Rise: Contemporary Romance (Creamy's Bakery Book 2) (4 page)

BOOK: Rise: Contemporary Romance (Creamy's Bakery Book 2)
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Chapter Five



Amy looks at me pointedly. “Are you sure you’ll be okay? We should just cancel this weekend.”

I roll my eyes before sighing. “Yes, sis. Isla and I will be fine. Go. Have fun a fun vacation with your husband and son. I’m just so grateful you’re both letting me stay here. I don’t want to ruin your plans with my drama.”

“You’re not ruining our plans. I’m just worried about you. I know the nightmares haven’t stopped.” Amy gives me a look of sadness as she uncrosses her arms from over her chest. “You’re sure?”

“Absolutely. Besides, Mason gave me his number. So if I have problems opening a jar of pickles, I’ll give him a ring.”

Amy visibly brightens at my mention of Mason. “Oh, really? Are you going to buy a jar of pickles just to have him over?” She laughs and my face pinks.

“No… Well… You know what I mean.”

She waggles her eyebrows at me. “Oh yeah. I know exactly what you mean.”

“Ugh! You’re impossible.” I shake my head and laugh.

“Beth and Mason, sitting in a tree―”

I grab one of the throw pillows on the sofa and throw it at her before she can finish her stupid song. She stops it before it hits her face and laughs into the fabric. “You know I’m just picking on you. I like Mason. He’s a good guy. You could do worse.”

“Well, we both know that’s true.” I know we’re both thinking about JR and all the hell he’s put me through. If only I had just grabbed Isla and run away that day he called for the first time. I could have avoided this situation all together. Why did I let him scare me? “I’m surprised he hasn’t run for the hills after I told him everything about JR.”

“I told you. He’s a good guy. I figured he would freak out more than he did when Carly introduced him to Max and Noah, but he handled that just fine. I don’t think you could freak him out any more than his sister being in a polyamorous relationship.”

“Maybe, but I’m not going to try. Ugh! Carly is so lucky,” I say with a pout. “She found two great guys, and here I am―”

“With one,” Amy interrupts. “I think Mason’s liked you for a while. Give him a chance. See where things go and have a little fun.”

I let my mind wander to Mason and the way he looked at me that day we met. It was as if I was the only woman in the world and the memory takes my breath away.

“Yeah, I know.”

“Let’s go save Nate from the kids. He’s probably exhausted by now.”

We make our way to the backyard where Nate is playing with the kids. From the back patio door, I can see Isla giggling as Nate pushes her higher on the swing.

“She just loves that thing.” I smile fondly, gazing out at them.

Amy gives a light chuckle. “Why do you think we had it installed? When Natey saw one at a friend’s house, he wouldn’t let us leave. Nate had to promise to buy him one just to get him to come home. He had it set up the next day.”

“Nate’s a good guy too, you know.”

“I know.” She agrees with me, placing her hand over her baby bump. “And he’s a great father.”

Nate looks up and notices us, giving us a wink as he continues to push the kids on the hanging seats.

“So we’ll leave early in the morning and be back Sunday evening.” Amy turns my way, a look of wariness spreading across her brow.

“We’ll be perfectly fine. Enjoy your weekend getaway. You deserve it. Don’t worry about anything here. We’ll take care of the place while you’re away.”

“Okay.” She pulls me into a hug. “I love you, sis.”

Wrapping my arms tightly around her back, I nod into her neck. “I love you too, honey.”


With Nate, Amy, and little Nate gone, the house feels exceptionally quiet. I’m glad their taking this little camping trip for the weekend but Amy didn’t seem too thrilled to be heading to a cabin in her condition. But, she’s a trooper and knew how important it was to Nate to take his son on an outdoor adventure. They asked me and Isla to join them, but they need some quality family time together. That has been more difficult to get since we’ve been here.

Isla comes running into the kitchen just as I start to wonder what she’s up to. “Mommy, what’s dinner?” she asks in toddler speak.

“Do you mean, what are we having for dinner?”

“Yeah. That’s what I said.”

I bend down and pat her stomach. “What sounds good?” I raise an eyebrow then give her a tickle.

