Reprisal (22 page)

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Authors: Christa Lynn

BOOK: Reprisal
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Gabe nodded, “Franco filled in the authorities. I think they are finally coming to terms with what happened to you all those years ago and are having to deal with it now. When you’re stronger, you need to go to them.”

I nod, but I know it will be a while before I can do that. They never forgave me for shooting dad, even after what he did to me. I’m going to have to work on forgiving them for blaming me.

“This is fucked up, you know?” I say, trying to smile.

“Was, Sydney. It was fucked up. But it’s over and now maybe you can finally move on with your life. I’m sorry I kept it from you, but I......” I cut him off.

“I know now, Gabe. And I’m sorry for taking off on you.....but so much came at me so quickly that I just reacted, without thinking.”

He leans down and brushes his lips across my forehead and I see something in his eyes I’ve never seen before.

I’m here for you baby, and so is Leslie. We’ll both help you, but you need to get some rest.

I’ll come back tomorrow and take you home.” I nod and close my eyes, because I am so exhausted I can’t even think anymore.

Chapter 23



I sit with Sydney for a while and just watch her sleep. God, she’s beautiful. Even battered and bruised, she’s beautiful. She’s been through hell, again and I couldn’t stop it. I’m just thankful that her vigilante brother got in on the game, though I wish I hadn’t shot him. He shouldn’t have run, damn it. I’m going back and forth with this in my mind and I know what’s done is done.

Now we deal with the consequences. I’m facing a reprimand my first day on the job with the Feds and I still have to explain my actions to Chuck.

I tuck the covers under her chin and gently kiss her cheek before heading back out to the living room. I see Leslie standing by the window, a glass of wine in her hand. She hears me and turns to face me, but I’m not sure I like what I see on her face.

“How’s she doing?” She asks quietly.

“She’s sleeping, thank goodness. I told her everything and she seems to be okay, for now.

But I can’t predict whether one of her nightmares will wake her later.”

“Did you tell her everything?”

I look dead at her, because I’m not quite sure what she’s asking. “Everything? I think so, why?”

“Did you tell her how you feel about her?”

I stare back at her, dumbfounded. “Umm......”

“You need to tell her how you feel, Gabe. She needs to hear that right now.”

“Oh, Doctor Phillips, and how exactly do I feel about her?”

“You love her. Am I wrong?” She asks.

I look down at my boots and shake my head, “No. You aren’t wrong. But there’s a time and a place for that, I’ll tell her when she’s ready.”

“You don’t think she’s ready now?” Leslie asked.

“You’re the shrink, Doc. You tell me.”

She pauses for a second as she glances down the hallway. “No, you’re right. But soon, she deserves to know. She needs you, though she may not admit it right away. Be good to her.” She breathes.

But before I can respond to her, there’s a loud knock on her door. “Leslie! Open the door! I need to talk to you!”

“Shit!” Leslie says as she walks towards the door.

“Everything all right?” I ask, the cop coming back out.

“No, that’s Joe, my ex. What in the hell does he want?” She answers as she peeks through the peephole.

“LESLIE! OPEN THS DAMN DOOR NOW!” Joe screams while he bangs on the door.

“You want me to get that?” I ask, patting my hip where my Glock sits.

“No, I got this. Give me a second.” She says as she unlocks the deadbolt and opens the door.

I stand prepared to jump in if needed.

“What in the hell do you want Joe?” She asks to a tall, but thin man standing at the door. His eyes drift to me and then back to Leslie’s.

“Who is that?” He asks as his chin nudges towards me.

“No one you need to know about, now what do you want?”

“We need to talk.”

“No, we don’t. We said all we needed to
say when I tossed your shit into the hallway.”

“Yeah, about that. Something’s missing. I need it back.”

“What are you talking about? I tossed everything you own outside, there’s nothing left for you in here.”

“Bullshit! Let me in so I can get what belongs to ME!” He screams. I step forward and his eyes drift to me. “You stay where you are asshole, Leslie has something of mine and I’m here to collect it.” He says as he tries to push the door open. Leslie pushes it back and Joe places his foot in between the door and the jamb.

