Revenge Is Mine (3 page)

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Authors: Asia Hill

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Women's Fiction, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Revenge Is Mine
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Chapter 5


Young Meech

“I been that nigga. I been that nigga. My dawg’s a shooter, so please don’t make me send that nigga.”

Man that Meek Mill goes so hard. True story though. I’m out here trying to get my kingpin status on. Ever since I hollered at Money Man, and got him and Outlaw on my team, our pockets have been getting fat like fat hoes at a buffet. Not wanting to step on Jaw’s toes, we set up shop on the low end. You wouldn’t believe how much money there is down here. I even recruited some of the local dudes to be lookouts. If you feed the hood, then the hood will let you eat.

Shit ain’t been all good for me though in my personal life. I miss my Auntie Shawn. Damn that nigga Lil Man fucked my world up. I didn’t want this for myself. No bullshit! I wanted to follow my homie Slim to college and major in computer engineering.

Yeah, ya boy had dreams. I was my aunt’s beneficiary to her estate. She left me a little over $2 million. Her life insurance policy paid me an additional $650,000. Being in the game, you gotta have insurance on your life. You never know what will happen. I needed to have an attorney oversee the finances since I was still a minor. I didn’t want him all in my business like that, so I paid him like $100,000 to sign over his rights to Lil Mama. I’m still staying in my aunt’s crib. I had some professional cleaners come out and clean the basement from top to bottom. I thought about selling the house; but after all the blood, sweat, and tears my aunt put in this place, I changed my mind. I just got a call from Jaw and homie didn’t sound well at all. I was on a money hunt right now. I put my murder game on the back burner for now.

“A Young?”

“Whud up, boy?”

“It’s a Blue Charger outside. Want me to go check it out for you?”

“Nah, I got it homie.”

When I jumped in the car, Jaw’s ass looked stressed out.

“Damn nigga, you look like you in yo 50’s. Old looking ass nigga, what’s good?”

“It’s all bad, Young. I fucked around and cheated on Ju with this lil’ hoe I met awhile back. Turns out she was Big Moe’s cousin.”

“Whoa. You bogus.”

“That ain’t even the half. Ju ended up finding out.”

“I know she took that hard. You slipping.”

“Tell me about it, but there’s more. The bitch ended up trying to get me killed.”

“What type of hoe you dealing with?”

“She tried to get me to kill ME.”

HUH? That nigga was tripping.

“Come again?”

“When I met her, I told her my name was L.J. Remember that lil bitch JoJo?”

“Yeah the lil’ hoe Lil Man was with.”

“Well ol’ girl is her older sister. Apparently, JoJo and Mia had a plan to get at me. They were trying to make JuJu mad. JoJo knew me as Jaw and Mia had never met me before. You see where I’m going with this’?”

“Yeah I got you.”

“Long story short, Mia had Ju stabbed on her way out of jail.”

“Stabbed? Damn I’m sorry to hear that. She good?”

“She fucked up, but she gon’ make it. I need to find out where she’s at.”

“What you want me to do?”

“The girl keeps calling me trying to hook up with me. Bruh, the lil’ hoe got problems. Look, listen to this. I recorded our phone conversation.”

I was actually in shock when he played the recording for me.

“Man, that girl is crazy.”

“I’ma get her to meet up with me then I’ma blow her brains out.”

“Don’t go by yourself.”

“I’m good. I just need you to be my alibi. I think Lil Mama got JuJu put up somewhere. I wanna see her so bad. I just need to handle that crazy girl before she causes any more problems.”

“I feel you, but you should tell JuJu.”

He looked at me like I had lost my mind.

“Nigga, what? Tell Ju? If I do that, I know I’m a dead man.”

“I’m just saying.”

We chopped it up for a few more minutes before he readied to leave.

“Jaw, whatever you do, don’t go by yourself.”

“Man, I’m not worried about that girl.”


Chapter 6



“Hey niecy pooh, what’s good?”

“Can you come take me shopping? I need some new clothes.”

“I’ma pick you up on Friday.”

