Resistance (Ilyon Chronicles Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Resistance (Ilyon Chronicles Book 1)
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“You don’t believe in Aertus and Vilai?”

The little girl’s expression was painfully innocent. He could never suspect her of giving him away, but what if it happened by accident? He shook off the thought. It shouldn’t matter—not if it might help Meredith believe.

With a silent prayer, he said, “No, I don’t.”

The little girl looked at him thoughtfully. “I don’t think I do either.” Her expression grew more serious. “But the emperor wants us to, doesn’t he?”


“So we can’t let him know?”

“No, we can’t.”

Meredith sighed and nestled against him as she wrapped her arms around herself. For a long moment, only silence drew out between them until Meredith murmured, “I miss my mommy and daddy.”

Kaden squeezed her arm in full understanding. “I’m sure you’ll get to see them again sometime.”

She had to have some hope. It might be all that got her through some days.

But Meredith shook her head against him. “No,” she breathed out in a sad acceptance, “they’re dead.”

Cold spread through Kaden, and he winced. “What happened?”

Her body tensed again, and her gaze darted around the yard before she raised her pale face to him. In a whisper Kaden could barely hear, she said, “Emperor’s men.”

And she would say no more.








ace jolted awake with a gasp, his limbs heavy and coursing with heat. Dim images of darkness and violence fogged his mind, but then Tyra’s face appeared above him. She let out a low whine and the images faded. He sunk his fingers into the soft fur around her neck and breathed out a sigh.

“I’m fine,” he murmured.

He peered around the tent. The other three bedrolls lay empty, and bright patches of early morning sunlight danced on the canvas above him. Outside, birds sang merrily, but Jace found no joy in it. Did he even possess such an emotion anymore? The very last of it seemed to have died upon their arrival in camp.

With another sigh, he pushed himself up and pulled on his clothes. He brushed past the tent flap and took in the sight of camp. Most of the men gathered by the fire, where a large pot steamed. They talked and some laughed, but all grew quiet as Jace drew near. A few watched him, though most focused on their breakfast bowls. He scanned the faces. Rayad wasn’t among them, and after another look around, Jace spotted him near one of the tents with Warin and Trask.

The unnatural silence surrounding the men lengthened. Jace crunched his teeth together. What a fool thing to have joined them during breakfast after yesterday’s reception. He turned away, but Mick’s voice halted his retreat.

“Help yourself to breakfast. There’s plenty.”

Jace glanced from him to the extra bowls gathered on a table near the fire. Instinct drove him to forget breakfast and walk away, but that would be giving in to intimidation. Hardening his resolve, he walked to the fire, took a bowl, and served himself from the porridge in the pot. When he turned, he once again faced the silent group of men. This time he met Holden’s eyes and the clear message behind their cold glint. No one wanted him around. Fine. He didn’t want anything to do with them either.

He set off away from the fire with Tyra at his heels. Behind him, conversation resumed as he found a seat on a log at the edge of camp. He stared down at the bowl of pale porridge and didn’t move. For the three years he had known Rayad, the man never ate without first offering thanks to Elôm. Jace had adopted this practice in the last year, but sitting here alone, no words of thanks would come.

He grimaced and shut his eyes at the questions that came instead. Where was Elôm in this? If He loved him as much as Rayad said He did, why did He leave him to face such pain and hostility? The only possible answer cut his heart like knife blades. Elôm didn’t know him. He was soulless, little more than an animal, destined to struggle through life without a true purpose or an ultimate destination. Just like everyone said.



At last, it arrived—Kyrin’s first day off. Her body tingled with an anticipation that added swiftness to her steps as she crossed the palace to find Trev. As grand and spacious as Auréa was, she could hardly wait to be free of its confines—away from the pressures and scrutiny of her position.

Nearing the security quarters, a female giggle caught her attention. She came through the hall doorway to find Collin standing near a pillar with one of the maids. The girl giggled again as he toyed with her hair. Kyrin rolled her eyes. He probably had a whole slew of new female admirers, and now Tarvin Hall’s rules against fraternizing didn’t apply.

maid spotted her and released a light gasp. She dipped into a curtsy, cast one last shy smile at Collin, and hurried on her way. Once her footsteps faded, Kyrin looked at Collin, expression flat. He, however, wore his most charming grin.

“I hear it’s your day off. Want to go for a walk?”

“And what about her?” She gestured to the doorway through which the maid had disappeared.

“Ah, that’s nothing.”

Kyrin lifted her brows. “Does she know that?”

A brief frown marred Collin’s smile, but it regained its brightness in a moment. “It’s just a little fun.”

“You and I have very different ideas of fun.” Kyrin shook her head and walked past him. She had better things to do today than put up with his advances. “I thought you were a gentleman.”

“Hold on a minute.” His footsteps echoed in the hall, and he cut around in front of her, halting her progress. “Nothing happened. Lighten up.”

Kyrin drew her shoulders back and crossed her arms. If Kaden had any idea about this, he would throw a fit. She could see it now—him storming the palace to knock Collin down a peg, or twenty.

