Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (69 page)

Read Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) Online

Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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Chapter Three



Their lips mated as they stumbled inside his house. She felt a change in him. He was open in a way he’d never been before. Hope swelled in her heart, and lust flowed rapidly throughout her body. Tiny fires licked at her flesh as her world narrowed to the pleasure he brought. They made it to the living room, and he spun her around and bent her over the couch. She shivered with anticipation, raising her ass and wiggling it back and forth.

He delivered a firm slap, and she cried out.

“I missed this ass.”

His raspy words yielded a fresh gush of cream. She peered over her shoulder. “It missed you too.” Her pussy throbbed as he removed his belt.

“Assume the position like a good girl. You know what I like.”

She placed her arms behind her back. The cool leather looped around her wrists and pulled tight. Her heart pounded. Her nipples turned to stone. He lifted her skirt around her waist and trailed heated bites down her back. She arched her back and moaned. The sound of a zipper lowering behind her made her bite her lip to hold in the whimper. Sex with Ren was anything but dull or predicable.

He trailed his fingers up her legs and traced the rim of her underwear. He dipped his hands in cupping her ass. “You’ve lost weight. We have to change that. I can’t have you losing that ass I love so much, can I?”

“No,” she said. I’ll say whatever you want right now as long as you fuck me and stop drawing this out.

He loved to play the control game. It got him off knowing she needed it badly enough to ask. Their quiet battle made for explosive endings. He removed his hands, gripped the sides of her underwear and pulled. The elastic broke under his calloused fingers.

The sting heightened her arousal. Cool air caressed her heated center, and she jerked.

His fingers ran down her dripping sex and circled her clit. “Oh, yes.” He spanked her pussy.

Sharp bursts of pleasure shot through her body.

He slipped his swollen cock between her lips, rocking his hips. “You’re so wet for me.” He buried his fingers in her hair, pulled it taut, and thrust home.

She screamed and flexed around his thick dick. The nine inches stretched her, reminding her how long it’d been since he’d laid pipe.

“So fucking tight,” he pulled out and slid back in. “And hot.”

Her mind went blank. “Please.”

“Please, what?” Ren asked.

“Fuck me.”

A heartbeat passed. “Remember you asked for this.” He pushed her head down, gripped her hips and pounded into her core.

She took it, handing over control. Every stroke went deeper than the one before. After so long apart, he was a missing puzzle piece clicking into place. He’s my home. The realization had her flexing her muscles and seeing white as she exploded. She came back to him rubbing her wrists.

“You back with me?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered.

He helped her stand and their lips reconnected.

She relearned his body with her fingertips as they shed their clothing. He was beautiful, muscular and lean with pops of silver threaded through his dark brown hair. His body was a map of struggles. She traced the scars of puckered flesh from a bullet wound on his shoulder and kissed her way down to the jagged scar by his hip from a knife he’d taken once in prison. Her man had lived a hard life. But he’d gained wisdom and an insane calm that drew her like a moth to the flame. He had so much to offer. She continued to worship his body with her mouth, wishing she could show him the way she viewed him. “I missed this…the way you taste, salty and sinful. Your scent.”

He massaged her scalp and peered down. The gentle smile that graced his lips was one she’d come to think of as being for her alone. “Oh yeah? What do I smell like?”

“Man, motor oil, and leather. It’s addicting that scent. I took a shirt when I left, and I slept with it for weeks until your scent dissipated.”

“Now you can have the real thing,” he said sternly. His gaze held a promise.

She wanted to believe him. She could see growth. But her head begged her to wait and see. This man had damn near broken her once. She would be a fool to charge back in head first with no backup plan or caution. “For how long?”

“However long you want,” he whispered.

A protest rose on her lips. Don’t ruin the moment. “How about the way I want?” she asked, wrapping her hand around his cock. She pumped him slowly.

“You want to take control?” he asked.

“I want to ride you and make you come this time.”

He grinned. “You sure you’re ready? It’s been six months. Got a lot of pent up aggression to work out.”

“You’re not the only one.” She curled her hand around his bicep and squeezed. With Ren, she was sexy, daring, and open to anything. They fit.

“You got mouthy while you were away.”

“I had a lot of time to think about what I really wanted,” she said, squeezing him.

He scooped her into his arms and stalked to the bedroom.

His aggression made her giggle. “Not bad for an old man.”

