Ride a Cowboy (7 page)

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Authors: Desiree Holt

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Western, #Westerns, #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Ride a Cowboy
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Was that Chance? Why was he saying anything?

“Molly, sugar, please.” His hands touched her shoulders, lightly first then gripping harder.

She stopped the movement of her head and hands, blinked and looked at him as if in a haze.

“What? What’s wrong? Am I doing—”

“You’re doing fine.” His voice sounded strained. “Too fine. I’d love to come in your mouth, but we’ll save that for another time. Right now, I want to be inside your pussy. Okay?”

Reluctantly she released her hold on him. “Okay,” she answered in a shaky voice, giving his cock one final swipe with her tongue.

Chance raised himself up, lifted her from where she knelt between his thighs and in seconds she was flat on her back, looking up at him.

“Molly.” His mouth was barely an inch from hers, his eyes filled with a raging heat boring into hers. “Will you let me tie your hands? To the headboard?”

She blinked, remembering one of the books she’d read that described a scene like that. She’d be completely at his mercy but…But he wasn’t Boyd and she needed to keep remembering that. She nodded, not trusting herself to speak as a delicious shaft of heat speared though her.

“Don’t move,” he told her.

He left the bed only long enough to open his closet, reach inside and pull out two ties. Then he was back, winding the soft material around each wrist, pulling her hands back over her head and tying the fabric to the spindles in the headboard. The heat in his eyes burned even brighter and his breath came faster.

“You know I’d never hurt you, right?” he asked, the fire dimmed slightly by a touch of uncertainty. “It’s just, this is the way I like sex. And there are so many different things to explore.” He licked the surface of her lips lightly. “But all you have to do is tell me to stop and that’s it.”

She looked at him for a long time, his warm breath fanning across her cheeks, his big hands cradling her cheeks, a look of such earnest desire on his face it pulled at her heart.

Now or never, Molly girl. It’s what you wanted and never had, right?

“I want it all with you,” she said, putting everything she felt into her words.

“Good. Because everything I have to give, I’m giving to you.”

Then he was between her thighs, spreading them wide, lapping at her slit, licking her cream. His teeth tugged at her clit, the tip of his tongue teasing at it. His thumbs pressing the lips of her pussy open were setting off rockets inside her. She’d never thought the feeling of helplessness created by her position would be so stimulating but being in the power of
someone she trusted
was an incredible aphrodisiac.

She tried to hitch her hips at him, silently urging him to hurry, hurry, hurry.

Chance laughed softly, the sound vibrating through the walls of her cunt. “You taste so good I could eat you forever.” The muscles in his face tightened. “But if I don’t get inside you pretty soon, I might self-destruct.”

His slid two long fingers inside her wet channel, probing gently until he found the string connecting the two Ben Wah balls. Gently he pulled them from her body, letting them bump and drag against tiny nerves along the way. Just like that, she felt another orgasm building.

Chance tossed the little balls to the side, pulled a condom from the nightstand drawer and sheathed himself with one hand. He took a moment to look down at her, drinking in the sight of her stretched out before him, hands bound, the plug nestled in her ass, her face flushed with pleasure, body quivering with anticipation. He’d wanted this for so long. Longer than he’d even admitted to himself. The young girl had grown into a desirable woman, lush and tempting. And he wasn’t able to resist that temptation.

Spreading her wide, he positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her cunt and slowly pushed inside her. The plug narrowed her channel and made the fit tight. So tight his balls drew up and his blood pounded hard as his own climax spiraled up from deep inside his body. Gritting his teeth, he closed his eyes and called up every bit of control he had.

Not yet, not yet, not yet.

Letting out a slow breath, he bent forward and captured a nipple in his mouth, tugging on it and sucking it deeply. Molly’s cunt muscles quivered around the thickness of his shaft and her breathing was rapid. He could almost see her heart beating against her ribs. He moved to the other nipple, giving it equal treatment, trying to prolong everything.

