never experienced.

Erin poked at her food before taking her plate to the sink and cleaning up when she could no longer stand to sit there. It was a liberty she’d never taken before. She felt Allison’s eyes on her. Allison couldn’t figure out where Erin fit into the dynamics of the Rydell household.

Jack came up behind her. She could feel the heat coming off him as he stood there before he set his plate to the right of her elbow. He didn’t touch her, but stayed directly behind her, and she could feel his arm reaching around her. She froze, letting the water run, while the kids talked, but it all felt far away, almost like she just entered a tunnel.

“You don’t need to do those.”

His voice was low, and felt warm on her neck when he spoke. Shivers broke out over her skin. She licked her lips. “I don’t mind.”

He finally stepped back, walking to the side of her where he started the coffee maker. She only breathed after he turned back to Allison.

Jack was chuckling at something Charlie said, and then Erin heard the sweet tone of Allison’s voice as she told a funny story about a kid she used to teach. Erin scrubbed furiously at the pot, banging around in the kitchen and putting things away before filling the dishwasher. She didn’t dare let Allison know she wasn’t fully at ease in the Rydells’ house, and refused to ask where any dishware and glasses went. She simply stuck them wherever she chose. Why should Allison know that she spent almost less time than Allison did inside there? After being intimate with one brother, and starting up with another, she was no more asked to sit at their table than they would ask a stray cat.

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