Risen (Book #6 of the Vampire Legends) (6 page)

BOOK: Risen (Book #6 of the Vampire Legends)
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Rachel’s face dropped as she put
her arm down at her side and started looking around to find him again.

“What’s wrong?” Ken asked,
yelling over the music.

“Nothing. I have to go,” Rachel
said, walking away.

She felt Ken grab her arm as she
started to walk away, but she pulled it out of his hand.

“I’m sorry. This was all a
mistake. I have to find my friends and get out of here,” Rachel said.

“Your friends left a long time
ago,” Ken said.

“No they didn’t!” Rachel

“They did, they left with my
friends,” Ken confirmed.

“Where did they go?” Rachel
asked, feeling nervous and scared now that she was left all alone with this

“I don’t know why they would
leave me behind. I don’t believe you,” Rachel said, getting angry.

“I told them I’d bring you home
safely,” Ken said in a creepy voice.

Rachel didn’t like the sounds of
what Ken was saying and could tell with each word he wasn’t the cute, nice guy
she thought he was. He was creepy and she couldn’t tell he was up to no good.
She knew he had ulterior motives and didn’t have her best interest at heart.

Rachel looked at her watch and
couldn’t believe the time. It was almost 3 in the morning. She had no idea how
it got to be so late. The music shut off and the dance floor cleared off. She
was left standing there, alone with Ken.


Rachel heard a loud scream coming
from inside the club. It sounded like a girl was in pain or hurt. She had to go
see where it was coming from.

“Where are you going?” Ken yelled
as he chased her down the hallway towards the scream.

“I have to find out what
happened,” Rachel yelled over her shoulder.

“I’ll come with you!” Ken said,
trying to catch up with her.

“No! Please just leave me alone!”
Rachel yelled back.

“I can’t leave you!” Ken said.

“Go away!” Rachel retorted.

Rachel turned around and looked
at Ken feeling a surge of anger towards him. She couldn’t understand why he was
glued to her side and why he wouldn’t just obey her wishes and leave. She knew
something was seriously wrong with this guy and that she was going to have a
hard time getting away from him. It was almost as if he had planned their
meeting tonight and knew what was happening. Suddenly she felt a surge of
hunger, stronger than she’d ever felt before. She didn’t know what was
happening, but she couldn’t stop herself either. She started running away from
him towards the screams that were getting louder and louder from inside the men’s
bathroom. She ran towards the door which was jammed closed with all her might
and kicked it open with her foot sending one of the guys flying towards the
back wall of the bathroom, hitting his back and head into the urinal.

She couldn’t believe what was
happening. It was Kelly, clearly out of it and drugged.
Her feet and hands tied together with a rope
and three men were standing around her about to attack her. She blinked a few
times to make sure this was real, and it was. She had to stop them.

“Ken! Bro! We’ve been waiting for
you,” one guy said.

“What happened?” another said,
pointing towards Rachel.

“I thought you were going to get
here, too?” the third said.

“Guys! I tried! She wouldn’t let
me,” Ken said, looking at Rachel.

Rachel couldn’t believe what she
was hearing. It was a whole scheme to get her drugged as well. Now she was
pissed and angry and ready to fight.

“Kelly! Kelly! Are you ok?”
Rachel started yelling.

Kelly didn’t respond and Rachel
could tell she was in big trouble. Her eyes were starting to roll back in her
head and her eyelids were shutting. She hoped she wasn’t too late and that
there was still time to save her.

“Kelly! Don’t worry!” Rachel

“Not so fast, pretty lady!” one
guy yelled back at her grabbing her from behind.

“Where do you think you’re going?”
he asked.

“Let go of me!” Rachel shrieked.

“Grab her!” the guy yelled to his

“Hold her back!” Ken said. “She’s

“Get off of me!” Rachel yelled. “Somebody

Rachel tried to shake them off of
her, but couldn’t. She was outnumbered and trapped in the bathroom.

“Hurry, get the door!” one guy

Rachel watched as Ken ran towards
the door, and just as he was slamming it shut Trista arrived in the doorway
yelling and screaming, too. Rachel couldn’t believe it. The three of them had
been targeted and now, Trista was there, about to get attacked as well.

“Bring her in, quick!” a guy
yelled. “Lock the door!”

“We’ve got them all!” the guy
said, letting out a deep laugh. “I knew we could do it.”

Rachel saw one guy reach into his
backpack and pull out a knife and some more rope. He sliced off a long piece of
rope and threw it at the guy who was holding her at the waste.

