Rescued by the Brooding Tycoon (18 page)

BOOK: Rescued by the Brooding Tycoon
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‘And when he reminds you of Brad,’ Darius said. ‘Are you sure you aren’t hiding from the truth, just a little? Are you really over him?’

‘That was another life, another world. It doesn’t even feel like me any more.’

That was a clever reply, he thought wryly, because it sounded like a denial without actually being one.

‘What about this world?’ he asked, choosing his words carefully.

‘This is the one that matters. I know that. It’s just so hard to know where I belong in it. Sometimes I feel I never will know.’ She searched his face.

‘I can help you there,’ he said, laying his mouth over hers and murmuring through the kiss. ‘This is where you belong, in my arms, in my heart.’

She silenced him with the soft pressure of her own mouth, reaching up to caress his face before sliding one hand behind his head. She’d fought so hard to cling onto caution, but now she banished it without another thought. Whatever pain the future might hold, she would risk it in return for the beauty of this moment.

When she felt him drawing her to the bed she went willingly. Now everything in her wanted what was about to happen. Fear and mistrust were set aside as she felt a new self coming to life within her, and knew that this was the self that was always meant to be, a self that could yield joyfully to passion, but for whom tenderness mattered as much, or even more.

For, dazzling as was the physical pleasure, it was the look in his eyes that made her sigh with happiness as he brought her to the moment they both longed for. And afterwards it was the strength of his arms around her that carried her safely back to earth.

Now, at last, she knew where she belonged.


need not have been worried about the visit. It was blessed from the start by the fact that both children were instinctively at home in the country. Sailing, bathing on the beach, running through fields and trees with Phantom, trips around the island to small villages and communities—all this was their idea of heaven.

In only one respect was the holiday less than perfect. It lacked what they most longed for, and that was to see Harriet called out on a lifeboat rescue.

She’d obtained permission for them to visit the station where her friends greeted them jovially, and showed them around, including a moored lifeboat. But no emergency turned up, and the excitement they longed for failed to materialise.

It was time for the Ellarick Regatta. For the last week the hotels had been filling up, the island was full of visitors and the port was brilliant with flags. Mark and Frankie each had a copy of the programme, which never left them.

‘How many races are you in?’ Mark had demanded, studying the lists although he knew them by heart.

‘It depends,’ Harriet said. ‘If I get eliminated in an early heat I won’t go on to the next, but if I finish in the first three I’ll go on to the next heat, and the next and maybe even the final.’

‘And then you’ll win the small boat trophy,’ Frankie said triumphantly. ‘Like before.’

‘How did you know?’

‘It’s listed here,’ Mark said, showing her. ‘You’ve won once, and come second three times. Did you get a big prize?’

‘I got a trophy. I keep it in the shop.’

‘Then it’s time we all saw it,’ Darius announced.

They had a jolly expedition to the shop that, as Harriet had said, sold as many gifts as antiques, and at this time of year was full of souvenirs of the regatta. Darius kitted them out with T-shirts, plus anything else that took their fancy, and they ended the day in an ice cream bar.

That night Harriet went to bed early as she had to be up in the early hours. The children bid her a formal goodnight and blew her kisses before retreating. Darius saw her to her door.

‘Aren’t you coming in to tuck me up?’ she asked innocently.

‘You need to be at your best tomorrow. Go to bed, get some sleep,’ he commanded.

‘If you say so. Just one goodnight kiss—’

She took possession of his mouth before he could protest, kissing him softly, then with more vigour, then fiercely.

‘Harriet, you’re not being fair,’ he murmured desperately.

‘So who’s fair?’ she whispered back.

‘I’m trying to protect you from distractions—’

‘When I need your protection I’ll ask for it. Now, come inside and stop arguing.’

This was another new person, one who could shamelessly demand a man’s attentions while equally shamelessly offering her own. No, not offer her own, insist on her own, for he was trying to be virtuous and resist her, and she wasn’t going to have that.

