Rival Hearts (Rival Love #2) (15 page)

BOOK: Rival Hearts (Rival Love #2)
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Skylar looks over at Amber and asks, “Was that shark enough?”

“That was awesome!” They high-five and Sky stands beside me. Kayla hands her a towel and gets up on the block.

“Kayla, remember, pull and snap it,” Sky says. They nod to each other and honestly, I have no idea if that was girl code for something, but it sounded dirty and wrong. Sky leans over my clipboard, dripping water onto the paper.

I pull the board back. “Do you mind?”

“No, I want to see our splits.”

“Just wait.”

She grips the board and tries pulling it down. I almost let her win, but I flex so it’s like we’re in a game of arm wrestling. Finally, she lets go and flips me off. “Fine.”

I laugh. “Temper. Temper.” I write Kayla’s time down and Amber takes off. I drop the board and let Sky see.

She moves closer to the starting block and screams, “Move your bubble ass, Amber! G

“Did you just scream that she has a bubble ass?” I ask.

“Yeah, she knows she’s got one.” She smacks the block with her palms and screams at Amber who’s propelling toward the wall. “Come on!”

When she hits the pool wall, Skylar looks up at the electronic scoreboard and squeals. “We did it!” She pulls Amber out of the water and hugs her. “Amber, we swam that in a minute thirty!”

A group of Bulldogs pass us and one of them looks at Sky. Before she even knows what’s going on, I step in front of her. But I’m not quick enough because hands go flying at Sky, and she tries clutching on to me to keep from falling into the pool. Her hands slip, and a big wave of water splashes us.

One official, a big guy dressed in white with a whistle swinging from his neck, comes rushing toward us. “Delmont High’s Girls A medley relay team is officially disqualified.”

“But—” I start.

Amber yells, “This is bullshit! Those bitches over there pushed her in!”

“I’m sorry, rules are rules. She almost took out another swimmer. Horseplay is not permitted on deck. I must go speak with the other officials and the coaches. And one more thing, that kind of language is not permitted during a meet, either. Consider yourself warned.” He takes off and Amber looks wide-eyed, stunned into a stupor.

Skylar pulls herself from the lane she landed in and takes in a deep breath. Her cheeks are red, and her eyes narrow. I want to comfort her, but what can I say? What can I possibly do to make this better? Her team just swam this apparently amazing time and were disqualified because her old teammates shoved her into the water. The guys’ team, which is next to swim, are saying exactly how they feel to the officials and the Harris Academy swimmers, and it causes the tension between everyone to escalate.

Kayla slings an arm over Sky’s shoulder and whispers something to her. Sky looks over at her then up at the ceiling, then her gaze lands on me. “Thanks. For … well, trying.”

“I’ll trip someone if you want,” I suggest.

She shakes her head. “Don’t. I just … I want to win fair. If they want to play dirty, let them. I … I’m tired. I’m just so tired of all this.” Coach Grim strolls up to us and pulls the girls away before I can respond to Sky. And there it is—one more unfinished conversation between us.

Chapter 26




My final event is up next. To sum up this meet so far … well, Mia tried to psych me out by using my ex against me. Please. She’ll have to do better than that. Thank God no one on that team knows about Danielle and Caleb. Now that, that would kick my ass. But so far … I’ve been pushed into the pool, kicked, and tripped, but the best form of abuse goes to Sam.

Kayla and I are sitting on the bench. I’m about to share this kick-ass song on my phone with Kayla when Sam stalks past us. And just as she passes and my thumb taps the play button to the music player, Sam spits. She actually spits on me. I mean hocker-style! Completely gross and filled with mucus. I hand my phone to Kayla, run to the diving pool, and jump right in.

Not before gagging and almost hurling. Instead of popping up out of the water right after the plunge, I sink to the very bottom. My ears pop midway down and keep doing this until I sit firmly on the diving pool floor.

And yes, my ears feel like kernels of popcorn are wedged in them, but other than that, everything is peaceful. My lungs are burning from the lack of oxygen, and I should head up, but I don’t want to. On the surface, everything is messed up. I’m a Bobcat. The Bulldog inside me wants to beat the crap out of myself. How did things get so jacked up? Oh, that’s right. I decided this shit didn’t matter anymore. And it shouldn’t. I’m doing what I love. Why can’t things be as simple as that? Do what you love and that’s all.

