Reno and Trina: In the Shadows of Love, Book 12 (11 page)

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He had her
naked beneath him, and was pushing his condom-covered aroused dick into her,
within moments of the end of her oral.
She was already soaking wet.
being with him took care of that.
she needed no individual attention.
fucked her.

She was
moaning and giving off those fake
know how to do me
sounds he knew women felt a need to demonstrate, as if
all of that noise was going to make a man feel more
Mick didn’t need it,
nor did he want it.
Because he wasn’t
thinking about Quinn.
She wasn’t what
this was about.
He wanted her beneath
him, he wanted this release, because he couldn’t stop thinking about
Katrina Gabrini.
The woman Reno called
He envisioned her
beautiful brown body beneath him, with her big, bobbling breasts, and her
beautiful brown face against his, as he fucked Quinn.
He had to fight hard against the urge to say
her name, as he put it on a wonderful woman he was sure, but a woman he was no
more interested in than the bed they were fucking on.

Until he
He wanted to say her name.
But he held on.
And just thought about her, thought about
that mighty woman called Tree, as he came.


At the
Gabrini estate, Reno and Trina had already said their goodbyes to Jimmy and
Val, had long since put their two little ones to bed, and Reno had showered and
was already naked and in bed.
Trina had
taken a long, hot bath in their Jacuzzi tub and decided, after drying off, to
get him back for making her the brunt of his jokes most of the evening.
Not that they weren’t funny jokes.
They were.
But she enjoyed needling Reno just as much as he enjoyed needling her.

She came out
of the bathroom wearing a nightgown.

Reno was
lying on his back as he watched her walk around to her side of the bed.
He was looking at her as if she was a
“What are you doing?” he asked

Trina wanted
to laugh so hard because Reno looked so baffled, but she maintained her stoic
“What do you think I’m
I’m coming to bed.”
She got in bed beside him.

“But what’s
with the get-up?”

Trina had to
smile on that.
“It’s not a get-up,
It’s a nightgown.
And believe it or not, this is what most
women in America wears to bed each and every night.”

“Not my
woman,” Reno said, turned toward her, and attempted to sling it over her
But he only got as far as her
neck, because Trina fought back.

Reno,” she said, trying hard not to laugh.
“I want to wear it!”

“Why all of
a sudden you have to wear something?
It’s bedtime!”

“And I feel
like wearing a gown to bed.
What’s so
baffling about that?”

But Reno was
already looking at what he wanted.
was naked from the breasts down.
penis, once asleep, began to stand up on its own as he looked up and down the
length of her beautiful black body.
began to massage his balls, and rub his penis.

When Trina
realized what he was doing, she attempted to shove her gown back down over her
body, all in silly fun, but Reno was over it already.
There was nothing funny to him.
He shoved the gown back up as far as she
would let him, which was only to her small shoulders, and he continued to
massage himself as he slowly moved his mouth toward her breasts.

When he
began kissing her breasts, and sucking her nipples, the joke suddenly died for
Trina too.
Because as soon as he removed
his hand from himself and squeezed one breast while he kissed and sucked the
other one, a different feeling overtook Trina.
And it wasn’t funny to her anymore either.
She lifted that gown over her head, and threw
it across the room.

“That’s my
baby,” Reno said appreciatively as he opened her legs, settled his body between
them, and got on top of her.
She could
feel his dick rubbing on the outside of her vagina as he kissed her mouth long
and lovingly, and as he wrapped her in his protective arms.
They moaned and groaned together as they
tongue-kissed and mouth-kissed, and Reno rubbed his lips against Tree’s.

And then he
moved down, between those legs, and licked her so slow and lovingly that Trina
became drowsy and completely relaxed from the affectionate way he was doing
He wasn’t trying to make her cum,
he was trying to make her feel his love.
And she felt it.
She closed her
eyes, as his tongue glided even slower across her wet pussy, until he began
moving his tongue between her folds, licking her, and kissing her clit.

She opened
her eyes then.
Because the feeling
It wasn’t that faint air of
sensuality anymore, but more extreme sensations.
She didn’t just feel his tongue anymore.
She felt the texture of his tongue.
She didn’t just feel his mouth sweep against
her, she felt his mouth go deep in, sucking her clit, and then eating her
He was now moving them into the
realm of cum.
And he could feel his
fully aroused dick to prove it.