“Okay, love you.”

“Love you too, Spooky Pooky.”

“I hate when you call me that.”

“Bye, lil’ girl.”

I promised myself that I was going to do everything in my power to find out who killed her father . . . my brother. What’s good people? I’m Carmen, aka Big Cee. I currently hold the spot as Queen Bitch of Gary, Indiana. My brother, Bubba, was the king nigga in charge. We grew up in poverty. No daddy, dope fiend-ass mother . . . you know the usual. Gary was the murder capital for a long time. You had to be on you’re A-game at all times. Bubba and his best friend, King, started hustling at a young age. I hung out with King’s sister, Shawn. We went to school together, played together . . . hell, we were practically joined at the hip.

I knew at a young age that I liked girls. Shawn did, too. She was blunt about her shit. I was quiet with my business. Bubba tried to keep the drug game away from me. That all changed the day that King and Bubba’s spot was robbed. Shawn saved their lives that day. My brother was still shot in the process. Once he saw that King was schooling Shawn on the ins and outs of the game, he put me up on game, too. Bubba and I grew extremely close. Things between him and King started going wrong. I knew it had something to do with the fact that Bubba was fucking King’s baby mama. Word on the streets was that King’s baby mama was stealing work from King and giving it to my brother. King ended up getting killed some years back. Bubba told me he was car jacked.

I knew better. After King died, Bubba changed. He got cocky and arrogant. His reckless ways were going to land him in jail if he didn’t slow down. I decided to quit hustling for a while and get my CDL. One of us needed a legal job. Shawn stepped up and took over where King left off. My girl was handling her business, too. We stayed in touch and kicked it whenever we had free time.

Thanksgiving changed my life forever. That night I lost my best friend and my brother. Shawn was killed in her own house. My brother’s friend told me that four gunmen broke into my brother’s Englewood home and gunned him and his girl down. I don’t give a fuck how grimy he was, he didn’t deserve to die like that. Somebody was going to pay for that shit. Trust me! I got a few people looking into that shit for me. I’m showing no mercy. Just thinking about it makes my heart race. All I do is drink and gamble. My head is all fucked up. Thankfully, I met this fine chocolate thang. Lil Mama got her shit together. I need some type of balance in my life right now. My niece, Spooky, is a lot to handle. She got her father running through her veins. I told her that I was going to find her father’s killer. I was about to tear the streets of Chicago up!



There never was peace around this mothafuckin’ city. I’m sick of being here. I been back and forth from my house to the county jail for three days trying to find out who stabbed my godbaby. Today was no different. When I walked in the lobby, the shift lieutenant saw me and put his head down.

“Come on, Ms. Georgetta, not today. I told you we are doing all that we can.”

“That shit you talking ain’t enough. I’m going to keep coming up to this motherfucka until I’m satisfied.”

“We are still on lockdown. I’m taking this matter very serious. Please stop looking at me like that. You are really making me nervous.”

Ole punk-ass mothafucker.

“You should be nervous. I’ll tell you what, if I don’ get my answers soon, all the people that worked the shift that she was stabbed on are gon’ be at the unemployment office together!”

I walked out of the county feeling helpless. I needed to get to the bottom of this. You got me fucked up if you think I was going to let this shit slide.

(Ring, Ring)

“Hey, is this Boo?”

“Yes, Jade?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Don’t call me ma’am, lil’ girl. I ain’t that damn old.”

“Sorry. I … um found out who stabbed Ju.”

I had to stop walking and take a seat on the steps outside the building. It was cold as hell, but I needed to be still.

“Who baby?”

“When she first got here, she whooped three girls at the same time.”

I started cracking up. If she couldn’t do shit else, she could fight.

“The girl that actually did the stabbing, her name is Marquisha Brown. She said something about her cousin wanting her to stab Ju.”

“Oh yeah? Where she from?”

“I believe she from the Greens. As a matter of fact, she’s some kin to the Harris’ and the Cole’s.”

“Thank you, baby. When you coming home?”

“It’s gon’ be a minute. I’m charged with a body. I’ma fight this shit though.”