She laughs and backs away quickly before jumping into my arms. She throws her hands around my neck and gives me a wet kiss on the check. With her settled on my hip, we walk over to the fridge and open the door.

“Jelly!” Isla exclaims, pointing toward the door. “And butter.”

“Peanut butter and jelly it is.” I placing her on the ground and grab the jar of grape jam from the side shelf. She runs to the counter and out pulls the loaf of bread. I grab two plates, a knife, and the jar of peanut butter from the pantry.

“Wash your hands.”

Isla runs over to the small stepstool Amy set up for Natey at the kitchen sink and washes her hands the way I taught her. The melody of the happy birthday song fills the kitchen as she rubs her hands, lathering up the soap.

“Mommy,” she says when she stops singing. “The soap has lots of birthdays.”

I stifle a laugh. “The soap doesn’t have a birthday, baby. You just sing the song so you know how long to wash your hands.”

“Doesn’t the soap get sad it doesn’t have a birthday?” Isla’s little eyes are filled with worry.

“I don’t think so, but you can keep singing it, just in case.”

Her eyes light up and sparkle. “Okay, Mommy. I’ll make sure the soap doesn’t get sad,” she says, bobbing her head up and down.

I make us each a sandwich and put the plates on the breakfast nook. Isla takes a seat and I put a glass of milk in front of her plate then grab a bottle of water for myself.

While we eat, Isla recounts scenes from an episode of a cartoon she watched this morning. She laughs at every other sentence as if the antics of the cartoon characters are the funniest thing she’s ever watched.

Once our simple dinner is finished and she has fully recapped the entire episode, we move to the living area and lay back on the couch. Isla grabs a book from the tiny shelf set up in the corner of the room and sits down next to me.

We begin reading stories of a cat and his hat and before long, Isla is asleep on my lap. I adjust her carefully so I can lie down next to her. My eyes close soon after I settle beside my sleeping angel and we both take a nap.

The dream comes swiftly.

JR is back, knocking me around the room, asking about Isla. My head spins as I try to keep him from taking my baby. I’m trying to move down the hallway, watching him walking with her toward the front door. The car backs out of the drive as the diesel barrels down the street…

My eyes open in shock as I’m jolted from the dream. Isla isn’t next to me when I awake so I panic and sit up quickly. It’s darker in the room, indicating the sun has set during our nap. Turning my head in every direction, I spot her by the bookshelf and a small basket of toys.

She’s pulled out her dolls and is playing tea party with them quietly in the dim light from a lamp near one of the side chairs.

“Mommy, you woke up. Come play.” Isla’s innocent eyes only reflect peace and love, unaware of the monsters that truly exist in this world.

I calm myself and make my way over to where she’s playing. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, I pick up a small plastic tea cup and pretend to drink. “This is delicious.”

“Annie made it,” she replies in all seriousness.

“Well, Annie makes excellent tea.” I look toward the stuffed raggedy doll. “Thank you for the wonderful drink,”

Isla picks up her glass and pretends to drink too. We sit and play for a half hour before I tell Isla it’s time to get ready for bed. After picking up her toys, we make our way upstairs and get her into the bathtub.

After tucking Isla into bed, I sing her a song and rub her back as she drifts off to sleep again. Leaning over to place a kiss on her hair, I whisper, “Sweet dreams, baby.”

It’s late and despite my nap, I’m still tired. I decide to shower and get ready for bed. The house is eerily quiet without Amy and Nate around.

As the warm stream courses over my back, I rub my shoulders and massage them with a peppermint exfoliation cream. The scent awakens my senses and the tingling sensation makes all my stress seem to melt away. Reluctantly, I turn off the water and step onto the bathmat then grab a towel and dry myself off.

A small creak from somewhere in the house catches my attention. My body freezes as I listen intently to everything around me. After a few moments, I admonish myself for letting the quiet house get to me. I step up to the bathroom mirror and look at my reflection.

“You’re being silly, Beth. Nothing is going to happen.”

