Richard The Chird (86 page)

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Authors: Paul Murray Kendall

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Richmond, Edmund Tudor, Earl of, father of Henry VII, 185-86, 396

Richmond, Margaret Beaufort, Countess of, mother of Henry VII, 184-87, 241, 273-74, 314, 315, 316, 319-20, 321, 324, 332, 412, 454, 455, 488

Rivers, Anthony Woodville, Earl (Lord Scales), 38, 60, 61, 69, 82-84, 89, 06, 97, 120, 136, 144, 148, 184, 191, 193-95, 109, 202, 214, 216, 217, 220, 227, 229, 256, 344, 395, 484;

Rivers, Anthony Woodvilie (cont.) jousts with Bastard of Burgundy, 74-75; flees to Burgundy and returns to England with Edward, 100-06; work of published by Cax-ton, 146-47; Rivers' hatred of Hastings, 174; his character and career, 204-06; made captive by Richard, 207-12; his last will, ballad, and death, 252-54

Rivers, Jacquetta, Countess of, wife of elder Earl Rivers, see Bedford, Dowager Duchess of

Rivers, Richard Woodvilie, Earl, father of Anthony and Elizabeth Woodvilie, 38, 58, 60, 61, 77, 79, 82, 84, 86, 89, 145, 254, 266

Robin of Holderness, 81

Robin of Redesdale (Sir John Con-yers), 81, 84, 85

Rochefort, Guillaume de, Chancellor of France, 468-69

Rose of Raby, 17

Rotherham, Thomas, Archbishop of York, Lord Chancellor (1475-83), 159, 198, 218, 219, 237, 240, 241, 244,

*55» 333> 34 8 > 375> 393» 4° 8 > takes Great Seal to Queen, 214; arrested by Richard, 248; released, 250; betrays Richard secretly, 394

Rothesay, James, Duke of, see James IV

Rouen, 18, 21, 76, 397

Rous, John, 303, 470, 471, 496-97

Russell, John, Bishop of Lincoln, Lord Chancellor (1483-85), 198, 225, 229, 236, 247, 252, 255, 271, 301, 323, 333, 342, 349, 360-61, 375, 391, 400, 469, 470, 489; appointed Chancellor, his character, 219; draft of his speech for Parliament, 235-36; addresses Parliament, 338-339; Richard's confidence in, 407-408; his contribution to the Croy-land Chronicle, 512

St, Albans, battles of: May 1455, 32; Feb. 1461, 43, 352


St. Andrews, James Kennedy, Bishop of, 63-64

St. George, chapel of, 48, 191, 250, 288, 387

Saint Leger, Sir Thomas, 313, 329

St. Martin le Grand, 126, 127

St. Michael's Mount, 131, 223

St. Paul's Cathedral, 24, 33, 105, 114, 121, 282, 362

St. Pol, Louis de Luxembourg, Count of, 60, 135

St. Stephen's, chapel of, 147, 191

Salisbury, 328-29

Salisbury, Bishop of, see Ayscough, William; Woodvilie, Lionel

Salisbury, Alice, Countess of, 53-54

Salisbury, Richard Neville, Earl of, his career, 1455-60, 32-41; his death, 42-43; 404

Sandal Castle, 31, 33, 42, 103, 377

Sandwich, 33, 38, 39, 121

Sandys, William, Lord, 475

Sasiola, Graufidius de, envoy of Queen Isabella, 304, 310

Savage, Sir John, 410, 411, 418

Savonarola, 28, 297

Scales, Lord, see Rivers, Anthony Woodvilie, Earl

Scarborough, 354-55

Scotland, 42, 45, 54, 64, 125, 133, 151, J 7ii 305» 35 1 * 354-55* S^n; Richard conducts war against (1480-1482), 162-69; Richard counsels Edward to make war on, 175; Richard negotiates treaty with, 359-61

