Rescuing Mattie (4 page)

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Authors: S. E. Smith

BOOK: Rescuing Mattie
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“No! Please, no!” She cried out struggling as he wrapped a big, beefy arm around her waist and pulled her backwards into the lounge. “No!” She screamed as the door sealed her inside with the three remaining pirates.

Chapter 5

“Where is Mattie?” Jai asked as Banner reattached the front panel to the coolant system. He looked around with a frown at the five dogs lying in various stages of sleep. “Where is the human female?”

Lyr looked up from where he was bringing the engines back online and frowned. “She returned to Level 4. She stated that she needed to get a couple of her pets that she had left in the lounge.”

“You let her go?” Jai asked, outraged. “The ship is still crawling with pirates. You let a female go unprotected?”

Lyr flushed as he looked up at Banner who had come to stand next to Jai. “With the weapons systems back online, I thought they had either killed or captured all of the pirates,” he said with a defensive shrug. “She sounded really worried.”

“Go,” Banner ordered Jai grimly. “The lifts should be back up now.”

Jai nodded and spoke quickly to K’tar asking for a status report on the pirates. He felt the blood drain from his face when K’tar reported a hostage situation on Level 4. Three drakes had taken one of the human females prisoner. A team was being deployed to take them out. Jai knew immediately what would happen. The Drakas were known for their savagery. They would kill their hostage slowly, sending a piece of them at a time out until they got what they wanted or were dead.

He ignored the lift and headed for the same access tube that Mattie had used. He knew deep down they had Mattie. He would get off on level three and used the conduit tunnels to get to her. He would kill the bastards.


Mattie looked around wildly for Peewee. Her eyes lit up when she saw the huge Mastiff’s nose as he lay behind the long couch.

She cried out, “Verborgen bleiben.”
Stay hidden
as she was roughly pushed against the table.

A whimper escaped her as her head was jerked backwards by her short hair. She couldn’t let go of the table. If she did, she would fall backwards either into the male holding her hair or onto the floor. Either way, it was not where she wanted to be. The male stared down into her terrified eyes and grinned.

“I want to take this one with me when we leave,” he growled.

The largest of the three males turned and snarled at the man. “They will not let us leave, you fool. If you had not been chasing after the last female you saw we would have been off this warship.”

The male lifted his lip, showing off sharp teeth. “They are protective of these females. You saw how those warriors fought to protect the other one. They will release us,” he said confidently.

“We should have been told there were females on board,” the last Drakas snarled. “Males fight harder if they are protecting females.”

“There is nothing to do now about it,” the one holding Mattie snapped before turning his gaze back to her when she whimpered as he tightened his hand in her hair. “I want a taste to see if they are as good as they look.”

“No,” Mattie whimpered. “Please.”

The other two males laughed at her pleading. “She is already begging for you,” one of the said. “Taste her but hurry. If this is my last chance to fuck, I want to make it last.”

Mattie screamed as the man bent her head back and bit into her throat. Her legs collapsed under her and she fell back into his body. Peewee, hearing his mistress’ painful cry, pushed up with a dark menacing growl.

The man holding Mattie, released her and she fell to the floor. She rolled to her knees as they pulled their laser swords up. Grabbing her bleeding throat
with one hand, she threw herself in front of Peewee’s massive body.

“Verborgen bleiben, Peewee. Verborgen bleiben,” she sobbed, pushing her body between the men advancing on her beloved pet and her. “Please. He won’t hurt you. I swear. Please, please…” Mattie cried, spreading one arm out in front of the mastiff.

“What is it?” The male who bit her demanded, his gaze focused on the huge hairy beast.

“He… he is very, very special,” Mattie choked out desperately. “Very, very rare. There are no others like him in any of your star systems.”

She knew that was the truth. Maybe if they thought they had another creature worth a lot they wouldn’t hurt him. She could only hope that help came quickly because she definitely didn’t like the way it was going.

