Rescuing A Runaway Bride (3 page)

BOOK: Rescuing A Runaway Bride
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She bit her lip. “I’m sorry I woke you. I guess I was having a bad dream, but it seemed so real at the time.”

Her shuttered expression tore at him and he knew she wasn’t a traitor like her kid brother. “Tell me about it.”

She frowned down at him hesitating then sighed. “You already know that I caught Grayson

“Screwing another woman,” he cut in.

She gave him an imperious look.
Anyway I reacted
probably scaring him
he didn’t know who it was spying on him I guess

“And,” Jake coaxed, feeling in his gut that it was going to be bad.

“Grayson and the bimbo were going at it in the kitchen. I’d dropped by to see if we were sexually compatible.”

“Trust me, you’re not,” he said.

She smiled and gave him a little wiggle. “I’d have to agree with you, stud.”

He groaned as her movement made them both gasp.

She stilled. “Well like I said, I made a
he jerked out of her mouth, then yelped because I guess she bit him.”

Jake grinned. “So far I like this story.”

She smiled down at him. “I ran out of there, and something hard hit the doorframe as I ran through it. It was metal
I think it was a knife
I can’t be sure.”

“Son of a bitch.”
Jake gazed up at her a chill going through him when he thought of what might have happened if St. James’ aim had been a little better. He saw a shudder go through her at the same time and ran a warm hand up her flanks under her nightgown trying to soothe her.

Samantha sighed. “Now you know why I didn’t want to tell you. I had a feeling you’d overreact.”

“Overreact,” he sputtered, shocked she was giving the fucker the benefit of the doubt.

“He thought I was a burglar. He yelled that at me as I ran away.”

“That’s bull.”

She let out another sigh. “Maybe but I don’t want to deal with it or him tonight.”

Jake knew she was telling him to back off, to let her handle it as she saw fit. Much as it went against his instincts he knew he had to do just that publicly. Behind the scenes was a different story. “Fine we’ll do it your way.”

She smiled down at him and pulled her nightgown off.

He smiled back at her, glad of his reward. She ran a finger down his bare chest.

“What do we have here?
Sexy abs.”

He groaned as she teased one finger down his body making him tighten like a bowstring. Then she leaned down to kiss him, her open sex brushing against his throbbing rod and he groaned. “Um hum.”

She lapped at his nipple making him shudder. “You taste good. I wondered if you’d taste like cinnamon and you do.”

He groaned knowing she was referring to the cinnamon candies he liked and wondering how long she’d wanted to taste him. “Oh god,” he groaned, wanting to take control but knowing that she needed to.

“Like that, do you?” she asked, before lapping at him again.

“You have no idea,” he said, grabbing her hips to control her movements.

“Not so fast, buster,” she said with a smile then gently lifted his hands off her hips. “You made me go no hands earlier now you can do the same for me.”

He let her push his hands down to the floor knowing she was probably going to kill him with sex and not minding one damned bit.

“Good boy,” she praised, shimmying down his body to lick his abs.

He growled as her tongue dipped into his navel and her hot little hand wrapped around his raging cock. Damn he was a dead man. He balled his fists at to keep from reaching for her. His tight body
sweating as she dipped her tongue into his navel laving it making him squirm and swear under his breath.

“Naughty, naughty,” she scolded then giggled. Bypassing his cock and going down to his feet.

He groaned in agony as his cock bobbed wildly in the air like a god dammed warning signal that she ignored. But when she licked her way up the sole of his foot and sucked his big toe into her mouth he arched plumb off the rug.
Where the hell did she learn that?
Jealousy rippled though him for a minute.
There had to have been other men don’t be an ass and ruin this.
Then she nipped her way up his inner thigh and he stopped thinking.

He looked at her crouched between his splayed legs, smiling at him like he was a treasure she’d just discovered and fell in lust. Then she bent down to take him into her mouth sucking on him like a lollypop and he lost his mind. He groaned as she milked at him cupping his balls and rolling them and knew he was putty in her hands. His balls grew tighter and he knew he couldn’t wait anymore. He pulled her up even though she didn’t want to let him go and rolled her under him.

Samantha lay trembling as Jake’s hard body covered
hardly believing her lucky stars or that she’d wanted to go down on him to see if he tasted like cinnamon. He had. Then his cock rubbed teasingly against her wet sex, his eyes darkened to molten steel, and she stopped gloating as she went up in flames.

“My turn,” he said with a smile.

Seeing his wicked grin she burned with need. Oh yeah, it was definitely his turn. She quivered, her toes curling and then he ran one smooth finger down her body mimicking the way she’d touched him. She actually shook when he bent to lap at her nipple then pulled back to blow on it making her shiver with delight at the wickedly cool sensation. Then he sucked her nipple into his mouth drawing on it hard and she thought she’d lose her mind. She screamed arching toward him, on fire. But he wasn’t done with her yet.

