Risque Pleasures (4 page)

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Authors: Roxanne Powers

BOOK: Risque Pleasures
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He revealed the truth. Serena
had always had a hidden fantasy about being with a woman but she had always repressed it. She feared it would challenge her sexuality. She did not want to be labeled as the whole world seemed obsessed with doing. She wasn’t a lesbian, she knew that. To narrow it down to another label of either bisexual or bi-curious wasn’t appealing either. She was just sexual. Did she need to explain any further?

One thing Serena did know about herself was that she loved how good sex made her body feel. The human
body is designed for sex and the very act of carrying out the function was like a tonic. Her skin glowed, her blood pumped, her nerves tingled. She could feel her creativity and productivity surging. Her body was simply reacting to the fact that it was carrying out its biological function. She reveled in the natural logic as she went about her day with a spring in her step and a smile on her face. When she came across a co-worker sitting in a slump with a bitter look on their face she suddenly realized what it meant. They weren’t getting any. They needed to get laid. Sex made you feel alive. Lack of sex makes your life feel empty. It was as simple as that.

On the way back to her desk
she passed David in the hall. He was the epitome of professionalism. He nodded at her in acknowledgment but perfectly repressed the cheeky gleam in his eye. She liked that. She liked people who did not allow their personal matters to encroach into the professional arena. It was not only comforting, it was liberating.












Dinner with the Boss.


Serena had a secret, apart from the new one she had just acquired of insanely good sex in the workplace with both a man and a woman. Her secret was that she always wanted to work in interior design. She had won a place in design school but her old fashioned parents had talked her out of it saying that she needed a real job like accounting. Design could be a hobby she did with any future husband. Design was not a serious career. So she took bookkeeping. What she didn’t tell her conservative parents was that she continued her design studies at night school. Her design qualification was obtained then put in the drawer. Bookkeeping paid the bills. She sat in dull grey cluttered offices putting numbers in order while she dreamt of putting color into people’s lives and order into their spaces.

“Serena. Please come and collect these invoices.”
Hearing Christine’s voice on the internal phone broke Serena’s reverie. Christine watched Serena walk in. She looked radiant, again. Again she had that fresh fucked look she had the other day when she had the girl session in the changing rooms. Maybe she had a lover?

“Here you go,” she handed her the invoices, “Sit down for a moment. Let’s chat about a few things.” Serena sat in the basic office chair and looked around her boss’s office. It was utilitarian. Christine had a
framed photograph of her and a very handsome man on her desk as well as a small bowl of white roses. It added a much needed touch of style. Christine wanted to learn more about Serena’s private life without appearing to pry. “We might be needing to be work late now and again. I hope that won’t inconvenience you too much at home?”

“Oh no.
That is not a problem. I live alone in an apartment close by. My family is all interstate. I did have a boyfriend but we have sort of drifted apart. We see each other sometimes but..” Christine took over, “Didn’t work out?”

“There was nothing really wrong. He was just wasn’t as sensitive and understanding as I would have liked. Oh he wasn’t a total dunce or anything. We just didn’t communicate very well.” Christine
waited in silence for a moment. Usually people start answering their own questions. People always have their own answers. Serena looked thoughtful before she continued talking, “Well the truth is..” Christine smiled to herself. There it was. People always knew the answers when they allowed them to come through all the buzz that usually occupies people’s minds.

“The truth is I could have been more helpful. I mean, I always thought he
was not very understanding but I never really let him know how I was feeling about anything. I held back a lot. I guess he couldn’t understand anything about me if I didn’t let him know what it was that was upsetting me.”

“What did he do that upset you?”

Serena didn’t blink at the question. She felt comfortable, she was surprised at how comfortable she felt with Christine.

“Well, he wasn’t very encouraging of my career goals and of course, you know, our intimacy was not all
that intimate.” Mick never ate her pussy properly. He just flicked his tongue like a snake. Those quick little licks were annoying. It was as she was lying back while he was performing poor oral sex that she lapsed into the fantasy of how it should be done. She wanted to feel long, loving strokes of the flat part of the tongue not the almost painful pokes of the pointy part. She would imagine how she would perform if a pussy was laid out before her. She hadn’t stopped thinking about licking a pussy ever since. It was ironic that poor sex with a man made her think about good sex with a woman.

was studying Serena’s reflective gaze. This girl is going through a sexual awakening, she thought to herself.

“So you are not currently seeing anyone?”

“No.” She was honest. Getting her brains fucked out in a friendly session with the security officer was not exactly seeing anyone. He was dating Becky anyway. “No.” She repeated. She picked up the invoices and got up. “I better get back to work.”

‘So I suppose you don’t have a date for Friday night?” called out Christine. Serena whizzed around
and laughed, “No.”

“Well why don’t you join John, my husband, and me for dinner? We
are checking out a new rerstaurant. Come along?”

“Oh that sounds great. Thank you.”

Christine was writing something on a memo sheet, “I look forward to it. Come to the house for pre dinner drinks around 7.30.” She handed over the memo, “Here is the address.”

Serena arrived
early again to work the next day but David wasn’t there. Just as well. She took a quick lunch break at her and went to the staff kitchen to get coffee before returning. David was in there. “Hey, how are you? You look great, as always.”


“I loved our little escapade the other day. Becky went wild when I described it to her later that night.”

“Do you do that often? Have these random encounters I mean?”

“Not often, just when we really feel hot for it and we aren’t around for each other. We understand that certain urges have to be met. That way other parts of life have more meaning when you are not obsessed with how you are going to score your next lay. A good sex session is good for your sanity.”

“You make it sound so simple.”

