Relentless (7 page)

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Authors: Anna Wells

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Relentless
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Chapter Five

After Jordan left, Michaela took a short nap, showered and got ready for her date.
When the doorbell rang, Michaela had expected to see Jordan standing on her front stoop, not her friend Trixie. She stood there expectantly, an impish grin on her face and her green eyes sparkling with interest. “Tell me everything and hold nothing back!”

Michaela did her best to look confused at her question. “Tell you what?”

Trixie, obviously tired of standing outside, brushed by Michaela and striding into the living room, she plopped herself down on an overstuffed chair. “Don’t act all innocent with me. I was walking my dog by your house this afternoon, and who did I see leaving your place wearing the same tuxedo he had on last night, but your friend, and I am using that word loosely now, Jordan. And what’s with the Bentley?”

Michaela followed her into the room as she wondered if she should just take an ad out in the paper. First her mother stops by unexpectedly and now Trixie sees Jordan leaving her house dressed in last night’s clothes. Couldn’t she have one intimate evening without the entire world knowing about it? Wasn’t she entitled to some privacy? Of course she was, and after this morning’s events she was becoming a bit fed up. As she took a seat on the couch she couldn’t help but recall the image of Jordan kneeling between her legs the night before. Feeling annoyed with herself and Trixie, she snapped, “Trixie, why don’t you mind your own business?”

A stunned look crossed Trixie’s face, her voice was quiet and the hurt was apparent as she responded, “You’re right, of course. I am sorry I mentioned it.”

Michaela immediately felt guilty. She plopped herself on the sofa as she said, “God, I’m sorry Trixie. I didn’t mean to snap at you. I’ve just had a totally messed up day.”

“I’m sorry too, I didn’t mean to pry.” Trixie apologized contritely before admitting, “Well, I guess I did mean to pry, I just didn’t think you’d mind.”

Michaela laughed. “At least you’re honest. Just to set the record straight, Jordan did spend the night here.”

Trixie tucked her long dark hair behind her ear, leaning forward as if she hadn’t heard correctly the first time. “Can you clarify what you mean by spent the night? I feel like I’m missing something.”

Michaela squirmed uncomfortably on the sofa. “I mean he spent the night with me, upstairs, in bed. I think you get the picture.”

“I’m starting to, but if you guys hooked up what’s the status of your relationship now? Obviously the friend thing is off the table.”

“We may have crossed over the line, but I’m still not sure where we’re headed. Do you know he told me he’s been planning to get me into bed since he first met me? I mean, we were both with other people at the time?” Michaela’s voice raised in volume as she told Trixie what was bothering her.

Trixie’s eyes widened and her grin widened as she digested this new information. “Wow that is so hot! He wanted you all this time? Don’t you think that’s a turn on?”

Michaela was surprised by Trixie’s response. “It’s hot on one level, but think about it, he’s been planning this like forever while I was oblivious to what was going on in his head and now he’s like a totally different person.”

Trixie sat back listening intently to Michaela’s words. Her investigative mind obviously clicking into place, “Hmmm, what do you mean by a different person?”

“Well there are a couple of things that don’t fit with the guy I thought I knew. My happy easy going friend is this intense, sexual creature in bed, who, how can I say this…talks in a very explicit manner while we’re having sex.”

Trixie eyes widened with surprise and she said slowly. “And this is a bad thing because?”

“It’s not a bad thing, it’s very hot, but is doesn’t fit with the proper guy who has been my friend.”

Trixie nodded. ”Hmmm, I think I see what you mean. What else is different about him since you…?”

“So this morning when he woke up, I tried to tell him that we should just forget the whole thing because we’d been drinking and his reaction was unbelievable.”

Trixie at this point interrupted. “Oh My God, please tell me you weren’t initiating your pre-emptive strike.”