I’m just about to push off from the bottom when arms link around me and pull me through the water. When I break the surface, I push the person away and slap them. Zander rubs his cheek and sighs. “Damn, Sky. Kayla said you guys are up.” He swims to the side and lifts himself from the water. He waits while I get out. “I didn’t believe you’d break Morgan’s nose, but … ” He rubs his cheek again. “After how hard you just slapped me I changed my mind.”

I narrow my eyes and stomp off to my lane. Kayla is chewing on her fingernails, Amber is scowling, and Emily is currently in the water swimming. “Cutting it close, don’t you think?” Amber snaps then turns to the lane and screams at Emily to pick up the pace.

“Did you go yet?” I ask Kayla.

She shakes her head. “Up next. You’re anchor.”

Amber whips around. “Think you can handle that, Sky? Or do you need to go off in the deep end again?”

“I got it!”

“You weren’t the only one who got a disqualified time here. You don’t see me sobbing about it.”

That’s it. I’ve had it. Instead of ignoring her bitchy remarks, I snap, “No. You’re just being your usual douchebag self that appeals to everyone so much.”

Amber takes a step closer. “What did you say?”

Kayla wiggles between us. “Girls, I’m up next. Can you do this after the meet?”

“I meant you’re a bitch! So high and freaking mighty on your horse, no one can stand you. You don’t even care if someone is having a bad day, it’s all go-go-go. Take a breath. And I don’t know, hug a bear or something. Jeez.”

Kayla swallows. Amber grits her teeth, and Kayla says, “Shit. I gotta go. You two, don’t fight.”

Emily swims into the wall. Kayla jumps off the block and Amber shifts away from me. “Good swim, Emily.”

“Are you kidding?” Emily says. “I was off by ten milliseconds. My time sucks. I hope Kayla can catch us up.”

Amber glares at me. “If she doesn’t, someone will or she’ll be off the team.”

“Are you serious? This late in the season, you’ll kick me off?”

“Damn straight! So get it done. Prove to me once and for all you belong here!”

I knew my archenemy hadn’t disappeared. That she’d rear her ugly head soon enough. And here she is in the flesh. I suck in a breath and prepare for my swim, readjusting my goggles and shaking out my arms while I watch Kayla complete a seventy-five-yard swim. And now she’s coming back.

I step up to the block when she reaches the halfway point. Press my goggles to my face, lean a little, and wait for her to get a little closer. One stroke, two, and on the third I swing my arms and dive right in.

Propelling myself through the water, I barely notice the lanes on either side of me. All I know is I’m about half of a body length behind the leader. When I flip into the wall, we’re neck and neck. Sam and I. I know it’s Sam because of her crazy kick. I swam behind her enough to know it’s her. I know her weakness, too, which is only being able to breathe on the right side. So she takes fewer strokes.

Do I take advantage of this fact? Absolutely. I gain the lead by the second flip turn into the wall. Sam is lagging, and part of me wants to take it easy on her. Part of me. The other part wants her to suffer. So which half wins out?

On the last lap, I full out sprint and surpass Sam by three body lengths. I smack the wall, pull myself out of the water quickly, and walk over to the bench. That’s how we’ve been eliminating the whole risk of getting disqualified on events.

Drying off, Amber, Kayla, and Emily come over to me. Amber simply nods and says, “That’s what I wanted to see.”

“You just crushed your friend,” Emily says with a little too much pep.

I feel sick. I put on my pants and head to the stands.

My mom and Brian sit on the bench near the stairs. A guy with a backward baseball cap is talking to my mom. Another dude is talking to Brian. I approach and, I swear, all conversations come to a halt. “Liv, you did so well, honey. This is Mike from Boston University.”

Brian smiles. “And this is Stephen from Florida State. Both want to talk to you.”

Both guys extend their hands at the same time. I don’t know which one to shake first so I just stare. They both retract their hands and I smile. “Hi,” I say with a pathetic wave instead.

“Skylar,” the Boston guy starts. “I want to talk about your future.”

“Well, hold on friend, I want to do the same thing,” Florida Guy says.

If these guys start fighting I swear I’m leaving. Thank God my mom chimes in, “Gentlemen, I think my daughter is exhausted. As you know, the school she just swam against is her old school. Could you possibly just leave her some information?”

