Read Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) Online

Authors: Blue Remy,Kim Jones,MariaLisa deMora,Alana Sapphire,Kathleen Kelly,Geri Glenn,Winter Travers,Candace Blevins,Nicole James,K. Renee,Gwendolyn Grace,Colbie Kay,Shyla Colt

Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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With a blank stare, I turn to the boy who called my name. He’s been yammering on for God knows how long, and I just tuned him out, staring at the pool the entire time. I promised Laurelyn I would try to enjoy myself, and I am. I’m trying. This dude is just boring me to death. When she told me about her Labor Day weekend activities, I groaned out loud. It’s something she and Daniel do annually, but this year, she’s decided to show me off. I also think she invited everyone she knew who has a son my age. Mr. Boring here is just one in a long line today.

“Sorry, what was that?” I ask.

“I asked where you lived before this.”

“Georgia,” I answer in a distant voice.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Just… this is not really my scene.”

“Ahh.” He nods in acceptance. “I understand.” I finish my drink and he reaches for my glass. “Let me refresh that for you.”


When he walks away, Toni comes over, touching my shoulder.

“How different is this?” she asks. “I think I prefer the outlaw bikers.”

“Tell me about it. But… I said I’d try so here I am.”

Mr. Boring—I think his name is Brett—returns with my drink, and I give him a smile in thanks. Out of nowhere, “Kissin’ On My Tattoos” blares from inside the house. The band Laurelyn hired stops playing, and everyone turns in the direction of the music. My glass slips from my fingers, shattering to pieces on the concrete.

“Are you seeing what I’m seeing?” I ask Toni.

“Yep. I think I summoned them or some shit.”

Walking out to the backyard, dressed in full biker gear, is Gage, and pretty much the entire MC. Allah has a boom box on his shoulder, and a face splitting grin. I look back to Gage. His eyes are locked on me as he makes his way through the whispering crowd. I can’t believe he’s here.
he doing here?

When he stands in front of me, I think I stop breathing. I stare at him, watching, waiting to see what will happen. He looks to my left with a scowl.

“Get your fuckin’ hands off my woman,” he growls.

Brett’s hand drops from where it rested on the small of my back. I hadn’t even realized it was there. Gage grabs my hand and begins pulling me toward the house. I follow, still in shock. I meet Laurelyn’s concerned gaze and nod, indicating everything’s okay.

“Where’s your room?” Gage asks.

I raise a trembling finger toward the stairs. Before we climb the first step, Dani stops us.

“Forgive her, Mr. Gage. She’s sad that she made you angry.”

He tips his head to the side, drawing his brows together as he stares down at her. After a dip of his head, he continues up the stairs.

“Which one?”

“The one at the end,” I answer, not sure how I found my voice. He lets me enter first, closing the door behind him. My heart rejoices at the sight of him. He’s here. He walked in to
song. Still, I try not to get my hopes up.

“You’re here,” I say, my voice coming out shaky.

“I came to take you home, Raven.”


. With me. Where you belong.”

A tingly sensation runs through my body.
He came for me. He wants me back!

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

“I want you.” He steps closer. “I tried, Raven. I tried but… I can’t be without you, either.”


For the first time in weeks, I can feel my heart beating.

“We both did some shit,” he continues. “But I think we can get past it. Forgiveness is all a part of being in love, right?”


“And I
love you, Raven. I forgive you. Pushing you away only showed me that…” He shrugs, shaking his head. “I’m just a fraction of a man without you. You complete me.” 

Tentatively, I close the distance between us and place my hands on his chest, tears spilling onto my cheeks. God knows I feel the same about him. Grasping my chin, he tips my face up to his.

“I’m sorry, baby doll. What I did that night….”

“You were a dick.”

“I was. I shouldn’t —”

“But you’re my dick.”

He sighs deeply as he wraps his arms around me. I bury my face in his chest, breathing in his scent.
God, I missed him
. He reaches into his pocket, and I pull back to observe him. He removes my ring, rubbing his thumb across the band as he stares down at it.

“I found this on the dresser yesterday. Made me realize where it really belongs.”

“You still want to marry me?”

“If you still want to marry me.”

“I do, Gage. More than anything.”

He slips it on my finger and encloses my hand in his, before reaching into his pocket again. This time he comes up with my bracelet.

“No more secrets, Raven,” he says as he clasps it around my wrist. “No lies. Got it?”

I step away from him, meeting his confused stare. Taking a deep breath, I prepare myself.

