Renounced (21 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Renounced
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Dallas yelled and started shifting. If he broke in half, it was still better than lying there and doing nothing while his mate was killed.

The pain was unlike anything he’d ever felt. The screams and shouts seemed to multiply as they came out of him.

“Dallas! Please, please stop. Stop! They’re here.”

Tiago’s pleading sent Dallas into a tailspin. He pushed his wolf back down, refusing the change. There was damage done to him regardless. His shoulders and knees in particular felt warped.

Growling and snarling right beside him had Dallas opening his eyes. Despite the hazy vision caused by pain, he made out the white wolf and the jaguar locked in a deadly embrace.


Even wounded, Butler was a strong foe. Marcus had to be careful—his bite wasn’t nearly as powerful as Butler’s would be.

Butler wasn’t as mobile, which worked in Marcus’ favor. And he was taking this bastard on. It’d been Marcus’ pack members being hurt. Tiago might not have officially joined up, but he would.

“Get Tiago out of the way first, then Dallas,”
Marcus thought to Nathan.

“Ryder’s waiting to leap in if you need him. This isn’t a challenge. There’s no honor here.”

Marcus understood what Nathan meant. There were rules in the ring when Marcus was challenged—strict ones that had to be followed. No blows to the balls, no having someone help fight the battle, things like that. Here, it was an all-out kill or be killed by any means. Marcus still had to be true to himself.

He circled Butler, measuring his enemy’s movements. Staying away from those long, sharp teeth was paramount. Marcus circled him again, noting that Butler kept up with him. The jaguar was tougher than Marcus had expected. He’d taken a look at Butler’s pretty face and assumed he’d be soft. Marcus really should have known better.

“I’ll lecture you about it later,”
Nathan promised.
“Tiago’s clear. We’ll get Dallas next.”

“He was trying to shift. Get them both back to the compound.”
As if Nathan was going to leave him there.

Butler hissed at him then swiped with one big paw.

Marcus leaned back only enough to miss having his muzzle sliced open. He circled Butler a third time, moving faster.

Butler sprang at him. The jaguar was a huge black ball of deadly claws and teeth.

Marcus veered to the right and tucked down close to the ground. He felt the hair along his spine swish with the air from the missed stroke. A dodge forward then to the right again put Butler off balance.

That was what Marcus wanted. He leaped back then ran around Butler before springing over him completely. It was a risky maneuver—Marcus knew he could be gutted. And he knew what being gutted felt like.

He wouldn’t allow the possibility or the memory to interfere with his survival.

As he’d hoped, Butler had tried to reach him. With the injured back leg, it hadn’t worked so well for the jaguar. He toppled over sideways.

Marcus hit the ground and immediately spun to jump on Butler.

Butler was fast. He was up and prepared.

Marcus saw death in the jaguar’s eyes.
“Nathan, I’m sorry—”

“I’m not.”
A loud
sounded mere feet from Marcus.

Butler’s head burst open, gray matter and blood spurting out. He fell back, one eye hanging out, the other gone completely.

Marcus jerked around to find Nathan holding a weapon too huge and complicated looking to simply be called a gun.

Nathan was very pale, and his hands shook as he lowered the weapon to his side. “Enough. I’ve had enough of this. I don’t want people trying to kill us. I don’t want to do this again.” He set the weapon on the ground and gave Marcus a steely look. “But I will, for you. For our pack. I’ll become the baddest motherfucker since Rambo if that’s what I have to do.”

Marcus shifted and took Nathan in his arms. “Gods, honey. You make Rambo look like a wuss.”

Nathan laughed, and it was a little unsteady, a little wild.

“I have you,” Marcus whispered. “And I’m taking you home.”





Of course it couldn’t be that simple, Marcus thought later as he listened to the updates on Tiago and Dallas. Both would recover. Dallas had done some serious damage to his shoulders in particular. With his shifter healing and that root—if it helped as Tiago said it would—he’d be okay.

Tiago was going to have scars no matter what. He seemed distressed over that, and Marcus couldn’t blame him. As much as he’d like to claim he wasn’t vain about his looks, that would have been a lie. If shifters didn’t heal so quickly, stitches might have been an option. For the wounds on Tiago’s chest, they were. Those were deeper. His cheek had already begun to mend as it had shallower gashes.

