Revelry (Taint #1) (32 page)

Read Revelry (Taint #1) Online

Authors: Carmen Jenner

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Revelry (Taint #1)
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“What’s the matter, Red? You afraid of being alone with us?”

“I’m not afraid. I just know nothing smart can come of the three of us in a hotel room,” she says as I pull the door shut behind me and we walk down the hall. “Have you guys really thought about what we’re doing here?”

“Getting a drink?” Levi asks, cocking his head to the side and leering at her.

“No dumbarse.” She glances around as we reach the empty bank of elevators and presses the button impatiently. “I mean that no good can really come of this situation. I’m getting paid to be your assistant, not to fuck half the band. If Harbour Records finds out, I’ll lose everything I’ve worked so hard for. Not to mention that someone’s feelings might get hurt.”

feelings, if she ever figures out that I’m the one who’s paying her wage.

“Wait, you wanna stop fucking because someone’s feelings might get hurt?” Levi asks.

“It’s like you have selective hearing,” Ali complains. “I’m saying this is a bad idea for all of us. There’s already enough speculation about me, and my role as Taint’s PA after Vegas. If the press finds out that this is a real thing, then we’re all screwed, and not just physically. Your fangirls aren’t going to like that you’re sticking it to the hired help. They want you available, because the second they buy those tickets until the minute they leave the stadium they’re fantasising about getting an all-access pass to your cocks.”

“You seem to have given this a lot of thought, Ali-Cat,” I whisper, edging closer to her. “Are you speaking from experience?”

“Dude, you weren’t there when she fangirled Dave and Josh. She’s definitely speaking from experience,” Levi says, and I have this insane urge to punch him in the face because I can’t stand the thought of him having her that night in Vegas.

“All I’m saying is that it was fun, and it was really insanely hot,” she says. “But we should leave it at that.”

The elevator dings and the doors slide open. Ali enters first, then Levi, who tries to shut me out by pushing the “doors closed” button. He fails, obviously.

I cringe as I step into the tiny metal box. I hate elevators. I know my fear of them is illogical, but I can’t help it. I turn into a giant fucking pussy when the doors close and the car shudders, lurching us downward. So when Levi leans around Ali and pushes the stop button, after the thing has only just been set into motion, my stomach twists and a cold sweat breaks out across my brow seconds later.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I suck in a deep breath, but the air around us is too dense for my lungs to filter it properly, or at least that’s how it feels.

Levi frowns and narrows his eyes at me, as if my full-blown panic attack is putting a fucking dampener on his day. “Oh that’s right, I forgot about your little obsession with confined spaces.”

“Levi,” Ali chastises, the concern in her tone makes me feel like a fucktard. She stands in front of me and takes my hand in hers. “You’re breaking out in a cold sweat. Levi, stop being an arse and push the button. He’s freaking out.”

“Jesus Christ. Fucking pansy.” He shakes his head and hits the alarm button, but nothing happens.

“Fuck you, arsehole,” I growl, and I swear I’m this close to punching his fucking lights out. He knows how much I hate these things, and he knew I’d flip the fuck out hitting that button.

“I’m not fucking with you, man,” he says, raising his voice to meet my own pitch. “I’m hitting the button and it’s not fucking doing anything.”

My breath comes in sharp jabs through my lungs. I can’t get enough of it. My fingers tremble as I shove him out of the way and hit the button several times, slamming my fist against the consul. “Fuck!”

“Coop, breathe. It’s okay. They’ll see that there’s been a problem and then they’ll fix it,” Ali says in a reassuring, even tone, as if she’s talking to a kid. And I guess right now that’s kind of true. She cups my face between her hands and forces me to look down at her. “Just breathe.”

“You might need to distract him, Red.”

“Shut up, Quinn,” Ali says.

The car lurches and starts up, and I almost weep in relief, but then it jerks abruptly and shudders to a stop. Again. And then the lights go out.

Ali actually lets out a little whelp of surprise, and I groan and rest my head against the wall. It’s pitch black. I can’t even see the outline of her body in front of me, but I can feel her, pressing against my side. I automatically throw my arm around her shoulder. More for my own comfort than hers.

“Quinn, if we make it out of here alive, I’m kicking your fucking arse,” I threaten.

“How the fuck was I supposed to know this was going to happen?”

“What the fuck did you expect to happen when you pressed that button, cock-fuck?” I snap back.

Several long minutes tick by and I breathe a little easier with her beside me, but then the car lurches again and the cables groan loudly. My heart rate soars, my lungs seesaw and my stomach twists. “Fuck.”

Ali reaches out, her hand startling me as it slides down my stomach and across the front of my jeans. She finds my dick beneath the fabric and cups me, squeezing with just a hint of pressure.

“What are you doing?”

“Distracting you,” Ali says, unzipping my fly and pulling my cock free. She slides her hand up and down my shaft, coaxing it to harden in her hands. “Is it working?”


“Breathe, Cooper,” she says, and I tilt my head, and press my sweat slick forehead to hers. I can’t get enough air; my lungs constrict painfully. My fear is only lessened by her closeness—and, yeah, her hands on my cock.

“You know there’s an awful lot of heavy breathing coming from over there. If I didn’t know better I might be jealous,” Levi says, blinding us all by pulling out his phone. Her cheeks are flushed, and her whiskey-coloured eyes are glazed with heat.
Fuck she’s gorgeous

“Well, I got no reception,” he mutters and then glances up at us. “Hey, what the fuck? How come he gets a hand job?”

“Because he is in need of a distraction from his freak-out. One that you so very cleverly brought about by pushing that button,” Ali says.