“No, Joe. You can’t come in. There isn’t anything of yours here, now you need to leave.”

“Yeah, so you can fuck your new boyfriend, Les?”

“That’s enough, Joe.” I step forward. “I think the lady said you need to leave, so I suggest you do just that.”

“Who the fuck are you? You have no right to tell me what to do. Leslie is my girl, not yours.”

“Fuck you Joe! Now get the hell out before I call the cops.”

Ooooh, I’m scared Leslie. Go head, call the cops.” He says as he backs up a bit. “But I’ll be back to get what belongs to me, you can bet your sweet ass on that.”

He moves back further and Leslie shuts the door, visibly shaken.

“What an asshole.” I say as I move towards Leslie and ensure the doors are locked up.

“Yeah, fucking prick. I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“I’m a cop, you know. I could have dealt with it for you.”

“No, he’s harmless. He’s just pissed because I wouldn’t let him keep fucking his bimbo and letting him crash here. She dumped him when I kicked him out and now he has nowhere to go.

Not my problem. He should have thought of that before he started screwing around.”

“Well, you call me if he comes back, yeah? I’ll have a squad car here in minutes if he tries anything.”

“But how, you aren’t with the NYPD anymore, are you? Syd told me you quit?”

“Yeah, I’m with the FBI now. So, I can get a squad car here within minutes okay?” I say on a chuckle.

“FBI? Damn, you move fast.” She smiles.

“Long story. Listen, are you going to be okay here if I head home?”

“Yeah, we’ll be fine. I’ll lock up and set the alarm. I doubt he’ll be back tonight since he thinks you’re still here. Go on and get some rest, I’ll call you if we need you.”

“Okay.” I say as I brush my fingers on her shoulder. She’s still shaking and I don’t want to leave her and Sydney alone here. But if I don’t get some rest, I may just collapse myself.

I hear her lock the door behind me and the beeping sounds of her alarm keypad, so I know she and Sydney are secure. I head down the elevator and as I step off, I decide to call Mo and see if he can put a man outside, just to keep an eye out until I can get back.

“You don’t ask for much do you, Gabe?” Mo asks.

“Look, I know I’m the new kid on the block, but Sydney is in there. I don’t need to deal with another madman tonight.”

“Yeah, okay. I’ll get someone over there ASAP. You go home, get some rest and I’ll see you at HQ first thing in the morning, so we can make your new job official.”

“Yeah, I’ll be there after I meet with Chuck.”

“Ah yeah, that’ll be fun.”

“He’ll get over it. He’s known Sydney all her life, so he’ll understand why I did what I did. I hope.” I chuckle.

“Well, good luck with that. See you in the morning.”

“Later.” And I shove my phone back in my pocket. I look around and I don’t see Joe lurking anywhere, so I flag down a cab and go home.

Once I get inside
, I take a hot shower, replace my bandage and finally crawl in to bed. It’s late and I have a long day tomorrow, but I just can’t get to sleep. I pop a pain pill to ease the sting from my wound and finally drift off.

The alarm goes off sooner than I would have liked, but I stretch and roll over to shut the alarm off. My bandages stretch and the glue from the tape pulling my skin. “Damn this, it’s coming off now.” And I yank
the tape, effectively removing the bandage and some skin at the same time. “Fuck that hurt!”

I then laugh at myself, because pulling a little tape off hurt worse than the
gunshot wound.

“Pussy.” I call myself as I climb out of bed.

Another shower and now I’m dressed to head to NYPD HQ. Chuck is waiting and I need to face the music, though I have a feeling the argument isn’t going to be pretty. The cab lets me out on LaFayette Street and I walk in, Olivia is behind the window. “Hey Gabe. Go on back, Chuck is waiting.”

“Thanks.” I say as I pull open the heavy steel door and make my way down the cold hallway.

I reach the door, but before I can knock the door opens and a highly upset Chuck stands there, one hand on the door and the other on his hip.

“You’re late. Sit down.” He barks.

I decide to save face, so I do what he says and sit. The door slams behind me and I know the fun is about to begin.

“You quit! Mother

“It was the only way I could help Sydney. I was outside of NYPD jurisdiction.......”

