Ripper (16 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Vampires, #Hunter, #Paranormal, #werewolves, #Erotic, #Thieves, #Lexi Blake, #Fae

BOOK: Ripper
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“No, he doesn’t. He believes supes should rule themselves and the only real law is to stay hidden. Donovan and I have had a few run-ins. The last was when I lawfully arrested a group of wolves for running an illegal gambling den. He used his influence to get them out on bail and then, of course, they disappeared. I had linked that group to drug running, but they were gone before I could prove anything.”

I was a little outraged at the thought. “Maybe this Donovan person was involved.”

“I doubt that,” Gray said evenly. “He was a thief at one time, but he’s been careful to stay away from drugs. More than likely he handled the situation himself, but I don’t have any proof. So you can see it can be hard for me to function sometimes. They don’t exactly want to talk to me. I’ve been getting stonewalled on this case.”

I perked up because it was morning and he had to talk to me. “I would expect that they would want to help you figure out who’s killing their daughters. Maybe they’d also like to know who’s prostituting their daughters out.”

“Figured that out, did you?” Gray sat back in his chair. “I can tell you who’s doing that, sweetheart, but I doubt he’s involved in the deaths. He’s an asshole of epic proportions, but he’s hardly a killer. Well, not the serial kind. I’ve heard stories of what happens when you cross him, but then women never cross him.”


“He’s a fertility god, so believe me when I say he has a way with women. He runs a club downtown. Everyone in the supernatural world goes there.”

“If you don’t think he’s involved in the murders, why bother with him?” I reached for another pancake. Luckily Gray seemed to have made enough for a small army.

“I think that club of his gets us access to information. It’s kind of the hub of that particular world,” the Ranger said seriously. “There’s only one problem. I can’t get in.”

“Because you’re law enforcement?”

“That and I might have tried raiding the club about a year ago,” Gray explained with a sigh. “I also might have actually arrested the asshole before I had concrete evidence on him. He pushed me to it. Dev Quinn is such a prick. He has a mouth on him that would make a saint crazy. I have no idea how he’s still alive. Someone should have shot him for mouthing off a long time ago.”

I kept my amusement to myself since this seemed to be a serious subject for Gray. I was kind of interested in meeting anyone who made Gray that crazy. “So he’s banned you from the club.”

“Yes, he has.” Gray’s expression turned ruthless. He obviously had a plan. “But there’s a party there tonight. If you have an invite you don’t have to stand in line.”

It was a good plan and I could only think of one small flaw. “And we’re getting invited how?”

Gray’s kissable lips turned up in a smile worthy of the Cheshire cat. “Well, this is where you come in.”


* * * *


Gray walked out of the shower and I admired the work that must have gone into that chest. I had something to tell him, but I just sort of stared and maybe drooled a little. The cell phone in my hand hung limply at my side as I ogled him. He was one rock-hard slab of man.

He wore a towel wrapped low on his hips. The stark white contrasted the tan of his skin and nothing else. His shoulders seemed even broader without the trappings of clothes and it got better from there. Gray had a six-pack and he was cut all over. The water clung to his skin, defining the muscles of his body. A large tattoo covered the left side of his chest. At the center lay an elaborate dragon surrounded by what appeared to be flames and odd-looking symbols. It was strangely beautiful and I had to force my eyes away from it. He had a smaller towel over his head as he strode out of the bathroom and he was rubbing his hair dry when he finally noticed me enjoying the show.

A slow smile curled over his sensual mouth. “I guess I can’t complain. Turnabout is fair play, darlin’.”

He’d seen me in nothing but a towel, though I seriously doubted I was as impressive a specimen as he was. I was aware of how alone we were and how close we were to that big bed we’d slept in last night. It wouldn’t take much to let my hands find his tapered waist and pull the towel off. I could push him down on the bed and do what I’d wanted to do from the moment I’d seen his blue eyes. I could strip down and it wouldn’t take long before I was ready to ride him. So why wasn’t I doing that? Why was I standing there, breathless and the tiniest bit afraid? When did I get to be so damn shy?

“Liv says okay.” I blurted out what I’d come in here to tell him in the first place.

Gray gave his head one last rub and then tossed the smaller towel back into the bathroom. “She’s got the invite?”

