Rent-A-Bride (8 page)

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Authors: Elaine Overton

BOOK: Rent-A-Bride
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Amelia wrapped her arms around her brother’s mid-section and held on tight. It had been so long since anyone had hugged her with anything resembling true affection. She hadn’t realized how much she needed it.

“Last night.” She stepped back so she could look into his face. There was four years between the two of them but Byron Young had grown into manhood during her time away and he towered over her by at least a foot.

Amelia felt her eyes swelling with tears. “You look…you look like Daddy.”

Closing the door Byron smiled at his sister before wrapping his arm around her shoulder and leading her to the couch.” How did you know where to find me?”

“I went by the house.” Amelia sank down on the lumpy beige couch.

Byron’s smile faded. “You talk to Mama?”

“I guess you could call it that. Bryon, what has happened to her? It’s like I don’t even know her anymore.”

He sat down beside her with a mournful sigh. “I wish I could tell you but honestly I don’t know. It’s almost like when Dad died she just stopped being our mother. And it’s only gotten worse over the years.”

Amelia watched his jaw tightened with what looked to be barely controlled anger. “Okay, what aren’t you telling me?”

“I spent a few days in jail last year.”


“That son-of-a-bitch Ronald jumped me—gave me a black eye.”


Byron shrugged his shoulders in a way that sadly reminded her of their mother. “So, I returned the favor. Mama called the police on me and I got locked up.”

“She called the police on
?! What about our so-called stepfather?”

Byron gave her a knowing look. “What about him?”

Amelia was too stunned for words as her mind struggled to process all she was learning. It seemed when her brother needed her most she was nowhere to be found.

“Anyway after that I dropped out of school, found a job and moved out.”

“What did she say when you told her you were leaving?”

“Nothing. Just stood there watching me pack my stuff. Like she thought I was going to steal something. To tell you the truth I think she was glad to see me go.”

“Byron, I had no idea. I wish—”

“No, Amelia. I’m glad you weren’t here. We both know you got the worst temper out of the two of us.”

A touch of indignation sprang to her heart. “I do not!”

“Riiigghhtt.” Byron chuckled. “What are you doing back in Detroit? I thought you would be a big Hollywood star by now.”

She smirked. “Yeah. You and me both. But it turns out it’s not that easy. Although, I am kinda working on something.”


“It’s kind of a live action thing.”

He frowned.

“Don’t worry, nothing weird.” She smiled.
At least I don’t think so

“I hope not. Where are you staying?”

“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

Suddenly Bryon got a sort of hunted look in his eyes and Amelia got a queasy feeling in the pit of her stomach. After talking to her mother Amelia realized there was no chance of going home. Her brother was her only other option and from his expression she wasn’t sure that was even an option. But at this point she had to ask.

“I was hoping I could crash here for a few days—just until I can find a place.”

He glanced nervously at the bedroom door and then back to Amelia. “If it were just me I wouldn’t mind. It’s just…there’s something I didn’t tell you.”

“Byron, who are you talking to?”

Amelia’s head snapped to the bedroom doorway at the sound of the soft voice to find a young Caucasian woman standing there. She yawned loudly and rubbed at her eyes apparently just waking from a nap. She moved forward with an awkward gait and Amelia’s eyes widened when she realized the girl was several months pregnant.

Byron stood from the couch and rushed over to help the girl who looked close to tottering over from the weight of her large belly. But before Byron reached her side her eyes found Amelia and she smiled.

“Oh, hello.”

“Hi.” Amelia answered automatically her eyes searching her brother’s face.

“This is Pepper, my girlfriend.” He helped guide her down on the couch. “Pep, this is my sister, Amelia.”

Pepper shifted on the couch to face Amelia and her eyes widened in a way Amelia had always dreamed adoring fans would look at her one day.

“You’re Amelia?!” She grabbed Amelia’s hand in her own. “It’s so good to finally meet you! Byron has told me all about you!”

Funny, because he never mentioned you
. Amelia thought but kept it to herself. Although in all fairness they had been mostly out of touch for close to three years.

