Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (4 page)

Read Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) Online

Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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She kept the company of a few of the brothers. Some that came in from out of state, but that was it. She had even given up dancing. She was now the bar’s full time tender and teaching dance on the side. A studio picked her up, seeing her talent and offered her a job in competition dance.

Yet, here she was, alone.

The soft rust-colored eyes sought out the one man who held her heart. Wraith, aka Cross. He was always civil to her, but he never got personal with her. Always kept her at an arm’s length. Her biological clock was ticking and he was the one she wanted, desired, loved with every fiber of her being.

Yet, she would never have him as long as she was a Painted Lady.

Chewing on her inner cheek, she watched how his muscles worked under his t-shirt, the way his long legs went all the way up to a slim waist. And the ass? Yeah, he had an ass that most women wished they had. As he got older, he grew beautiful. That was the only way she could describe him.

He was one of the most eligible bachelors on the Central Coast. He was thirty-one and a millionaire, retired from the NFL due to an injury. Now, he coached high-school football and loved every minute of it.

And guess who was trying to hook him? Yes, her step-mother, for Katrina or Sharon.

Shaking her head, Tigerlily was starting to think it was time to re-evaluate her life. Make some choices and hard decisions.

“Ella?” A husky voice pulled her out of her reverie.

“Yeah?” A smile crested her lips as Romeo gave an uplift of his chin in her general direction.

Now there was a man that every girl wanted a piece of. Young or old, it didn’t matter. He was a broken man that any woman would give her right ovary to fix.

“I need to see you in my office.” He hiked his thumb over his shoulder, toward an open door.

“Sure. Okay.” She nodded, setting down a roll of streamers, giving Trixie a concerned look.

Trixie shook her head and shrugged.

Taking in a deep breath, she dutifully followed Romeo into his office, feeling the weight of a pair of eyes on her. Glancing over her left shoulder, she saw Wraith watching her, a flicker of concern then gone from his handsome bearded face.

“Close the door.”

Following the gruff orders, the sound of the door closing was like a bomb going off. Walking over to a chair, she lowered herself into the fluffy cushions.

Romeo sat behind his desk, rocking back in his chair as he steepled his fingers, watching her every move. Tapping his lips with the very tips of his fingers, he finally drew in a breath then spoke.

“I have an offer that I’d like you to consider.”


The last time those words were said, she lost the one thing that meant the most to her, next to her dad. “Okay?”

Rubbing his hand over the bald head, Romeo sniffed and stood up, walking over to the window that allowed him to look out into the clubhouse. “I am not making this offer lightly, nor should you take it lightly.”

“Why am I suddenly nervous?”

Romeo was rarely serious. Now that he had custody of his daughter? Serious wasn’t in his vocabulary, unless it came to club business. She wasn’t a brother, so it was obvious it wasn’t that.

“I want you to retire as a Painted Lady.”

Those piercing green eyes fell on her as she felt all color leave her face. Leave the only life she had come to know? What had she done to piss him off to ask her to quit?

Her mouth moved, but no sound came out, except for something like a strangled groan. Holding back the tears, she was able to at least whisper her question. “Why?”

“You don’t belong as one. You never have.”

That was a slap in the face. She had worked her way to the top. Had become socially accepted and adored by the women of the club. Now Romeo was saying she didn’t belong?

Anger started to flare through her at the thought that he was trying to figure out a way of firing her. “If you want to get rid of me, just fucking say so, Rome. You don’t have to beat around the bush. I just want to know what the fuck I did to get fired.”

Romeo’s brows shot up, his body turning him to face her once more. “I didn’t say I was firing you, El. I’m saying I think it’s about time you lived for you. Quit being at a man’s beck and call. We all love you here. You can stay as a tender if you want. Zackyboy isn’t that great behind the bar.”

“And just why would I want to stick around if I’m no longer wanted?”

Romeo rolled his eyes and wandered back over to his desk, leaning down on his fists that rested on his desk top. “I have another proposition for you, if you’d shut your fucking trap and listen.”

Ella snapped her mouth closed and looked up at the man she could call brother. Maybe he wanted her to run a cathouse? Become a Madam. They took a client now and again, as they wanted to, but that wasn’t her style. She wasn’t a professional hooker.

“What I am about to ask you to do, is very real and serious. Especially right now with all this shit going on. That is why I need you to think long and hard about what I am about to offer you, alright?”

Not trusting her voice, she nodded, brushing the blond strands from her eyes that had escaped her ponytail.

Romeo sat back down in his chair, tilting it back once more. “I want you to head up the Santa Maria chapter of the Hell’s Belles.”