“I have something to tell you.”

“What?” he asks, apprehension in his eyes.

“I promise I only found out a few days ago, and I was going to tell you when I knew for sure.”

“Tell me what?”

He moves closer.

“I’m… I’m pregnant.”


“I missed my period and I took three tests. I made a doctor’s appointment, but I’m pretty sure. I’m pregnant.”

“But… how?”

“That last night.”

His gaze drifts down to my stomach.

“You weren’t still taking the pills?”

“No,” I answer. “Not after you found them.”

He places his hand on my stomach, his expression incredulous.

“You’re pregnant.”


He reaches for my shirt, frantically undoing the buttons. When that’s going too slowly for him, he grabs the sides, and buttons go flying all over the room. He falls to his knees, placing his forehead on my stomach.

“My baby?”

baby,” I correct him.

Placing a soft kiss above my navel, he pulls me closer. I run my fingers through his hair, moaning as he continues to drop little kisses on my skin. He reaches under my skirt, pulling my panties down my legs. Leaving them around my ankles, he reaches back up to circle my clit with his thumb. I moan, fisting my hand in his hair. With his free hand, he pushes my skirt out of the way and presses his nose to my mound, taking a deep breath.

“Fuck, babe. It’s been too long. I need to taste you.”

He rises, lifting me in his arms and taking me to the bed. After he lays me down, I slide his cut off his shoulders and reach for his shirt. I need to feel his skin on mine. He tosses it aside, pulling me to the edge of the bed as he falls to his knees once more. Removing my panties, he makes them join his discarded clothes. I cry out at the first lick. It feels like it’s been forever since he’s touched me. By our standards, I guess it has been. His tongue swirls on my clit as he slips a finger inside me.

“My pussy,” he mumbles.

“Please, Gage. I need you.”

“You want my dick, babe?”

“No.” He leans over me, a brow raised. “I want

His lips curl up in a smirk, and without argument, he gives me what I asked for. I grab his shoulders as he slides inside me.

“Just like that, baby doll,” he says before burying his face in my neck. “I’m home.”

He begins to move and I wrap my legs around his hips, my nails skating across his back.

“Kiss me,” I beg.

As his lips connect with mine, I moan into his mouth.

I have my Gage back. I have my

“I love you, Gage.”

“I love you, too, Raven.”



We walk back to the pool, and into a weird mix of bikers and socialites. Seems the guys made themselves at home. I couldn’t care less about the party. I have my baby doll back and that’s all that matters.
. I reach into my pocket and pull out her necklace. Her face lights up like the Fourth of July when she sees it. She turns her back to me, moving her hair out of the way so I can put it on.

“The rest is waiting for you at home.”

When she turns to face me, she’s rubbing the pendant between her thumb and index finger.

“You don’t know how much I missed this… how much I missed you.”

“I think I do, doll. That’s why I’m here.”

She throws her arms around my waist, clutching the back of my shirt. I kiss the top of her head, happy to have her back in my arms.

Chopper wanders up to us with a big grin, keeping one hand behind him.

“We good?” he asks.

“We’re great!” Raven answers.

“Well, then… seems you’re just missing one thing, lil darlin’.”

“What’s that?”

With an even bigger grin, he shows us what he’s been hiding behind him

her cut. He helps her into it, then pulls her into a bear hug.

“Are you going to tell him or should I?” she asks me.

“Hey, Pop. Raven tells me you’re getting that grandbaby you wanted.”

“What? You’re…” He trails off, looking down at her stomach. “Are you okay? Do you need to sit… something to eat, drink?”

“I’m fine, Chopper.” She giggles. “It’ll be a while before I’m even showing.”

“Doesn’t matter. That’s my blood in there.” He points to her stomach. “I’m going to spoil you rotten ’til he gets here, then when he does, I’ll do the same to him.”

“How do you know it’s a ‘him’?” I ask.

“I just do.” He turns back to Raven. “I’m going to get you some food.”

When he leaves, I pull her into my arms, and whisper in her ear, “Happy?”

“I am now.”

“Me, too. Things are finally the way they’re supposed to be. Next order of business is to get you in front of a preacher as soon as possible.”

She turns to face me, her eyes filled with love.

“I can’t wait to be your wife.”

“Yeah. No getting rid of me then.”

“Who says I want to? You’re stuck with me, Gage Hunter.”

“The same way you’re stuck with me, Raven Alvarez.”

She smiles and presses her cheek to my chest. I take a deep breath, praying for morning so I can take her home; take my woman, my child to my house, my bed, where they belong.