But it was so tight—
so tight—
inside that hot little pussy, the plug pushing against him from the other side of the thin membrane—he just lost it. His hips pistoned as if of their own accord, pounding into her with jackhammer speed and force. Again, again, again. Delicious little noises crawled out of her throat, and she tugged on her restraints as her hips rose up to meet his.

When she threw her legs around him and dug her heels into the small of his back, he was lost. They fell over the edge together, whirling in a black velvet void surrounded by a barrage of fireworks. He knew nothing except the pulsing of his cock and the clenching of her muscles around him.

At last he drew in a shuddering breath, opened his eyes and looked down at her, delightfully spent, exhausted from the intensity of their lovemaking. Very carefully he withdrew from her and moved off the bed on shaky legs. Disposing of the condom, he padded back into the bedroom to release her restraints. Crawling onto the bed beside her, he wrapped his body around her, one hand cradling a breast.

“Stay with me tonight,” he whispered. “Wake up with me in the morning.”

When she hesitated, he tensed. What was she worried about? Had he pushed her too far? Would she turn out to be just like…

She released a small sigh. “All right. But you have to make the coffee in the morning.”

He chuckled as relief swept over him. “It’ll have to be early. My boss gets pissed if I’m late for the job.”

She put her small hand over his where it lay on her breast. “And I don’t think it would do me any good to plead your case. So, okay. Early is good.”

He placed a soft kiss on her cheek and pulled her closer to his body. He had even more ideas for Molly Hayes in his bedroom. He just hoped she’d be all right with them.

His last thought as he drifted off was that he might have to go to Houston and beat the shit out of that asshole ex of hers.

Chapter Seven

The ranch was just beginning to come to life when Chance and Molly drove in shortly after six the following morning. The yard was filled with men cranking up the day’s routine.

The hay truck was being loaded for another run, cattle in the near pasture were bawling their welcome to the day and two of the hands were just heading off to ride fence. Today, rather than using their horses, they rode out in an all terrain vehicle. Maintaining the fences was a never-ending job. One break and thousands of dollars worth of cattle could be lost or injured.

The men in the yard stopped what they were doing to stare at them with curiosity.

“I’d say we’re definitely out of the bag now,” Molly pointed out. “Although I’m sure the two guys last night have already passed the word, anyway.”

“Good.” Chance came around to open her door for her. “Less competition for me. Let’s make sure they know the score.”

He lifted her down from the cab, pulled her against his body and gave her a hard, deep kiss. His tongue probed her mouth, dueling with hers, and his hands cupped the cheeks of her ass, pressing her against him. When he released her, she was breathless. A couple of the men watching were brave enough to let loose with a couple of wolf whistles.

“Be ready tonight at seven,” he told her, then stared into her eyes. “That okay?”

Molly nodded. “Seven it is.” Already her body was stirring at the thought of what new things he had in store for her.

“And don’t forget what to do with that little toy I gave you.” He touched her purse where he’d placed the butt plug.

Heat flooded her face. “I won’t.”

“Okay. Got to get to work. You’re father will be home before long, and I sure don’t want him to think I’m taking advantage.” He said it with a grin, but it rubbed Molly the wrong way.

“Let’s get something straight right now, okay?”

Chance frowned. “What?”

“Last night you said you didn’t have to kiss up to me for your job. That you earned it and worked damn hard at it, right?”

He nodded, still frowning.

“Then don’t make jokes about who I am. Please? Whatever happens with us, Chance, your place here is whatever you make it, not what happens because of me.”

His face sobered at once. “You’re right, and I’m sorry. What I feel for you has nothing to do with who you are. At all.”

She studied his face. “And what
you feel for me, Chance?”

He just grinned. “See you at seven.” And he walked away toward the barn.

Well, that got her nothing. Except a really hot kiss.

Molly smiled and waved to the men as she mounted the steps to the back porch. She was fully aware, though, that regardless of what both of them said, neither could predict Reuben Hayes’ reaction to this situation. She just hoped it would be a blessing rather than a curse. And she wondered if Chance would mention it to him or leave it up to her.

