Revelation (21 page)

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Authors: Randi Cooley Wilson

BOOK: Revelation
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“I’ve got you. You’re safe. It’s okay,” he coos as he caresses my hair. I’m unsure if he’s trying to convince me or himself as he exhales an uneven breath and pulls me closer.

My arms tighten around his neck as my body trembles and tears stain my cheeks. I try to focus on the safety and warmth of his embrace.

“I’m sor
ry. I shouldn’t have left you alone. Are you okay?” Asher leans back and scans my face, his jaw tight, nostrils flaring. No doubt from the sight of bruises that have formed from where Deacon backhanded me and squeezed the crap out of my cheeks.

“Ash, let’s take Eve inside
. We’re about to dock. We can look her over once we get back to the manor,” Callan says, his voice quiet and sympathetic.

Asher nods, handing his sword to Keegan
and then places one arm under my knees and wraps the other around my waist. He carries me into the interior seating area and down the stairs to the carport.

Once in
the vehicle, he sits me on his lap.  I cling to him as he tightens his possession of me, not letting me go. Asher whispers into my ear to ease my fear.

For the first time in a while, I
actually feel safe.


The drive back to La Gargouille is silent. I can feel Abby’s warm eyes every so oft
en, but don’t actually see them because I keep my head nuzzled in Asher’s neck, breathing him in. The shaking has finally subsided by the time Keegan pulls the SUV up the cobblestone driveway and parks in front of the manor.

Everyone exits the vehicle and I
’m faintly aware of the side door opening as I hear Asher say, “I’ve got her,” to whoever opened it. He’s still holding me tightly, afraid I’ll disappear at any moment.

carries me into the manor and heads straight for the stairs. Once we’re in my room, he walks me into the bathroom, placing me carefully onto the counter near the sink and then turns on the hot water in the shower.

He doesn’t speak. Words aren’t needed.
Instead, he opens the bottom cabinet door and takes out a first aid kit. With the lightest of touches, Asher grips my chin in his hand, moving my head left then right, assessing the damage.  Once I’ve been examined, he pulls out a cold pack, snaps it and carefully places it on my cheek where Deacon slapped me. I flinch more from the cold than the pain.

At my motion,
Asher closes his eyes like the pain is his, breathing in deeply and trying to control the rage.  A warm, large hand covers mine before placing both over the cold pack, forcing me to keep it on my face while he rolls up my sleeves and looks at each of my arms where Deacon gripped me. There are hand marks on my wrists and upper arms that are turning a nasty dark blue-purple color. Asher swallows hard at the sight.

Once done examining me, he rolls my sleeves down again and takes my cheeks in his hands, looking me
directly in the eyes.

His face
is apologetic and distressed.  “I’m sorry.” His voice is almost inaudible.

“It’s okay. I’m okay,” I reassure him.

He nods for show not out of belief and then kisses the top of my head.

“The warm water will help with the chill. Take your time,” he speaks
in a low tone. Without another word, he leaves the bathroom. I exhale the breath I had been holding.

I step into the shower and allow the warm water to trickle over my head and body
, warming me like a blanket.  I stand under the dribbling water and let myself soak in everything that has happened these past two months. As it all hits me at once, my body slides down into a seated position. Knees bent, I rest my head between them as I lose control of my emotions.

The tears begin to fall freely,
mixing in with the warm shower water as I sit there and sob for what feels like days. Finally, when the last tear has leaked out, I inhale and pick myself up. I turn off the water and step into the embrace of a warm, fluffy towel.

I wipe the steam off the mirror and get a good look at myself. My eyes are red from c
rying and my right cheek has swollen to twice its size. My eye is almost shut from the swelling. On the left cheek are fingerprints from his grip. I close my eyes, exhale, and reopen them, allowing them to shift down to my upper arms which both have circular bruises matching the one on my wrist.