Michaela inwardly winced at the direct hit. There were some people who knew you too well, understood your thought processes too well, and Trixie was one of those people. Michaela doubted that anyone else would have detected she had tried dumping Jordan so she wouldn’t have to be dumped first. Trying not to look guilty, she answered a little defensively. “I did, but it didn’t work.”

Clearing her throat and eying her with raised brows, Trixie said. “Details, I’m going to need more details than that. What exactly did he do and why didn’t it work?”

“He was really pissed at me. I could almost feel the restraint he was imposing on himself. I don’t even think I’ve heard him raise his voice before this morning. Everything always seemed to just slide off his back, but this morning he just said, ‘No’ to my idea that we just remain friends, and then he said that we were lovers now and I was to ‘deal with it.’”

“So he was the only rational one in the room while you were acting insane?” Trixie pause considering what Michaela had said further. “You weren’t frightened were you?”

“No, I never thought he would hurt me if that’s what you mean. I was just so shocked at this side of him. He seemed like a totally different person. Instead of an easy going guy he was this controlling and demanding guy.”

In a dry tone Trixie remarked, “Sex will do that to you.”

“Okay come on Trixie, don’t you think it’s weird that he would be so different after one night of sex?”

“A little,” she acknowledged. “Want me to do a background check on him to see if I can find anything he might be hiding? I’ll be very discreet so he’ll never know.”

“Trixie, I’ve known the guy for over a year. I don’t need you to do a background check on him.”

“Have you at least Googled him?” She persisted.

“Why would I Google him? I know everything about him.”

Trixie shrugged. “I think you should, it’s just good dating practice. You never know what you might find.”

“Forget the background check, it’s not necessary. I didn’t meet him on an Internet dating website.”

She put up her hand. “Okay, no background check. I get the message. If you want my advice, just keep sleeping with him and if he turns out to be a psycho, dump him. Normal dating procedure.”

“That solves everything, why didn’t I think of that?” Michaela asked sarcastically.

Trixie leaned back in her chair and asked, “So are you two dating now?”

“Yes, we’re dating now. Anymore questions?” Jordan interjected striding into her home as if he lived there. Was the door open? Had she given him a key? She couldn’t even remember.

“No, but I have some great work gossip.” Trixie responded in her most innocent of tones. Michaela was impressed at how Trixie had effortlessly changed the topic.

She felt a thrill move through her body at the sight of him. Jordan stood leaning slightly on the fireplace mantle looking completely at ease. She couldn’t help but notice the stray lock of hair that fell off his forehead in an unruly manner. He had obviously showered and changed when he went home. He was wearing a set of brown dress pants and a button down blue shirt. The shirt looked like it had been custom made for his body the way it was fitted at his shoulders and tapered to his waist. He was so hot!

Trixie's voice interrupted her thoughts to fill Jordan in on the latest office gossip, quickly covering up the fact that they had been deeply involved in conversation about him. “Well there’s this admin assistant in accounting that apparently dressed up as Marilyn Monroe and sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to one of the senior partners. The whole thing was apparently completely over the top.”

Jordan laughed. “So who’s idea was that?”

Michaela shook her head in disgust. “Jordan, how can you be so interested in my work gossip?”

Looking completely unrepentant, he shrugged. “I never hear any gossip at my office. A guy has got to get his fix somewhere.”

Trixie stood up nodding her head with understanding as she said, “Of course you do, any time you need another fix honey, just give me a call.”

Jordan winked at Trixie flirtatiously. “I’ll be sure to do that.”

Trixie sighed. “I guess I’ll be going since Michaela isn’t interested in what I have to say.”

Michaela knew she was referring to her advice about Jordan and not about the supposed office gossip they had been discussing. She sent Trixie a warning look silently urging her to keep quiet.

Trixie discreetly rolled her eyes at Michaela. “I’ll see you later. You two have fun, whatever you do.”

Michaela, deciding not to take any chances, hurriedly pushed Trixie toward the door.