Amelia smiled unable to resist the adoration in the girl’s eyes. “Nice to meet you too.”
What had Byron been telling her?

Amelia glanced up at Byron who hunched his shoulders in a silent apology. “See, it’s only a one bedroom apartment and—”

“What’s going on?” Pepper looked up at Byron eagerly. “Did she need a place to stay?”

Byron nodded. “I have a friend named Shawn and his mother has this really big house. Maybe she would let you—”

Pepper shook her head furiously. “Absolutely not! You are not sending her to stay with that low life hustler and his junkie mother.”

“Hey!” Byron frowned down at the top of Pepper’s sandy brown head. “That’s my boy you’re talking about!”

Pepper looked up at him with a knowing expression. “Am I lying?”

Byron’s guilty eyes flashed to Amelia.

“It’s okay.” Amelia started to stand up. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll find someplace.”

“You could use our couch!” Pepper offered.

“This lumpy thing?!” Byron protested.

“It’s better than sending her to Shawn!”

Amelia stood staring down at
the lumpy thing
and weighing her options. There was no denying the beige colored sofa had definitely seen better days. And although it wouldn’t be the best sleep she ever got it was better than a park bench which is what she was currently considering.

She still had the money Ed Bouchard had given her but after having nothing for so long she was
reluctant to spend any more of it than she absolutely had to. Not until she at least got her cut of the money he sent Terry.

Maybe if she simply explained the situation Ed Bouchard would be willing to help her. He was obviously a generous man. But then again maybe he would drop both her and Terry and call the whole thing quits and she could end up worse off than she was now.

“That would be fine by me if it’s not any trouble.” Amelia looked to Pepper for reassurance. It didn’t take a genius to see who was calling the shots in this relationship.

“No trouble at all!” Pepper answered. “I just wish we had an actual bed to offer you.”

“This will do just fine, and besides.” She glanced down at the girl’s round belly as a thought suddenly occurred to her. Pepper was carrying her niece or nephew. She was about to become an aunt!

“With Byron working you could probably use an extra pair of hands to help out around her.”

“Definitely! And you can help me plan my wedding.”

Amelia’s eyes widened as she looked at her brother. “You’re getting married?”

“Pep, don’t start this today.”

Amelia watched as Byron glared and Pepper rolled her eyes.

Pepper’s eyes searched the living room. “Where’s your luggage?”

Amelia sighed heavily. “I don’t have any.”

Byron frowned. “You came all the way from Los Angeles with nothing?”

“Oh no! I started out with two bags.”

The couple glanced at each other with confused expressions.

Amelia could only imagine what they must be thinking.

At least between Pepper’s pregnancy, their possible wedding, and her lost luggage stories they would have plenty to talk about. “Well…it’s a long story.”

Chapter Eight

fter Byron took her to the airport early that morning to collect her recovered bag Amelia arrived at the hospital feeling more confident than ever. Dressed in one of her favorite outfits, a black and dark purple jumpsuit with matching gold chain belt. Her raven black hair was styled in a French braid down her back and her makeup was applied perfectly.

Somehow between when she’d arrived in Detroit yesterday morning and today she’d had a complete turnaround in attitude. A lot of it had to do with having money in her wallet and food in her stomach, both fairly new experiences for her.

Some part of her was slightly disturbed that all this was simply to fool a sick old man but Ed Bouchard seemed to think this was what Stanley wanted. She chose to believe there was a greater good than the money she would make.

None of her calls to Terry in the past twenty-four hours had been answered until she woke up this morning and found an odd text message from him:

When she tried to call him back her calls went straight to his voicemail. It was starting to look like short of flying back to California she was never going to get her share of that ten thousand dollars.

On some level Amelia was okay with that possibility. With each new passing day she was wanting more and more to just get on with her life. And leave, Terry, Los Angeles, and her failed acting career behind her.

As Amelia stepped off the elevator on the fourth floor she was surprised to find Ed waiting.

“Good morning!” She smiled strangely happy to see him.