The last male growled and took a step forward. “It will just be another thing to have to try to escape with. Kill it. We can send pieces of it out to show them we mean business,” he growled out.

“No!” Mattie said, shaking her head. “I won’t let you harm him.”

The male who bit her threw back his head and laughed. “You won’t let us,” he chuckled darkly. His eyes swept over the blood pouring down from where he bit her. His eyes moved over her lush curves. “You have fire in you.”

Mattie shifted until she was kneeling in front of Peewee. “I won’t let you hurt him,” she said a little more forcefully. “He is my family.” She stood up on shaky legs and let her hand drop from her throat.

“Kill them both,” the male who wanted to kill Peewee said taking a step forward, raising his sword to strike Mattie.

Mattie’s scream blended with the male when the one who bit her brought his sword up, severing the man’s arm from his body. Her screams continued to echo even as the man turned and shove the blade of his laser sword through his comrade’s chest. The other male just stood back. He might be larger than the one who bit her but he obviously wasn’t as brutal

“Send his body out piece by piece,” the male said coldly. “Tell them the female is next.”

Mattie closed her eyes and turned her head as the larger male began to dismember his peer. A whimper escaped her as she felt fingers under her chin pulling it around. When the pressure increased until she couldn’t hold back the gasp of pain, she opened her eyes to look up into the icy cold ones staring down at her.

“Undress,” he ordered.

Mattie violently trembled at his words. Her eyes filled with tears. A few coursed down her cheeks but she refused to do what he said. He was going to kill her anyway. She would rather go down fighting.

“No,” she whispered.

The male frowned and slid his hand down to her throat. “What?” He asked menacingly.

“I said ‘no’,” Mattie choked out as she brought her knee up as hard as she could into his crotch.

The hand on her throat tightened until she thought for sure he would crush it. One second he was holding her and the next he released her as pain exploded through him from where she had kneed him. Mattie didn’t wait any longer. She reached behind her and grabbed a computer slate left on the table for reading and viewing vidcoms. She brought it upside the male’s head as she screamed as loud as she could for Peewee to attack.

Peewee scrambled to his feet and charged the male who was sliding to the floor. Even as he sunk his teeth into the man’s throat, Mattie was grabbing his discarded laser sword. She brought it up to face the other huge male who was watching in disbelief as Mattie and her pet attacked. He dropped the bloody head he had been holding and raised his laser sword to attack her. Out from under the chair, Bandit ran. The small ferret was so frightened by all the noise that it just wanted to find a higher place to hide. Since the huge male was the tallest, and closest, thing available, it raced up his leg.

His startled cry echoed as he swung around to see what was attacking him from behind. He swiveled around and around, knocking one of the tables loose as he slipped in the blood soaking the floor. Bandit chattered before leaping off of the male’s shoulder towards Mattie who dropped the sword she was holding to catch the tiny body.

Mattie gasped and backed up as the male turned toward her. She watched in horror as he raised his sword over his head again. Just as he was about to bring it down, a sizzling hole appeared between his eyes. Mattie cried out and fell onto the couch behind her as a figure rose up from behind the chair where the vent that Bandit had escaped into was located.

She buried her face in Bandit’s fur and tried to curl into a ball. A soft voice ordered Peewee to stand back. She shuddered when she heard the sound of a laser pistol discharging again. A moment later, she felt hard hands urgently running over her. They lingered on the drying blood on her neck. A soft curse echoed in the room before strong arms circled around her and Bandit and lifted them both up. Mattie refused to open her eyes. She turned her head into Jai’s familiar scent and trembled violently.

“I’ve got you,” Jai’s soft voice echoed. “You are safe. I’ve got you.”

Mattie couldn’t stop crying long enough to respond. She just held onto Bandit and let Jai carry her away from the terrible men who were now dead.