“Okay, see you later Trixie.” Jordan said while watching Michaela’s curious antics with barely hidden amusement. When Michaela returned to the living room, he raised an inquiring brow. “Do you always shove your friends out the door?”

Michaela’s eyes narrowed at Jordan gentle ribbing question. “Only when they’re bugging me.” Letting him subtly know that if he didn’t watch his step he could be next.

“Gee, Michaela you’re awfully irritable today. Sex is supposed to put you in a good mood not make you crabby,” Jordan said as he sat down on the couch. The same couch where he had eaten her until she had come. As Michaela watched him make himself comfortable she couldn’t keep those passionate images from her mind. She could feel herself blushing at her own memories of her lying on the couch with her legs spread as he brought her to orgasm. She squirmed slightly as she felt her juices pool between her legs at her own thoughts.

She took a seat next to him her voice slightly grumpy. “Maybe that’s a sign that last night was a mistake and we should forget about it.” Jordan leaned over and placed a hand on either side of her head. Michaela became aware of his spicy cologne; the heat of his body surrounded her, his presence consumed her. She was amazed she could still breathe by the time he whispered in a low husky voice, “I might have been able to forget about last night if it hadn’t been so hot…and….sweaty…and….completely fuckingtastic. I think it’s a mistake worth repeating.”

His lips were a mere inch from hers. She was lost. “Repeating?”

His mouth closed over hers in sensual exploration. Lifting his head he laughed softly. “Yes, repeating over and over, but first I promised you a date and I always keep my promises. Besides you look too beautiful to keep home tonight.”

She had dressed in a sexy midnight blue sheath that clung to her body sensually. She had definitely wanted to look sexy for him.

“Dinner? Oh yeah dinner,” she said coming back to earth. “I am all dressed up. I hope you picked someplace nice.” Her good mood was restored by his kiss.

“I think you’ll like it. Come on, let’s go,” he said.

Chapter Six

After they left her town home, Jordan drove them in his BMW, much to her surprise, to Le Select Bistro.

As they got out of the car she asked with a little awe in her voice, “How on earth did you get reservations to Le Select on such short notice? This place has a six month waiting list.”

Jordan looked surprised. “Really, well I must have gotten lucky and there was a cancellation.”

She accepted his explanation as they entered the restaurant. She looked around, taking in the elegant understated French décor.

The maitre’d approached them with a warm smile. “Mr. Marsh it is good to see you as always. I have your table ready for you and your guest. Please just follow me.”

Jordan returned his smile. “Excellent, thank you John.”

Michaela was surprised by the maitre’d familiarity. It appeared as if Jordan spent a great deal of time here.

They followed the maitre’d through the restaurant passing a number of tables. Jordon had placed his hand on the small of her back guiding her while subtlety announcing his possession of her. His stride was confident, assured and he appeared totally at ease in the exclusive restaurant. Had she ever seen this side of him?

They arrived at a door that the maitre’d held open for them. “After you,” he told them. As they walked into the room Michaela realized they had entered a private dining room that held only one table placed in a cozy corner, adjacent to a fireplace. The setting was intimate and elegant and must be outrageously expensive. She was feeling a little stunned as the maitre’d graciously held the chair out to be seated. She and Jordan sat adjacent to each other on the corner table affording both of them a view of the fireplace.

“Mr. Marsh, can I bring you and the lady a beverage to start?”

Jordan nodded. “Yes, I think the lady and I would like to start with some champagne. We’ll have the 2002 Perrier-Jouët Rosé Fleur de Champagne.”

“Very good, sir,” the maitre’d said, exiting the room quickly and discreetly.

Not being able to hold back a second longer Michaela said, “A private dining room? Jordan you’ve gone to so much trouble, this must cost a fortune.”

Jordon shrugged. “I think you’re worth it and this is our first date. I wanted it to be special.”

Michaela smiled. She was pleased even though she thought he might be taking out a second mortgage on his home to pay for this dinner. “Well, this is pretty special. I wasn’t expecting anything like this. I don’t want you going into debt over this meal.”