I nodded, wishing it were that easy for me to do my hair. Two minutes of rubbing and Gray’s hair was dry. I had to dry my hair for an hour or it frizzed, which was why I usually walked around with frizzy hair. The only reason I didn’t cut it was because I worried it was the only thing about me that was pretty and feminine. It was really lovely when I paid it proper attention. Now it was in its normal ponytail. I felt plain next to Gray’s god-like attractiveness.

“Yeah. She was invited. Apparently this person is in her coven. It’s her birthday so they have some sort of VIP room reserved. Liv said it would be easy to get you in because the invite is for her and Scott, but it’s ninety-nine cent wing night at Kirby’s Hot Wings so he can’t go.”

That caught Gray off guard. “Seriously? His girlfriend’s got a big party to go to and he’s going to sit in a bar and eat hot wings?”

I nodded. “It’s his way. I’m sure Alan will be sitting beside him, drinking cheap beer and commenting on the waitress’s ass. Alan’s a shifter and his best friend. I think secretly they’re in love, but afraid of deciding who gets to pitch and who gets to catch.”

Gray’s hands were on his lean hips as he radiated outrage. “You should know that won’t be happening with us. I’m sure as hell not about to let my woman waltz off to some fancy party looking hot as hell while I stare at some eighteen-year-old’s ass. If you’re going to a party where a bunch of men are going to be drooling all over you, I’ll be beside you ready to kick the ass of the first one who does more than look.”

I laughed, but there wasn’t a whole lot of humor behind it. “You’ll have a long time waiting for a fight then, Gray. I’m afraid I’m not a fancy-party kind of girl. I don’t know what line of bullshit Jamie’s been feeding you, but I don’t date much and the truth is I haven’t had to turn many men down. I don’t get asked out. Any sex I’ve had in the last couple of years, and there hasn’t been much of it, has been men I picked up in bars and trust me, they weren’t choosy. I’m not the girl who guys fight over.”

Gray moved in close, and I could smell the soap on his skin. His hands cupped my shoulders, warming me. “You would be surprised how many men want you. They’re just intimidated. You’re a little prickly, but I see through it. And god, Kelsey, don’t you dare even think I don’t want you.”

He pulled me close and I could feel how much he wanted me. His erection pressed against my belly. It seemed to be built along the same lines as the rest of him—extra large. Heat flashed through my system, sizzling along my skin. My hands went around his back, feeling the softness of his skin in contrast to the thick-corded muscles there.

I breathed in his scent, letting it fill my little world. He smelled like soap and aftershave and some unique spice that was Gray. I’d never let myself revel in the closeness of another human body. Even with my brothers, our affection was more along the lines of punching each other in the arm than hugs. I was pierced by the sweetness of another warm body against mine, a strong hand running along the curve of my spine. I wanted him so much in that moment, but not for just sex. I wanted to lose myself in his care. I wanted to put my head against his chest and hear his heartbeat, let my own beat in time with his. I longed for him to tell me again that he loved me.

I wanted to believe it so much that it scared me.

I pulled away and Gray sighed.

He let me go, though I could tell he wanted to push the issue. “Go on, Kelsey. I need to get dressed and make a few calls. Why don’t you wait for me in the den? I won’t be long and then we can go over what we’re looking for tonight.”

I was out of the room before he’d finished the last sentence. I hated my cowardice and wondered what it would cost me this time, but Gray seemed like a big old fire I was close to getting really burned by. I forced my heart to stop racing as I made my way to the den. I had to relax around the man and decide what the hell I wanted. He was going to start thinking my name was synonymous with cold shower if I didn’t stop running away or falling asleep every time he got a hard-on.

My mouth was still dry, the only lingering effects from the night before, so I walked through the den and into the kitchen. I opened the door to the stainless steel fridge and pulled out a bottle of water. Gray’s fridge was well stocked. It was totally different than mine, which usually only held days-old take-out containers and beer. Gray was acquainted with grocery stores.

“Is there anything I can help you with, ma’am?” a soft voice asked, and I nearly dropped the water as I turned. I needed to get my head out of my ass because I was tired of getting snuck up on.