Chapter 6

Over the next week, Mattie saw very little of the outside world. She lay curled up at night in Jai’s arms. He had rearranged his schedule to match her sleep cycle. She had numerous visitors but the only ones Jai allowed in were her furry friends. He quietly told the others that she was well but needed more time to rest.

Mattie’s lips curved as she remembered him even refusing Manota entrance to see her. When she told him she didn’t want to see anyone, he had taken it literally. Mattie knew it couldn’t go on forever. In fact, it had to end today as they had finally reached Kassis but that didn’t mean that she didn’t want it to continue. The last week had been incredible. Jai had put her needs first… always.

He’d had Shavic come to his quarters and heal her after he rescued her from the pirates. After Shavic had left he had tenderly bathed her tired body, gently washing away the blood from the now healed wound. She still blushed when she thought of him undressing her and caring for her. She had never felt so loved in all her life. She turned as the door opened and Jai came in from his final shift. She was dressed in her own clothes today. For the past week, she had worn nothing more than one of his shirts.

“Hello guys,” Jai murmured quietly as all the dogs gathered around him. He handed out the treats he always saved for them but his eyes were glued to her. “Hello Mattie.”

Mattie brushed a hand over her cheek and shyly smiled. “Hi, how was your day?”

Jai swallowed as he looked at the female he had held every night in his arms and spent every waking moment with when he wasn’t working. It was killing him to hold her but not touch her in the way he wanted. To touch her delicate skin but not claim her as he needed.

“It was good. I have to work the next few weeks but I will be off after that for several months. I plan to return to my family’s farm to help out,” he began.

“Oh,” Mattie said looking away.

“I do not have a place within the East House suitable for you to stay with me,” he said walking toward her.

Mattie glanced at him before focusing on the room around her. It was small, especially with all the animals in it, but she had been happy in the cramped quarters. It wasn’t much different than living in her camper.

“I guess this is it,” she responded in a husky voice. “I… Thank you for helping me this past week.”

“Mattie,” Jai said softly, waiting for her to look up at him. He smiled tenderly down at her when she finally did. “I would like to stay with you, if you don’t mind. Until I can get approval for a larger living area.”

“Oh,” she whispered, before she nodded. “I have plenty of room. Well, not really but it is more than you have here.”

“That is perfect,” he answered. “Only know this, I will not just be holding you in my arms any longer. I need you, Mattie.”

Mattie’s eyes widened at the desperate plea in Jai’s voice. She smiled as she reached up to touch his cheek. She loved him so much. This past week with him had shown her that.

“I need you too,” she whispered, blushing.

Jai closed his eyes and breathed deeply before he opened them and shook his head in amazement. “I really wish you would have told me that last night. It has been pure torture,” he chuckled.

Mattie grinned up at him. “Tonight will be pure pleasure,” she teased before brushing a kiss against his lips. “I love you, Jai.”

“I have loved you from the moment you ran by me, Mattie. Gods, I only hope I can wait until tonight,” he muttered before he sealed his lips over hers again.

Neither one of them heard the dogs groan as they laid back down to wait for their mistress again.

Chapter 7

Mattie looked around nervously at her new home. The planet was gorgeous, at least what she was able to see from the shuttles that brought them down from the Spaceport. The area where their campers were located was just outside the main city. Ricki, who had been debriefed on everything by Lord Manota, had explained that construction had already begun on more permanent housing for them as soon as Lord Ajaska heard they were coming. She explained everyone would eventually have their own home.

Mattie was amazed when she finally saw the compound from above at how fast the construction was going. Ricki explained the houses were prefabricated modules that could be hooked together relatively quickly and added onto if needed. Crystals were embedded in the houses as they were being constructed and provided a natural energy source and light.

The compound covered over one hundred acres of land and included room for their current living quarters which had already been delivered and set up, in addition to animal pens and a special area for the Big Top. A small group of scientists and healers were being assigned to assist the human vet and nurse with any issues.