Ella was sure she looked like a guppy out of water. She had no words. Taking in a deep breath, her brain decided to finally function. “You’re serious? But what about Nakitra? I thought you were holding out starting it up because the presidency was her position?”

“She wants to stay in Mississippi. She has made a few close friends and has started some ventures that could make the club some money. I think the female best suited for the position is you. It’s a tough world to be in. It’s not like being an ol’lady. You’ll be a full blown patch holder, equal to the men. The women already love you and the men respect you, so it’ll be an easier transition for you into our world. You’ll be more accepted. But you’ll need a sergeant at arms and a secretary treasurer to start it up.”

There was no greater honor to have bestowed upon a female, than what he was offering her. She was floored that he saw her as a capable leader, and trusted her enough to support the Six-Guns. She could remain a tender for the parties, and she could still teach dance on the side. She knew that Romeo had a single rule that all patch holders had to have jobs.

He was right, though. She had grown up in the world. Knew most of the ins and outs. She was friends with everyone, and was also friends with several members of the other chapters, in state and out of state. The women accepted her as one of their own. They would be more receptive of the club and female patch holders if it was Tigerlily that headed it up.

Sure, there would be some of the men that would balk at the idea and treat them like shit, but it was a new era. Female clubs were becoming more widely accepted, as long as they didn’t think they had bigger balls than the men they supported. There was a fine line that a WMC teetered on.

Romeo asking her to do it now, with Saber missing and the TGMC trying their hardest to get at the brothers, was a bit nerve wracking. There had to be a reason behind it.

“What about the TG? Won’t we be targets?”

“There’s a very good chance that you could. But I also know that you know how to fight and shoot. I am pretty sure that you’ll make sure that your girls can handle themselves as well. I don’t want them run like it is in Mississippi. I want you to be clean. No cathouses. Keep it on the level. If you want to open up a business, the Six-Guns will back it. Just think about it and let me know.”

Her own business? She wouldn’t know where to begin. She was going to have to talk to Thorne and see what she thought about it all. She was more level headed than Ella was, and right now, her mind was going about ninety miles per hour.

Could she do it? Could she make Romeo proud of her and run the club smoothly?


She might have a chance with him if she accepted the offer in front of her. She wouldn’t be a Painted Lady any more. She would be herself. Maybe Wraith would finally look at her again. Look at her with the love in his eyes that he had so many years ago.

“Yeah.” Ella nodded. “Yes, I’ll do it. I don’t need to think about it. I want to do it.”

Romeo smiled and nodded, a smug look on his face. “I thought you would.”

Ella caught movement out of the corner of her eye. It was Wraith walking by the window. A chuckle caught her attention, eyes shifting to look back to Romeo. “What?”

“I just wish the two of you would fuck and get it over with.”

Ella rolled her eyes as she stood up, indicating the topic was not up for discussion. “I’ll get back with you in a couple of days with a business plan and maybe a couple of girls to have background checks done on.”

Romeo stood up and rounded the desk, walking toward her. “I’m down with that.”

Ella threw her arms around Romeo’s neck, hugging him close to her. “Thank you.”

Romeo squeezed her back, “You’re welcome. Make me proud.”

Releasing her hold on him, she stepped back and turned toward the door. “I will.”

And she’d make her father proud.

Romeo offered her the golden ticket and she was going to cash it in and try to win Wraith’s love once again.




To read more about Tigerlily and the Six-Guns, with her venture into the world of the Hell’s Belles, pick up the bestselling series: The Asphalt Outlaw Series. It’ll take you deep into the world of the Six-Guns—Romeo, Mace, Saber, Talon, Wraith and so many more brothers and sisters to learn about.

Thank you for reading Painted Memories, and we hope you enjoy the next novellas.

We here at the OAMC would also like to thank you for supporting Project Semicolon. We hope to see you in June!










For years, Marty, the newest patch holder for the Devil’s Renegades MC, has been attracted to the club’s little sister—Maddie. And like all his brothers before him, Marty has been warned that she’s off limits. But when the club president asks Marty to keep an eye on Maddie while he’s out of town, Marty finds himself torn between giving in to his desires, and keeping his promise to the MC. It should be easy to uphold the legacy of the club—love, loyalty and respect. But when you’re a Devil, sometimes it feels too damn good to be bad.



My muscles tense. My eyes search for the voice calling me. I start to stand, but then I remember—I’m not a Prospect anymore. As if I need a reminder, I look down at the fresh patches on my cut. Three hundred and sixty-eight days of Prospecting, and I finally have what I’ve always wanted—a seat at the Devil’s Renegades Motorcycle Club’s table.

“Old habits die hard, huh?” I look up to find Maddie watching me from the end of the bar. I’m surprised I haven’t noticed her before now.