With great care
, I apply my lotion and get dressed in the ‘Property of London’ t-shirt that Asher left for me again and a pair of my own sweatpants. After brushing my hair and teeth, I grab the cold pack and put it back on my face then open the door to find a showered Asher sitting on the edge of my bed in sweatpants and a t-shirt. His head is down as he stares at the floor like it holds all the answers. His beautiful body sags in defeat.

, as not to spook him, I approach. He doesn’t notice me until I’m standing in front of him. I stand between his parted legs as his eyes lazily move up my body, taking me in. Once they lock onto my face, his becomes downhearted. The pain on his face is etched on like a statue. His eyebrows pull together in a severe frown.

My need to comfort him outweigh
s any discomfort I’m feeling. I take the cold pack and throw it onto the bed then move closer, cupping both of his cheeks with my hands. Asher’s hands come up around my waist and pull me to him with a firm grip.

Using my thumbs
, I smooth the frown on his eyebrows and force his eyes to look at me. I promise myself to be strong in this moment. He needs to know I’m okay and it’s not his fault.

“Thank you,” I speak softly.

He shakes his head so I tighten my hands on his cheeks.

here because of you,” I murmur.

“I left you
unprotected,” he says.

You. Saved. Me. Tonight,” I reply with no room for argument.

dejected eyes meet mine as he swallows and scans my face. “I vowed to always protect you, and tonight you were hurt because I wasn’t focused on your safety.”

I shake my head in disagreement. “Ash, you saved me. If you didn’t come when you did
, he would have vanished with me and who knows where I would be right now.”

releases a heavy sigh, like the weight of the world is on his shoulders. “You should get some rest. It’s been a long week and you’ll start your training tomorrow if you feel up to it.” With ease, he moves me and stands.

I reach for him and grab his arm. “Stay,” I plead.

Asher looks at me with pensive sadness. “Eve, you’re safe. No harm will come to you in this house. The enchantments are up and we’re on guard. I promise.” He misunderstands my request as fear and not a need to be close to him.

I shake my head
. “Stay,” I plead again in a softer voice.

eyes soften as they watch my hazels darken. Without a word, his hand reaches for mine as he guides me to the side of the bed. He pulls down the covers and motions for me to get in then tucks me in like a child.

A small tilt of his lips appear
s as he leans down and places the softest kiss to my forehead, lingering for a brief moment while I close my eyes.

, siren,” he whispers against my forehead.

“Stay,” I
repeat, my tone becoming panicked.

“I can’t,” he answers

“Stay,” I demand.

Asher inhales, realizing I’m not going to give up. After watching me for what felt like a lifetime, he lies down next to me, on top of the covers. I peek over at him, deciding to curl up into his side, placing my unharmed left cheek onto his chest.

, he wraps his strong arms around me, pulling me against him. I sigh, content at being in the protection of his arms. The rise and fall of his chest lulls me to sleep.


“Batya, you must open your eyes.” The warm voice of Lady Finella coaxes my ear. My lids flutter open as I realize I am back in the Kingdom of the Fae.

how did I get here?” I question. Confused, I push myself up off the grass to stand.

“It is my belief that you crossed realms again child, however, do not fear, your protector is here,” she says
with a reassuring tone and points an elegant finger behind me to Asher.

I bite
the inside of my cheek, holding back my excitement at the idea of Asher being here with me this time.

Asher walks
at a slow and purposeful pace with a beautiful smile upon his lips. As he approaches us, he properly bows. “Lady Finella, thank you for granting us permission to the Kingdom of the Fae.”

dips her head back at Asher. “Protector, you and the daughter of Heaven are always welcomed guests in my land.”

I swallow. “I’m sorry
. I didn’t realize I had jumped back here.”

She glances at me
with kind eyes. “There is nothing to be sorry for, child. You feel a strong connection to our realm and we’re happy to provide haven. Perhaps you and your protector would like to join me for tea at the palace?”

I glimpse at Asher and he nods his concurrence. “Thank you
. That would be wonderful.”

Magnificent. Please, each of you take a hand,” she commands with a gentle and regal voice.

Asher and I both clasp our hands in hers and we begin to shimmer in waves, leaving magic dust in our wake as the beautiful and lush forest morphs into gemstone lined castle walls.