It was a week since they had found each other, and she had spent every moment of that week wanting to enjoy him again, that might have embarrassed her if she hadn’t known he felt exactly the same. They’d been careful. The need to put the children first had meant there were fewer chances than they might have hoped. But tonight was a chance she was determined to seize—whatever nonsense he might talk.

When at last they lay dozing together, he murmured, ‘Now you must go out and win.’

‘But I did win,’ she whispered. ‘Just now. Didn’t you notice?’

‘I kind of thought I was the winner.’

‘We’ll call it a tie.’ Her lips twitched. ‘But I’m not sharing the trophy.’

‘That’s all right. We’ll compete for another one in the next round.’ He kissed her. ‘And now I’m leaving—’

‘Are you?’ she said, moving her hand.

‘Yes, you little wretch—Harriet, don’t do that, it isn’t fair—’

‘I’m not trying to be fair—’

‘I know what you’re trying to do—

After that there was silence for a long time. Then he gathered his energy enough to say, ‘Now I really am going so that you can go to sleep. You have to be at your best tomorrow. You’ve got to triumph in that race and go into the next round and win there, and we’re all going to be there when you get the trophy. I’ll be cheering and the kids will be cheering—’

‘Ah, yes, the children,’ she sighed. ‘It’s all for them. Don’t let’s forget that.’

Rejoicing in the pleasure of this wonderful time, she often forgot the conversation she’d overheard, suggesting that Darius had another motive for securing her. Not only the passion they shared, but also the sense of being close in heart and mind, rescued her from fear. All would be well, she was increasingly sure of it.

From the door he blew her a kiss and was gone.

In the early hours of next morning she was up with the lark, finding the taxi waiting at the door. By mutual agreement, Darius was remaining at home with the children rather than driving her.

Then the port came in sight, and she forgot everything but the excitement of the regatta. She got to work on her yacht, making sure everything was ready, then settled in, feeling herself become one with it.

Forty yachts were entered for the race, but only ten could compete at any one time, so it began with heats. Some of the crowd watched from the shore, but the view was better from the large ferries that had positioned themselves out at sea, and Harriet knew that the three of them would be on one of these, eagerly watching for her.

They were off. She managed to keep ahead of most of the other boats, without actually getting into the lead. Halfway through the race she saw Darius and the children leaning over the railing of a ferry, cheering her. Inspired, she redoubled her efforts and managed to arrive second.

‘That’s it,’ Darius said as they welcomed her ashore. ‘You’re in the next heat.’

‘And next time you’ll be first,’ Mark said loyally.

‘You’ll show ’em,’ Frankie cried.

And she did. Whether it was the sense of a loyal family rooting for her, or whether it was simply her time, she won the next heat, came second in the next, and won the final race. When she came ashore the band was playing as she went up to the dais to receive the trophy. There were photographs to be taken, herself holding up her prize, with Frankie and Mark one each side, then Frankie and Mark holding the prize. Darius was in some of the pictures too, but usually in the background, rather to her disappointment.

The day ended in a restaurant, being ecstatically toasted not only by the family but by her many friends. Then home to be toasted again.

Darius ended the evening, as he always did, at the computer, catching up with the work he’d been unable to do during the day. He looked worn out, she realised. With every day he seemed to get less and less sleep. She crept away and left him.

He came to her two hours later. ‘I was afraid you might have gone to sleep by now,’ he said, closing the door behind him.

‘I’m just about to.’ She yawned theatrically. ‘I simply can’t keep awake.’

Laughing, he took her into his arms. ‘Let’s see if I can help you find sweet dreams.’

She slipped her arms about his neck. ‘Hmm, let me think about that.’

‘Don’t think too hard,’ he murmured, dropping his head so that his lips were against her neck.

‘You’re a wicked man, you know that?’

‘Would you like me to go away?’

‘I’m not sure. Do that again and I’ll decide.’

Their first love-making had been full of tender emotion, and because of that it had been perfect. Over the next few days, a new pleasure had revealed itself, love and laughter at the same time, and she discovered that its joy could be as great as any other. She hadn’t known before that she could be a tease, but she was learning it now and revelling in the lesson.