He let that peak go with a kiss and worked his way to her other trembling breast. Even knowing what was coming she couldn’t brace herself for the sexy torment. And then just when she thought she had, he lapped the other nipple while reaching down to stroke her clit. She screamed as he blew on her trembling nipple sending waves of hot and cold through her. Then he suckled on it and she was gone.

She moaned only feeling not thinking and his finger plunged into her wetness making her thrash on the floor. She cried out when he parted her wide, his hot fingers plunging inside her while his thumb dropped square on her clit and this little finger found her ass. She moaned shuddered arching off the floor, her whole being quivering, loving the naughty feeling.

“Want me, brat?” he demanded, looking down at her as he drove her to insanity with his talented hands.

She knew it was a test, a warning, but still she nodded. “You have no idea how much I want you, Jake.”

And then his eyes glowed for a breathless moment before he slipped between her legs. She whimpered with need when the blunt head of his cock touched her intimately but didn’t take her. Why was he making her wait? Frustrated she
against him silently begging him.

“Look at me when I take you, Samantha,” he demanded.

She locked eyes with his and couldn’t look away. Then he drove into her with one claiming thrust and she cried out at the invasion, her honey walls clinging to him.

“My god, you’re tight,” he gritted out.

“I haven’t had time for sex,” she told him.
Or the right partner until now
. Not that she was going to reveal that. It would make her sound too pathetic. But the fire in his eyes said he’d found a treasure worth keeping as he rocked into her driving her wild. She wrapped her legs around him holding him close as he claimed her. Ripples started inside her milking him as he drove deeper into her, then changed the pace rubbing against her clit. Then suddenly she was crying out, stars in her eyes, toes curling as she came apart in his arms. He joined her with a growl of possession coming high and hard inside her. She drifted to an exhausted sleep secure in the fact he now trusted her.


Chapter 3


The next morning Samantha rolled over and let out a yelp as she fell off the sofa. Two things occurred to her at once, she’d somehow gotten tucked back onto the sofa alone. And Jake Ramsey was nowhere in sight. Or had she dreamed it all? Shaking off the throw now wrapped around her like a cocoon, she managed to get to her feet and winced as sensual muscles she hadn’t used before protested.

Then the cool morning air hit her and she shivered down to her toenails realizing with bemused wonder that she was naked. It had happened, she really did seduce Ramsey, hired him to be her sex instructor. So where was he? Throwing on her nightgown, she stumbled into the kitchen in search of her erotic arts teacher.

The heady aroma of coffee brewing drew her like a beacon to the kitchen. Jake must have gotten up to make her breakfast
maybe with him as desert. But that didn’t tell her why he hadn’t even had the decency to take her to bed properly. She’d find out as soon as she had a little of his brew. Grabbing a mug off the
, she poured herself a cup and leaned back against the counter as she took a sip. Then a noise made her turn toward the dining room. Jake was sitting at the chipped old dinette set watching her and the cautious look in his granite gray gave her pause.

She felt Ramsey’s inquisitive gaze rake over her and froze. Had something happened that changed his mind about letting her stay, being her sex instructor? Well, she had kicked his sexy ass before taking him. That could be the reason he was so wary. “I’m sorry I hurt you. I don’t normally resort to physical violence.”

“Tell that to the next guy you flip,” he said, the corners of his hard mouth kicking up in a tight smile.

At least he was dressed today so she wouldn’t have to worry about where to look. But the way his gray tee shirt clung to his toned body reminded her of all his yummy charms. She reluctantly pulled her gaze off his hot body to look at his eyes and got lost again. He had nice eyes, eyes a woman could get lost in.
You jumped his bones in the moonlight.
It doesn’t mean he’s going to beg you to stay.
“I get it you’re rough and tough and no girl is going to get the better of you.”

“I’ve had worse,” he said.

She felt Ramsey’s inquisitive gaze rake over her body like a caress and looked away. She probably looked a mess, her dark hair tangled around her shoulders, and her skin rosy with her blush. She’d never been able to hide anything from him before, so why should now be any different? It was time to make a strategic retreat. He hadn’t even had the manners to take her to bed. That more than anything should tell her that this was only a one-night stand for him.

She set down her cup with a sigh of regret and turned to stalk toward the downstairs bathroom. She knew when to back away. As she locked the door she wondered who she was trying to block
him from touching her
or her from flipping him to the floor again and doing him. “
Don’t be an idiot
,” she said out loud.

“You say something?” Jake called from the other room.

Twenty minutes later she dressed in the rayon sundress she’d tossed in her bag for her seduction mission and more new
. These were cocoa brown with white lace trim. Why hadn’t she stuffed anything sensible into her bag? She gazed at her provocative reflection in the mirror. The dress did just what it was designed to do. Highlight her curves. With Ramsey’s about-face this morning, it was the last thing she wanted to do but she’d just have to brazen it out. She cruised out of the bathroom past the ladder to the loft then came to a screeching halt gazing up at the forbidden zone.
What the hell is he hiding up there?

BOOK: Rescuing A Runaway Bride
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