The pair of pajamas I laid out are waiting for me when I enter my bedroom. I throw them on and head downstairs, grabbing a glass from the cabinet and pulling a bottle of white from the fridge. In the low lighting of the kitchen, I pour a glass and sip on it slowly, allowing the crisp taste to flow down my throat. With the bottle in hand, I move back to the family room, making myself comfortable on the couch and grabbing the TV remote.

Another small creak comes from one of the back rooms and almost makes me jump out of my skin.

I stand up and walk back to Nate’s office. Glancing inside, I inspect the room. After a moment, I turn on the light to get a better view and a shadow crosses the window.

I yelp, running back to the living room to grab my phone and dial the first person I think of.

Please answer
, I pray to myself.
Please, please.




Chapter Six



I’m startled by the vibration of my ass for a moment before I realize I’m receiving a phone call. Reaching into my back pocket, I pull out my phone and see Beth’s name flash across my screen.

I hit the green button on the screen to answer. “Hey, Beth.”

“Mason?” Her voice sounds strained and almost frightened. “I’m sorry to bother you.”

“You’re no bother, Beth. What’s wrong?”

Her voice cracks from the other side of the line. “I… I think I saw someone outside and―”

“I’ll be right there.” I tell Beth to stay on the line as I pull the phone from my ear. “Hey, Aaron. Can you lock up tonight?”

“Sure thing, boss,” he replies from the back room.

“Thanks, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The door to the kitchen swings open and Aaron walks to the front of the store. “No worries. I’ve got this.”

“Thanks, man. I owe you one.” I pat his shoulder and begin walking toward the entrance.

“Just remember that at raise time,” he hollers out as I step outside.

I make the quick trip to Nate and Amy’s where Beth greets me at the door. “I’m so sorry to take you away from your evening. I just―”

“I told you. Don’t worry about it. Go back inside. I’m going to take a look around really quick.” I practically push Beth back inside and pull the door shut.

Doing a quick sweep around the house, I use a flashlight I grabbed from my glovebox to search the bushes under each window and door.

After several minutes of probing and looking, I come up empty handed. I make my way back to the front door and knock. “It’s me, Beth.”

The door lock clicks and Beth pulls the door open, allowing me inside.

“Did you see anything?” Her voice is timid and raw.

“No, I didn’t see anything or anyone. So if there was something, it’s long gone. Probably a neighborhood cat or raccoon.”

I want to reassure her, knowing my words probably aren’t as comforting as they should be. This woman has been through so much in the past few years. I can’t even imagine how staying here alone would be for her.

Nate had called me earlier in the week, asking if I would help keep an eye on Beth and Isla while they’re camping. Of course, I didn’t hesitate to say yes.

“Thank you.” She turns away as tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

“Hey… Hey now.” I pull her toward me and wrap my arms around her, enclosing her within the protection of my body. Her shoulders shudder as she dips her head under my neck and nestles against me. I bring my hand up to her head and gently stroke the back of her hair. “It’s okay. I’m here now.”

She continues to sob into my chest, making me feel even worse for what she’s been going through.

“Come on.” I guide her to the couch and sit down next to her as she dries her eyes with the palms of her hands.

“I must look like a mess,” she says with a small laugh through her tears. “Mason, thank you for coming over. I just panicked.”

“Beth, I’m happy you called me.”

“You are?” Her eyebrow raises when she looks at me in curiosity.

“Yeah,” I say a bit sheepishly, lowering my gaze to her lips and then back to her eyes. “It gave me an excuse to come see you.”

She seems to brighten with my words. “You don’t need an excuse.”

“I don’t?” My eyes move back down to her supple lips.

“No. You don’t. How about a glass of white?” She motions toward the coffee table where a half-empty bottle sits.

“I probably shouldn’t. I’m driving.”

I catch her licking her lower lip. Fuck, I want to lick it too.

“You don’t have to,” she says with a coy smile.

Now it’s my turn to quirk an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

“I’ll get a glass.” She moves from the couch to the kitchen in an instant, and I’m left in my half-aroused state thinking about the inadvertent offer she’s just made.

