Riding the Entire Pack (BBW Werewolf Shifter Steamy Menage Romance)

BOOK: Riding the Entire Pack (BBW Werewolf Shifter Steamy Menage Romance)
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s my feet continued ever onward between the trees, I knew that I was wandering towards my death.


I could hear the rustle between the leaves; the forest itself seemed to watch me pass. It quietly whistled now, singing me to my demise as my bare feet repeatedly struck the lush grass. As desperately as I could, I staved off every fearful thought, every last doubt that I was perhaps doing the wrong thing by descending so heavily into the woods.


Nobody ever came this far out. There were tales of hideous things out in these depths – wicked gnashing creatures that slipped from limb to limb, ancient gnarled trees that reached down to scoop up unsuspecting travelers, even beautiful sirens who whispered convincing lies in the ears of passersby and luring them to their horrible deaths.


I did everything I could to ignore all of these tales and more as I pressed onward. If I was going to survive, I needed to pass out of the woods and maybe find my way back home.


But as I walked, I couldn’t help but think back to the events that had stranded me out here in the first place.




My caravan had been traveling into the north. We were eager to join a traveling band of merchants, crossing the country on an expedition towards
Viao Calmnus
– the Circus of Coin.  It was an annual meeting of world-famous merchants, opening their stock at a tremendous gathering in the Capitol. The entire rally was always as big as a town as the nearby cities were completely overwhelmed with the processions of distant lords and ladies. Sometimes, even higher royalty came to the Viao Calmnus, walking among the people in disguise or with troupes of bodyguards.


Just landing an invitation to open a booth was a distinct honor; it just so happened that my opportunist uncle Stefan received one. Rallying a number of friends and family up, myself included, he made the preparations and formed a caravan to head deep towards the north.


Unfortunately, heavy storms had deterred us during our journey, and we were forced to bide our time for nearly a week. Eager to make up for the lost days, he chose a new path – jutting straight through the forbidden forests. I had pressed my uncle to find another way. He didn’t listen to superstition and was determined to take the trail straight through the heart, a trail just wide enough to see us through.


But the forest was forbidden for a reason, and I was the only one to make it out of the ensuing carnage alive.


The hideous fiends descended upon us in the middle of the night – I awoke to the sounds of screams, ripping flesh, and wailing, inhuman voices. I hid beneath my blankets in my wagon as the world was torn apart above me, and only when silence filled the air for at least an hour did I dare to move even an inch.


The darkness was all encompassing. I stumbled out of my hiding spot, gathering up what little I could carry in the ways of food, snatching a canteen of water at the very last moment. I could only work by the slight moonlight that peered down from the forest canopy – my nimble fingers crept over corpses and I repeatedly kneeled in warm blood.


Finally, I disappeared away from the wreckage of the caravan, eager to put distance between myself and whatever had happened there. I knew that sunrise was on the horizon, and I wanted to never see what had happened there with my own eyes.





I walked for two days, keeping close to the trail in case any rational human creature happened across my path. At my eighteen years of age, I had not been taught even the most basic navigational skills, and I knew not how far it was out of the woods. What I
know was how long we had been
them – at least a day by wagon. My uncle had made it sound as if we wouldn’t be within them long, and I wondered if I could walk far enough to take me back out of them, or at least out of the heart.


But as I continued to stumble along the trail, I noticed that there was a wolf walking along with me. It padded along at approximately my speed, peering at me through the trees. As I sped up, it did so as well; as I slowed down, so did it. I knew it was a wolf because of the general shape of it in the darkness, and its piercing green eyes – but it was much too big to be a regular wolf, and so I understood that it was another demon of these horrendous woods.


To mock me, as we walked along a particularly dense thicket, it passed out of view as the brush came between us – and what walked out was not a wolf but a man. This man was the most handsome man I had ever seen, incredible rugged with thick muscles, broad shoulders, and a chiseled chin. This wolf-now-man was so incredibly handsome that he made my loins practically wetten at the very sight of him alone.


“You’re a wolf,” I told him as we walked.


“Yes,” he agreed, licking his lips and gazing at me hungrily.


“Why are you a man now?”


“Because I cannot fuck you as a wolf.”


I ignored him for a while after that, and eventually came to a stop to sit and eat some of my food. To my dismay, it was the remainder of my looting, and I had nothing else to eat afterwards. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that the wolf-now-man had similarly stopped, and was gazing upon me. His piercing green eyes traced my body, and I could tell that he was hungrily, lustfully observing me.


“What is your name?” I asked him, uncertain of his tricks.


“I am Garreck of Thickbane, the wolf shifter,” he told me in his rugged, musky voice. “Who is the little girl who walks through my woods?”


“My name is Holly,” I told him truthfully. I knew to never lie to the mystical creatures that inhabited forests like this. “And I’m
a little girl. I’m a woman.”


“My mistake,” he grinned evilly. “Holly, you aren’t going to leave these woods alive.”


“Is that because you’re going to kill me?”


“Of course not. It’s because you’re walking the wrong way.”