On her way through the kitchen, she grabbed a mug and filled it with coffee from the big pot their housekeeper, Josefina, kept filled all day. Checking the clock on the stove, she estimated her father would be home before too long. Even on business trips he was an early riser and their financial situation allowed him the luxury of his own place, his own landing strip and his own hangar.

“Just makes good sense to be efficient about travel,” he pointed out frequently.

She took her time showering, letting the hot water soothe all the sore places in her body. She hated washing away Chance’s scent on her skin, but she sure couldn’t go around smelling like sex all day. She spent extra time washing her hair and grooming her body, although she planned to take a hot soak in the tub before dressing for tonight.

There was a moment of confusion as she stared at the plug she’d pulled from her purse, trying to figure out just how she was going to do what Chance wanted. But she covered it generously with lube, as he had done, found herself a good position and slowly pushed it inside.

She had just pulled on fresh jeans and a T-shirt when she heard the back door slam and her father’s voice booming up the stairs.

“Molly? I’m home. Come on down and have a cup of coffee with me.”

He was sitting at the table in the breakfast room, his big legs stretched out in front of him and a mug cradled in his hands when she came downstairs.

“Have a good trip?” She kissed him on the cheek, then went to refill her own mug.

“If you saw that bull then you know I did.” He sipped his coffee, waiting for her to join him at the table.

His silence made her nervous. Normally she couldn’t get him to shut up.

“Great looking bull,” she agreed at last, desperate to find out if someone had dropped her bombshell on him. She didn’t have long to wait.

“So. Seems like you took my advice to get out right to heart.”

“And you say that because?” She blew on the hot liquid.

“Don’t play coy with me, missy. Understand you spent the night at Chance McDaniel’s.”

“Oh. I guess you’ve already been plugged into the ranch gossip line.” Of course.

“Not at all. Chance himself came up and told me about it. Said he didn’t want me to hear about from someone else. That there wasn’t anything to hide.” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “That right?”

Warmth surged through her at the realization that Chance had been so upfront with her father about their growing relationship. Molly set her mug down carefully, choosing her next words.

“Daddy, I’m thirty years old. I’ve been married and divorced. I didn’t think I needed your permission to have a sleepover.”

Reuben gave her a long, slow look. “That’s right. You don’t. But you’re coming off a bad situation and I just want to make sure you know what you’re doing. That it’s not some knee jerk reaction.” He paused. “Besides. Chance has had his own troubles, you know.”

I’d know more if I could get him to talk about it.

She clamped down on her irritation. “Who are you more worried about? Chance or me?”

“Both of you.” He leaned forward and placed one of his meaty hands over her small one. “You’re my only child, Molly, no matter how old you are. With your mama gone, I feel a dual responsibility. But Chance McDaniel is one damn fine young man, responsible and a hard worker. I can’t say it wouldn’t please me to see the two of you together, but I’d hate for something to happen to screw that up for either of you.”

She found a smile for him. “Don’t worry. We’re both adults and we both know what we’re doing.”
I think.
“And it’s going to be all right.”
I hope.

“Okay, then.” He pushed back his chair and stood up. “I’ll tell you the same thing I told Chance. If there turns out to be a problem, work it out like the adults you tell me you are.” He rinsed his cup, set it in the sink and lifted his hat off the counter. “I’d better get out there and see to that bull.” He started to open the back door, then stopped. “You know, Molly, there’s a place for you here at the ranch if you want it.”

“Oh?” She grinned. “I guess you can always use an extra hand around the barn.”

His face darkened with momentary anger. “Don’t sell yourself short. You didn’t get that fancy education to shovel horse shit. John Trammel wants to retire and move to Arizona where the rest of his family is. Hayes Ranch could sue a smart brain as the ranch manager.”

She stared at him, stunned. For one thing, John had been running the ranch for her father—at least the business end—for as long as she could remember. For another, he’d never once said anything about her being a part of this operation.

She was so startled for a moment she couldn’t think. “You actually want
to be part of the ranch operation?”

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