Scrope, Rauf, 346-47

Scrope of Bolton, John, Lord, 50, 152, 245, 309, 353, 375-76, 382-83, 399, 428

Scrope of Upsale, Thomas, Lord, 408, 428

Seintmount, Richard Beauchamp, Lord, 331

Shaa, Sir Edmund, Mayor of London (1482-83), 249, 263, 334, 466-467

Shaa, Friar Ralph, 263, 318

Shakespeare, William, 465, 496, 504, 5°5> 5 J 4


Shaunde, Philippe de, 410

Shene (Richmond), 45, 6r, 127, 491

Shenton, 426, 429, 430

Sheriff Hutton, 125, 132, 151, 163,

252, 310,317,377,400 Sherwood (or Shirwood), Dr. John,

Bishop of Durham, 333, 348, 355,


Sherwood Forest, 408, 409, 419 Shore, Jane, Edward's love for, 173,

183, 243, 244-45, 248, 249, 255, 379,

390-91, 549-5072 Shore, William, 173 Shrewsbury, 413, 418 Shrewsbury, George Talbot, 4th

Earl of, 250, 360, 414 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, ist Earl

of (Terror of the French) (d.

1453), 28, 258, 368 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 2nd Earl

of (d. 1460), 39 Shrewsbury, John Talbot, 3rd Earl

of (d. 1473), 368 Simnel, Lambert, 445, 451, 475, 486,


Sixtus IV, 204, 348, 355; see also Pope Skelton, John, 44, 51872 Slaughter, William, 472, 473 Smithfield, 74 Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke *

of (d. 1455), 209, 314; his actions

and policy (1445-1455), 20-24, 31-

32; his death, 32 Somerset, Edmund Beaufort, Duke

of (d. 1471), son of the above, 72, * 104, 115, 117-20

Somerset, Henry Beaufort, Duke of *•" (d. 1464), elder brother of Edmund Beaufort the younger, 32 (as Earl of Dorset); 56, 57, 72, 119, 289 Somerset, John Beaufort, Earl of (d.** 1410), father of Edmund Beaufort the elder, 185

Stacey, John, 145

Stafford, Henry, see Buckingham,

2nd Duke of Stafford, Sir Henry, 2nd husband of

Margaret Beaufort, 187 Stafford, Humphrey, 327, 440, 443,

45°> 45i

Stafford, Humphrey, Earl of (d. 1455), father of 2nd Duke of Buckingham, 32 s ^

Stafford of Southwick, Humphrey, Lord, see Devon, Earl of

Stafford, John, coiner, 366-68

Stafford, Richard, son of John, 366-368

Stafford, Thomas, 440, 450, 451

Stallworthe, Simon, 239, 245, 255, 256-57

Stanley, Thomas, Lord, brother of Sir William, 100, 136, 157, 168, 169, 175, 190, 191, 198, 225, 226, 230, 237, 244, 271, 309, 360, 363, 372,

375' 3 82 > 384» 4°°' 4 IO » 4 I2 > 4 2 9> 440, 444; surprised by Richard and deserts Warwick (1470), 95-96; allied to Hastings (1483), 240-41; arrested at council meeting, 247-248; released, 250; at Richard's coronation, 273-74; accompanies «* Richard on progress, 301; with Richard at outbreak of Buckingham's rebellion, 324; rewarded by Richard, 332-33; his power in Cheshire and Lancashire, 353; elected Knight of the Garter, 381; his career and character, 403-07; permitted to absent himself, 407, 56872; Henry Tudor's dependence on, 413-14; refuses to join Richard, 417; his actions before Bosworth, 418-19, 421-26; at Bosworth, 430-436, 570-7 in; his career under Henry VII, 457

Somerset, John Beaufort, Duke of n Stanley, Sir Thomas (d. 1459),

(d. 1444), brother of Edmund Beaufort the elder, father of Margaret Beaufort, 185, 314

Spain, 304, 355, 456

Sponer, John, 367, 420-21, 444

father of Lord Stanley and Sir William, 21, 404

Stanley, Sir William, brother of Lord Stanley, 120, 114, 372, 380, 410, 412, 419, 421, 485-86; grants


Stanley, Sir William {continued} made to, 332, 353; his career, 403-406; meets Henry Tudor at Stafford, 413-14; proclaimed traitor, 418; movements before Bosworth, 422-36; at Bosworth, 438-44, 570-57172; conspires against Henry VII, 457-58

Staplehill, John, 222

Stillington, Robert, Bishop of Bath and Wells, Lord Chancellor (1467-70, 1471-75), 229, 242, 244, 333' 3755 reveals Edward's precontract, 257-58; his career and character, 259-62; arrested by Henry VII, 459, 55472