“Tie her up!” he yelled. “Fast!”

“Trista, are you ok?” Rachel

“Save yourself! Quick!” Trista
said, with a yell. “These guys are insane!”

“I’ll save you, too!” Rachel

“Not so fast!” Ken said. “You’re
our now!”

Rachel felt a surge of power go
through her body and she pushed the guy off of him sending him flying into the
bathroom stall.

“Watch out for her! She’s strong!”
Ken said.

“How dare you!” Rachel said,
staring at Ken. “I can’t believe you tried to fool me!”

“I got you good!” Ken said,
smiling at her with a scary look on his face.

“That’s what you think,” Rachel
said, launching herself at him.

Rachel grabbed him by his hair
and pushed his head back towards the tile wall of the bathroom. Ken was
screaming for help but there was nothing he could do now. She forcefully started
banging his head on the wall until he had no strength to fight back. She let
him so and he sunk down to the ground limp and lifeless.

The other guys looked at her and
started to back away. She wasn’t going to let the others get away either. She
ran towards them with her arms extended giving them each a karate chop as she
passed them. They each tried to fight her back but they failed. One came
running at her with his feet extended to kick her, but she grabbed his leg and
flipped him over backwards sending him face first into the hard tile floor. She
noticed he was trying to stand up, and she jumped on his back, keeping him down
on the ground.

Then, the third and final guy
came charging at her and she took her hands with her sharp nails extended and
scratched him across the face, with flood flying over the entire bathroom. She
then took her other hand and pierced his heart with her outstretched nail.
Pulling his organs from his chest and throwing them on the floor. She then,
looked over at Trista who was watching in utter disbelief and horror.

Rachel then, licked the blood off
her hands, tasting its creamy warm deliciousness and then without a second
thought, cut open the ropes that Kelly and Trista were tied up with freeing

“Good luck!” Rachel said, to
Trista as she walked out of the bathroom, leaving a huge mess of blood and gore
behind her.


Sarah sat on the edge of her bunk
bed watching all her friends get ready for the big frat party. She’d been so
excited for this night for so long, but now that it was here, she wasn’t
feeling quite like herself. She wasn’t sick, but she didn’t feel like usual,
and she couldn’t pin point what was wrong. She’d been to the infirmary every
day this week, but they couldn’t find anything wrong with her.

“You OK?” Jenny, asked.

“Eh,” Sarah said. “I’ve been

“What is it?” Jenny asked. “I don’t
understand. You’ve been acting so weird since last weekend.”

“I wish I knew. I just don’t feel
like myself,” Sarah answered.

“I can tell!” Jenn said and her
other friends agreed with her.

Sarah couldn’t help but feel
completely weird and awkward around her friends. It was as if suddenly she had
nothing in common with them. She once cared about all the same things like
boys, shoes, clothes, make up and accessories, but now when her friends would
talk about them, she would get nauseated.

“C’mon, Sarah. Aren’t you going
to get dressed?” Maya asked.

“I don’t’ know,” Sarah answered
with ambiguity. “I’m not really in the mood to go anymore. I think I’m going to
stay here.”

“You’re joking!” Maya said. “You
have to come!”

“I don’t know. I really don’t
think I can tonight.”

“You’ve been looking forward to
this night for months! You can’t just ditch us,” Jenny chimed in.

The thought of going to a smelly,
sweaty, disgusting fraternity basement made her stomach churn. It was the last
thing she wanted to do. She also felt no desire to drink, either, which was
weird for her. She loved drinking at college. Especially pre-gaming for the
frat parties. She lived for it.

Suddenly, she felt like she
couldn’t breathe. She felt dizzy and her head started spinning.

“I have to get some air,” she
said, trying to catch her breath.

“Are you ok? Jenny said. “You don’t
look well.”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just have to
go outside for a minute.”

“Want me to come?” Jenny asked.

“No, I’m fine. I’m need to be
alone for a little bit.”

“OKKKKAY.” Jenny said. “Text if
you need me.”

“K,” Sarah replied.

Sarah walked out the front door
to her dormitory and walked along side until she got to the back of the dorm.
There were picnic tables and chairs set up back there and she knew she’d be
able to relax and get some peace and quiet. The darkness of the night sky
seemed to calm her nerves and the quiet buzzing of the night insects eased her
confused mind. She closed her eyes, and for a moment she felt like she was back
at home in Pennsylvania in her family’s house. She couldn’t help but wish she
could go back there, back to a time of no worries.