I gazed at him dumbfounded. “No, we came
the other way, and we were over halfway in. My uncle told us we wouldn’t be in these woods for long…”


Garreck chuckled, licking his lips again. “Then your uncle is a liar or a terrible navigator. You are descending deeper into the forest. At your current rate, it’ll be a week before you’re out the other side.”


“Oh gods,” I murmured in defeat as I hunched against the tree.
If what he’s saying is true…then he’s right. I really WILL die in this forest. Why did I come on this stupid trip in the first place?


Garreck howled softly in remorse, and I dried my eyes and turned to him. He was still a handsome, rugged man, and I couldn’t help but be fascinated by the strong muscles that filled his chest and his arms. My odd companion was dressed in leather leggings that showed off the lean build of his legs, while the filtering sunlight cast flattering angles along his upper body. Although I knew it was likely a trick of the woods, I felt enamored by this incredibly attractive creature, and I wondered if he meant what he said earlier.


I thought I’d ask.


“Did you mean what you said earlier?”


“About what?”


“That you wanted to fuck me.”


“Of course. It’s the only way you’ll survive, after all, and I’d hate to see such a beautiful young woman die out here.”


That caught me off-guard. “What do you mean, the ‘only way I’ll survive?’”


Garreck’s aloof gaze hardened as he focused on me. For the first time, I felt that he was taking things seriously, and I trembled under his firm glare. “I lead a pack of wolf shifters as their alpha male…and we are but one force in this defiant place. Without our protection, you are going to be killed by whatever took the rest of your people. The only reason you have been safe so far is that I have been watching you, claiming you as my own from afar.”


I thought back to every time I had felt a pair of eyes on me as I wandered along the trail, and realized that I had been right the entire time.


His gaze now lifted as he glanced around the woods, as if warding off some other band of creatures. “But for our continued protection, we will need something from you. You see, I have longed for an heir for many summers…a pup to raise as the prince of this dangerous forest. You are the first human female who has passed this way since I, myself, was much younger…and you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.”


I blushed at the sound of his words. I had never considered myself conventionally attractive, although a boy or two had expressed some interest in me before. I’d even foolishly lost my womanhood to one, although he proved how much of a scoundrel he truly was when he thought that I was with child.


“If you wish for the protection of my pack,” Galleck continued, “you will have to join my pack. You will be mated by all of us, conceiving a powerful small litter of young wolf shifters for my pack. The gestation is much shorter than what is normal for your kind – you will able to leave peacefully in less than a season, should you desire. We can escort you out of the woods and to the nearest settlement from there.”


“And if I wanted to stay?” I asked, wishing to understand my options.


“Then you will be free to, and you will live your life knowing the true wonders of this place, seeing things no other human ever has. The choice will be yours, but a much earlier one faces you now. Do you choose to accept our protection?”


I didn’t see any alternative, so I nodded.


“Good. Leave your things, you won’t need them…and allow me to change back, then climb onto me. I will have to take you away from here before those murderous


I did as I was told, carefully bundling up the remainder of my things and setting them beside the tree nearest myself as I watched him transform. The very air glimmered around him as his muscles burst forth, the hair atop his head rushed across his body and thickened, and he fell to all fours. Within seconds, he was no longer a handsome, rugged man but the monstrously large wolf that I had seen in the shadows before.


He turned to face me, dropping low to the ground. His eye seemed as if he was carefully speaking to me.
Do not be afraid. Quick – onto my back, little one.


I walked to his side, hesitantly placing a hand against his thick fur. It was soft and shaggy to the touch, and I gripped it tightly as I climbed up onto his back. He growled softly, and I ducked low against him.


With that, we were off, whipping into the darkness of the forest, the very air too black for the light to touch.




I kept my eyes closed and my face pressed into his thick fur for the duration of the journey. He traveled impossibly fast, gliding between the trees and racing across the forest. I couldn’t understand how he saw where he was going, let alone guide us so effortlessly across the forest.


I don’t know how long we were traveling, but there came a point when he started to slow down. The air seemed different now, and I knew I could see clearer, but I kept my face pinned to his fur. I was desperate to not see any of the frightening faces of this damned forest.


“You may climb off now,” I heard a husky voice speak. It wasn’t his, and I slowly peeled my face free from the fur across his back.


We were in the center of a cave with no ceiling, with a thick layer of lush grass beneath us and the sunlight poured down from above. The sun itself was beginning to set for the evening, but I could still see that we were surrounded by close to a dozen large wolves, watching curiously. Among them was the voice that had spoken, another incredibly handsome man in leather leggings. As I climbed free from Garreck’s back, the wolves began to all transform into men as he had – and soon, a pack of monstrous, vicious wolves did not surround me, but instead a pack of attractive, broad-shouldered, rugged


Garreck transformed last, reverting to the form in which he had spoken with me. Rising tall, he was built a head above any of them, his shoulders the broadest of all. They were all wildly attractive, and their sturdy gazes turned to regard me – but Garreck was clearly the strongest and most handsome among the entire pack.

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