Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) (3 page)

Read Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2) Online

Authors: Bella Love-Wins,Bella Wild

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Reveal: A Contemporary Romance (Billionaire Rock Star Romance Book 2)
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I’m such an idiot.

Alex Roberts probably should not have been all that bothered by seeing a man wrapped in a towel, but to Alexandra, seeing Bash nearly naked, he was too damned sexy to ignore. She decided that for the rest of the day, avoidance was best. Thus, with a little coaxing, Rosa had spent the better part of the day hanging out with her at the hospital so Alexandra would not have to hurry back to Bash’s place.

This can work.

All I have to do is stay away from Bash until Dad is released, or when Eva gets her.

Holy crap, I’m such a coward.

Now, after leaving the hospital where Dad was recuperating, Alexandra grimaced. She leaped up into Rosa’s car and stared at her in disbelief. The woman did not bat an eyelid as she stared back at her.

“What do you mean I don’t need to be at the hospital all day, every day? I’ve spent the better part of my trip here looking after Dad. This is where I want to be.”

Rosa had been right there with her through the whole traumatic ordeal of Dad being hospitalized the first time, getting better and then being readmitted after suffering from smoke inhalation during the fire. She had never once tried to overstep Alexandra or to make her feel unwelcome. Today was a different story.

What the hell is going on?

Rosa reached for her hand and squeezed it reassuringly. “Alexandra, I wouldn’t dare ask you not to come and see your own father. You know me better than that. Your being here is what helped him improve when he was admitted the last time.”

“So what are you telling me, Rosa?”

“I’m reminding you of this. Before you were aware that Maxwell was ill, you were already making plans to come to Tucson…to
. This was supposed to be your vacation, wasn’t it?”

“Well…yes, but that was before.”

“You’ve been by his side every day since you got here. Honey, you need a break.”

Alexandra looked out the window, embarrassed for almost blowing up, now that she realized Rosa was only looking out for her well-being. “I’m sorry, Rosa. I’m worried about Dad. That’s no excuse, but I guess I’m just tired and cranky over this whole situation.”

“It’s all the more reason to take advantage of some downtime during your last few weeks here. The doctor said he will keep Maxwell hospitalized for observation, and to make sure the smoke he inhaled does not worsen his condition. You heard him yourself. I have every faith that your father will be back to his former health in no time.”

She faced the steering wheel and turned the key in the ignition.

Alexandra sulked a bit, but agreed. Rosa was right. She did not have to camp out at the hospital like this. While they were there today, Dad was lucid, upbeat, and only coughed once or twice. All he could talk about was how relieved he was that this hospital stay would not be as long as the last one. He was almost back to his old self.

“I do need a bit of a break from life in Los Angeles, but I feel like I have to keep busy.”

“Here’s a thought,” Rosa suggested. “Why don’t you spend some time getting the house together so it’s all repaired when they release your father?

“I guess I could do that.”

“The fire department cleared the house this morning, didn’t they?”


“Did you phone the cleanup crew this morning?”

“Yes, I did. Sebastian said he would let them in if they made it there before he left for physio.”

“That’s perfect. Why not go ahead and hire a contractor to start the renovations? I’m sure your father trusts you to take care of it.”

“You know, that’s not a bad idea. It would give me something productive to do, and if they make enough progress on the main floor, Dad won’t have to get a temporary place.”

And I’ll be out of Bash’s place that much sooner.

She glanced out the passenger side window and smiled. It was a stellar idea.

“Bash can help you out,” Rosa added.

Alexandra gave her a sideways glance. “Oh, no! Not you too,” she groaned, shaking her head.

Rosa did not even deny her involvement in this set-up. Rosa and Dad were playing matchmaker. Dad had probably put her up to this. As soon as he found out Alexandra was staying at Sebastian’s house while the clean-up crew worked on making the Storme residence ready for repair, her enthusiastic father had lit up like a Christmas tree. Dad made a point of reminding her that Bash was the one who kept her company, brought over meals and kept her spirits high while he was ill.

“Hang out with a man one time, and suddenly everyone thinks there’s a relationship brewing,” she said to Rosa, rolling her eyes. “How many times do I have to tell you and Dad that Bash thinks I’m a guy? You know, I didn’t want to be the one to let the cat out of the bag, but Sebastian Sullivan isn’t really into vegan, if you catch my drift. He’s totally into beef.”

Rosa blushed as Alexandra chuckled t her on comment.

“Is that so? I never would’ve assumed
given what I’ve seen.”

“What have you seen?”

Rosa shrugged, and did not say anything more. There was something about the way she went quiet that made Alexandra wonder what exactly she was not saying.


Rosa dropped Alexandra off, and Sebastian’s Jeep was nowhere in sight.

“Thank goodness,” she said under her breath, hoping Rosa did not hear her.

His absence meant she could go right on up to her room without having any jaw-dropping encounters with him. She and Bash had exchanged their spare house keys this morning, and he had let her know he would likely be at his physical therapy session for a few hours this evening.

Before heading inside, she asked Rosa to pull into Dad’s driveway.

“Except for that second floor office window and above it, you almost can’t tell anything happened to the house,” Rosa said.

The two of them stared at Dad’s three-story home. From the outside, most of the house looked unscathed. The late evening sky hung dusky in the background, and only a small section of the grass out front showed some evidence of the ordeal where the firehoses had trailed through the lawn. The damage up on the second floor had done some damage to the interior of the two guestrooms and Dad’s office. Alexandra was not worried about his files. Rosa had backed up all his essential electronic folders, and took his important hard copy files to his office shortly after he had been admitted to hospital the first time.