She opened her eyes and looked
down at her shaking hands. She couldn’t understand why they were shaking and
why her nails were suddenly growing at a rapid pace out of her nail beds. The
small blonde hairs on her arm were standing straight up and goose bumps
appeared all over her body. She began to shiver as a cold breeze swept over

Her stomach started churning and
she felt a wave of hunger overtake her. It was a powerful hunger like she’d
never experienced before. It wasn’t the late night pizza craving type of hunger
or the early morning Lucky Charms hunger either. This was something different
and she couldn’t pin point what she was craving.


Sarah leaned down and killed a
mosquito that had landed on her leg. She couldn’t believe how fast her reflexes
worked as that mosquito must have only sat on her leg for a nanosecond. As she
went to flick the dead mosquito from her hand she smelled a whiff of the blood
that was oozing out of its lifeless body. Her eyes opened wide as if this were
Thanksgiving dinner and she brought the mosquito closer to her nose. She took
another whiff and suddenly realized what she’d been craving all night.


Before she could even reason with
herself or think about what she was about to do she extended her long pointy
tongue and lapped up the mosquito sucking out the drops of blood that remained
in its body. The taste was like heaven to her yet she couldn’t understand why
she was doing this. She’d never eaten bugs before or anything bloody. Blood and
guts had always creeped her out yet now she was finding herself wanting more. This
mosquito only wetted her appetite for what she was craving.

Feeling weird about what had just
happened, Sarah stood up and started pacing back and forth trying to make sense
of everything. She had no idea what was happening to her or why it was happening
to her. All she could do was replay the events of the past day over and over in
her head. None of it was making sense.

Then, a loud noise came from
behind her. She quickly turned to see a broken beer bottle smashed at her feet.

“You ok?” a voice came yelling.

“She’s fine!” another voice

“Uh, yes,” Sarah said, looking
down at the shards of glass that just missed her feet and legs.

As she stood there waiting to see
who had done that. She heard the voices grow louder and louder. In the distance
she saw a pack of five guys in football jerseys walking towards her with beer
bottles in their hands yelling and chanting.

“Who won the game?”

“We did!”

“Who’s going to win states?”

“We are!”

The team members kept chanting as
they approached Sarah.

“Hi,” one guy said as they
reached her.

“Hi?” Sarah said, with a
questioning voice.

“Did we hit you with that glass?”
he asked.

“Nope. Just missed me though. You
should watch out next time.”

“Relax woman! Why you go to be so
hostile?” another guy asked in a macho voice.

“Yeah, why you such a freak
anyway?” another guy said. “Just chillax. A bottle aint’ gonna kill ya.”

“Um, excuse me. I’m not sure why
you’re talking to me like this?” Sarah said, trying to hold her ground after
being attacked.

“This girl is psycho!” another
guy said.

“I didn’t do anything. You’re the
one that threw a bottle at me for no reason,” Sarah said. “Just leave me alone.”

“We aint goin’ nowhere,” another
guy said. “The only way you’re gonna get rid of us is to kill us and I know you
aint’ gonna do that!”

Sarah let out a little laugh and
then thought about it for a minute. She began to worry that these guys might be
up to no good and could possible rape or kill her. After all, she was alone in
the back of her dormitory in a dark secluded spot on campus. If they did attack
her nobody would even hear her.

“AHHH. SHIT!” one of the guys
said. “MY F-ING FOOT!”

Rachel looked down and saw that
he’d stepped on the glass that he threw at her and now he was holding his foot
jumping up and down in pain.

“Serves you right!” Sarah said,
with a sneer.

“What did you say woman?” the guy

“SERVES YOU RIGHT!” she answered
with no fear.

Then, she saw it. A red stream of
blood started oozing out of his foot and onto his hands and finally dripping
into a pool of blood on the ground.

“Look what you did you moron,”
the guy said to his friend. “Now I’m not going to be able to play tomorrow.”

The smell of the blood was
dominating her senses and it was all she could think about. It took everything
she had not to start licking the pools of blood up off the ground. She couldn’t
focus or concentrate on anything except the blood and knew she had to have it.

Inside her mouth she felt fangs
begin to grow out of her gums and she felt her tongue begin to extend again out
of her mouth. He eyes grew big and bright and illuminated the night sky.

“What’s happening to this girl?”
one guy said, as he watched her morph into this other being.