“Just hold ya head up. I’m ‘bout to hit your books. What’s your info?”

After getting all of her info, I hopped in my car and went to hit up Western Union. After I sent her a few stacks, I called Lil Mama.

“Whatchu want, hoe?”

“I gotcha hoe! Where you at?”

“At the honeycomb hideout.”

“Why you all the way out there?”

“Bitch, I’m chilling. JuJu at my crib resting. You should go check on her.”

That hoe thinks she slick. She got somebody out there in Hammond with her.

“I will do just that. Who you got out there? B? Redman?”

“Damn, nu-nu. My boo, Cee.”

“I don’t know him.”

“Sure don’t.”

“Alrighty then. I’m ‘bout to go check on my goddaughter, since you outside being a THOT.”

“Yo dog ass mammie.”


Chapter 7



I had been out of the hospital for two weeks and still no Jaw. I missed him, but I didn’t want him to see me like this. I got my stitches out, but my neck was ugly as shit. The only people that I let come see me were my besties. I noticed some hostility between Re and Dirty. I had seen enough.

“What the fuck wrong with ya’ll?”

Dirty pulled on her blunt before she spoke.

“That bitch right there is disrespectful.”

I tried not to laugh when she pointed at Re.

“You better get your hand out of my face before I break that mother fucka.”

“Bitch please. You don’t scare me; and just to let you know, you don’t scare JoJo either. Leave that damn girl alone.”

At that moment, the room became really quiet. It was so quiet you could have heard a rat piss on cotton. I looked at Re and then back at Dirty. There was a storm brewing in my auntie’s living room. Re smiled at Dirty. It was a ‘bitch, you lucky you my friend’ smile.

“E, you can’t save that bald-headed bitch. When I want her, I’ma go get that ass.”

I was confused.

“Ya’ll, what does JoJo have to do with anything?”

“Tell her E!”

I looked at E and waited for an explanation.

“Okay, let’s play catch-up. Lil Man was causing so much havoc around here that I got in touch with the one person that I knew could find him. She started feeding me all type of information on him. She wasn’t lying, because everything she said he was going to do he did. She even set him up for me.”

“So what happened then?”

“After me and Re shot up JoJo’s sister’s crib trying to get him, she couldn’t go back there.”

“So where she at?”

“She’s been staying with me.”

I didn’t know how to respond to that one.

“I mean E, ain’t this girl the enemy?”

“Yeah and no. Let’s be real for a minute. We’ve done some fucked up shit. She’s connected to our situation because we killed her brothers and her cousin. Not that I’m sorry for it, I’m just stating facts. She may have been plotting on me; but when shit got real, she changed her mind. All that girl wanna do is move away and raise her baby.”

“Baby? Who got her pregnant?”

“Lil Man.”

“Eeew, she gave that lil’ dirty-ass nigga some pussy?”

“Yeah, and now all she trying to is get out of town and raise her baby.”

I looked at Re.

“So Re, what’s the problem on your end?”

“The bitch gots to go! Point blank and period. She was in cahoots with Lil Man and that’s unforgivable. I don’t give a fuck about how she came into the picture.”

I could see there was no changing her mind, but I still had to try.

“But Re, she’s pregnant.”

“With Lil Man’s baby. He killed Tiki. I’ma kill that bastard-ass baby.”

I could see that E was getting mad.

“Re, we ain’t no monsters. Haven’t enough people died? After Lil Man killed Tiki, he started a war. Yeah, he gotta go . . . and that bitch, Mia. Let that girl live. We need to get back on our shit. Money ain’t no problem. This shit has gone too far. Let’s finish school and try to live a somewhat normal life.”

“Ain’t shit gon’ be normal without Tiki.”

“Okay, we can get Lil Man and Mia, but after that no more, Re.”

I looked at Re.

“I agree. My lil’ jail experience was not pleasant. If we keep doing all this killing, we gon’ end up in jail forever.”

“E, you better keep that hoe as far away from me as you can.”

I needed to keep a close eye on that damn girl.

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