“Morning.” He answered distractedly and entered the elevator as she was exiting.

Slightly confused she held the door. “Are we going somewhere?”

He shook his head. “No. Go on to my grandfather’s room. I’ll be back shortly.” He smiled. “I have to go pick up our marriage license.” He pushed the button for the lobby.

But Amelia wasn’t about to let the door go after that statement. “Excuse me?”

Seeing the concern in her eyes he chuckled. “Not a
marriage license. But according to Stanley we’re suppose to have this by now if we’re to be married this weekend.”

“Oh.” That explanation did nothing to reduce her concerns.

“Relax. Everything is going great.” He reached forward and gently peeled her fingers from the door. “I’ll be back before you know it.” He suddenly caught the doors before they closed completely and pushed them back. “By the way, I took care of the money thing.”

She frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I stopped the transfer.”

“You did what?!” She could barely stop herself from jumping into his arms. “How did you know?”

“Well, you didn’t strike me as greedy, so the fact that you
rolled me
for a suitcase full of used clothes spoke volumes. Anyway I’ll have my accountant cut you a check for your portion of the money and send Terry his ten percent.”

This time she couldn’t help it. She launched herself into his arms. “Thank you! Thank you so much!”

His large hands came around her waist holding her against him. “How the hell did you end up with such a jerk?”

She laughed feeling as if the weight of the world was lifted from her shoulders. “He was all I could afford at the time.” She found herself slightly disappointed when he let her go.

“When you get back to L.A. I would recommend you do a little more shopping around.” He winked and released the door allowing it to close.

Amelia waved goodbye as the elevator doors closed and then turned to face the long corridor. Now that she was actually being paid to play her part the last thing she wanted to do was blow it. But something told her that conning that sharp, old man she met yesterday was not going to be the easy task her new employer seemed to think it would be.

Outside Stanley’s door she stopped and took several deep breaths as she always did before donning a character. And then with a bright, sunny smile she entered the room.

Stanley was sitting up in bed. A nurse was bent over him removing the blood pressure cuff from his arm. Stanley hearing someone enter the room peeked over the nurse’s shoulder.

“Hello there, Sugar. Aren’t you looking lovely this morning.”

“Good morning.” Amelia smiled in return thinking what a lady’s man Stanley Bouchard must’ve been in his day.

“Nurse Markum, have you met my future granddaughter-in-law?”

“Your what?” The nurse swung around so fast her stethoscope barely missed Stanley’s face.

Amelia was a little startled by the venomous expression on the other woman’s face. “Nice to meet you.” Amelia tried tentatively.

The nurse rolled her eyes and returned to her examination of Stanley.

What did I do to you?
Amelia circled the bed giving the woman a wide berth and took a chair on Stanley’s opposite side. “How are you this morning?”

“Better than I have been in a long time.” Stanley’s eyes took in her outfit. “You’re not working today?”

Amelia suddenly realized her mistake. She was so excited to get her own clothes back that morning that she’d forgotten she was suppose to be dressed in the scrubs Ed provided for her. She was suppose to be dressed like the woman across the bed currently shooting daggers at her.

“No. Not today.” She smiled nervously. “I’m taking some time off to get to know my future grandfather.”

“She’s a nurse just like you, Markum.” He gave his caregiver a playful smile. “And as you may have noticed she is also

The nurse shot Stanley a sharp glance as she collected her instruments. “Wonders never cease.” She muttered. “I’ll be back with your medicine in about an hour.” She glanced at Amelia once more before leaving the room.

The mischievous sparkle in Stanley’s eyes as he watched the woman leave told Amelia there was more going on than she knew anything about but since she was only here to play a part she decided it was none of her business.

The pair spent the next hour discussing everything from the Tiger’s recent winning streak to the troubles at city hall. During her years in California Amelia had followed Detroit news almost religiously gleaning every bit of information she could find about her hometown. And now that small obsession was paying off in a big way.

Nurse Markum returned with Stanley’s medicine dose and although she barely acknowledged Amelia’s presence she handled Stanley with a professionalism Amelia could only respect.

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