While she’s out of the room, I send a text to Cody, asking if he can work for me tomorrow. His response is instant when he asks what time he needs to be there. After we work out some very quick details, I throw my phone on the table. Becca is going to kick my ass for having Cody work with her again, but I’m not missing out on this opportunity to spend the night with Beth.

When she returns, she’s holding a cheese tray she’s put together, a wine glass, and a second bottle of white. My stomach grumbles since I haven’t eaten anything since lunch, but my cock is hungry for something else.

Beth puts the tray down on the coffee table in front of us along with the bottle of wine. As she pours a glass for me, I check out the various cheeses, crackers, and grapes she’s eloquently placed out for us. “If I’d known it was going to be this fancy, I would have dressed more formally.”

“Why?” She hands me the glass, and I take a sip of the sweet wine.

“Because,” I say with a chuckle. “I feel like I’m underdressed.”

“I’d say you’re a little overdressed in my opinion.” She takes a drink from her glass and then grabs a slice of cheese, placing it gingerly between her lips.

“I am?” I scoot closer, hoping I’m reading her signs correctly. I’ll feel like an ass if she’s just being nice and not actually flirting with me.

Her eyes glisten slightly as she nods her head, a hint of mischief reflecting back at me. The slice of cheese is still clinging between her lips as close my mouth over it. I bite the piece in half and pull back, silently chewing the soft cheddar.

Beth giggles and it’s one of the most beautiful sounds I’ve heard. Her light brown hair frames her face perfectly and sets off her green eyes. Long lashes bat in front of me as she takes another drink from her glass. When she puts it down, I lean in and place my lips on hers again. This time, my tongue juts out, and I lick the sweet moisture from her lips.

Beth sighs and parts her lips, allowing me entrance. My tongue explores her mouth, grazing her lips and massaging her tongue. My cock is uncomfortably hard as her seductive sounds are like a primitive aphrodisiac.

My eyes close as I pull her even deeper in the kiss. She doesn’t stop me when I push toward her and lay her back against the cushions.

With my fingers exploring her back, I continue to kiss her mouth forcefully. A full body tremble courses through Beth’s body as I trace the lines of her spine. Each move my fingers make across her soft skin seems to send a shiver through her body. The passion between us intensifies as she wraps her hand around my neck and pushes my head closer to hers. I’m barely able to stop and take a breath between the hot kisses we share.

When I pull away and trace her jawline with my tongue, all the way up to her earlobe, Beth whimpers. I want to fulfil her desires but I can’t bring myself to stop sucking in the tender flesh that meets my lips. I nip at her ear, licking the shell and breathing hot air into it. The room is filled with more coos of pleasure, causing my dick to tighten even more beneath my zipper.

I kiss down her neck, sucking and nipping on her collarbone as I make my way to the thin shirt she’s wearing. My arousal grinds into her as my fingers pull at the fabric on her shoulder, exposing her delicate flesh. My tongue paints a line of heat across her shoulder as my right hand begins kneading her breast. It’s firm, yet soft under my touch.

Her nipples are fully stimulated, and she isn’t wearing a bra under her clothing, so they protrude sexily through her shirt. I look into her eyes again, seeking her approval to continue on this journey that I’m itching to take. She smiles, glancing at me from under hooded lids, giving me permission to ravage her body. Pulling at her shirt, I yank it over her head and expose her gorgeous chest.

Tugging at my own shirt, Beth leans away to allow me room to slip it off. She quickly returns to glide her tongue down my neck to one of my pecs. She inhales my scent and moans as she sucks a nipple into her mouth and swirls her tongue around it.

Fuck, that feels amazing! I close my eyes and enjoy the moment for as long as I can stand being away from her. When the need to taste her is too overwhelming, I push her backward, moving my own tongue down her left breast and circling the pink nipple. I suck her full breast into my mouth as my hand plays with her other side, elongating the nipple as I tug and tease her.

Beth reaches down and grasps my cock from outside the jeans I’m wearing. The friction she creates has me longing to release myself from the only barrier to fucking her here and now. A guttural moan comes from somewhere within me as she dips a finger behind my waistband and touches the tip of my rock hard cock. With her eyes locked on mine, she brings her finger to her lips and sucks it into her mouth.