The small man who stood before me was at least an inch shorter than me and probably weighed ten pounds less. He was dressed smartly in a severe black suit and dark silk tie and appeared to be a courtly gentleman of around sixty years.

But there was something wrong with him. Something about him that made me look twice and then again.

He continued speaking as I tried to put my finger on it. “I must say I am surprised to see a female here. The master usually stays with his female…dates rather than bringing them back to his home. I should warn you, my master rarely stays more than one night with any female. If you’ll leave your address on the bar, I will send you the requisite bouquet to thank you for your sexual services.”

I laughed outright at that because it was so awkward. I knew I was supposed to be horribly embarrassed and outraged at the thought, but it struck me as funny. What can I say? I have an awfully dark sense of humor. It was obvious that the servant didn’t approve of Gray’s sexual conquests, so I had to needle him a little. It was all a part of my perverse personality.

“Don’t worry about the flowers. I already got the cash, buddy. Your boss was generous with the tip.” I gave the shocked servant a saucy little wink.

“My master has brought a prostitute back to his home? This is the home where he is supposed to one day bring my mistress. How dare he?” The little man drew himself to his full height, and as he turned I caught the slightest glimpse of red eyes before they flashed back to dull brown. “I shall speak to Master Grayson immediately. You should prepare to leave. Your services will no longer be needed.”

“You’re a demon.” Now that I really looked at him, I could see the faintest outline of haze around his body, like the lines were softer where his flesh met his clothes. “Are you wearing a glamour?”

He turned back to me, his eyes flaring and a little look of wonder coming onto his face. “You’re the Hunter.”

I think I was happier when he thought I was a hooker. Hookers make people happy. “I’m not a hunter. I don’t do that.”

The older man’s smile was sly. “That isn’t what I meant, miss. Hunter is what you are not what you do. I apologize sincerely for mistaking you for less. I am Syl. It is my honor to welcome you into my master’s home. If you do not mind, I will dispense with the glamour. I prefer my own skin, though if it offends you I will, of course, suffer through.”

His face was sour, as though he expected me to choose whichever option caused him the most discomfort. I shrugged and opened the bottle of water. I was glad we weren’t going to talk about my father’s profession. “Do what you like. It won’t bother me.”

“And a kind mistress at that,” the demon purred and the old man was gone, replaced by a red-skinned demon with tiny horns. The dimensions of the demon didn’t change. He was still shorter than me and his clothes were exactly the same except for the shoes. Goat-like feet poked out from his trousers.

“See that’s freaky.” I took a long drink.

A single shoulder came up in a gesture that told me he’d heard it all before. “It is normal where I come from. Your pale skin seems a little…freaky to me.”

“I can live with that,” I said, slowly digesting the fact that my almost lover had a demonic housekeeper. “So you work for Gray?”

“I do, indeed.” He went about putting the kitchen to rights, gathering dishes and wiping down countertops. He poured a glass of orange juice and set it in front of me. “I have been Master Gray’s familiar since his birth. I was a gift from his father. Here, drink this. It’s freshly squeezed. It has to be better than bland water. Or would you prefer coffee? I can make anything you like.”

I took the drink because I wanted to get back to the topic at hand.

“His familiar? Like a witch’s familiar?” I asked, confused by the terminology. I ignored the fact that he’d been given a person…bipedal humanoid as a gift for his birthday. My father had been concerned with werewolves. I knew next to nothing about demons.

The orange juice was sweet, though it had the slightest hint of peppermint. Interesting. I took another drink, the juice cool on my tongue.

“In a sense.” Syl took off his suit coat and rolled up his sleeves with practiced grace, further exposing inches of red skin. “I could be the focal point for his talents if only he could be persuaded to use them. He prefers to pretend they do not exist, so they flash on him at the oddest times.”

I slid onto the barstool and watched the little demon toil. He seemed perfectly comfortable talking to me now that he had ascertained I wasn’t a working girl. He was efficient and quick, and within minutes I couldn’t tell that Gray had cooked breakfast at all. “Are you talking about his prophecy powers?”

His red eyes widened and a big grin came across his face, showing off his small, curved fangs. “He has already told you of his gifts? I thought he would play it more coyly. This is exciting. And you accept his parentage? Many would not.”

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