Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4) (9 page)

Read Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4) Online

Authors: T S Paul

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Literature & Fiction, #Fiction, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Teen & Young Adult, #Genre Fiction, #Lgbt, #Lesbian Fiction, #Science Fiction, #LGTB, #Lesbian, #War, #Space, #Space station, #Revolution, #Rebellion, #Artificial intellegence, #Engineer, #Space battle, #Space Opera, #YA, #special forces

BOOK: Revolutionary (The Athena Lee Chronicles Book 4)
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The Captain was led out into the courtyard and past his defenses. Mortar shells were still screaming in but were now only smoke shells. Firing from ‘his’ sniper positions enemy troops were killing his men from behind. He was tied up and carried down a rope ladder into the ravine and into the woods.





Now that the battle was over Major Lee, the Colonels daughter, joined her father investigating the ESS remains. Father and daughter made their way to the former command center. Here Militia intelligence was picking through documents and interviewing the very few survivors. At least they would have someone to try in the courts.


“Minerva dear, would you like to have dinner with me? It is Army rations but not the really nasty ones.” He looked at his daughter.


“Of course father that would be nice.” She had noticed a change in him.


“I have a bit of a show planned for after so we should be entertained.”


Min was not sure what he meant by that but decided to play along. He lead her out into the forest. Several sentries greeted them along the way. They were all members of that Special operations group that had joined them. Up ahead a clearing could be seen. At the center of the clearing was a man suspended over a pit. On either side of the pit was a very large Demon Ant nest. The man was struggling and trying to cry out through the gag in his mouth. Closer examination showed him to be an ESS Captain still in his uniform. She turned to her father.


“Is that their commander?” Her father only smiled.


“Thank you father. You do us proud. There is going to be a show with dinner.”



The Echoing screams could be heard for miles.

Chapter 9







Now that his personal business was taken care of it was time to plan. The space port needed to be taken before they assaulted the space station. The defending force was heavier than it was here. They ‘still had eyes in the sky’ and apparent communications.


The Militia had three really old space capable assault ships. They were pre-war and one had been in a museum. His engineers swore that they still functioned, the problem was that without the proper IFF the station could just shoot them down. There were three EOM ships stationed there too. What was their position on this fight? Were they working with the Governor against the planet or would they support arresting him and breaking away? He really did not believe that his daughter would hate him that much to destroy everything that her family stood for. This so frustrating!


Colonel Lee decided to put his son Han in charge of this operation. On this planet a Lee had to lead. His daughter would plan the station assault. Maybe it was time for the young to show their worth. He would sit back and supervise from the command center.


Major ‘Han’ Lee was ready this was his first real chance to show both his father and command that he was a leader. Working closely with Sergeant Yannos and his group, Han had decided to infiltrate the space port. He instructed the Special operations team to deactivate the defensive turrets if possible. Their main mission was to cause havoc and keep the occupiers busy while he and his armored units attacked from the front. All Han could imagine was a statue dedicated to him in front of the space port. Victory would be his.


“That idiot is going to get himself and us killed!” Sergeant Yannos liked working with Colonel Lee. Even his daughter was good people. The son however, he shook his head. Glory hounds, why can we never escape those idiots! He called his unit together and gave them their orders.


“OK you apes,” he paused smiling, “and you ape’etts.” The female troops smiled and laughed at him. “Here is what we are going to do. Try and I mean try, to shut down those turrets. No suicide charges! Do what you can. If you are able to shut down all the power, do it. When our commanders attack begins, support it if you are able to. I want support from the rear, not the front! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!” He was yelling now. “ I want us all to survive this. Remember we still have a space station to take. Think of the trouble we can cause up there? OK, dismissed.” He bowed his head and said a short prayer to Ares, God of war to watch over his friends in the battle to come.






Hindsight is as they say, 20 -20. Putting a glory seeking officer in charge of a pivotal battle was an exercise in futility. His son Han lost 3 tanks and two of the APC’s. Did he really think that a frontal assault against fortified positions would work? I guess it does take a village. One bright light in all of this was Yannos. His special operations team managed to kill power to the entire complex. At least now Minerva can schedule some flyovers and not worry about getting shot down. Colonel Lee was now on his way to relieve his son of duty for cause. As punishment he was going to let him write the condolence letters to the widows and orphans he just created.




Han did not go quietly or even without tears. So much for his big strong son. He was a whiny little bitch! In a move that would cost him later, Colonel Lee sent his son to the rear and took over the attack personally. He sent Yannos and his team to spot and snipe when opportunity arose. His mortar crews would soften up the dug in defenses. Ground units would initially attack supported by the armor. The Colonel gathered his commanders and laid out the plan. The looks upon their faces was one of relief and support. They were happy to support a professional. The attack went off without any problems. All that was left was the cleanup. With the power disabled the enemy forgot to destroy the communications center. Now the Militia could talk to the ships in orbit, but would they be listening?









Governor Norton was getting very angry. He had already thrown the desk set his wife had given him and the vid screen on the wall. Those damned rebels had taken over the space port and the manufacturing center. All of his links to the planet were now cut. If he could get control of the ships he could start some retaliatory kinetic strikes. He would show those rebels just who the boss really was.


Hearing a knocking at the door the governor yelled for his aide. “Cole, get the door. COLE! GET THE DAMN DOOR!” The little man scurried out of his closet-like office and hurriedly opened the governor’s door.