“Mom, it’s okay.” I smile at her. Then look over at the Boston guy and then the Florida recruiter. “I would like to hear what you both have to say, but I have a favor to ask first.”

They look shocked. “What’s this favor? We can possibly do it if you’re willing to come to our school,” Boston Guy starts.

“I know this isn’t your problem, but most of the school programs here were cut due to the lack of funding. Most of the seniors were counting on those programs for their own futures. So, my favor is that you talk with Mr. Chamberlin, collect footage I’m sure he has on all the seniors as juniors, and take them to your athletic departments. If we can agree on this, then I will sit here and listen to you both. One at a time. Please, no interrupting each other. It’s rude and unfair to the one speaking.”

Florida Guy laughs. “In all my years, I’ve never seen someone bargain their future for someone else, but I have to admit, I like it. You’ve got yourself a deal, Skylar. I can’t promise we’ll send someone back to talk to them, but I’ll definitely stop by the athletic director’s office for those stats.”

The Boston recruiter scowls but agrees. And then I sit and listen to what both guys have to say.

My coming back to this school and swimming might not have saved the winter programs, but at least I can try to help out the seniors counting on scholarships next year. It might not do a lot of good, but it’s a start.






Walking out to the parking lot with Kayla and Lance, I hear Amber in the middle of the lot shouting, “Party at my house!” Lance and Kayla laugh.

Kayla asks, “You going?”

“Nah, I … ” As soon as I see my car, I trail off. Someone has spray-painted “N
!” on the side. On the hood, it says “T
!” If my mom sees this, she’ll shit. In fact, she’ll have me packing and on the first flight back to New York. That’s the agreement—first sign of trouble, black eyes, or me looking all depressed and mopey, and she would take me back. I’m not going back.

I run a hand over my face. “Well, this is lovely. I can’t hide something like this from my mom.”

Lance pats a hand to my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay, Sky. I know someone who can help.”

“Yeah? Like now? Because I have to go home.”

“It’s cool. I can take you home. I’ll have my friend collect your car.”

I sigh. There isn’t shit I can do about this. I agree to the ride and hope to hell these repairs won’t drown me.

Chapter 27




When we pull into the driveway after the meet, it’s pushing nine thirty, and Sky’s car isn’t in the drive. The Bobcats’ swim team barely won against the Bulldogs. Sky’s probably out celebrating at Amber’s big house party. Erin and my uncle drag themselves through the house and head upstairs.

As I plop down on the couch, the front door opens. Skylar tiptoes through the foyer and I laugh. “And what have you been up to?”

Skylar is startled and peers into the living room. “Where are they?” she whispers.

“Sky, why are you whispering?” I ask in a low voice.

She stamps her foot. “Seriously, where’s my mom?” she asks through gritted teeth.

“Sleeping.” She relaxes and takes a seat next to me. “Do you want to talk about it?”

Her eyes find mine and she sighs. “Did you happen to see my car?”

“Um … is it missing?”

“No, not exactly. Someone did something to it. Remember how I Saran-Wrapped your car and spray-painted some words on it?” I nod. “Let’s just say someone did that to mine, minus the plastic that could peel right off.”

I ball up my fists. “I know someone who can … ”

“Lance got someone to pick it up and he’s working on it.” She drops her stare. “Thanks though. For everything. Really, I do appreciate it, but you have to lay off.”

“What do you mean?” God, I want to pull her into my lap and hold her.

She pushes from the couch and starts to pace in front of the television. “Caleb, you’re practically engaged to someone else. Yes, it’s a forced issue, but that doesn’t change the fact of the matter. And you’re having a kid—a breathing, real-life, small person—with that someone else.” I hate this conversation. I hate where it’s leading and I just want to bail from the room. But I let her finish. “It physically hurts me when you’re sweet and show me what I’m losing to her every single day. I can’t … do this anymore.”

It’s like someone punched me right in the nuts. I look at her and her eyes are swimming with tears. Damn it. I keep making this fucking girl cry and I hate myself for it. She asked me not to say or do anything, but I need to, damn it. I push myself from the couch and hug her tight to me. “I love you. I’m sorry I keep hurting you. I just … Sky, you’re what I want.”

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