“It is babe. It is. You know why you ended up in a fitting room with two women? Because you need to get all those repressed fantasies out of your system. I’m telling you once you deal with them your life gets clearer.”

“With all due respect you are a security guy and that is not exactly prestigious.” She regretted it as soon as she had said it. The hurt look in his eyes hurt her more.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that what you do is not meaningful.”

“Yes you did.” He
picked up his coffee and started to leave the room but turned around again to look at her, “I thought you were a smart girl. Pity. You shouldn’t say ignorant comments like that. You don’t really know anything about my life and what I am doing with it. I could have said something like that to you. I could have said to you that you are wasting your life sitting in an office punching numbers into a computer when you look like you could be doing much more with yourself. But I didn’t because I don’t know what you do when you are not here. You could be making your dreams come true. I mean I am, so why not you?”

e left the room but his words were echoing around the space. Serena sat at the spindly chair at the rickety table. David was right. Security was not his dream job but he was doing it well as well as having harmless fun on the job. He also had outside interests that he found fulfilling, whatever they were. She had judged him without looking at herself in the mirror first. She was unfulfilled in every way. At least he was honest in the way he used sex as one of the means to have fulfillment.

Serena didn’t see David for the rest of the week. When she walked past the control room door there was another guy on watch. “Oh hello, sorry I was looking for David.”

“He has taken some leave Miss, can I help you with anything?”

“No thank you I am fine. Is David alright?”

“Oh yeah sure. He just needed some time to study for his real estate exam and to get one of his houses on the market.” Serena did a double take. She hid it well though and engaged the security guy in pleasant conversation. He was one of those older men who enjoyed the chance of a good chat. She found out a whole lot more about David and Becky. David had saved hard and bought his first property, a dilapidated old house in an unfashionable part of town. He fixed it all on his own. He had plenty of handyman skills learned from his father and put them all to use on the fixer upper. He sold it for a neat profit and did the same again. He used the profits to buy slightly better houses in slightly better neighborhoods and made a very tidy sum of money. He got offered a job with a real estate company and worked his way up from helping out with open houses on weekends. After a truckload of successful campaigns, he was offered a stake in the company. He just needed to finalize his qualifications. He sat for the exams and passed.

“He will stay on here till he serves out his contract and then he will move on to his new life. That Becky girl of his runs her parents gas stations. You know they have three. She does so well she invests in real estate too. That’s how they met. They were both trying to buy the same house.”

Serena thanked him for the chat and went back to her dull grey office to her mindless, safe, boring, make Mom and Dad happy, job. The department store itself was terrific. It carried all the best designer collections, it was well lit and was sleek and modern. The administration section, however, felt like a prison. It was dark and drab and not many of the staff wanted to be there. They all found reasons to get out and take a walk around. Lighter, more inviting décor would boost productivity and efficiency. The costs of the upgrade would be more than made up for in the gained efficiencies.

Serena chuckled to herself when she realized that the need to escape the dreariness was the reason she met Tania and Becky, and look where that got her.
Christine walked in and caught the look of lust on Serena’s face. She soon turned serious when she saw Christine. She wanted to raise the suggestion of a possible revamp of the offices but couldn’t find the right way to approach it so she kept silent. She hoped Christine didn’t have an urgent job for her because it was almost her lunch break and she had her much anticipated appointment with Tania. She had been fantasizing about it all week. She was looking forward to her beauty salon appointment with Tania. The potential for sex had not crossed her mind. She was genuinely looking forward to meeting up and getting to know her better as well as the added bonus of having a beauty treatment. The sex might or might not happen, and that too was sexy in itself.

She tried to imagine how it would be. She pictured herself lying on the bed at the mercy of Tania’s desires.
She’d had a little dream where Tania finished giving her a bikini wax and then tested the smoothness of the job by personally checking for any areas she might have missed. She would go over every millimeter of her pussy with her tongue while she was looking up at her. Then she pictures herself changing positions with Tania. She would get up off the bed and lay Tania down on it while she eagerly, gloriously, finally got to indulge in the licking and sucking of a pussy. She couldn’t wait to get there.

Tania’s beauty salon was exquisite. It was feminine but modern.
There were gilt mirrors and flowers everywhere as well as scented candles flickering all around while meditative music played at a volume loud enough to be heard but soft enough not to disturb. Tania came out from behind a purple velvet curtain. She looked beautiful in her white uniform similar to that of a nurse. Very fetching indeed. “It’s so great to see you. I am so glad you came.” They embraced warmly. “Follow me.” She led her into a cubicle and patted the narrow bed. ‘Up you get.” Serena wanted to get things started. “I really enjoyed meeting you and Becky. Our experience was amazing.” Tania was busy setting up the facial station, she was in full work mode. “It was fun wasn’t it. Now let me put this band around your hair to protect it from the creams.”

“You have a gorgeous place.”

“Oh thank you. It means the world to me. I have another one across town and am opening a third in the suburbs. I would love to personally do your treatment but I have a meeting with David, you know, Becky’s boyfriend.


“Yes he is helping me organize the renovations of the new salon. He is a real sweetie.” A very professional looking woman also in a white uniform came into the cubicle to take over. “Okay, you are in good hands. Enjoy and we will talk soon.” Tania gave her a light kiss on the cheek and breezed out. Serena felt as if she had been plunged into ice. The beauty therapist was thorough and attentive but Serena wanted physical contact. By the time she was back at her desk she was irritable. She hadn’t had time to eat anything and she was horny as all hell and with no relief in sight. And it was only going to get worse. She had dinner with Christine tonight and as intriguingly sensual as Christine was, it would be a dinner with her husband at a restaurant. At least she would get a good meal.

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