He laid down
on his back, put her on top, and eased his dick in.
Trina sat up on top of him, leaned her body
and hands back, and began riding him in inches until every inch of his cock was
all the way inside of her.
It was
always, at first, a joyous pain for Trina.
Reno was so big.
But the more she
moved up on his cock, and eased down, the less pain she felt.
Until she felt no pain at all.
Her joy overwhelmed it.
And she was riding him in a rhythm that had
Reno’s hands on her hips, and his muscular chest inhaling and exhaling in deep,
halting breaths.
She was riding him just
that hard.

She came

Reno watched
as her juggling breasts turned harder and harder, and as her flat stomach
pushed in and out in spasm-style jerks.
He laid her onto her back, before her cum reached its apex, because he
knew he had to take control to take her to her highest peak.

He took her
He thrashed into her with such
heightened passion that she was arching and wiggling beneath him.
She was tightening so tight around his rod
that he could hardly move.
But he
He pounded her until he couldn’t
maintain either.

And then he
was cumming too.

,” he was saying, as he laid down on top of her, squeezed her
body against his, and poured out.
wasn’t thinking about any other woman.
And she wasn’t thinking about any other man.
Many were in their respective homes, with
their various women or men, wishing it was Trina, or Reno, beneath them.
But Reno and Tree didn’t have such
They wouldn’t dream of
Nobody else was even in the vicinity
of their radar, as they joined their sweet and sweaty bodies together, and


That next
morning, when Quinn woke up, Mick was gone.
When she showered and dressed and hurried into work, hoping to see him
again and see where it all might lead next, she was floored to discover that he
wasn’t at the PaLargio either.
He and
his entourage had checked out of the hotel and, as swiftly as he had arrived,
had left.


“She’s on
her way up to see him,” the downstairs receptionist said, “and she’s in a

“She just

“She just
And man is she upset.”

worry,” Quinn said into the phone.
handle the bitch.”

The other
assistants in Reno’s outer suite of offices looked at her.
But then they got back to work.
She was the senior executive assistant, which
made her their boss, and all of them knew not to cross Quinn.
Especially since she was already upset about
the sudden decampment of the man she thought was going to sweep her off her
feet, when all he did was sweep her under a rug.

And when
Trina arrived inside of Reno’s outer offices, Quinn had the nerve, the gall
some of the ladies thought, to step in front of her.
“He’s in,” she said to Trina, “but he’s
extremely busy right now.
Perhaps I can
help you?”

couldn’t believe the nerve of this woman.
She was already angry.
you can get out of my face,” she said, “before I slap the shit out of yours.”

The other
assistants in the room, who long since thought Quinn was too big for her
britches, smothered their laughs.

stepped aside.
Trina gave her one of
girl, you better be glad I have
bigger fish to fry
looks, and then headed into Reno’s office.

As was
almost always the case, Reno was not alone.
His managers and other senior personnel were all over his office.
Some on the phones, some at the conference
table, others surrounding him at his desk.
When he looked around them and saw Trina, he could see her mood.
“What’s wrong?”

“I need to
talk to you,” she said, as she stood in front of his desk and folded her arms.

out,” Reno said.
He had an idea what it
was about, and if he was right, it was personal.
Because his staff knew his ways, they didn’t
hesitate either.
They hurried out,
closing the door behind them.

“What is
it?” Reno asked her.

better tell Quinn to watch it,” she said.
“I almost fired on her ass.”

Then she got
to the main reason she needed to see him.
“Why did you threaten Amy?”
still couldn’t believe it.
“Why did you
tell her that you would harm her if she came to work for me?”

Reno leaned
back in his chair.
“She’s bad news,

“And Quinn
Where do you get off deciding who
I can and cannot hire, Reno?
You don’t
own Champagne’s. You have no say in how I run that company.”

“Like hell I
I have a say in every aspect of
your life, and you have a say in every aspect of mine.
She’s not working for you, Trina, and that’s
all there is to it.”

“Why, Reno?”

“What do you mean why?”

“What I
Why are you so against her?”

“She tried
to play my own business associates against me, and you’re asking me why I’m
against her?”


That’s enough.
That’s more than a fucking ‘nufff!”

But Trina
was shaking her head.
“No, it’s not,”
she said.
“Not for you to be threatening
that woman and treating her like that.
This is personal with
This is specific.”

Reno nodded
his head.
“Damn straight it’s
Somebody mess with my money,
with my livelihood, what do you think it’s going to be?

Trina looked
her husband dead in the eye.
He wasn’t
coming clean and she knew it.
happened, Reno?” she asked him.
the real reason why you fired her?”

“What’s with
you and this suspicion?
I told you the
reason, Tree.
I told your ass a hundred
What, I’m lying to you now?”

“You told me
one reason.
But you didn’t tell me the
main reason.”

whatever you say, Tree.
Believe whatever
the fuck you want.
But she will not be
working for you.
Believe that."