Ain’t no way I’m letting her go again.


A Casino.

A Rival MC.

A Mob Family.

Dane, President of the Savage Angels MC Tourmaline Chapter, sends Rebel to Las Vegas to negotiate their purchase of a casino.  When the local Mob Family in Vegas feels threatened by their presence, a rival MC, The Dark Warriors step in to protect what they consider their territory. 

The Warriors are a ruthless club who will stop at nothing in their pursuit of power. 

An innocent woman catches Rebel's attention which serves to give the Warriors a brand new target. Ruby is caught in the crossfire and with a rat in the mix, all bets are off.  Will Rebel be able to save his woman and close the Casino deal or will he lose it all to the Dark Warriors?


Chapter one


Savage Angel MC Vegas Chapter


My bandana’s over my face, protecting me from the grit coming up off the road. It’s hot, and the trip to Tourmaline is long. Our President, Kingston – King – nominated Cooper and I to ride out, and escort Rebel back to Vegas. There’s some sort of real estate deal going down, and the Tourmaline Chapter is putting it together.

Up ahead is a roadhouse which Cooper points to, signalling he wants to pull in. We’ve been riding for two days and I could use a little R&R. We park the bikes, and as I dismount, I groan as my muscles stretch out in protest.

“Getting fucking old, old man,” says Cooper with a chuckle.

“Fuck you. Tell me we’re going to stop for some sleep and food?” I ask.

“And pussy. We’ll stay here overnight, and get back on the road tomorrow. We are ahead of schedule anyway, so one night isn’t going make a difference.”

I nod, and walk into the roadhouse. It’s six p.m., and the place is packed, some onlookers are staring at us, but as soon as they see our colors, they avoid us. The music is loud, and I head for a booth in the back. Cooper follows, and catches the eye of one waitress. He’s six foot three with dark shoulder length hair and a goatee. I’m six foot five with dirty blond hair and goatee.

I slide into the booth, and Cooper sits opposite me. “I’m starving. Do you think this place does a good steak?”

“Cage, the place is packed, if the food sucked, it probably fucking wouldn’t be.”

A smile spreads across his face and I turn to see what he’s staring at. The waitress makes her way toward us, smiling seductively at him. We have often shared women, and I hope the waitress is up for it.

“Well, hello, honey! Welcome to the Rocking Red Roadhouse where burgers are our specialty. Now, handsome, what can I get you?”

Her skin-tight shorts fit snugly over her ass, and her tank top looks like a second skin over her breasts, so much so, that her nipples are poking straight out. Her hair is pulled up into a ponytail, and although she’s not beautiful, she has a pretty face. It’s been close to a week since I’ve dipped my wick, and just looking at her tits makes my dick hard.

“My friend here, Cage, is looking forward to a steak, you do those well here, too?”

She flicks her gaze to me; I don’t think she realized I was sitting across the table. Slowly a smile crosses her face, and she places both hands on the table and leans down toward me, giving me a view of her impressive cleavage.

“Now, Cage, we do steak here, but honey, you don’t want it well done, you want it bloody and still moving across the plate to fully appreciate it.” She trails a finger from her mouth to her breast then licks her lips.

“Sounds good and a beer,” I say staring at her finger and her tits.

As she straightens, I see her looking at Cooper. “How about you?”

“The same, and send over a large serving of buffalo wings so we don’t starve to death before they fucking get here.”

“What type of beer?”

“Anything in a bottle, but has to be American, none of that imported shit,” replies Cooper.

I nod and smile at her. “Any chance we could find a place to stay for tonight?”

She looks from me to Cooper and smiles. “I think we can find you a place.”

We both watch her ass as she moves away, and when I finally look up, Cooper is studying me.


“Why do you think the Tourmaline Chapter is wanting to get involved in real estate in Vegas?”

“Money, Coop, it’s always about the money,” I reply.

He nods. “Yeah, but Vegas? You think they’re trying to buy into one of the casinos?”

“No, no way will the licensing board commit to letting an MC into a casino. Besides, most of us have criminal records.”

Our little waitress returns and places our beers in front of both of us. Instinctively, we both reach out and touch her ass. She doesn’t even flinch, instead she smiles and walks away.

“Think we’re getting lucky tonight,” I murmur as I place the cold bottle against my lips and tip it up. The liquid slides down my throat and I welcome it.

We sit in silence for a while, both of us scanning the room, making sure there are no surprises in the busy crowd. The waitress comes back with our wings.

