Ride to Restoration (Ride Series Book 2) (24 page)

BOOK: Ride to Restoration (Ride Series Book 2)
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You got me ... good. How dare you hurt me, again? You used
me ... to make a point you had no right to make. We

re done; it

s over. We

re through.

The whip slapped skin again, and again, and again.
Realizing I was enjoying his pain a little too much, I tossed the whip on the


m prepared to call us even.
The question is, are you? Let it go, Joseph. Let us go. Let D go.

What happened here will never leave this room or will it?

your call. Let me know what you decide.

I tossed the muff cuff keys on the bed between his ever
reddening, welted legs.

around the room, I collected the four miniature wireless cameras I installed
earlier to film every angle of this truly memorable occasion. Coupled with my
handheld Canon, a video editor should be able to compile, at the least, a
five-minute incriminating flick. Lastly, I lowered the foot posts to bed level
and tossed a towel across his shrunken junk.

Lay here for a while and
experience firsthand the wrath of a woman scorned. A woman with Family ties.
Oh, but you know that already. How silly of me. When I get around to it, I

ll call the front desk to
send a maintenance man to your room. Hopefully, he

ll release you. Worst case

take advantage of you and leave you for the maid to clean up in the morning.
Later, sweet cheeks,

chuckled, before exiting with my bag of toys.

Aww, I didn

t get to use
the nipple clips. Like I said, paybacks are a bitch ... even worse when the
bitch is pissed!


ell, that went
well, D. Finesse is not your middle name. Your mouth, Victoria’s other orifice
notwithstanding, is a WMD, as well. Why not let it go, asshole? I could use a
shot, a beer or both.
Loading my two bags on a luggage cart, I swung by the
front desk, snagged the room key from a Linda and wheeled the cart into the
bar. “Bartender, if you please, two six packs of Molson’s, six limes and a
bottle of Milagro Silver Tequila if you have it. Oh, and a couple of shot

“Certainly, sir. Are you having a party in your room?”

“I’ll let you know. Michael is it?” I replied, doing my best
to read his name tag from across the bar. “Can I call you after I’ve downed at
least six of each if I happen to need more?”

“Yes, sir. I’m here until one.”

“Thank you, Michael. Kindly quarter me a lime and open a Molson
so I’ll have something to keep me company on the way to my room.” Following the
cart that I aptly pushed with one hand, I used the other to drink Tequila from
the bottle, suck on a lime and chase it down with a beer. I am one talented
S.O.B. One beer, two bottle shots and half a lime later, I arrived.

Victoria was, from all indications, naked from the waist up,
lounging in the Jacuzzi with the pulsating jets at full blast. “Mind if I join
you, girlfriend?”

“Mind if I join
might be the better question, D.
I wondered what happened to you. I can see you stopped by the bar. How many do
I need to catch up?”
This scene looks all too familiar.
“Per chance,
have you been talking to Candi?”
Of course he has. Why else would he have
started his party without me?

“Two shots, the other half of my lime and one beer. And yes,
I talked to Candi.”

“Did my name come up?”

“Right again, Vic. You’re two for two.”

“I bet she pressed you on our ... uh ... sleeping

“Yep, you are on a ... roll. Drink up. I think I’d best take
my clothes off this time before jumping in.” Taking a moment to look at our
surroundings, the room featured a red brick floor to the tub and a short pile,
beige carpet surrounding the bed. The walls were half brick, highlighted by two
arches separating the bedroom from the tub and the living, dining area. Soft
white, low voltage lights were strung on each side of the archways,
illuminating a barrel ceiling in the middle. “I can only assume this room has a
theme of sorts? Red brick road, instead of the yellow one. I get it.”

“They all do, D. It’s unusual, that’s for sure. How did you
happen upon this hotel?”

“I looked up romantic hotels with garden tubs.

Romantic hotel, for me? You’ve still got it, girl!
Newly inspired, I downed two shots, sucked two limes and was half way through a
beer when D, deliciously naked, albeit somewhat out of sorts, joined me in the
tub. “Are you going to tell me about your conversation with Candi? It didn’t go
well, by the look of things.”

“What is there to tell? She finally got around to asking me
if I’d slept with you and I told her yes. That set her off a whole lot more
than I would’ve imagined ... considering.”

“Considering that she was on the big screen going down on

“Something like that. Wait ... What do you mean going down
on Joey? I thought you said she was screwing his brains out?”

“I never said that. You just assumed. I said ... Candi
looked like she was into it. All I saw was his rod in her mouth using her boobs
to heighten his excitement.”

Hmmm .
.. “Hey, I taught her that man-selfish skill
set the second or third time we were together. Come to think of it, you’ve used
it on me.”

Good that you remembered, especially after all you had to
drink that night.
“You caught me. I confess. I watched her do it on the
video and thought I’d give it a whirl. You liked ... didn’t you?”