He laughed. “I think I can manage dinner without going into debt.” It was so sweet of her to be concerned about this dinner being a big expenditure for him. It had been so long since he had been concerned about how much he spent. He wasn’t about to tell her that the champagne he ordered retailed at $300.00 and was probably going to cost $600.00 in the restaurant.

Michaela tilted her head to one side and asked, “You come here quite a bit, don’t you? The maitre’d seemed to know you on sight.”

Jordan shrugged again as if it was nothing significant. “I frequently bring clients here for work.”

She peered at him from across the table. “I guess that explains why you seem so comfortable and at home in these expensive surroundings. You know ever since last night I’m seeing different sides to your personality that I never saw before.”

He seemed sort of surprised, “Really? What different sides are those?”

“Okay, shall we start at the beginning? First there is intense sexual animal Jordan.”

He couldn’t help but interrupt asking with interest, “You think I’m an intensely sexual animal?”

She laughed. “Yes, but don’t let it go to your head. It was quite a surprise because it didn’t seem to go with the funny, easy going Jordan I know.”

His voice lowered sensually. “But you like that unexpected side of me, don’t you?” His had reached over and grabbed her hand and began to slowly stroke her palm with his thumb.

Her breath caught and she felt oddly excited at his gentle touch. “I do like it, a lot.”

“So what other side of me is new to you?”

“Hmmm, the second one is the most disturbing. It’s the controlling methodical planner. Again, doesn’t fit with the easy going Jordan I know.”

He leaned forward in his chair and looked at her intensely in the eyes. “Michaela, that part of me shouldn’t scare you. I just knew what I wanted and it was you.”

She couldn’t help but be affected by his stare and the continued stroking of her palm. She felt like she was being seduced all over again, but God knew that he didn’t need to seduce her. He already had her. “I think it both scares and excites me, which brings me to the third side of you I’ve never seen before.”

He looked almost startled. “There is another side of me you’ve discovered?”

“Yes, angry Jordan. He’s very scary and had me quaking in my bathrobe.”

He looked unapologetic as he lifted his hand and began to stroke her jaw. “Michaela, of course I was angry, you were trying to dump me.”

Trying to ignore his sensual caress she said, “Yeah well I just never saw you lose it before.”

“Well, I only lose it when something really matters to me. Do you get that?”

She gave him a half smile and said ruefully, “I don’t know how you just did that, but you just turned losing your temper with me into a compliment. Okay so my point is this…. less than twenty-four hours ago we had sex for the first time and since then I’ve seen three different sides to you that I’ve never seen before.”

His hand moved to grab her hair gently but firmly forcing her head back. He leaned in until his mouth was almost touching hers. He gently took a nip at her lower lip before saying, “That’s because sex changes everything. Isn’t it great?” Not waiting for her to answer his mouth covered hers in a deep penetrating kiss. She felt his tongue enter her mouth taking possession in the aggressive manner that she beginning to realize was a big part of his nature that he had carefully hidden from her.

The sound of the door opening broke them apart. A waiter entered discretely clearing his throat while wheeling in a small cart that carried a bottle of champagne, glasses and an ice bucket.

“My name is Sean, I'm your server today.” As he spoke he adeptly opened the champagne and poured their glasses. Handing them menus, he quickly informed them of the day’s specials and then just as quickly disappeared to let them decide on their meal.

Trying to collect herself after their passionate kiss, Michaela glanced down at the menu. The prices were astronomical she thought, but Jordan must know that if he had been here before. Taking a sip of her champagne she whispered, “It’s really expensive here, are you sure you’re okay with this place?”

Jordan smiled before saying dryly, “Michaela you don’t have to whisper, we’re in a private dining room so nobody can hear you. And yes I am okay with it. Remember we’re on our first date and I’m trying to impress you. So stop worrying, okay?”

