Retraining the Dom (5 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Denys

BOOK: Retraining the Dom
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She unwittingly gasped at
his wide shoulders. Aware that she had made a faux pas, she quickly changed it.
Very nice—for a forty-five-year-old.”
Actually he was more than “very nice”. He was downright gorgeous. He clearly
worked out hard and had an enviable six pack. Olivia knew she was in big
trouble. She vowed silently,
Sean, if
Trey doesn’t kill you, I will.

Trey had stopped at her complimentary
words, his shirt still in his hands. A small smirk on his lips told her that he
knew how attractive he was, and that she liked what she saw.

Trying to regain some
ground, Olivia waved a hand at the lower part of his body. “Well, get on with
it and stop being vain. I’ve seen
But only on a really fit
She wasn’t
going to tell him that, though.

His smile dropped like a

Score one for me. He clearly doesn’t like being

Trey did as she demanded without a come-back,
but he was watching her closely as he threw down the shirt and toed off his
shoes. Only when he bent to pull his socks off did he look away.

In that moment she leaned
back against a nearby cupboard. She tried to make it look like a lazy stance,
but in reality she needed it for support as she was having a hot flush—and
menopause wasn’t the reason.

Standing upright again Trey started
to unbuckle his belt. When his fingers moved to his zipper Olivia made the decision
not to glance down like a nervous schoolgirl. But she was dying to see his
Is he really big like he appears to
be from the bulge in his trousers?
She looked him directly in the eyes
instead. It was like a battle, each deploying facial expressions to try to put
the other off, a leer from Trey, the raise of an eyebrow from Olivia, a nod of
the head downwards trying to make her look in that direction, Olivia crossing
her arms in response.

As the trousers finally
dropped to the floor and Trey stepped forward with his hands on his hips, she
finally looked down.

Yep. He is well stacked indeed.

He also had a rising
erection and was clearly enjoying this, but she wasn’t about to acknowledge
that. It would give him leverage. Walking toward him Olivia paced slowly around
taking her time to inspect all parts of his body. She asked him to raise his
arms, but didn’t touch him, although she longed to run her hands over his thick
biceps, bite into his neck, dig her fingers into his buttocks, possibly all at
the same time. She desperately wanted to remove her jacket and hoped her face
wasn’t red.

Moving to stand in front,
Olivia looked him up and down, but ignored the fierce glare he directed at her
as he shuffled on his feet, obviously uncomfortable now that she wasn’t falling
for his charms. “Stand still with your legs apart.” She waited as he slowly did
as she asked. “Good.
Arms at your side.”
At least he
didn’t try to cover himself like many new subs did, although her inspection did
seem to unnerve him, and his cock started to droop. She found this amusing.

When he clenched his hands
she finally touched him, tapping his knuckles sharply. “Open them up. Closed
fists are a sign of defiance.”

He growled.

“Did you say something,

Turning his head to glare at
her, he didn’t say a word. However, he did open up his fingers, shaking his
hands in a rather sarcastic gesture.

Now, bend over and clasp your ankles. Or your shins
if you are not that supple.”

Trey stayed exactly where he
was, his eyes narrowed, his body tight with tension. She could see he was
trying not to clench his hands again.

Olivia stepped forward, her
face close to his. “You know perfectly well a Dom inspects all aspects of their
sub’s body.” His steely grey eyes glinted fiercely, and he looked implacable.
She stared back, hands on her leather-clad hips and a glaring contest took place.
One she was determined not to budge from this time.

Her willpower won out, and
he finally bent as she directed with a snort. Olivia could only guess from his
tightly held body that he was ready to storm out of the room at any second.
However, that wasn’t the reason she wasn’t touching him. Her hands were just trembling
too much. It wasn’t fear, but because he strongly aroused her.

“Fine, then take your look
at my ass as I know you are dying to see it.” His mocking tone amused her more
than annoyed her.

Making a show of bending to
check out his lovely firm buttocks with some accompanying noises which could mean
anything from “excellent” to “needs work”
she kept
her hands clasped behind her back in a schoolmistress type of pose. One she had
employed in the past and knew it worked well.

For someone who was on the
approach to fifty, Trey certainly had an excellent body. Nice thighs on those
long legs of his and a gorgeous butt. She wondered how it would look with a
plug inside him and giggled to herself.
murder me if I suggested that!
“Very good.
You may

When he did she moved away
trying to get her composure and ragged breathing under control.
When did I go from being an experienced
to a nervous newbie? Damn him.

A few moments later, a
little calmer, she turned back and asked, “So, tell me, from a sub’s point of
view, how
did that feel

Trey didn’t answer her
immediately, but bent to retrieve his pants. “Can I at least put on some
clothes if we have finished with the inspection?”

“No.” Her reply was instant.
She didn’t want him back in his comfort zone. “I need you to describe your
feelings before you forget.”

He stood and ran his hand
through his hair. “Shit! Okay, well, it is hard to let someone else be in
control, but that’s because I’m a fucking Dom, not a sub.” The impatience was
clear in his tone.

She sighed. “Trey, what is
one of the first things we teach new subs about the relationship between Dom
and sub?”