Stoke, battle of (1487), 447-49

Stoke Golding, 426, 429, 430, 444

Stokton, John, Mayor of London, 105

Stonor, Elizabeth, 259

Stonor, Sir William, 313, 321, 323, 3 2 8, 347

Stony Stratford, 60, 207, 208, 210-12, 54272

Story, Edward, Bishop of Chiches-ter, 198

Stow, John, 285

Strange, George Stanley, Lord, son of Lord Stanley, 324-25, 400, 403, 413, 423, 446; joins Richard as hostage for his father, 407; fails to escape, 417-18; his life spared, 433-


Sudeley, Ralph Butler, Lord, 258 ' - Suffolk, Elizabeth, Duchess of, sister

of Richard III, 18, 29, 66, 229, 273-

274, 310, 349 . Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, Earl of,

younger brother of Earl of Lincoln, 475, 492 Suffolk, John de la Pole, Duke of,

father of Earl of Lincoln, 82, 88,

136, 229, 265, 273, 349, 361, 362,

416, 417, 441 I Suffolk, William de la Pole, Duke

of (d. 1450), father of the above,

16, 18, 20-22 Surrey, Thomas Howard, Earl of,

son of John Howard, 271, 273-74,

3° 8 ' 33°> 353> 3 62 » 37 2 > 3&>, 400,

425, 436, 437, 441, 463 Sutton Cheney, 429, 430-31, 433, 434 Swart, Martin, 445, 447, 448, 449 Swynford (Roet), Catherine (d.

1403), 185

Talbot, Sir Gilbert, 412, 414 Talbot, John (Terror of the

French), see Shrewsbury, ist Earl


Taylor, Dr. John, 302 Tewkesbury, battle of (1471), 117-

120 Tewkesbury Abbey, 117, 120-21,

302-03 Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of

Gloucester, 208, 318, 319, 321 Thomas, Rhys ap, 333, 410, 411, 412,

413, 418 Tiptoft, John, see Worcester, Earl

of Tower (of London), The, 31, 39,

47> 57. I0 5» H6» 148, 220, 255-56,

272, 282, 317, 351, 352, 445, 472,

481, 487

Towton, battle of (1461), 45 Tresham, Sir William, 23 Trollope, Andrew, 35, 36 Tudor, Edmund, see Richmond, Earl


Tudor, Henry, see Henry VII Tudor, Jasper, see Pembroke, Earl


Tudor, Meredith, 185 Tudor, Owen, 185-87 Tudor, Owen (monk), son of above


Turburvyle, John, 362-63 Turner, Sharon, 507-08 Twynyho, Ankarette, 144-45 Tyrell, Sir James, his connection

with the murder of the Princes,

130, 152, 229, 309, 312, 332, 340,

353, 360, 364, 376, 399, 471-81, 485,

486, 492 Tyrell, Thomas, son of the above,

475. 476


Urswick, Christopher, 358

Vannes, 358-59

Vaughan, Sir Thomas, 210-12, 215,

216, 221, 252, 253 Vaughan, family of, 327, 328 Vergil, Polydore, 91, 188, 269, 314-

315, 317, 318, 345, 384, 394, 396, 423,

425, 443, 452, 470, 471, 473, 479-80,

488, 489, 501-04, 505, 514

Wakefield, battle of (1460), 42

Wales and Welsh Marches, 23, 24, 33, 54> 7 8 -79> 89-91, 125, 170-71, 183-84, 227, 228, 229, 320, 321, 330, 33 2 » 353» 37 8 » 399-40°, 410-14

Walpole, Horace, 506-07

Warbeck, Perkin, 384, 457-58, 475, 476, 485

Warwick Castle, 34, 49, 86, 96, 144, 286, 303

Warwick, Anne, Countess of, 50, 51, 66-67, 9<5, I]C 5» 122-23, 124, 129-30, 131-3*

Warwick, Edward, Earl of, son of Duke of Clarence, 148-49, 252, 263,308, 310,349, 377, 400, 445, 451, 467, 482, 491

Warwick, Richard Neville, Earl of, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48, 49, 51, 74, 81, 90, 102, 122, 123, 124, 125,

