Ripped (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) (10 page)

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Authors: Anita Kinley

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Ripped (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)
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“You two have been quite the gossip among members of the staff. I was in the army for a short time. My wife and I have traveled all over the United States, so homosexual relationships are just like any other. As for Kyle, he’s angry. He will go through the grieving process. How quickly he does it is up to him. I’m taking him off the morphine today and putting him on something less potent. That may help his mood. Try to stay strong. Check on him later today and let him know that you are still here.”

Roman sat in silence after the doctor left. The coffee tasted awful, and the food hadn’t been much better. Perhaps it was from the lingering nausea that had taken hold of his body. He kept telling himself that Kyle’s reaction was because of his injuries. He even tried to forget his partner’s words. However, Kyle’s voice kept echoing in his mind.

“Can Rebecca and I join you?”

Roman glanced up to see Anna standing with another woman in front of him. They both had trays with what appeared to be lunch. He nodded.

“Rebecca works as an EMT. It’s how we met, actually. I was working in the ER, and her crew had brought in a gunshot victim.”

Roman eyed the woman sitting next to Anna wearing a blue uniform with boots. While Anna was a diminutive blonde with shoulder-length hair, her partner was tall with a short crew cut.

“How is Kyle?” Anna asked, adding dressing to what looked like a grilled chicken salad.

Avoiding explaining Kyle’s mood, Roman told her the basic medical facts.

“Should we tell him?” Rebecca asked after a brief silence glancing at Anna.

“I guess now is as good a time as any,” Anna replied. “However, it is a decision that Kyle has to be included on, when he is well, of course.”

“Tell me what?” Roman replied.

“Anna and I want to have children, and we want you and Kyle to be a part of that,” Rebecca said.

Roman said nothing. He was actually too shocked to speak, feeling his face flush.

“Look, Anna, he’s blushing.”

“I know. It’s cute, isn’t it? I know Rebecca and I hardly know you and Kyle, but I feel a connection. Rebecca and I have already decided that I will be the one who gives birth to a child. Since Kyle is HIV-positive, we have chosen you. I have seen all the traits that I hold important in you. Kindness, compassion, and loyalty. And, well, you’re just attractive.”

“I’m flattered, girls, really. Do you know how old I am? Forty-two and…”

“And?” Rebecca asked.

Roman said nothing, feeling the same flush in his face.

“He’s doing it again,” Rebecca said.

“I’ve got to get back to work,” Anna replied. “I don’t expect an answer now. Of course we all would share the responsibility of raising the child.”

After both women were gone, Roman put their conversation aside. He couldn’t even begin to consider their request, not now, and certainly not without Kyle. Tossing the coffee in the trash, Roman knew he was about to disregard Dr. Winter’s advice. Of course he planned to check on Kyle, but what the doctor didn’t know was that Roman planned to alter his husband’s thinking. Roman was determined that he wasn’t going to go days, maybe weeks, allowing Kyle to drive a wedge between them. He knew his own mood bordered on anger, as the lack of sleep and pain in his shoulder clashed.

Within a matter of minutes, Roman was sitting on his partner’s bed. Kyle must have been sleeping, because he didn’t hear Roman walk into the room.

“I don’t want you here, Roman,” Kyle said groggily, opening his eyes.

“I’m not leaving. By the way, why don’t you look at me and tell me that you don’t love me. I seem to remember that you couldn’t do that earlier.”

Roman watched as Kyle’s eyes met his for a brief moment and looked back toward the wall.

“Can’t do it, can you? I didn’t think you could. I don’t know where your little outburst came from, but it’s not happening again!”

“I meant what I said, Roman. Get out!”

Walking to the other side of the bed, Roman sat down, taking Kyle into his arms.

“Stop struggling, silly boy. You’re just making the pain worse.”

Roman felt Kyle’s body relax against his as he brushed a tender kiss against his lips.

“I was so afraid that I wouldn’t be able to feel your warm body against mine again. I will not allow you to drive a wedge between us. So, we are going to talk and resolve this now! Not later! Not with you screaming at me to get out! I’ve worked very hard at building a bond between us, and I will not let whatever it is going on in that silly head of yours destroy it.”