“I’ll love you anyway,” Dallas whispered before passing out.

Tiago turned away.

Marcus walked around so that he faced the injured side. He waited for Tiago to look at him. “It won’t be so bad. They’ll be thin. He didn’t tear through the muscles, so your mouth won’t be pulled down. You might think I’m being harsh, but I’m not. These are facts, and it could have been much worse. You’re still going to be a handsome man.”

“Maybe even more than you were,” Nathan added, coming up to stand by Marcus. “Remember, you’re more than your looks.”

“Nice words,” Tiago said. “I’m the one with these.”

Marcus pointed at Dallas. “You’re the one with him and with two packs willing to support you and your mate in any way possible. Don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself.”

Tiago sighed and actually rolled his eyes. “Fine. I will quit having my pity party tomorrow. For tonight, let me mourn what I’ve lost.”

“Concentrate on what you’ve gained,” Marcus advised before leaving the infirmary. “I wish Shania was here.”

“She needs to come meet with Tiago and see the rainforest, learn what he knows about the plants here.” Nathan glanced in the direction where Tiago and Dallas were being treated. “Of course I’m sure Tiago will want to protect the rainforest ecology. We will find a middle ground.”

“We will,” Marcus agreed. He waited until they were alone in their rooms before pulling Nathan into his arms. “Are you okay?”

Nathan hesitated then shrugged. “Once Olin and Keegan got back and I didn’t have them to worry over, it really hit me that I’d blown a man’s brains out. A jaguar. Whatever. I killed him. I know I told you there was no honor in that fight.” Nathan shivered and pressed his forehead to Marcus’ chest. “I meant it. I don’t know what that says about me. I couldn’t risk him killing you, though. I’d rather have the guilt from what I did than have you hurt, even.”

“It says that you love me, and can’t live without me,” Marcus murmured, brushing his lips over the top of Nathan’s head. “You’ll fight for me and defend me at all costs—just like I would do for you. Nathan, I’d kill anyone I had to if it meant keeping you safe. That’s a scary thing to admit, but it’s true. Fortunately, I love good people and they wouldn’t ever try to harm you. Someone like Butler? I wouldn’t have a second’s regret over killing.”

“Yeah, well. I’m going to be seeing that for a long time when I close my eyes.”

Marcus cupped Nathan’s chin. “Look at me.”

Nathan raised his head. He licked his lips as his pupils expanded.

Sex and death. Life and death. They were all intertwined. It wasn’t a morbid thought. Many people had sought out sexual affirmation of life after a brush with death or a loss of a loved one.

There was comfort to be had, and peace.

Marcus felt that peace as he slanted his mouth over Nathan’s. He let it flow into his mate, seeking to ease the guilt Nathan carried.

There would be no instant absolution for it. Over time, Marcus hoped it would vanish.

Nathan clung to him, shaking at times, rubbing at others. He made those sweet, dear sounds that Marcus knew so well.

Marcus kissed him until they were both past the trauma of the day. It might have only been a temporary pass from it. That was okay. As Marcus led Nathan to the bedroom, he knew they’d find in each other what they needed to move on. They had a continent of shifters to take care of, Marcus, as Alpha Anax, and Nathan as the guiding force that helped Marcus keep himself together.

His clothes came off with Nathan’s help. Marcus in turn stripped Nathan and took the opportunity to caress every bit of his body.

Nathan arched beautifully when Marcus cupped his balls, and when he went down on his knees for Nathan, Marcus knew every horror of the day was forgotten. At least in that small moment in time, it was just him and Nathan—and the love they had for each other.



Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:






What’s his Passion?: Unexpected Moments

Bailey Bradford




Chapter One



Carter tugged at his shirt cuffs. He shouldn’t have been as nervous as he was, but his heart fluttered and his pulse raced. He touched his tie. Reassured it was straight and that he was as attractive as possible, he entered the restaurant.

The host glanced up at him and smiled warmly. “Good evening, sir. Are you meeting someone or dining alone?”

Carter’s cheeks warmed. “Er, meeting someone. Carter Hausemann is the name the reservation is under. Another gentleman, Mr. Canales, will be joining me shortly.”
I hope.