“Of course, I liked. Who wouldn’t? I was rather wasted. No
wonder I kept thinking about Candi that night when I was making love to you. Go

That’s my cue.
“Want me to do it again?” I asked, and
without waiting for a reply moved my hands from the sides of the tub into the
churning, bubbling water. I felt his stiffness rising to greet me. I smiled. “Guessing
by the feel of things, this means yes?”

Embarrassed, “It doesn’t infer anything, Vic. What you’re
holding in your hand is a response to the previous out of body experience we
shared ... I think.”

“I think not,” I countered. “It’s a typical male response to
a sensuous, naked woman about to go down on you.” Keeping my nose out of the
bubbling froth was no small feat, yet somehow I managed to breathe deeply on
every fourth or fifth upstroke without choking.

Raising my voice to match other parts of my body, I
countered, “You don’t have to do this, girlfriend. I’m a big boy. Remember?”

This may very well be our last night for a while,
possibly forever.
I turned my eyes, before I released him from my lips to
reply. “I know I don’t. But I want to. I need to, for me and for you. Lay back,
relax and close your eyes. Remember our first time? … Our first kiss? Allow me
to create the sequel.” And over the next ten glorious minutes, I did.


is blessed with incredible skills, orally speaking, of course. I could think of
another profession or two where her talents could put food on the table and a
new Mercedes in her garage every other year. My mind, clouded in a semi-alcohol
induced fog exacerbated by the body numbing effects of the Jacuzzi, traipsed
back and forth between her and Candi.

comforting me, soothing me, embracing me was more than my friend. She was my
kindred spirit. And she was ... good. Feeling myself reaching the point of no
return, compliments of her exquisite technique, I purposely lifted her off me
and raised her up to my waiting lips.


m not finished,

I pouted, but he wasn

t listening.


re not finished. I tasted
you. You were almost there.

This is not a marathon, girlfriend. Kiss me.

Her tongue darted and danced in my mouth, her lime tainted
breath combined with the salty taste of me, teased my tongue and throat. My
hands roamed her voluptuous body, gliding effortlessly across her silky skin,
compliments of the bath beads she must have added earlier.

You feel incredible,

whispered, moving my hands down her back, coming to rest on her rounded, supple
cheeks. Massaging them in tandem, I pressed her against my loins, her breasts,
inadvertently tickling my chest.

I am perfectly content to
lay here just like this, touching you, feeling you, exploring you...

hands, oh, his hands ... the strength they exude, the tenderness they project.

Me, too,

I breathed.

This is purr-fect.

Like two well-oiled, finely tuned machines, we were gliding
effortlessly back and forth across each other, my hands clasped around his
neck, pushing and pulling the length of my body across him, matching him thrust
for passionate thrust.


re very much alike, you and I. Star crossed spirits who
have discovered the innate ability to sense the hurt ... the pain of the other,
before administering the appropriate healing response ... accordingly.

turned off the jets. The clearing, bubble free water revealed the long, sinewy
features of the vixen between my legs.

How beautiful you are
tonight, Victoria.

her carefully in my arms while rising from the tub, I stepped onto the brick
tile, extending my hands for her to join me. Using the plush, oversized towels
draped across the rack, we padded each other dry in silence. Guiding Vic to the
massive plush, pillow-topped bed, I sat her down on its edge while kneeling
deftly before her. Placing my head on her knees, I lingered, relishing the heat
radiating from her silky, soft skin.

Lay back for me, please,

I directed, placing her feet against my shoulders,
revealing a glistening honey pot begging
to be devoured. Burying my face, my tongue, my lips inside her, I drew into my
mouth the nectar of my making. Purposely, methodically, I teased her clit
making exaggerated circles with the pointed tip of my tongue, my hands
continuing to massage her cheeks. Long, deliberate wide gliding licks up and
down her labia propelled Victoria to involuntarily dig her fingernails into my
scalp each time I swept a sensitive area. This is my calling, I mused, there

s no better place to be,
buried tongue deep in a woman up to my eyeballs who just so happens to be my

Something has inherently
changed in this man. The passion and the lust have gone from his eyes. I see
tranquility. D is relishing in me, pleasuring me, enjoying me for me. He

s giving me what
I wanted


in this twisted relationship. What did he say, kindred
Drifting into a far off dimension, my overstuffed closet of well-worn thoughts
lifted, allowing me to appreciate every sensation he was creating in me, a
woman with needs. Gone was the busyness and gamesmanship I equated with mutual
satisfaction in sex. This was about me, about D

enraptured in me.
could get used to this.
My body, a slave to his techniques, no longer
responded to my desires. It was responding to his overwhelming desire to make
me climax, multiple times

which I did, to his delight ... and mine.


from the carpeted floor and moving to the bed, I longed to finish what Victoria
had started minutes earlier when my current iPhone on the nightstand began
vibrating repeatedly.