Fire ignites in her eyes as she swirls my precome on her tongue and savors my taste.

“More,” she says, pushing me back so I’m on the other end of the couch. Her nails scrape down my chest, carving a trail to the zipper of my pants. Once she pops open the button and pulls down the zipper, she brings her face to my navel and licks at the hair leading to my cock.

My dick throbs in response as she moves her tongue down to my briefs and licks across the top of the elastic band.

She pulls at my underwear and jeans all at once, forcing me to lift up from my prone position so my pants and briefs can be yanked down to my ankles. My cock is fully hard and flat against my stomach, begging for attention.

Beth rests both hand on the outside of my thighs and rubs up my legs, sending a tingle throughout my body. Leaning my head back and closing my eyes, I’m ready to do whatever this gorgeous woman wants from me.

“Fuck yeah!” I cry out when her hand clasps around my lengthened cock. She strokes my dick tentatively at first, as if unsure of herself. After a few moments, her pace picks up as she moves her hand up and down my shaft. When she lowers her lips to the crown and breathes onto my cock, my body is tight as a live wire. I’m tense and anxious and as desperate to release as I am to keep it going. At least in my mind I am. My body is focused on one thing and one thing only. Shooting the heavy load I’m trying to keep stored in my heavy balls. The feeling is only intensified when she opens her mouth fully, stretching wide to take my cock inside, I fist my hair and pray for a few more seconds.

“I can’t hold on much longer, babe.”

Beth moans against me, shooting a wave of vibration across my sensitive glans. She settles her legs over one of mine and begins to grind onto me as she sucks my dick. Her center is wet and dripping, causing my heart to race with each slick glide. I’ve never had a woman grind themselves on me before, but the feeling is exhilarating as she masturbates using my leg.

Her hand joins her mouth and she grips my cock, using her excess saliva to lubricate my rod. As her lips pull up, her hand slides upward and adds to the desperate need building in my balls. She comes up momentarily for air and wipes her face with the back of her hand.

“Fuck, Mason. You taste so good.”

Is she trying to kill me? “My turn.”

With a simple flip, I’m on top of her now. I spread her legs wide and move my mouth to her engorged lips. My tongue gently licks between her hairless folds and then flicks at the hood of her clit.

Beth squirms beneath me, moaning as I continue to explore her wetness. Each lick and suck excites me more and my mind flashes images of what my dick will look like inside her tight pussy. 

“Fuck!” I moan with my mouth on her, allowing the vibrations of my voice to stimulate her more. Her hand clamps down on my head and pushes me harder onto her. My face is covered in her juice as I work my tongue up and down her opening.

“God, Mason.” She’s panting as she calls out my name. “I want you to―ugh, god.” She moans again as I suck hard on her clit.

“What’s that, babe?” I ask coyly.

“Fuck me…Mason. Please.” Her breaths are shallow and sexy as fuck. My cock pulses at the invitation. Reaching for my pants, I grab my wallet and extract the condom I have stored there. Her eyes dance with excitement when she sees what I’ve pulled out.

Her legs splay wider before me but I shake my head and smirk. A pout forms on her lips for a moment before her grin returns when I flip her over and make her lean across the end with her ass facing me.

I quickly roll the condom onto my shaft then move toward her. When I’m close enough to feel her heat, I glide my tip over her wet lips, lubricating the condom and teasing her with my shaft. She moans again, begging for me to take her.

When the teasing becomes unbearable for both of  us, I acquiesce and plunge inside her. She feels even better than I imagined she would. Her tight folds seem to grip my cock, providing friction that sets my nerves on fire. I pump in and out of her, grinding my cock as far as it’ll go until my balls slap her pussy.

Beth grips the edge of the couch, trying not to wake Isla. “Oh, god… Fuck, yes!”

Her strained voice causes my balls to draw up.

“Beth, fuck. You feel so fucking good.” My voice is raspy as my dick continues to invade her depths. Instinctively, I grab each side of her waist, pushing into her even deeper. An animalistic cry emits from Beth as she pushes back into me, slapping her ass onto my stomach and rocking.

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