“Come on,” he coaxed. “I just thought it would be nice to spend some time together now that we don’t have to abide by so many rules.”

Her and how many other girls? She shook her head again and tried to move on, but he backpedaled to stay in front of her.

“Why not?”

Kyrin narrowed her eyes at his persistence and worked on an answer that would make Kaden proud. Before she could use it, a third set of footsteps interrupted. She glanced around Collin to see Trev. He eyed the two of them keenly, and his gaze rested on Kyrin.

“You were looking for me, my lady?”

“Yes, I want to go out and see my brother.” She glanced pointedly at Collin as she mentioned Kaden.

As Trev closed the distance between them, Kyrin faced Collin once more and lowered her voice, but didn’t bother to smooth the edge. “I’m not your entertainment.”

“I never said you were,” he shot back, matching her tone.

The smile had faded to reveal something more in his eyes—genuine interest and disappointment, if she read it right. A faint sting of guilt passed through her. Perhaps she hadn’t needed to be so harsh, but if she didn’t stop him now, he’d continue to pursue her, and she had no interest in him.

She joined Trev, who gave Collin a rather dour look as he passed. They walked in silence, and all thoughts of Collin fell away the moment Kyrin exited the courtyard gates. Her pace quickened again as she took to the streets that sloped away from the palace. They bypassed Tarvin Hall on a more direct route to the central square.

When they arrived, Kyrin scanned the crowd. Busy, as usual, but not
nearly so much as it was on an execution day. She moved along the perimeter toward one particular merchant’s stall. A grin leapt to her face. Kaden stood near the stall, waiting just as planned. Sharing big smiles, they hugged tightly.

“It is so good to see you!” Kyrin exclaimed.

“You too,” Kaden replied.

He glanced at her clothes and was certainly more pleased with her appearance this time. She’d refused to let Holly apply more than the lightest layer of cosmetics, and she’d simply braided her hair. In a serviceable dress with slits up the sides and matching black leggings, she felt much more like her normal self.

Kaden and Trev acknowledged each other with a look, Kaden sizing up the man assigned to protect his sister. More or less satisfied, his attention returned to Kyrin.

“You hungry?”

“For pies, always.”

They turned to the merchant’s stall that overflowed with an array of pastries and tortes, and each selected the flaky, fruit-stuffed hand pies they enjoyed so much. It had been a special treat since they’d grown old enough to wander the city without supervision.

When it came time to pay, Kaden reached into his pocket, but Kyrin stopped him.

“This time it’s my treat.” She smiled at the merchant and handed him the coins. When they left the stall, she said, “Honestly, I don’t know what I’ll ever do with all my pay.”

“I’m sure you’ll think of something. You could buy a dog, or a horse…or a dragon.”

Kyrin chuckled. “A dragon? What would I do with a dragon?”

“Fly,” Kaden said in a wistful tone.

“I doubt anyone would be willing to sell their dragon these days, and I’d have to be royalty to afford that.”

Kaden shrugged, but Kyrin knew him too well. The notion would never completely leave his head. He’d always dreamed about flying, though where he’d ever picked up such an idea was a mystery.

Letting him dream, Kyrin turned to Trev and offered him an extra pie she’d purchased.

“That isn’t necessary, my lady,” he politely declined.

“But I insist. It’s the least I can do for dragging you all over the city.”

“That’s my job, but thank you.” He smiled and accepted the pie.

Kyrin faced Kaden again, who appeared to have returned to reality. “Want to go to the shore?”

He nodded, and they headed off toward the western edge of the city. Along the way, they talked of different things, unimportant things, but none of what they really had on their minds. That would have to wait until they could talk privately.

After several blocks and an uphill climb, they came to the cliffs overlooking the spectacular Ardaluin Bay. Off to their left and below them lay the harbor filled with hundreds of magnificent tall ships, their creamy sails furled and waiting for the next voyage. Kyrin had never been on one, but it would be fascinating to see the places they traveled
to. Between Valcré and her small hometown of Mernin, she hadn’t seen much of Ilyon at all.

The cliffs dropped away dizzyingly and sent a thrill through Kyrin’s chest. But straight out, as far as they could see, lay the brilliant Sidian Ocean. With a cloudless sky, the clear waters were a dazzling aqua and shimmered like satin in the sun. She took a deep breath of the cool, salty breeze. This was one of her favorite places in Valcré.

Before they moved on, Trev said, “I’ll keep watch here.”

The path leading up to this jutting area of the cliffs narrowed and made it impossible for anyone to pass by him unseen. Kyrin smiled at the arrangement. Now she and Kaden would have the perfect opportunity to speak alone.

The two of them picked their way up along the path another hundred yards and came to the ruined base of an ancient stone wall that once lined the cliffs. Disturbed seagulls screeched and scolded them as they climbed up to a formation that served as the perfect natural bench. Here they sat to enjoy their pies and the view.

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