My legs quivering, the after effects of his pleasantly
pleasing tongue opened to receive him.
His damn phone is ringing!
no way in hell you’re going to answer that. Is there?”

I looked bitten. “I’m sorry. I always turn it off.”
this time I didn’t. Why?
Glancing, nonchalantly at my phone, I saw it was
Candi calling me back. “I probably should answer this,” I muttered
apologetically to Vic in an awkward moment of incredible insanity.

Who would have thought?
“Go ahead, D. I’m sure you’re
talented enough to talk and screw at the same time. Aren’t you, big boy?” I
asked, determined to hold his hardness in my hand, guiding it deftly into
before he could say no.

I picked up the phone and answered nonchalantly, hoping to
mask my present entanglement.

Candi,” I paused, taking a deep breath. “Is
everything OK?”

“D, Jon David —
whatever your name happens to be today — we need to talk. Really talk …
without our emotions getting in the way.”

Now is not a good time, Candi,” I replied, my body
responding to the effects of Victoria’s legs wrapped around my hips, pushing
and pulling her moist hot self on me.

“Are you riding?”
asked Candi.

You could say that.”
What? Does this girl have,
“Give me a few minutes to get to a place where I can stop and I’ll
call you back.”

“Tell Victoria hi for me ... Bye,”
quipped Candi, in
a voice suddenly armed with an uncanny sixth sense.
Female karma maybe?

D is so busted
. Wrapping my arms around his neck and
daring him to stop, I whispered, “Hurry, D, come for me. Then you can call her

I faked it, my first with this auburn-haired, vivacious
vixen. Rocking and rolling on the bed for the next few minutes, I exaggerated
my release inside her, my mind thousands of miles away. “I shouldn’t have
answered the phone, that was not fair to you.”

“Fair to me? It wasn’t fair to you. You thoroughly satisfied
me, this was all about satisfying you.” Rolling off the bed, I grabbed my
clothes, ran to the bathroom and slammed the door. I wanted
D to know I
was upset. But I wasn’t; really I wasn’t.
What hold this girl has over him
I’ll never know. My woo-hoo, as he calls it, is just as hot as hers. Geez!

Way to go, putz!
You’ve agitated the two women you care about most in less than five minutes.
You’re on a roll! You’re shooting snake eyes with your one-eyed monster to be
Quickly dressing and against my better judgment, I left Vic stewing
in the bathroom to go outside and be verbally accosted by the other woman

I am a glutton for
punishment. What can I say?
I pressed send.

Hi, Candi. Where were we?

“Hi, D. I hope I
didn’t make you stop riding just to call me back.”

If you only knew… “
It’s fine, Candi. I needed a ...

“You sleeping with Vic
is none of my business. Really, it’s not. I mean you’re a desirable man; she’s
a beautiful woman. I got it. I am jealous, but not like you think. I wish it
was me instead of her you were sleeping with ... screwing — whatever. I
miss you.”

Stop rationalizing, Candi. It
bother you.
... That is, if you still care. Your Joey porn sure as hell bothered me. Vic
comforted me the best way she knew how. I’m sure Joey did the same for you.

“You stop it! Joseph
is crazy jealous of you. He manipulates people and he’s good at it. He wants us
back the way we used to be using any means necessary. It’s not happening. Don’t
you get it, having sex with him was the only way I could prove to him it’s over
between you and me. I don’t want it to be. I pray you don’t want it to be. It’s
not ... .is it? If I could see you, talk to you ... we could find our way
through this. Anyplace, anywhere ... you name it, I’ll be there.”

I don’t know if it’s over or not. I’m complicated;
you’re even more complicated. I would like to see you again, Candi. Right now
it’s a good three days before I get home. I can’t make any promises. All I can
tell you is I’ll try. Even then, I’m not so sure we can heal this circle of
trust. It makes my head hurt just thinking what you’re going to say next.
You’ve made being us damn near impossible.” I paused, allowing my last
statement to sink in as another thought emerged. “Not to change the subject,
but since we were speaking of home, did you find out any more about who
specifically might be looking for me?”

“I’ve dug around as
much as I dare without tipping my hand. Donny has gone MIA. No one has seen him
since he checked himself out of the hospital in Calgary. The last person to
talk to him that I know of was ... eh ... Joseph.”

That’s convenient. Guess he can’t take a joke, especially
since it cost him a few front teeth. By now, I’m sure he knows just enough
about Victoria and Sioux City to be dangerous. Thanks for the heads up. Vic may
need to take another trip when we get back. Won’t she be thrilled? Speaking of
Vic, I need to go. I’m sure she’s wondering where I ran off to. I’ll try to
touch base with you in the next couple of days. K?”

“’K. If I learn
anymore, I’ll call you and text immediately. I’m sorry that I’ve messed up your
life. What I wouldn’t give to have a do-over with you. Bye, baby.”

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