A year of prospecting had sharpened my vision. Focused my attention. I saw everything—patch holders, ol’ ladies, signs of danger… And just like my sight, my hearing had been finely tuned. I could tell the difference between friendly conversations among the men and forced ones. I didn’t have to look at the ol’ ladies to know if they were enjoying themselves, bored, irritated or buzzed. So the fact that the most beautiful woman who’s ever graced this place with her presence, has been standing only feet from me for an unknown amount of time, makes me feel like I’m losing my game. And I’ve only had my patch two days.

“Yeah,” I say, finally answering her question. “I guess they do.”

“Well.” She forces a smile and extends her glass toward me. “Congratulations. You deserve it.” I give her a nod and take a pull from my beer. But thoughts about me becoming the newest patch holder for Hattiesburg’s chapter is now a distant memory to me. All I can think about is if she’s okay.

Less than a month ago Maddie and her sister, Dallas, were kidnapped. They’re now both home and safe, but Maddie hasn’t been the same.

She’s changed.

She seems cut off from the world. Having grown up as a little sister in the MC, she’d always felt like she was safe—like she could be protected. Now, that safety net is gone. In the last year, her life has drastically changed. And I fear it’s finally taking its toll on her.

The door opens wide and Luke walks in—president of the Devil’s Renegades.

My president.

My brother.

He stops to give Maddie a kiss on the cheek before walking around the bar toward me. He motions with his hand for me to follow him as he walks into the room where we hold church. I close the doors behind us and take a seat in the third chair to his left.

My seat.

I have little time to revel in the feeling of power before Luke speaks.

“I’m worried about Maddie,” he begins, dragging his hand down his face. He looks tired—older. “She’s not dealing with this shit. And I don’t know what to do to help her.”

I share his concern, but I know his is on a much deeper level. Luke not only views Maddie as his sister and responsibility, but he’s made her seven-year-old son his concern since the day he was born.

“You want me to keep an eye on her?” He holds my gaze a minute—warning me of what I’ve always known. Maddie is off limits. To everyone. Especially the club.

“You can trust me, Luke.”

“I know that.” He looks torn. I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that he’s in a serious relationship with Dallas, Maddie’s sister. And he feels like he’s putting one ahead of the other.

“Tell me what to do.”

I look at this man, my brother, my superior, my friend. The man who is strong when we can’t be. The one who’s held this club together despite the bullshit that’s been thrown at him. Asking me for help doesn’t make him weak. Even though he probably feels that way in this moment.

“You are all Dallas has. She doesn’t have the connection to the club Maddie does. Not yet. So make her your priority, and let us handle Maddie. I’ll make it my personal responsibility to make sure she’s well taken care of.”

It takes a few minutes for him to agree, but he finally does.

“I’m gonna take Dallas to Tupelo for a couple weeks. Give her some time to process all this shit. I’ll make sure things with the club are handled. Just…” He drops his eyes, but not before I see the guilt in them. “Take care of my girl.”

“Consider it done…brother.”

My chest swells with pride at the sound of the word on my lips.

Luke gives me his signature smirk and I see a little bit of life come back to his eyes. “Feels good, don’t it?”

“You have no idea.” But that is a lie. He does know. All of my brothers know. Just like me, they took the pledge and dedicated their time to prove themselves to the club. It was hard. It was hell. But it was worth it. In the end, we have the one thing only few will ever experience—to be a member of the greatest brotherhood in the south.

The Devil’s Renegades.

It’s a little after ten that night when I knock on Maddie’s front door. The house is dark, there’s no sign of life coming from inside and I’m just before kicking the door in when it opens. Relief washes over me at the sight of her. Even with dark circles under her eyes, dressed in a baggy T-shirt and shorts, she’s still the sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.

Her blonde hair that just brushes her shoulders is shoved beneath a beanie. Her big, blue eyes are free of makeup and look bloodshot and lifeless, but no less breathtaking. I drop my gaze to her bare feet and she curls her pink, painted toes into the thick carpet.

Something about that makes my cock stir under my zipper. Fuck.

“I brought you something,” I say, my tone low and raspy. I’ve always found her attractive, but there’s something about her vulnerability that makes me feel more like a man. A man that wants to wrap her in his arms, kiss her until she’s breathless, then fuck her until she’s coming apart beneath me. But this is Maddie. And I can’t touch her. No matter how bad I want to.

I hold out her gift and she takes it, stepping to the side so I can come in. I watch her ass for all of two seconds as she crosses the room before I drop my eyes. Don’t. Fucking. Think. About. It. I repeat the words over and over as I close the door. By the time I join her in the kitchen, I feel more in control. Then she smiles. A real smile. The smile I’ve seen for years, but have missed the past several weeks.