The host nodded. He ran his finger down a paper in front of him then checked Carter’s name off it. “There you are, right here. Very good, sir. I’m Rogelio and I’ll be seating you tonight. Follow me, please.”

There was no reason for him to be so edgy. He’d spoken with Eddie the night before and confirmed their plans. Still, Carter kept thinking,
what if.
They didn’t really know each other, besides having had sex a few times.

Spectacular sex. And we did talk during the hiking trip.
Carter had been stunned to discover the park ranger leading the group on the hiking adventure was one of the same men he’d hooked up with for a threesome just a couple of days earlier—the one man he’d really been into during that fun little orgy. Yes, Eddie Canales was everything Carter wanted in a man—hopefully. Carter had no problem imagining the two of them hiking along the Appalachian Trail. That was his dream vacation, the one thing he was determined to do above all else. He’d love to share the experience with Eddie.

“You could seat us both.”

Carter turned and couldn’t keep back a smile when he saw Eddie standing there. “Hey, you made it.” He immediately felt like a fool for saying that.
My insecurity must be showing.
“You look good,” he added, before Eddie could respond.

‘Good’ was an understatement. Eddie was sexy as hell in a black suit and blue shirt. No tie for him, which was fine. Carter liked the dressy-casual attire on Eddie almost as much as he liked him in leather or naked. Not quite, though.

“This way, sirs,” Rogelio said. “I have the perfect table for you.”

Carter gestured and waited for Eddie to step in front of him. Eddie gave a slight shake of his head. “No, after you.” He leaned forward and whispered, “I want to watch you walk and see your cute ass move beneath that jacket. Think about what I’m gonna do to it, and you, later.”

Carter sucked in a shaky breath as he flushed hot from his head to his feet. He couldn’t meet Eddie’s gaze or else his burgeoning erection might turn into a full-blown hard-on that even his suit jacket couldn’t hide. Carter stepped back then turned to follow Rogelio.

Rogelio led them to a table set in the back corner. They were more secluded than if they’d been seated elsewhere, and Carter appreciated the privacy. “Thank you,” he said, taking his seat.

Rogelio winked at him. “It isn’t always easy in this town for men like us to have a romantic date.”

There was no point in denying that he and Eddie were on a date. Rogelio wasn’t likely to bash them, though Carter did understand the need for discretion in Odessa. As much as he’d like to be able to touch Eddie and kiss him if the mood struck, they couldn’t be as free in public as straight couples could.

Eddie murmured a thank you to Rogelio.

“Mathias will be your waiter this evening. Can I start you off with one of our wines?” Rogelio handed them a thin drink menu, followed by the larger meal ones.

Carter and Eddie took them.

Carter deferred to Eddie. “Would you like to order, or…”

Eddie grinned. “I’d really like a beer, to tell the truth.”

“Same,” Carter agreed. “What do you have on tap?”

Rogelio took the wine listings back. “We have the usual line up—Bud, Bud Light, Miller and so on, or we have an excellent local brew, Dare’s Pale Ale. It’s been getting rave reviews. Dare’s also has a stout that I would highly recommend.”

“I’ll try the stout,” Eddie said.

Carter preferred a lighter beer. “The Pale Ale, please.”

“Very good, sirs. Mathias will be right over with them.” Rogelio left them.

“It’s good to see you again,” Eddie murmured, his gaze burning through Carter’s nervousness. “It might seem too soon to say but the truth is, I’ve missed you.”

That confession eradicated the rest of Carter’s unease. “It’s not too soon. I feel the same way.”

Eddie shifted in his seat, leaning back and resting his folded hands on the table. “I wasn’t sure. You seemed kind of uptight when I got here.”

“I was afraid you’d change your mind.” Carter rolled his eyes and groaned. “And now you know how insecure I am. Sorry. I swear I’m not usually so immature.”

Eddie chuckled and surprised Carter by reaching across the table to hold his hand. “I worried you’d realize I’m just not good enough for you, so let’s both admit we have faults and let it go. You’re here, I’m here, and for what it’s worth, I can tell you I never once thought of not showing up. You’ve been on my mind every day since I saw you two weeks ago.”

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