“Besides, I get special treatment because I’m the lead singer in a band,” I murmur, and then I sink my teeth into my bottom lip and groan as she collects a drop of pre-come from the slit, smoothing it over the head of my dick.

“Yeah, what else is fucking new?”

“That was a joke, dumbarse. I do not get special treatment,” I complain, and then I groan when Ali grasps my balls and squeezes.

“Uh, yeah you do. It’s the Cooper Ryan show, dude,” he says, and then adds, “which is great if you happen to be Cooper Ryan.”

“Fuck off,” I argue. “It’s not like that.”

“You know what? We should disregard what I said before and just fuck,” Ali says, throwing us way off-topic. “One last time, you know. Get it all out of our systems. I mean, what’s the harm, right?”

Neither one of us need much convincing.

When the lights come on and the elevator finally starts up again, Ali is writhing on top of me, my hands on her clit and Levi’s cock in her mouth. We both finished before she had the chance to come again, and I feel like a complete prick because of it.

The three of us struggle to put our clothes to rights. She has sex hair, her pale cheeks are flushed with desire, and she looks so fucking edible that for a moment I wish the elevator would stop again. And then I think about us plunging to our deaths and that desire is quickly forgotten. Ali smooths down her hair as the lift comes to a stop, and the doors open on the lobby. There’s a team of hotel staff stationed in front of us, offering apologies and refreshments. We’re told our stay will be complimentary because of the hour that we were trapped in a fucking elevator that went unnoticed. It was another forty-five minutes before they sent a technician in to get us out. We walk through the lobby. Outside, a crowd of fans huddle around the lobby doors, held back by a barricade. I put on a brave face as we walk out to greet them.

“Cooper, are you okay?” a teenage girl asks. Another shrieks as I approach her.

“Well, it was touch and go there for a while, but I think I’ll live.” I grin. Everywhere, faceless women thrust photos and album covers under my nose for me to sign. They snap pictures on their smart phones and blind me with their flashes.

“Oh my god, you poor baby. I have a fear of confined spaces too,” a blonde woman with a strong southern accent cries, and I wonder how she knows something so personal about me.
. Does she know what I ate for breakfast this morning? Or how I like my dick sucked? “If you need a hug, I’m all yours, sugar.”

“I’ll do it naked, Coop,” another girl says, and I can’t even bring myself to smile and say what I’m supposed to, because in this moment it feels as if I can never have anything that’s just for me again. I glance behind me at Ali, who’s watching me instead of climbing in the awaiting car, and I think she gets it. She gets me.

Levi’s watching me, too. He leans in and whispers, “Dude, snap out of it.”

And then he raises his voice so he can be heard above the crowd. “Never mind Coop, I had to spend two hours locked in a box with his stupid arse. Ladies, there were clothes shed. I’m not gonna lie, but what happens in the elevator between band mates stays in the elevator,” he says, and with a wink he has them all eating out of the palm of his hand. He signs autographs and poses with fans. One girl grabs his sleeve and yanks him closer across the barricade to get a picture.

“Whoa, princess, I’m not going anywhere,” he jokes, and then snatches her phone, throwing his arms around her shoulders in an attempt to get a perfect shot. He takes one picture and then another where he’s kissing her cheek. She squeals when he releases her and yells, “Oh my god, you smell amazing!”

“Thanks, babe. It’s a new aftershave I’m trying out. It’s called Red,” he says, and turns to wink at Ali. She flushes and climbs in the car.

We were supposed to be at sound check half an hour ago, so after a few more pictures and signatures we’re ushered into an awaiting limo, courtesy of the hotel. I sit opposite Ali and Levi, needing to get my head straight before tonight’s show. I can’t think properly when her body is pressed against mine and her scent is all around me, smothering any rational thought I might have.

Once we’re in and the driver peels the car away from the curb, Ali laughs. “Jesus, we smell like come.”

“No, you smell like come.” Levi bites down on her lobe, grinning as she throws her head back.

“You know what the worst part is?” she asks breathlessly

“What?” he breathes in her ear, snaking his fingertips up and down her thigh, playing her like he would his guitar. He slides his hands beneath her skirt and spreads her legs apart, slipping inside her panties.

She gasps. “I don’t even know whose come it is.”

“Does it matter?” Levi asks.

“Oddly, no. It doesn’t,” she answers honestly. And it is honest. It’s perhaps the most honest thing I’ve heard for months. It doesn’t matter.

“Levi, stop,” she moans, her legs beginning to tremble. “We’re not alone.”

“Who? This guy?” Levi says, as he stops kissing her neck and thumbs a finger toward the driver. “He doesn’t give a shit. He sees this kind of stuff all day long, isn’t that right, mate?”

Like all discreet drivers who value their jobs, he doesn’t say a thing. Levi hooks his thumbs in Ali’s panties and yanks them down her hips. He brings them to his nose and inhales deeply, and then he covers his face with them and flops back against his seat, still working her pink cunt with one hand. “Fuck me, I could breathe in that scent all day long. I’m keeping these.”

Ali laughs. “Oh my god, you’re such a fucking animal.”

“You’re so fucked up,” I say.

“Are you telling me you wouldn’t wanna smell her sweet cunt all day?”

“I’m telling you I wouldn’t walk around all day with her panties on my face.”

“Just her pussy, right?” He grins.

“Just her pussy.”

“You’re both freaks,” Ali says.

“Sexual deviants have more fun.” Levi rubs her clit faster, and she takes a deep shuddering breath.

“Is that what we are? Sexual deviants?” She frowns as she says it. “Are we making a big mistake here?”

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