“I’ll show you old, little girl.” He bit her bottom lip, and she retaliated, slipping her tongue in his mouth and scratching the nape of his neck. His eyes darkened, and his nostrils flared. He was sin incarnate, and she wanted a reason to say a few Hail Mary’s. They continued to battle with their mouths until they reached the bedroom. He sank onto the bed, and she moved to straddle his hips, gripping his base. She lowered herself onto him, and they both moaned. He filled every inch of her, leaving no emptiness. She placed her hands on his chest and began to move. This was more than sex or lovemaking. It was a pledge with their bodies. This time, they were really in it for keeps. She saw so much in his eyes.

He gripped her hips hard enough to bruise. “I’m never letting you go again, Marlee.”

“I—I don’t want you to.” She rose up and slammed back down over and over. His dick went impossibly hard, and she knew he was close. They linked fingers, and her body began to shake. She held back. “Let go for me, Reynard.”

He filled her with a hot stream, sending her over the edge and she collapsed onto his chest, buried her nose into his neck, and breathed him in.

As their bodies cooled, he stroked her back and arm. “I owe you a story. It’s not one I like telling. You know I had a hard time growing up. My father was a mean drunk. It wasn’t a secret, and back then, no one gave a fuck about spousal abuse. I watched him tear her down mentally before he’d start in on her physically night after night. The more he drank. The worse it got. You know why he went to jail, attempted murder. The scandal still hangs over our heads.” His voice was even, and he looked at a point across the room, as if he had to remove himself from the situation to speak on it.

Her heart bled for him. No child should have to witness that.

“I hated him, but that emotion drove me to be like him. I got in trouble in school, ended up in the court systems by the time I was sixteen. My anger led me to make a lot of shitty choices until I turned my life around after that first adult prison sentence for aggravated assault. I got a lot of my father in me, Marlene. That’s why I steered clear of relationships. If I found out, I was capable of that shit…I’d eat a bullet before I made a woman’s life a living hell.” His mother had a permanent limp and lost a kidney to the vicious attack he’d laid on her.

“That’s not you, Ren,” she said horrified that he could believe himself anything like the monster rotting in prison.

“I’m capable of some fucked up shit—”

“If it’s necessary. To keep the people you love safe. You came from a violent background where you felt helpless. It’s not surprising that was your way of dealing with it. That’s what you learned to do as a child. You turned yourself around. That shows the measure of the man you are. Let the past stay there where it belongs. Don’t let him win.”

“You willing to bet your safety on that?” he asked.

“I’m willing to bet everything on you, Ren. Don’t you know that by now?”

He glanced away. “I don’t deserve it.”

She grabbed his face. “The fuck you don’t. Is this why you always held back?”

He nodded.

She sighed. They all had scars and baggage. He just hid his better. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I always thought before it was me. That I wasn’t enough for you to commit yourself to. That you thought you might grow bored of me, or didn’t believe I was worth it. It’s fucked up, I know. But I’m used to being second best.”

“Babe, I don’t hit women, but I’ve wanted to deck your sister and your mother since we first started this thing and I got to know you better. They made you feel like that, you know.”

She laughed. “And that is not the voice of a man who would harm me intentionally in any way. Let alone physical.”

“God, I hope you’re right.”

“I know I am.”

“I’m willing to try this with you. I want it to work. I want this to be the final ride for both of us, but if I find I put you in danger.” He shook his head. “That’s it.”

She rolled her eyes. “And if you don’t?”

“Then you’re stuck with me. You ready for that, babe? ‘Cause I’m too old to be doing this shit a second time.”

“So romantic. How could I say no?”

“You want flowers and sugary ass words, you got the wrong man.”

“No, I have the right one,” she said feeling giddy. It wasn’t a ring. They weren’t ready for that yet, but it was solid agreement she could stand by. “So, I guess you’re my man now?”

“Babe, I’ve been your man for a long time now. Everyone else finally knows it.”

“I don’t think everyone.”

His eyes flashed with fire. “They will soon enough.”

The possession in his eyes made her weak in the knees. For the first time in four years, she felt secure and at peace with the relationship they formed.

“I love you, you know?” he said.

She smiled into his skin. “I love you, too.”

He twined their fingers, and she knew this was the beginning of permanence. They would have their ups and downs between her family and his fears, but together, she knew they could conquer anything.








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