132, 177, 187, 222, 231, 267, 299,

318, 319, 382; arrives at Ludlow (1459), 34-35; invades England from Calais, 38-39; defeated at St. Albans, 43; Richard enters household of, 49, 519-2072; angered by Edward's marriage, 58; his character and his schemes, 63-68, 52277; insists on French alliance, 71; meets Louis XI at Rouen, 76-77; his opposition to Edward, 77-80; captures Edward, 86-87, 5 2 32 5 w > reconciled to Edward, 91; conspires with Clarence and is driven from England, 92-96; allies himself with Queen Margaret and invades England, 97-100; gathers troops, fights at Barnet, and dies,

103-14, 527-2872; his interest in

artillery, 351-52

Waynflete, William, Bishop of Winchester, 301 Welles, Richard, Lord (Lord Wil-

loughby and Welles), 92, 93-94 Welles, Sir Robert, son of Lord

Welles, 93, 94 Wellis, John, 222 Wenlock, John, Lord, 78, 117, 118,


Wensleydale, 49-50, 177, 462 Wentworth, Thomas, 335 Westminster Abbey, 62, 105, 191,

2 34* 2 73~74> 393> 455; shrine of St.

Edward, 266, 270, 274; sanctuary,

105, 213-14, 251, 312, 343-44 Westminster Hall, 265, 273-75, 455 Westminster Palace, 41, 62, 146, 147-

48, 220 Westmorland, Ralph Neville, ist

Earl of, 17 White Boar, 133-34 Whitelaw, Archibald, 360 Wiltshire, James Butler, Earl of, 32,

33> 43

Winchester, Bishop of, see Beaufort, Henry; Waynflete, William

Windsor Castle, 76, 115, 191, 250, 286, 301

Wingfield, Thomas, 83

Wode, Sir John, 175, 219, 377

Wolsey, Thomas, 295

Woodville, Anthony, see Rivers, Earl

Woodville, Sir Edward, 61, 189, 197, 200, 213, 221-24, 3°7» 3"» 401* 4^0, 400

Woodville, Elizabeth, Queen of England, 79, 84, 91, 105-06, 144, 173, 183-84, 190, 191, 193, 206, 209-11,

220-21, 225, 239, 242, 243, 246, 248, 254, 257, 263-65, 269, 304, 312, 315,

321, 402, 446, 455, 486, 488; her marriage to Edward IV, 58-61, 52172; her acquisitions and love of pomp, 61-62; her attitude toward brothers of Edward IV, 69; takes revenge on Desmond, 79-80; bears


Woodville, Elizabeth {continued) 3. son (1470), 101; demands Clarence's death, 145-48; seeks to control kingdom after Edward's death, 197-204; takes sanctuary, 213-14; permits her son to leave sanctuary, 251; allows her daughters to leave sanctuary, 343-46; her relations with Richard (1484), 483-84; her puzzling conduct in 1484 and in 1487, 490-92

Woodville, Sir John, 61, 84, 86, 145

Woodville, Katherine, see Buckingham, Duchess of

Woodville, Lionel, Bishop of Salisbury, 61, 189, 191, 197, 213, 239, 2 54» 3*3i 3^ 328, 339

Woodville, Richard, father of Elizabeth Woodville, see Rivers, Earl

Woodville, Sir Richard, 61, 191, 313, 328, 331

Worcester, Bishop of, see Alcock, John

Worcester, John Tiptoft, Earl of, 54» 57* ^3' 74> 80* 94, 205

Wrangwysh, Thomas, 159-60, 161, 234, 246, 326, 366-67, 460

Wyndham, Sir John, 476

Yate, Thomas, 362

York, Archbishop of, see Neville, George (1465-1476); Rotherham, Thomas (1480-1500)

York, city of, 43, 50, 54, 87, 95,96, 97, 237. 256, 361, 371, 374, 378, 395-96, 450, 451; receives Edward and Richard (1471), 102; description of, 154-56; Richard's relations with, 155-61; its part in war against Scots, 163-69; supports Richard against Woodvilles, 245-47; W£ l-comes Richard III, 308-10; arrests

a coiner, 366-68; its devotion to Richard, 408; sends Richard troops, 420-21, 56972; its grief at Richard's death, 444; defies Henry VII, 45JHS4

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