Trina was
fuming now.
The nerve he had!
“You are such a hypocrite, Reno.
If I try to pull half the shit on you that
you pull on me, you’ll beat my ass.
I’m supposed to stand by and let you deal in dirt and I can’t say shit about it?”

Reno was
getting livid too.
“What’s that supposed
to mean?
What dirt I’m dealing?
What shit I’m pulling?”

wouldn’t respond.
She just stared at her

Just stand there like some
wooden soldier.
But she’s not working
for you, you can stand there all day if you want to.
She’s not working for you and that’s

“But you
can’t decide that for me.
That’s not
your decision!”

You hire her and I declare, Trina,
I’ll shut that whole motherfucking place down!
She’ll be the last hire you make!”

couldn’t believe it.
“You’ll shut me down?”
Astonishment was in her voice.

“I’ll shut
it down,” Reno said, refusing to clarify what he said.

And that did
it for Trina.
“I want your ass to try,”
she warned, and then hurried for the exit.

“Where are
you going?” Reno asked.
He hurried from around his desk. “Tree!”

But she
slammed the door behind her.
By the time
he made it up to the door and opened it, she was already gone.

he said loudly, and all of his assistants who worked in his outer suite of
offices, and all of the managers who were waiting to get back into his office
to discuss some contract, some dispute or other, heard him.

But he
didn’t care.
Especially when he saw that
Quinn was in there too.
“Come here,” he
ordered her.

She glanced
at the other staffers, whom she knew would love to see her put in her place,
and hurried to Reno. “Sir?” she asked him.

“What did
you say to my wife?”

glanced, once again, at her fellow staffers.
None of them were looking at her, which meant all of them were.
She looked back at Reno.
“I told her that I would take a message
because you were busy at the moment that she arrived.”

“First of
all,” Reno said, “you don’t tell her shit.
You hear me?
That’s my wife.
She tells you.
And second of all, consider this your warning.
You will be fired if I have to warn you

“Yes, sir,”
Quinn said, and then Reno went back into his office, and slammed the door.

The managers
looked at each other.
“Can we go in?”
one of them asked.
But none of them
dared answer.


Trina was
still livid and waiting under the PaLargio’s portico for the valet to bring her
car around.
And as soon as the valet
stepped out, she hurried into the Mercedes her husband purchased for her and
sped off.
She could hardly contain her
It wasn’t the fact that he didn’t
want Amy working for her that was most galling.
It was the fact that he wouldn’t tell her the real reason why.
And she was for damn sure certain that all of
that shit about going behind his back wasn’t it.

All of their
marriage, Reno had all kinds of crazy going on.
It was the nature of his business and she got that.
But as soon as she had so much as a
suggestion about how he might do things differently, he’d listen politely-
she’d give him that, but then he’d always do it however the hell he was going
to do it originally. Since the PaLargio was his baby, she didn’t trip about
that either.
But Champagne’s was her
And she wasn’t about to let Reno
trip about what belonged to her.
wasn’t his way or the highway the way he claimed.

If that was
the case, she was taking the highway, she thought, as she drove with all
deliberate speed toward Dommi’s country day school.
She was already running late, but when Amy
didn’t show up for work at all that day, and she finally phoned later in the
afternoon, Trina was shocked by what she heard.
Reno had threatened to do Amy bodily harm if she accepted the job.
Bodily harm!
Amy was heartbroken, she had said, but she was more afraid of Reno.
Trina wanted to tell her to show up tomorrow
anyway, and to fuck Reno, but she couldn’t go that far.
She knew her husband.
He was not the kind of man who made idle
Why he would be so upset by Amy
working for her, and would be upset to this extent, was still that unanswered
question for Tree.
Was those rumors of
their having an affair true?
Reno would
have pitched a fit if she so much as brought that up again, especially after he
told her already that it was utter nonsense, but it worried Trina now.
Something was wrong.
Something more than some business hiccup had
Reno this hot and bothered.


It was so
sudden that Trina’s entire body rammed against her steering wheel and the
airbag immediately deployed.
Trina was
wearing a seatbelt, or she would have been thrown through that windshield.


Trina didn’t
know what had hit her, it sounded like a car ramming into the back of hers, but
that second hit was so decisive that she lost control of the wheel.
She felt the car lose traction, become
airborne, and fly over the small bridge rail and slam into the river below.

As soon as
the car began to float half up and half already submerged, Trina knew she was
in danger.
She was pushing down the
window and unbuckling her seatbelt, trying with all she had to get out,
fighting to get out, as the mighty river waters rushed in.


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