“Please, Roman, just leave!” Kyle said as tears filled his eyes.

“Like hell I am! What are you afraid of? That your equipment won’t work? It’s still intact, isn’t it? Or that maybe I won’t find you attractive anymore? Because you have no idea how very attractive you are to me. Talk to me!”

“And tell you what, Roman?” Kyle replied, fighting back tears. “That I don’t feel whole anymore…that you depend on me for strength? I ultimately take care of you, remember? This is going to affect every aspect of our lives together, including our sex life. I don’t even want you to be intimate with me like this.”

“Like what? All I see is you. Albeit a stupid you, but still the man I am in love with.”

Kyle smiled briefly, saying, “Gay baby, just go. This isn’t going to work.”

“When you were lying on that pavement, all I could think about was the possibility of living the rest of my life without you. I would have done anything, including giving my own life, to not have seen the fear and pain in your eyes. I’ve been here ever since, keeping my promise to you.”

“What do you want me to say, Roman, that you’re a martyr?”

“No, but you could acknowledge the fact that there is someone in your life who believes that their marriage is worth fighting for. Who believes that the love they share is worth whatever trials they are faced with. That Kyle has found a partner who will never hurt him.”

Still holding Kyle in his arms, Roman was conscious of Kyle’s body trembling. Through tears, Kyle said, “Please don’t leave me!”

“Sweet silly boy, I promised you always and forever.”



Two years later


Roman opened the doors to labor and delivery, carrying the babies in his arms. He watched Kyle stand, walking to meet him.

“How’s Anna?” Kyle asked.

“She fine, just tired.”

“I can’t believe they’re finally here. Can I hold them?” Kyle asked.

“Of course. Are you okay like this, or do you need to sit down?”

After the accident, Kyle had spent two weeks in the hospital. Six months after going home, he had been fitted with prosthetics. Physical therapy, combined with Kyle’s stubborn spirit, had returned a sense of normalcy to their marriage. Roman also had not experienced any pain in his legs for almost two years.

“I’m okay,” Kyle replied as Roman laid the babies in his arms. “Were Anna and Rebecca okay with the choice of names?”

“Yeah. They thought it was rather appropriate.”

“Welcome, Faith and Hope Carter,” Kyle smiled at the children.

“There’s also something else. The sale of Ripped went through this morning. The real estate agent left a message on my phone. So I guess we are officially moving to New York with Anna and Rebecca. After you and I are legally married, we are changing Faith and Hope’s names to Stringer, also.”

“Are you okay living in the same state as Catherine?” Roman said, breaking a smile and still staring at the babies in his arms.

“Since Andrew is not my son, I don’t guess it really matters. All that matters now is that we are a family,” Roman replied, looking into Kyle’s eyes.

“They look so much like you, Roman.”

“In vitro is a wonderful thing.”

“I want these babies and our move to be a new beginning for us. They say girls are harder to raise than boys, more drama.”

“Those experts haven’t spent any time in a household with you, silly boy!” Roman laughed, kissing Kyle tenderly.









Anita Kinley is a journalist with four years of experience in writing and photography. Through her work, she considers herself an advocate for a variety of social and humanitarian issues and programs. It is her desire to provide a voice for those fighting to maintain their humanity, civil liberties, civil rights, and human rights. Her work can be found at:

In 2012, she expanded her work to include writing erotic romance. As a long supporter of LGBTQ rights, she was thrilled to be able to reflect this in the publication of her first book,
. Her writing proves that love and erotic attraction are the same regardless of gender and/or sexual orientation.

Her characters often select themselves, as she provides them with their literary voice. Once a story develops, Anita is compelled to see it through to completion. Her characters make sure of that fact. Love and erotica are two very important and powerful emotions that drive not only her characters, but Anita’s style of writing as well. In their purest forms, she has seen those concepts transform her characters into better individuals.

Anita lives in Hot Springs, Arkansas with her family. When she is not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family, photography, eclectic tastes in music and the arts, and browsing her local library and art galleries.

If you would like to contact Anita, she can be reached through e-mail at: [email protected].




Siren Publishing, Inc.

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