Rent-A-Stud (23 page)

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Authors: Lynn LaFleur

BOOK: Rent-A-Stud
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She blinked away her tears and frowned playfully. “Can’t I even finish my beer?”

“You can drink and paint at the same time.”

“Slave driver.”

Zach grinned and kissed her cheek. “Yeah, but you love me.”

He turned to leave the room, but stopped when he thought he heard a noise outside. He looked back at his brother. “Was that a car?”

“It sounded like it.”

“Who’d come out here to the boonies?” Michelle asked.

“It might be the carpet people,” Brent said. “I’ll check it out.”

* * * * *

Jade climbed from her car. She smoothed her damp palms down her denim skirt and checked to be sure her T-shirt was tucked into the waistband. She’d taken a chance that Zach would be here, working on his house. She didn’t see his car, nor did she recognize the two pickups parked beneath the huge oak tree.

“Well, you definitely aren’t the carpet guys.”

She looked back at the house when she heard the male voice. A handsome blond man stood on the porch, wearing a pair of denim cutoffs. He didn’t look happy to see her. “No, I’m not the carpet guys.”

His gaze slowly passed over her. Jade had the feeling she’d just been inspected. “You must be Jade.”

He knew her? “Yes, I am.” She cleared her throat. “Is Zach here?”

The blond pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. “He’s inside.”

She took three steps toward the porch. He didn’t move from his spot in front of the door. “Are you the guard?”

“If I need to be to keep you from hurting my brother again.”

His brother. Then this must be Brent. She could think of a dozen better ways to meet the man who she hoped would be her future brother-in-law. “The last thing I want to do is hurt your brother.”

His scowl indicated he didn’t believe her. She stood still, waiting for him to move. It was obvious he didn’t trust her, but she would not leave until she spoke with Zach. If he threw her out, so be it. She at least had to try to convince him to forgive her.

Brent stared at her another moment, then turned and walked inside the house. “This way,” he called over his shoulder.

Jade followed Brent into the house. She looked around her, admiring all the work Zach had done. The house was beautiful…spacious, airy, light. The carpet hadn’t been laid yet, but the rooms she walked by were complete. A peek into the kitchen as she passed it made her gasp in pleasure.

He glanced at her. “You okay?”

“Yes. The house is gorgeous.”

“Zach’s a talented carpenter.”

She could hear muted conversation and The Eagles’ “Take It to the Limit” as they walked down the hall. The sound of Zach’s deep voice made her stomach do flip-flops.

Brent led her into what she remembered as being one of the guest rooms. “Zach, Jade is here.”

He turned to face her. Jade stopped breathing. The sight of him sweaty, dressed in nothing but a pair of denim cutoffs like his brother, caused her heart to skitter in her chest.

The anger in his eyes made her cringe.

“Hey, Michelle,” Brent said, “I’m getting hungry. How about if we go pick up some pizzas?”

The lovely brunette standing next to Zach frowned. Her gaze traveled between Jade and Zach, as if she were considering whether or not to leave her brother unprotected.

“C’mon, Chelle. They need to talk.”

Michelle looked at Zach again. He nodded.

If looks could kill, Michelle’s glare would have turned Jade into a pile of ashes. Both she and Brent obviously loved their brother very much.

Jade silently stared at Zach until she heard doors slam and the start of a pickup’s engine. The noise jarred her into taking a step toward him. Not sure what to say, she said a simple, “Hi.”


Well, that didn’t work.
“Your house is beautiful, Zach. You’ve done so much work on it in a month.”

“Brent and Michelle have helped a lot.” He set the bottle of beer he’d been holding on a windowsill. “I doubt you came here to talk about my house, Jade. Why
you here?”

Jade clasped her hands together to stop their trembling. “I had a visitor today.”

His eyebrows arched, but he said nothing.

“Carl came to see me.”

“Your ex-husband?”

“Yes. He asked me if I’d be willing to give him another chance.”

Pain darted through his eyes before he looked away from her. His reaction gave her hope. He wouldn’t hurt if he didn’t still care for her. Jade took another step closer. “I told him no.”

Zach looked back at her. “Why?”

“Because I’m not in love with him. I’m in love with you.”

A pulse beat in his temple. “Then why did you break up with me?”

Three more steps brought her close enough to touch him. She laid one hand in the middle of his chest. His heart pounded beneath her palm. “I was scared, Zach—scared of how quickly I fell in love with you, scared you’d decide you’d made a mistake in becoming involved with an older woman, scared you’d want the children I can’t give you.” She touched his mouth with her fingertips. “Carl told me I’m lucky to find love again and shouldn’t ever let it go. He was right.” Tears flooded her eyes. “You told me you’d wait for me. Did you mean that, or am I too late? Do you love me enough to give me another chance? Do you love me enough to forgive me for hurting you?”

His eyes narrowed. A muscle jumped in his jaw. “So if your ex-husband hadn’t come to see you today, you wouldn’t be here.”

Jade started to disagree with his statement, but she honestly couldn’t. “I don’t know.”

He moved back from her. “I think you’d better go.”

The possibility that he wouldn’t forgive her made her stomach tighten into a knot. “Wait. Please hear me out.”