Alexandra climbed out of the SUV and leaned into the open window of Rosa’s CR-V. “I think I’ll take a look around inside and see whether anything is salvageable. I’m hoping my guitar and the trunk of keepsakes in my room are okay.”

“I hope so too, dear.”

“Anyway, I guess I’d better get started. Tonight I’ll find a few more construction companies to call for quotes, now that I’m banned from daily visits to the hospital.”

“You’re not banned, dear. Your father and I just want you to get your mind off his health. He’ll be fine…and I think it would be a nice surprise if the renovations begin before he’s released. He would never ask you himself, but I know he would be so happy. You know how he is about people fussing over him.”

“He would be the first to tell me
“Stop hovering, Alexandra!
”, or something very similar,” she said, trying to mock her father’s gruff tone.

“Trust me, I know. Well, I’ll keep you posted on his progress, but as you already know, the doctor does not expect to keep him for much more than a week or two.”

“Sounds good. Thanks, Rosa.”

“No problem. In the meantime, if you need me for anything, you know how to get in touch with me. I’ll even be available to help you break the rules when you want to sneak in and see Max.”

“Thanks Rosa. I know this whole idea of keeping me away from the hospital is all his idea. See you later.”

“See you soon, dear.”

Alexandra waved goodbye when Rosa drove off. Pulling out Dad’s house keys from her satchel, she stepped up to the front door. As soon as it opened, the acrid stench of charred wood overwhelmed her. Thankfully, as Tucson was so dry during the summer months, much of the water had evaporated, which meant there would not likely be a musty smell from the water damage.

The cleanup crew they hired had been at the house. The front entryway was clean in the places where mud had been tracked in last night. She took a cautious step inside, testing her weight on the stairs before climbing up to the second floor. The fire department had cleared the house, but the memory of the fire was still fresh enough to make her second guess her movements.

Up on the second flood landing, she passed the large water damage restoration fan the cleanup crew left to ventilate the space. She held her breath at the second door. It was clear where the fire had started. Dad’s office door was open. It looked like a war zone.

“Christ,” she whispered, shaking her head as she peeked in. The walls were black, and everywhere including the ceiling was coated with soot. One step inside, and her shoes squished across the semi-damp rug. Now she wondered how much longer the clean-up crew would be. She made a mental note to call and find out. Renovations would have to wait until all the water up here was gone. The floors and drywall would probably need replacing as well. A survey of the room confirmed Dad’s computer, printers and other electronics were wiped out. His file cabinet was scorched, but seemed intact. Still, there wasn’t much she could remove from this room tonight.

Ducking out of the office, she shuffled up to her bedroom. She threw open the closet and took a whiff. A heavy smoke smell lingered on everything inside. Fortunately, nothing was destroyed. She grabbed the backpack and threw in her wallet, tablet, phone and laptop before turning to the closet.

“I hope it’s something a good washing can take care of,” she said aloud. “Let’s see what I can do.”

She tugged out an armload of clothes to supplement her wardrobe while at Bash’s house. In one corner of the closet, she came across a dress that must have been missed when she had initially cleared out the space.

“Hey, how did you get here?”

She held it up, turning it side to side in the waning evening light, and let out a wistful sigh.

I haven’t been in girl clothes in over a month.

God, how I miss shapely clothes and bright colors.

The last time she had worn this particular dress was sometime in high school, probably at a football game.

“I wonder if it still fits me,” she mused.

The sleeveless lavender shift dress was gauzy, ultra-short and leggy, with a high waistline that screamed two thousand and seven. Alexandra could not resist dropping the suspenders from her shoulders, unbuttoning the shirt and shimmying out of her pants. She slipped the dress over her head and let it fall down her torso.

Gleefully racing over to the sooty mirror, her eyes widened at the effective transformation. The person staring back at her was not quite Lexxi Rock, but it was close. She was not styled to perfection, dressed up in designer digs, or sporting impossibly high heels, but looked younger, freer. There was no makeup to hide the almost invisible freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her hair was a tousled mess, but she found it cute.

She grinned at her reflection and burst out laughing. Lifting up her heel, she looked at the black Chuck Taylor’s paired with the lavender dress in the mirror.

“Hey, the shoes are a nice touch.”

Out of nowhere, there was a loud thump downstairs. She spun around to face the bedroom door. Standing still, she strained to hear. The house remained absolutely silent, so she chalked it up to the old place settling. She turned back to her reflection with a dismissive shrug.

“Note to self,” she whispered. “I have to make this one of my new looks when I get back to LA.”

Alexandra heard a door close, and distant footsteps that began to slowly clomp up the stairs. There was definitely someone in the house. Her eyes darted around her bedroom in search of a weapon, just in case it was not the cleanup crew. It could be anyone. It was no secret in the neighborhood that the house would be vacant. She was not about to be caught unprepared by a potential burglar. She grabbed the dusty baseball bat forgotten in a corner and hefted it to her shoulder, ready to swing.


ALEXANDRA stood near the door ready to swing the baseball bat and inflict some damage if the need arose.

“Alex, is that you up there?” Bash called out.

The baseball bat dropped from her anxious fingers at the sound of Sebastian’s voice. Her heart skipped a beat, and she now stared in horror at the
in the mirror.

“Holy fuck!” she mouthed in alarm.

She quickly tried to pull the dress up over her head and it snagged on the silver chain she was wearing. She managed to tear it free with some more colorful expletives as Bash got closer. He was walking up to the third floor now, and sheer panic set in.

What in hell am I going to tell him now?

She shouted out, “Hang on a sec, Bash! I had a bean burrito for lunch, and I’ve got killer gas, dude! You do
want to come in here just yet.”

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