“Yeah, about that. You’ll be reprimanded for trying to intervene with a federal investigation.”

, I won’t.”

He looks at me with confusion and I smile back. “You’re looking at the FBI’s newest agent, Chuck.”

“What the fuck?”

“Yeah, signing on the dotted line today. I’m a federal agent now. No more grunge work with the NYPD. I’m out, Chuck.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Just like that huh?”

I nod, “Just like that.”

“Well, shit. I don’t know what to say now. You’ve got me by the short and curlies, Gabe.

We’ll miss you around here. The Fed’s got them a good man, just try not to shoot another innocent man on your second day.” He laughs.

“You know about that eh?”

“I know everything, Gabe. Mo filled me in on
of the details last night. Speaking of, how is Sydney?”

“She was fine last night, I’m picking her up after I meet with Mo. Then I’ll know for sure.

She stayed at Leslie’s last night. Oh, by the way. I’m going to get some info on Leslie’s ex-boyfriend. He came around last night and caused some trouble. I need you to look into him for me, can you do that?”

“Yeah, sure. Just send me his info and I’ll check him out. Was he violent?”

“No, not really. But he would have been if I hadn’t been there. Leslie was shaken up, but she locked up tight behind me so I assume they’re fine.”

“Yeah, we didn’t get any calls for domestic issues last night, so I assume so too.” He stands and holds out his hand. I grasp it and shake, “Good luck with the Feds, Gabe. NYPD will still be here when you get ready to come back.”

“Right, I’ll keep you posted on that Chuck.”

“Oh, and take care of Sydney. She’s fragile right now. I find out you hurt her, and you’ll answer to me, Gabe. Federal Agent or not, I can still take you.”

I laugh out loud, “I’m sure you can Chuck. I’ll watch my back.”

“You do that. Oh and Gabe?”

“Yeah.” I say as I turn back to him.

“Good job in Chicago.”

“Thanks man. Take it easy, I’m sure we’ll be in touch.”

I head over to FBI headquarters and meet with Mo, signing the papers and getting an update on Sydney’s family.

“Franco was released from the hospital last night and he’s with his mother and sister at Mercy. She should get out today, but will continue treatment on an outpatient basis. Seems this really has taken a toll on her.”

“Yeah, Sydney said her family blamed her for Luis’ death. Guess it finally hit home that Luis brought it on his own family. That has to be hard to admit to after all these years.”

“Yeah, but it’s something. Hopefully the entire DeCarlo family can now heal and move on.

Franco is the hero in all of this, had he not gotten involved we’d still be looking for Sydney.”

“Or finding her body washing up on the banks of Lake Michigan.”

“Yeah. Well, welcome aboard Agent Torres. I’m looking forward to solving more crimes with you, my friend. But watch that trigger finger, eh?”

“Yeah, no problem.”

“Now, go get Sydney and get her home. You have some making up to do.” He says as he waggles his eyebrows.

“Ha, yeah. There will be no making up of that kind for a bit. She needs time to recover both physically and mentally. She’s been through Hell, a Hell that has stayed with her for twenty years. Her insecurities and fear are not going to go away quickly.”

“No, but sh
e has you and Leslie to help her. Be good to her.”

“Why does everyone keep telling me that?”

“You know why Gabe. Lots of people love her and want to protect her, she’s going to need you to help her get through this. Be there for her and just love her.”

“I will.”

I head out and walk across the street to the flower shop, hoping that something like that will help Sydney feel better. Yeah, right. Like flowers can heal deep wounds. I know how stupid it sounds, but she’s seen so much hurt, fear and evil the last few days that maybe a pretty arrangement will help.

I pick out a vase full of lilies, daisies and fresh greenery. Bright
colors and strong fragrance should ease her pain a little, even if just for a moment. As I wait for a cab to stop, I call Leslie and confirm that they are in fact, okay. Sydney slept all night with no nightmares, and they are talking over coffee right now. I feel better knowing that asshole Joe didn’t go back last night and pull a stupid stunt like he did earlier. I’ll try and get more info on Joe once I get to Sydney and get her home.

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