A holographic image had been presented to the entire crew in a meeting before they were escorted onto shuttles to take them down to the planet. Kev Mul Kar, along with Walter and Ricki, had shown everyone the area, set up and answered any questions the crew had. To protect the humans, a large perimeter fence had been erected. Kev emphasized that the fencing was for their privacy and protection and assured everyone they had the freedom to come and go as they pleased.

Mattie couldn’t get over the beautiful area where their campers had been set up. Huge trees shaded their homes and each had a large lot providing them privacy. In addition, a flowing river with crystal clear water emptied into a nearby lake. Mattie excitedly peered out the window of the shuttle and wished that Jai could have accompanied her. She hadn’t even been able to bring her animals as they were being brought down on separate transport shuttles.

Ricki had explained the animals would be kept in quarantine for a few days so they could be thoroughly checked by the Kassisan scientists. She emphasized that it was much like what happened when they traveled to different countries, only she had less paperwork to file. That drew a laugh out of everyone as they knew how much Ricki did to make sure everything flowed seamlessly for them.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Suzy whispered looking over Mattie’s shoulder. “I can’t believe we are really here!”

“It is beautiful,” Mattie replied in awe. “Look at how clear the water is! I can see all the way to the bottom.”

“Look! There it is!” Suzy excitedly exclaimed, pointing. “There are some of the animals!”

Mattie looked over to a section that was fenced off. Pens, set up to model each animal’s habitat, had been constructed. Some of the larger animals, like the three elephants Tony had, were already inside their structure. Mattie could see several people walking around the outer perimeter of it, observing Sydney, Myrtle and their calf. Another enclosure showed Katarina’s lions and tigers.

“They did a great job,” Mattie murmured.

“I overheard Ricki talking to Nema about it. She said that Manota had K’tar download information on each animal before we left Earth,” Curly replied trying to look out the window as well. “Man, does that sound weird or what? Before we left Earth,” he chuckled and shook his head.

Suzy sat back and reached for her husband’s hand. Mattie watched as the couple stared into each other’s eyes and smiled. She recognized the look in Curly’s eyes. It was the same way Jai looked at her. She turned her head and looked back down as they approached the landing area. Hope blossomed as she thought about what was going to happen later that evening. A small smile curved her lips as she planned for how she was going to greet Jai when he came home later that night.

No, he would be holding her in an entirely different way if I have any say in it tonight,
Mattie thought as they landed.


Jai waved to several people as he walked toward Mattie’s new home. He couldn’t believe how nervous he was. He was beginning to think the day was never going to end. He had met with K’tar and the rest of an elite group of guards for most of the day going over plans and reports. Petre had teased him when he caught him daydreaming instead of listening.

He grinned as he remembered how he had bolted from the room when they were dismissed. He had rushed to the single bedroom with a bath that he used when he was on duty in the East House. He showered and packed a bag. He had looked around the small room and realized just how small and lonely it was. If he had his way, he would never be alone again.

He jogged the rest of the way once he saw Mattie’s camper. His hand was just reaching to knock on the door when it opened. He looked up at Mattie and felt his heart stutter before it exploded. She was wearing one of his shirts and he suspected nothing else. It barely reached her upper thighs and from this angle, he could catch just a glimpse of shadow between them.

“Mattie,” he breathed out hoarsely.

Mattie tilted her head and smiled down at his awestruck face. “I missed you today,” she admitted before opening her arms.

Jai slowly climbed up the steps. He dropped his bag inside the door, reached behind him and pulled the door to the camper shut, fumbling with the lock before he reached for her. His arms swept her up against him even as his lips captured hers.

Mattie gasped as he slid his hands under the shirt she was wearing. His rough palms felt hot on the bare flesh of her hips as he traced the curve of her ass and lifted her. The move forced her to wrap her legs around his waist.

“Where’s the bedroom in this thing?” He muttered against the side of her neck as he pressed hot kisses to her overheated flesh.