A stressed out looking minor official stood at the door. In his hands was a blue file. The blue files were Top Secret files created by Naval Intelligence. The man at the door thrust the file at Cole and hurried from the offices, his job done. Cole opened the file and read the summary on the top page. His eyes got really big and his jaw dropped open. This, this is what the Governor was looking for! This could save both his job and his life!


“Sir, Sir, look what I have found. It’s the solution to our problem. A daughter, Colonel Lee has a daughter here on the station.”


Looking at his aide like he was crazy the Governor said “your wife is on board the station? If she is why have NOT brought here in you idiot. We can use her as leverage against the rebels.”


“Sir, not her. Her sister, the younger sister Athena. She’s a navy officer stationed on the James Cook thats one of the ships in dry dock. We can use her against the Lee family. She’s perfect sir. She is the one that was lost for all those years!”


“Maybe you aren’t an idiot after all. Get out man on that ship to take custody of her and get her to station security as soon as possible.” The Governor rubbed his hands together. Now they were making progress. With a little leverage and a few rocks he could change the world.






Chief Engineer Hadley was not in a good mood. He had taken this posting because he was promised the full control afforded that of a Chief Engineer. The little extra on the side from the sector government had helped too. Now he was being blocked on every front. Captain Gorshin had overridden his order to bring the ship back to specs. Regulations were regulations, a captain was not supposed to make those kinds of decisions. Especially on the ‘advice’ of a Lieutenant. A cross-navy one at that.


Lieutenant Lee, that little Bitch, was a pain in his ass all the way around. Every order he gave, every decision he made, the crew second guessed and turned to her. Like she had 25 years in this mans Navy! Beep. Looking down at his console he saw a communication from the Governors office. In his mail account a short message explained his orders. He was to use the official orders to get Lieutenant Lee off the ship. Once on the station she was to be handed over to the ESS as a traitor to the Empire.


Her family was leading the rebellion down on the planet! Holy Crap! She was a traitor! What a way to get both revenge and justice for a trumped up know-it-all. Hadley sent a message for Athena to meet him in Engineering.










I was working on the new bulkhead project strengthening the walls surrounding the bridge. Only about 15% of the work was left to do. With the communication center torn open it only made sense to get the bulkheads ready while the crews were here together. My link signaled a message form Chief Hadley. Checking it I acknowledged the order and replied that I was on my way.


Commander Hadley was waiting for me in Engineering. He asked me to follow him.


“Sir, may I ask where we are going?”


“No Lieutenant you may not ask! Do not question my orders! Or the orders of others. When someone of authority gives you an order you follow it. You will do as you are told. Now, follow me please and be silent!”


This really worried me I knew that this officer was an ass-hat. By the gods, I really have been listening to Wilson for way too long. What orders was he talking about? Sub vocalizing I whispered to Wilson. “Wilson? Are you in there?”


“Yes Athena. I hear you.”


“Can you check into what orders he is talking about? Did the Captain send word because I was just on the bridge.”


“What are you mumbling about Lee? I thought I told you to be silent! Now shut your trap or find yourself on report!” Chief Hadley had acquired a spring to his step. What was the deal here? He sounded almost excited about something.


“Athena! Hadley received orders from the Governors office to place you under arrest for treason. He is to hand you off to ESS agents as soon as possible.”


Damn it! Is every Governor in the galaxy out to get me? “Wilson contact the Captain, let him know what is about to happen.”


I had to stall. Pretending to stumble I stopped and retied one of my shoes. The Commander stopped too and glared at me. “Hurry up, lieutenant!”


One more hatch and we would be at the entrance. Would the marine guards stop him if he has official orders?












Captain Gorshin was in his ready room working when his vid screen lit up in front of him. The video was of his new Chief of Engineering ordering Athena to follow him and then berating her. Reprimanding junior officers was not a bad thing. When his Chief mentioned orders the Captain sat up a little straighter. The screen changed and a set of orders from the Governors office addressed to Chief Hadley appeared. Since when do orders from the Governor go to the Chief Engineer first and not the captain. “Wilson is that you?” The screen blinked. Where are they now? The vid was back but this time showing a corridor very close to the entrance. Crap! The Captain mashed a button on his console.


“Battle Stations. Battle Stations. All hands to Battle Stations.


With battle stations echoing throughout the ship the crew was scrambling out of their bunks and work areas. Commander Wang burst into the Ready Room followed by the security detail. “Captain, is everything alright?” The security detail, heads swiveling, had guns at the ready.


The Captain pointed at the vid screen. “Hadley is going to turn Lieutenant Lee over to the ESS. We have to stop him.” The screen showed the commander and the lieutenant at the hatch to the personnel ramp. Switching to exterior cameras, the screen now showed several platoons of black clad ESS troops surrounding the space dock area and the personnel ramp of the ship.


“Tell our marines that I want them armored and at the hatch ASAP full weapon load out!”


The captain and his security escort ran to stop the commander.








The ship was still at Battle Stations when Commander Hadley and Lieutenant Lee reached the personnel ramp. Because of the alert the room had extra guard on the door and behind the defensive point in the room. The OOD Ensign Darville saw the two officers enter the the room. The ship was at Battle Stations. All personnel were supposed to be at stations. Checking his sidearm he approached the commander.

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