“There’s nothing for me to hear, Jade. You just admitted Carl’s visit made you come here. So if your ex-husband hadn’t suddenly decided he wanted you back, you never would have come to me. I wish you hadn’t. Seeing you makes me angry all over again.” Turning away from her, he gestured toward the door. “Get out of here. I have work to do.”

Jade swiped at the tears on her cheeks. “Zach, please listen to me. I don’t know if I would’ve come to you
, but I would have come. I’ve been so miserable without you. A day, an hour, hasn’t gone by that I haven’t thought of you.” She stepped close to him again. “Carl’s visit made me realize how much I need you. Don’t turn me away. Please.”

He whirled around to face her. “That’s exactly what you did to me, Jade. I gave you my love, my soul, and you turned me away. Now I’m supposed to simply forget the way you trampled on my heart and forgive you?”

“I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked. “I never meant to hurt you.”

“But you did, Jade. I’m having a hard time getting over that.”

The agony in his eyes clutched at her heart. She didn’t know what to do to make things better between them.

More tears filled her eyes and her nose began to run. “I need a tissue please.”

He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his shorts. “The bathroom’s across the hall.”

Jade left the room and crossed the hall. She could barely see, her tears were falling so quickly. Rolling off a long piece of toilet paper, she blew her nose. She’d made such a horrible mistake in breaking up with Zach. She’d thrown away the love of a wonderful man in fear of something that might never happen.

She didn’t know what to do to get him back.

She dropped the soiled paper in the wastebasket and turned. Zach stood in the doorway, watching her.

Chapter Twenty


Zach leaned against the bathroom doorway and studied Jade. Her nose was red, her eyes puffy. She’d obviously been crying for a long time.

Despite his anger, his heart swelled with sympathy and love.

“Better?” he asked.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Would you like a drink of water?”

“No. I’m…” She stopped and tears filled her eyes again. “I can’t do this. I can’t stand here and have this asinine conversation with you!”

Zach sighed heavily. “What do you want from me, Jade?”

“I want you to love me again.”

“I never stopped loving you. I’ll love you until the day I die.”

“Then why won’t you forgive me? I made a mistake, Zach, and I’m sorry. But I thought I was doing what was best for you.”

“I know,” he said softly.

And he did know that. Jade was a thoughtful, caring person who put the needs of others before her own. Breaking up with him had been because she loved him.

She wiped the wetness from her cheeks. “Do you still want me to go?”

He wanted to take her in his arms and never let go. He shook his head. “No, I don’t want you to go.”

She took one step closer to him. “Does that mean you’ll give me another chance?”

“Are you sure, Jade? You have to tell me you’re sure, because I can’t—I
—go through this pain again.”

“I am absolutely sure. I swear I’ll never hurt you again. I love you.” She walked up to him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and hugged him tightly. “
I love you
,” she said, her voice breaking.

For the first time in two weeks, Zach could breathe without the sharp pain in his chest. Wrapping his arms around Jade, he returned her fierce hug. He stood with her in his embrace, her tears dampening his shoulder, while he fought his own battle with tears.

He loved her more than his own life.

Several moments passed before he sought her lips with his. He kissed her slowly, tenderly, with all the love in his heart. His body responded to her nearness, his shaft growing longer, thicker. He tried to ignore his randy cock. The feel of Jade’s soft breasts pressed against his chest made that impossible.

She kissed his chin, his cheek, his jaw. “How long will Michelle and Brent be gone?”

Zach swallowed when her tongue darted into his ear. “At least an hour.”

“Make love to me, Zach.”

“I don’t have a bed yet. I’ve been sleeping on a pallet.”

“I don’t need a bed. I just need you.”

“I’ve been working all day. I’m pretty sweaty.”

She frowned. “You certainly have a lot of excuses. Do you want me naked or not?”

Zach chuckled. “Well, when you put it that way…”

Taking her hand, he led her down the hall to his bedroom. He’d placed the pallet beneath the south windows so he could take advantage of the pleasant night air while he fell asleep. It was also hidden from view of the door opening, in case Michelle and Brent came back before he expected them to.

Kneeling on the pallet, he tugged on Jade’s hand until she knelt before him. He quickly pulled off her T-shirt and removed her bra, needing to feel her bare flesh as soon as possible. Once she was naked from the waist up, he drew her back into his arms. Her breasts felt full and warm against his chest.

How easy it would be to take her fast. The two weeks without her seemed more like two months. He knew if he entered her now, he’d come much too soon. He had to push aside his own needs to take care of her first. “Lie down, Jade.”

Jade lay on her back, her head resting on his pillow. “Lift your hips.” She did, and he pulled off her skirt, panties, and sandals with one jerk. Pushing her thighs apart, he lowered his mouth to her pussy.

She was already wet and swollen. Zach inhaled deeply of the scent he loved before he touched her clit with the tip of his tongue. Jade buried her hands in his hair and held his head close to her. He licked her folds slow and gentle, the way he knew built up her desire to a feverish pitch.

“Zach, I need you—Oh
, God
, that feels good!—inside me.”

He nipped her thigh. “Not yet, babe. Not until you come.” Spreading her lips with his thumbs, he speared his tongue into her slit. “Mmm, you taste so good.”

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