“Toward the back,” Mattie choked out. “Big bed. Need you. Now.”

Jai didn’t wait for her to say anything else. He loved the way her arms and legs tightened around his body. He was going to fuck her until neither one of them could see straight. His cock felt like it was about to burst from just the feel of her hot pussy rubbing against the front of him. He walked through the narrow kitchen and small bathroom until he reached the back of the camper. His eyes lit up when he saw the row of mirrored storage. That would come in very handy. Even better was the huge bed.

He gently set Mattie down on the very edge of the bed. With a jerk of his hands, the shirt was pulled over her head. He wanted nothing hiding her when he took her. Before she could say a word, he sunk down onto his knees between her legs. When she tried to shut them, he gripped her thighs and placed them over his shoulders so she couldn’t close him out. Leaning forward, he buried his face in the soft hair covering her mound. Her shocked cry was followed by her wrapping her fingers in his short hair and holding his head to her as he began to attack her with his lips, teeth, and tongue.


Mattie stared in disbelief at the mirrored reflection. Her plump breasts brushed the top of Jai’s head as he licked and teased her clit with his teeth and tongue. The sight was so shockingly erotic all she could do was tremble as she watched. The pressure built inside her so fast that she was shocked when her body exploded.

“Jai!” She cried out as she locked her legs around him and fell backwards, writhing as he continued his erotic attack. “Oh god!” She gasped as her body continued to pulse with her orgasm.

“Mine!” Jai snarled against the soft brown hair. “You are mine, Mattie. I will never let you go!”

Jai pulled back and stood. He quickly shed his clothes, kicking them to one side. Reaching for where Mattie lay trembling on the bed, he lifted her legs in his hands and aligned his throbbing cock with her slick and swollen channel. He pushed through the moist curls, impaling her in one steady drive all the way to her womb. He threw back his head and roared out as she fisted him. The lining of her vagina was so hot, so slick and still pulsing from her orgasm. He almost came from just the first thrust, it felt so good.

Jai trembled as he tried to hold onto his own need to come. He wanted her to come again before he found his own satisfaction. Sweat beaded on his brow as he held still and breathed deeply.

That was a big mistake,
he thought with a grimace as he smelled their combined arousal in the air.

“Jai, please,” Mattie’s pleading eyes met his. “I need you.”

“Gods, Mattie,” Jai said as she wrapped her legs around his waist and locked her heels against his taut ass. “I won’t last this first time.”

“Then we’ll just have to do it again,” she teased.

Jai stared down as the plump mocha breasts with the dark areolas. He reached down and pinched the swollen tips between his fingers as he leaned forward and began to pump in and out of her.

She was so damn tight around him it took everything in him not to curse. Each movement, whether he was pulling out or pushing in, ran the length of his cock. He groaned loudly as he felt the tip of his cock rubbing against her womb. Her hot core was sucking him in, caressing him and wrapping him in its silky heat until it was impossible to contain his own release. He reached down desperately between them and flicked the nub that he knew was extremely sensitive.

“Argh!” Jai growled out as he threw his head back as she arched into him as she exploded again. His hips jerked over and over as he poured himself into her. “Mattie, my Mattie.”

His body stiffened and he wrapped his hands around her breasts marveling that the globes overflowed in his large hands. He gazed down at her face, twisted in ecstasy as she shattered again. Nothing had prepared him for the intense feelings rushing through him. He leaned down over her, pushing even deeper as he did. His lips hovered over hers as he caged her within his arms. He waited until she slowly opened her eyes to look up at him.

“I love you, Mattie,” he whispered. “Never doubt that. You are mine and I keep what is mine, Mattie. Forever.”

Mattie smiled up at him. She ran her hands up over his chest to his shoulders. She gazed up at him, her smile growing as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down the rest of the way.

“I can live with that,” she murmured as she kissed him deeply.

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