Trey frowned. “I’m not with

“We teach them to trust us. The
reason you need to be retrained is that you are not being controlled in your
actions. So when you lose it, it is incredibly frightening for the sub,
puts all their trust in you. Clearly you were not sure
what I was going to do to you. Tell me how you felt when I didn’t touch you.”

He continued to look out of
place. “
, confused, hesitant, uncertain. I won’t
say scared because I wasn’t.”


“All right, I admit it.”

“Good. So that gives you a
starting point to how your subs feel.” Olivia turned away and went to a nearby
cupboard. She rested her hands on the doorknob. If she had been worrying how
Trey took the inspection, she was really concerned about how he was going to
take her next demand.

With slightly shaky hands
she removed the items she wanted, but didn’t show him immediately. She looked
over at him. “To help you further understand the vulnerability that a sub feels
I want you to wear something. I did think of giving you a collar…”

Trey looked like he was about
to explode.

Raising a hand before he
could react further, Olivia continued. “This isn’t about making you into a sub.
However, I want you to know what the sub goes through, so I am going to ask you
to wear something else.”

He eyed her warily, his
hands on his hips. “What?”

Turning so he could see, she
held out some wide leather cuffs, with rings embedded. These were so the sub
could be attached to chains, ropes or whatever bondage method their Dom chose.
“I want you to wear these cuffs throughout your retraining.”

Olivia found herself wanting
to bite her lip as she anxiously awaited Trey’s response.

“Over my
dead body.”

She smiled inwardly at his
determination. She liked a good challenge.
who’s the Master here

Chapter Four


The ring on the
cuffs clinked against the glass reminding Trey of what he was wearing.


He was sat at
the bar perched on a stool sipping a mineral water. Even when he was in a heavy
session with the subs, one rule he never forgot was to remain sober. Knowing
how much alcohol could affect a person, he only allowed himself an occasional
beer or wine outside of the Club or after he had finished for the night. Drink
would never cause him to lose control.

Relaxing his
fingers from their tight grip on the glass, he raised a wrist and studied a

At first he
wanted to hide the hated items behind the sleeves of his black shirt, but he
found he actually liked the feel of the wide leather cuff against his wrist.
Once this was all over he would consider wearing something similar, but not
ones with a ring on them for restraining. Instead of hiding them he had rolled
up the sleeves of his shirt. Everyone obviously knew about his training by now,
so by showing them off it was like making a rude gesture, pretending he didn’t

Suddenly the
hairs on his neck prickled.

He knew without
looking that Olivia was standing behind him. She had an imposing presence and
one these days he was becoming attuned to, always aware of where she was when
he entered the club. He didn’t turn his head or indicate that he knew she was
there, but waited for her to say something.

It didn’t take
long, and his mouth quirked upwards in amusement that he had won that little

“So, I see you
are wearing the cuffs. Good. That is ideal for what I have planned today.”

Finally turning his
head he saw that Olivia was walking away toward the corridor to the play rooms.


she’s got planned today”? Does that mean she is going to restrain me some way?


He surged to his
feet before she completed his full name, glaring at her. She beckoned condescendingly.
Slamming his glass down on the counter, he followed her into the corridor
ignoring the knowing glances of fellow
, like
Warren as he spoke to his sub,
happened to be
Marilyn, and nodded in his direction.
little shit!
Well, he usually had Trey’s cast-offs, so he wasn’t worried
about him.

As Olivia walked
ahead of him Trey forgot Warren. This was an ideal position to view Olivia’s
backside. And a luscious one it was, too. He had never noticed before how
rounded, yet firm, it was, wiggling beneath the tight black satin pants she
wore. For a middle-aged woman she was certainly in shape. His eyes wandered
down her long, long legs to her ankles in the strappy black heels she was

The sound of a
throat clearing caught his attention, and he looked up. She had turned and was
standing at the end of the corridor. “Like what you see?”

He sauntered forward.
“Not bad. Not bad at all.”

She reached out
and pulled his shirt to bring his face closer to hers. Trey was surprised by
her strength. “Listen up then. Take your look, ‘
that’s the only way you get any part of me.”

Raising an
eyebrow he made an exaggerated sigh.
I get
the feeling you wouldn’t mind a fuck.” He actually made that up, so he was
rather stunned when she flushed and stepped back from him.

Get in.”

Trey paused for a
second, still taking in her unexpected reaction to his teasing words, before
entering the room. Then the last few moments went straight out of his head when
he saw the St.
Andrew’s Cross
on the far side of the
room, and he cursed inwardly.

Her voice sounded
in his ear. “You’ve had a taste of stripping and being inspected. Now you need
to know what it is like to be flogged, but you only need to remove your shirt.”

He stepped away.
“No way!”

“Don’t worry,
I’m not restraining you.”

As he gestured at
furniture, her laughter rang out across the
room. He gritted his teeth, angry with her.

“You will hold
onto the bars of the Cross. You are tall enough to reach them, I think. And you
will keep your hands there without the use of any restraints. This is part of
your lesson in control.”

Trey frowned,
not sure where she was going with this. Was this about bondage or flogging?

Olivia sighed.
“Maybe I should have said ‘a lesson in trust’. A sub might have to place their
trust in their Dom, but equally there are times the Dom trusts the sub. This is
one of them. Show me I can trust you to do as I say.”

Knowing this was
going to be difficult, he groaned. In fact, it was downright Machiavellian!

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