Her eyes turned yellow as she
focused in on the guys foot. Her hands began to shake and her talons extended
out of her fingers. She felt something happening on her back and placed her
hands back there as two giant wings extended and began flapping uncontrollably.

“What the hell is happening!” one
guy asked.

“I have no idea!” another said. “Hurry!
We have to get out of here!”

Suddenly the four guys started
backing up, still staring at Sarah who was changing quickly into a vampire.
They couldn’t seem to take their eyes off of her but knew they had to run away.

“Guys! I can’t move. My foot is
paralyzed. I think I cut the nerve,” the guy said, whose foot was now bleeding

She zeroed in and before she knew
it she had snatched the guy up in her arms and started flying with him into the
air above the other four guys.

“What are you doing? Give him
back!” the guys started yelling up at her.

She couldn’t answer because all
she was focused on doing was sucking his blood. She first started by hanging
him upside down by his feet as he screamed for his survival.

“Please don’t. Please. I’ll do
anything,” the guy said as Sarah started licking the blood of his feet and

A second later, she flipped him
right side up as they hovered in the sky and started sucking his fingers that
were full of blood. Then, she chomped down on one of his fingers and with her
giant fangs, bit it off of his hand and started chewing it.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” the guy cried.
“She ate my finger. SHIT!”

The blood started pulsing out of
his finger and she continued to bite off all ten of his fingers sucking the
blood from each and discarding the bones.

“HOLY HELL!” the guys yelled down
from below.

Sarah started to feel rocks
hitting her body and looked down distracted from her first feed. She saw the
four guys throwing rocks and sticks up at her to get her to stop.

“You’re next!” she yelled down.
Then, she opened her hand and cast down a large net that trapped the guys below

“What are you doing? They yelled.
“Where did you get that net?”

“Don’t ask question now. Even if
you had the answers they wouldn’t be useful once you are dead,” Sarah said with
a cackle.

She saw one guy take out his cell
phone and begin to dial. She pointed her finger down at him and struck him with
a lightning bolt. The phone jumped out of his hand and shattered into a
thousand pieces.

“This is it!” another guy said.

“We’re doomed!”

“We should have never come back

Sarah feasted on the first guys
blood as they continued soaring above the dormitory and then she felt his body
convulse in her arms. She knew he had just died and that his soul was on its
way out of his body. She knew there was nothing left in him and so she landed
back down on the ground next to the other guys who were trapped in the net.

She laid down the lifeless body
and said, “Whose next?

“Not me! Not me!” they each yelled.
“Take him!”

Sarah grabbed the top of the net
and began lifting it up into the air with the four guys inside kicking and
screaming for their lives.

“Please let us go!” Please!”

“You think I’m going to let you
go after the way you treated me?” Sarah said.

“I don’t know. Please. We won’t
do it again. We will do anything. Please don’t do that to us. Please!”

“You’re finished!” Sarah said as
she reached into the net with her sharp claws and grabbed of the guys out. She
looked him in the eyes with her beady red eyes and put him under her spell.
Suddenly his eyes started moving in circles in his head and his body started
shaking and convulsing. She leaned down towards his throat and sunk her long
fangs into his neck. She sucked out all of his blood and then threw his body
down on the ground next to the other guy. She reached in and grabbed another
guy and did the same thing as the remaining two sat their crying and shaking in
their boots.

“What did we do to deserve this?”
they yelled. “C’mon. Haven’t you done enough damage?”

Then, the net snapped and the two
guys fell from the sky onto the ground. They were still alive once they fell
and Sarah could see them trying to limp away from the scene.

“Not so fast!” she yelled from
above. “Don’t try to run from me now!”

She swooped down and with both of
her hands grabbed the two guys and with epic strength started to fly back up
into the air with them. She felt one of the guys start to squirm and wiggle a
lot and use all his remaining strength to try and break free of her death grip.
She started to feel her grip relinquish a little bit as he started swatting at
her face and eyes. She could feel him punching her eyes and it was making it
harder and harder for her to see clearly. She knew she had no choice but to
drop him. As he fell to the ground, she tried to regain focus of her eyes, but
couldn’t see that far. She felt the other guy begin to do the same thing and
she knew she had to kill him. She couldn’t let them both get away. She threw
him high up into the air and on his way down she clawed at him with her sharp
claws and scratched him to death. His body hit the ground with a thud as she
followed sucking out the thick red blood drop by drop until there was nothing
left inside of him but his lifeless organs.

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