“What time do you finish?” asks Cooper.

“I’m done in an hour, I’ve been here all day. You got any cash?” she asks.

I grin at her. “Yeah, babe, we tip well. Got a hot shower and a bed for the night, too? We’ll tip better than normal.”

“I could call a girlfriend—”

“We don’t need a girlfriend, we just need you.” Cooper grins.

“And a bed,” I say.

She looks from Cooper, to me, and back again, weighing it up.

Cooper pulls out his wad of cash and peels off a fifty. “Two more beers, babe, and keep ‘em coming.”

She takes the fifty, her eyes never leaving his wad and says, “Two more beers comin’ up.”

Cooper looks at me and smiles. He always carries around a bankroll, and women, like this one, assume he’s going to give it to them, he doesn’t. He will leave her with some cash, but nothing compared to what she thinks we’ll leave.

“The all mighty dollar wins again,” I say with a grin.

“Well, you don’t think it’s your fucking good looks, do you, Cage?”

“You want top, or bottom, or are we doing her one at a time?” I ask, my dick getting hard at the thought.

“Let’s let her decide. Something tells me she won’t care, though.”

I raise my eyebrows up and down, and take another long swig of my beer.

Cooper nods and grins. “Yeah, man, I think you’re right.”




The steaks were good, and our waitress has taken us to her home. It’s a run-down house, but it’s clean inside. We’ve parked around back so no one knows we’re here.

The waitress is standing in her kitchen, looking slightly unsure of herself. I watch with a smile as Cooper goes up to her, cups her face and kisses her. He tilts her head to the side and looks at me, but doesn’t break the kiss. Her eyes are closed, and I grab her ponytail twisting it around my fist and bite her neck. For a moment, she stiffens, but as our hands roam her body she relaxes.

She tastes like sweat and grease, and her hair smells of smoke. I reach around the front of her and undo her shorts; they fall easily to the floor. Cooper grabs the hem of her tank and pulls it up over her head. I stand back and look at her while Cooper resumes kissing her; she’s wearing a matching set lace bra and panties. She’s a little too thin for my taste, but I’m so fucking horny, I don’t care.

I drop to my knees behind her, hook my fingers around the thin fabric of her panties, and pull them down. I trail my fingers up her smooth skin to her slit, where she’s wet and hairless. I slide my fingers in and out of her while Cooper sucks on her nipples. A moan escapes her, and she pushes her ass back toward my face, with my other hand, I slap it. Slowly I stand, dragging my palms up her torso as I do.

Cooper steps back and says, “Time to take this to your bedroom, sweetheart, lead the way.” She steps out of our embrace then runs down the hallway, and through a doorway.

“Guess she’s keen.” I smirk.

“Yeah, Brother, you want to fuck her, or get a blow job?”

“Think I want to fuck her, you cool with that?” I ask.

“Yeah, make sure you wrap it before you fuck it.” He chuckles.

“Will do. You go in first while I get myself prepared.”

He smiles, and goes in search of our fuck buddy while I strip off, and grab a condom out of my wallet. I slide it over my cock and stroke myself, when I know I’m close, I go into the bedroom.

Cooper has her on all fours on the bed, he grips her head and pushes himself in and out of her mouth. He smiles at me as I get on the bed, and place myself between her legs; slowly I push myself into her.

She moans and Cooper says, “Yeah, babe, keep that up, I love a hummer.”

He increases his speed, her moans turn into gagging sounds as I grip her hips, driving into her more forcefully, leaving fingerprint indents behind. We’ve done this so many times that we’re in sync with each other. We’re not attracted to men, but a threesome is a huge turn on, especially when you find a willing participant.

I watch as he pulls out of her mouth, shooting his load all over her face, then flops down on the bed beside us. I grab her ankles and pull her toward me.

“Back on your knees.”

She does as she’s told. I wrap her hair around my fist, forcing her head up and thrust back into her. She cries out, but doesn’t tell me to stop. This isn’t about her, it’s about us getting what we want – taking what we need – and she’ll get a payday.

My rhythm increases as I pull harder on her hair, this time she remains silent. The only noises that can be heard are my grunts as I reach my own release.

I release her hair and pull out, she falls down on the bed near Cooper. He grins at me and grabs his cock, stroking it, guess he’s not finished with her. For the moment I am done, I go in search of a shower.

BOOK: Ridin' Dirty: An Outlaw Author Anthology (OAMC Book 1)
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