“Green apples and peanut butter. How did you know?”

“I pay attention,” I answer simply. She seems to soften a little at my admission. And I swear I hear her sigh. “I got Logan some stuff, too.” I hold up a bag containing two pints of ice cream—both his favorite flavors.

Her smile falls and she shakes her head. “He’s spending the week with Red and Regg. They’re taking him to the rodeo. And he loves that damn chicken farm.” She curls her lip in disgust. “I don’t see how they stand the smell.”

“Regg told me it smells like money to him,” I say, taking a seat on one of the barstools. I watch as Maddie dips a slice of the apple in the peanut butter then shoves it between her lips. I’m drawn to her mouth—shifting uncomfortably when she runs her tongue over her lower lip.

She rambles on a few minutes about how she’s always loved this snack and how perfectly timed my plan to bring it was. Then she busies herself in the kitchen—making tea, rinsing a few cups, mindlessly wiping down the counters.

All the while, I just watch and listen as she jumps from one topic to another. I know what she’s doing—avoiding the question she’s pretty sure I’m going to ask. Originally, I’d planned to ask how she was. Now, I’m not going to. I can see the answer in her actions. Instead, I ask another question.

“You got plans tonight?”

She stills, then shakes her head before continuing to stir the tea. “I thought about going out, but there’s a new movie coming on Lifetime tonight I’d like to see and my cable is out.”

This time, she looks at me and raises an eyebrow. “You’re kidding, right?”

The corner of my lip turns up and I nod. “Yeah. I don’t watch Lifetime.”

She lets out a small laugh. It’s not much, but it’s something. And I’m surprised at how much I’ve missed the sound.

“I, uh…I mean…”

She struggles to tell me what’s really on her mind and I silently urge her to just say it. Whatever it is, I’ll agree to. As long as there’s a chance it’ll make her happy.

“We can watch a movie. If you want to,” she quickly adds. I do a mental countdown from five and I’m at two before she speaks again. “But you can go out. I don’t want you to feel—”

I cut her off before she can finish. “I want to.” Her relief is a little too obvious, and her cheeks darken when she realizes it. To keep her from feeling embarrassed, I add, “but only if it’s cool with you. My cable really is out.” The last thing I want is for her to feel like some charity case. That’s not why I’m here. It might have been my intentions to come because I told Luke I would, but I’m quickly realizing there’s no other place I want to be.

She shrugs nonchalantly and I have to fight my smile. “It’s cool. I don’t mind.”

“Good.” I stand and pull my cut from around my shoulders. She watches me out of the corner of her eye. But when I pull my hoodie over my head, causing my T-shirt to rise up, her eyes are on my stomach. And the spark of desire doesn’t go unnoticed. My dick twitches in my pants again, and I’m thankful when she turns her back to me—avoiding my gaze as she carries the tea to the refrigerator.

I’ve been to Maddie’s house with the club a couple of times, but this is my first time to be here alone. Her home is simple, but has a welcoming feel. The open layout allows you to see the living room, kitchen and dining room at the same time. Pictures of Logan, thrift store artwork and a few of the club are scattered on the walls and coffee table. One couch sits in the living room along with a bean-bag chair that belongs to Logan. I take a seat on one end of the couch and she joins me on the other.

“Got any preferences?” she asks, punching buttons on the remote until the guide pops up on the screen.

“Anything is good with me.”

It’s not like I’m going to watch the damn thing anyway. I can’t take my eyes off her—the way she curls her legs under her. Or the way she mindlessly rubs her thumb over her knee. Damn. Who knew knees could be sexy? I clench my hands into fists at my sides to keep from reaching out and touching—touching those knees. That skin. This girl.

“How about Rocky?” An action movie. A half-naked, sweaty man. A great way to not get a hard on.


Typing in the channel number, she settles further into the couch. Ten minutes into the movie, she shifts her position so her legs are out from under her. Her foot dangles off the side of the couch—dangerously close to my leg. I want to touch her. I want to see if her leg is as smooth as I think it is. I’ve never been the type of man who doesn’t go after what he wants. The problem with this girl is that I do want her. But I can’t have her.

Fuck it.

Grabbing her ankle, I pull her foot into my lap. I don’t give her brain time to register what’s happening or mine time to talk me out of this, I just work my thumbs into the heel of her foot. It feels small in my hand, soft and smooth—just like I knew it would.

I meet her disbelieving stare, daring her to tell me to stop. She surprises the shit outta me when she places her other foot in my lap. “Had I have known you were good at foot massages, I’d have invited you over a long time ago.”

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