Lady Finella releases our hands and motions for us to follow her through a maze of hallways. The castle appears to be made of glass, as though we’re outdoors in the forest. The transparent walls reflect a light green tint and when the sun shines through them, it gives a soft glow inside the fortress.

We enter a
circular chamber that is spacious. It reminds me of a garden green house. The round ceiling is at least ten stories in height with an open glass top allowing a stunning view of the blue sky. There’s an elegant table set in the center of the hall, decorated with soft green and cream linens and flower pattern china.

Lady Finella approaches the table
and gestures for us to sit. “Please sit as I call for Ainsley.”

Asher and I sit down. I haven’t felt this peaceful in a long time. I turn to Asher to see his
content expression from my left.

A smaller version of Lady Finella flitters into the room. She’s about three feet tall, has red hair that also falls in ringlets
, and emerald green eyes. Her dress is amber in color as are her transparent wings and the soft glow around her. This fairy has wrist and ankle bracelets in green, like Lady Finella’s gold ones, but she doesn’t have the ruin markings on her legs or arms.

The amber pixie flutters over to the table and bows
in a graceful motion at Lady Finella. As she turns to Asher and myself, her eyes widen with recognition and she bows first to Asher and then to me.

“Eve and Asher, may I present the Duchess of the Sprites, Ainsley,” Lady Finella introduces us
in a proper fashion.

“It is an
honor to meet you, daughter of Heaven and your protector.” Ainsley curtsies to me.

“Thank you.” I
tilt my head politely toward her tiny form.

, would you be so kind as to have the sprites bring tea and an offering for Eve and her sentinel,” Lady Finella asks Ainsley.

Ainsley curtsies again
. “Of course, my lady.” Then she flies away.

Lady Finella turns her attention back to us. “Allow me to formally welcome you to the Emerald
Castle. As you may have noticed, the walls are translucent, allowing our viewpoint to be of the surrounding forest. However, there is a protective shield blocking the view from the outside for privacy. The openness allows all who reside within the castle to feel as if they are actually living within the forest and gardens. The green hue is designed to emanate the sense of calm and tranquility that mother earth projects.”

“Is that why I feel so peaceful here?” I inquire.

Lady Finella smiles brightly. “It is my wish that is the case, Batya. You have the blood of Eden within your veins so it’s possible there is a strong connection to mother earth’s gardens and forests. Perhaps that is why you’re so drawn to our realm. When you feel afraid or unsure, you seem to land here, perchance seeking comfort. Which we are most privileged to provide.”

“That is an interesting perception
, Lady Finella,” Asher adds, a reflective hitch to his tone.

“Whatever your reason
, child, we are grateful,” she says with an air of privilege.

“I just wish I knew how I was doing it. I’m starting to feel a bit like Alice in Wonderland
,” I say, chewing the inside of my cheek.

Ainsley enters
with two sprites, one gold and one blue. They bustle around us, pouring tea into the flowered china and placing finger sandwiches in front of us. Once they’re done, both fairies bow, and without noise, leave the atrium.

Lady Finella motions toward the bites.
“Please, help yourself. The tea sandwiches are made with vegetables and herbs that we grow in our gardens,” she says with pride.

I take a bite into one, and my mouth
waters. The cucumber is so fresh and crisp and the chive cream cheese filling is amazing.

“Thank you, your highness,” Asher replies
politely as I chomp on the snack.

I nod my head in agreement
. “Yes, thank you. These are incredible.”

The elegant fairy
smiles. “I am quiet flattered that they please you. Now, do tell me, when you start your training?” She turns her head to Asher, evidently interested in his answer.

“Eve has had a difficult time embracing her bloodline, your grace.
It’s only recently that she has welcomed it. She will begin proper training tomorrow,” he assures her.

“It must have been quite difficult for you
, Eve, given your upbringing within the human world, but I see greatness in your eyes. You shall do well, child,” she says, patting my hand in a motherly gesture.

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