He caressed her, watching her expression intently.

‘Are you any closer to making your mind up?’ he wanted to know.

‘I’m not sure. Some things take longer to decide than others.’ She stretched out luxuriously. ‘But we have plenty of time.’

‘Yes, all the time in the world,’ he said with relish.

As he spoke he was drawing his fingers down her, touching lightly so she took a long breath as her desire rose.

‘I’ve thought about nothing but this since last time,’ he murmured. ‘And the time before.’

‘Neither have I. You’re here now, and I’m going to enjoy every moment.’

‘I intend to make sure you do—
what the blazes is that?

A shrill noise had rent the air, then again, and again and again.

‘Oh, no,’ Harriet groaned. ‘That’s my pager. I’m needed on the lifeboat. I’ve got to dash.’

‘You’re going to run away

‘I don’t have any choice,’ she cried, shoving him aside and making a grab for her clothes.

For a moment he was too stunned to speak, but lay on the bed, his heart pounding as he fought to bring himself under control. This couldn’t be happening. It mustn’t happen. To have the prize snatched from him as the climax mounted—to be defeated at the last moment and told to put up with it. His head was spinning.

‘Bye,’ she cried and headed for the door.

‘Wait!’ he cried, getting command of himself at the last minute, ‘I’ll drive you there.’

‘I can’t wait for you. I’m on my way.’

She was gone. A moment later, he heard her car start up.

Dazed, he wrenched on his clothes and went out into the corridor, to find his children already there.

‘Dad, what’s happened?’ Mark demanded. ‘There was a funny noise and Harry dashed off. She hasn’t been called, has she?’

‘That’s right, she’s on her way to the lifeboat station now.’

‘Oh, wow!’ Both children began to leap about. ‘Let’s go too, please, Dad.’

‘They won’t let us in. They’re doing a serious job and we’d be in the way.’

‘But we can watch from the shore and see the boat go out. Please, Dad, please, please,

They were bouncing up and down, looking up at him beseechingly.

‘All right,’ he said, relenting. ‘Get dressed fast.’

In ten minutes they were sweeping out of the drive. On the journey he switched on the car radio, tuned to the local station, that was carrying news about a small party out on a jaunt who’d sent a frantic radio message that their boat had sprung a leak.

By the time they arrived they were several minutes behind Harriet, who had completely vanished, but the station was buzzing with life. A crowd had gathered just outside, and they quickly joined it. A cheer rose as the lifeboat went down the slipway, hitting the water so that spray rose up high.

‘Was it like this for you, Dad?’ Mark breathed.

‘I don’t exactly know,’ he said wryly. ‘I wasn’t here. I was a few miles out, going down for the third time.’

That was roughly how he felt right now. His mind told him that she’d had no choice but to leave and save others as she had saved him. He had no reasonable complaint.

But that was only his mind. The rest of him was complaining bitterly at losing the prize at the crucial moment. She had laid in his arms, tender and sweet, giving him the look he loved, the one that said he could bring her a pleasure and happiness she’d never dreamed of before. That look had the power to open his heart, inviting her to reach out to him, as he reached out to her more with every day that passed.

Until now he’d shown his growing feelings through touch, waiting until he was sure of the right words. Since the night she’d confided in him he’d felt his defences collapse. The barrier of her husband’s memory, once looming so high between them, no longer existed. She’d trusted and confided in a way he hadn’t expected, filling him with happiness but also with a slight sense of guilt that he hadn’t matched her openness with his own.

Honesty demanded that he admit he already knew the secret she was finally revealing, but he hadn’t been able to bring himself to do it. It would involve telling her about his father’s spies, and in her anger and dismay she might have laid some of the blame on himself. Not for the world would he risk damaging the bond between them. At least, not yet.

Soon he would be able to tell her of his feelings. It might even have been that night. But then—

He groaned. There were two Harriets—the passionate loving one, and the brave efficient one who put duty before everything. Tonight, the second one had taken over, leaving him stranded. Life with her would be more complex than he’d ever dreamed. Also more intriguing. That suggested an interesting future.

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