She responded by giving him a broad grin. “Okay, I’m suitably impressed and I think you may get lucky tonight.”

“Quit teasing me, you tramp,” he responded in the same playful manner. “So what are you having? I thought we could order off the Value Menu.”

She laughed enjoying the easy humor they normally shared. “Are there fries with that? Seriously, what do you recommend, it looks like you’ve been here a number of times.”

“Everything is excellent. I’ve never had anything here I didn’t like but I would like to suggest the Chef’s Signature Menu.”

“Hmmm sounds interesting, tell me more.”

“It’s five courses of the chef’s special selections of the day with wine paring with each course. What do you say?” His voice was persuasive.

She nodded. “That sounds amazing, but when do we find out what we’re eating?”

“As the waiter brings the courses, and of course you just let the waiter know beforehand if you have any allergies or food aversions.”

Jordan was still holding her hand. The simple intimate touch was slightly distracting and sent a slight shiver down her spine. It was hard to make the mental leap from friend to lover. It all seemed so sudden. Bringing herself back to the conversation she said, “Oooh that sounds fun, let’s go with the Chef’s Signature Menu.”

The waiter entered their private dining area. “What can I get for you and the lady, Mr. Marsh?

“We’ve decided on the Chef’s Signature Menu.”

The waiter nodded approvingly. “Excellent choice, sir,” he said while whisking the menus away and then topping up their champagne glasses.

Jordon caught the waiter’s attention. “Sean, please give us some extra time before we start the first course. I think the lady and I would like to enjoy our champagne before we start our meal.

The waiter nodded once again. “Of course, Sir,” he said as he left the room.

Michaela picked up her glass, enjoying the taste of the champagne bubbles dancing on her tongue. She smiled at Jordan feeling overwhelmingly happy in the moment. His hand touched her thigh under the table, slowly moving upward until it reached the top of her stockings. His fingers played with the top of the lace.

He raised his brows inquiringly. “Are you wearing stockings and garters?”

She shook her head and giggled. “No garters, just stockings, they have a little elastic at the top to makes them stay up.”

“Let me see,” he demanded. “Move your chair, come a bit closer.”

“Jordan! We’re in a restaurant!”

“Don’t worry, it’s totally private in here,” he said as he moved his chair closer to hers. He leaned towards her pushing her dress up her thighs revealing the top of her lacy stockings. “Mmmm nice, Michaela. Very pretty and very sexy,” he said stroking her inner thigh forcing her legs slightly apart.

Her heart was beating wildly. She was shocked and excited that he was touching her thighs in the restaurant. She felt her nipples tightening, hardening in response. She squirmed in her chair as her core became slick with moisture.

His hand moved between her legs finding her black panties. He rubbed her through the black silk. The material was damp with her juices. “You’re wet for me already. Do you know what a turn on that is to find you already dripping for me?”

She felt slightly embarrassed as she looked into his eyes. “I can’t help it. It just happens.”

Jordan smiled sensually at her. “I love that you’re so ready for me. Don’t be embarrassed, it’s a turn on that you want me so much. I told you that before.” He pushed the silk fabric aside, sliding one finger in her slit. “Oh yeah, that feels good, doesn’t it Michaela.”

Michaela’s breathing increased and she could feel her heart pounding. She felt like she should tell him to stop, but the words wouldn’t leave her mouth. “Yes, it feels good.”

His finger left her and moved upward until it found her little nub. It was throbbing, excited and waiting for his touch. He began to rub her clit with one finger while he inserted a finger once again into her slit. “That feels even better, doesn’t it?”

She gave a little moan, her legs spreading wider to give his hand easier access. She moved her hips forward meeting his fingers as they moved in and out. “God it feels so good.”

With his other hand he held her glass of champagne out to her. “Please, have a sip, don’t worry I won’t stop.” She took the glass from him as he continued to stimulate her clit with his hand. His thumb continued to rub her little nub while two of his fingers were plunging in and out of her channel. She raised the glass to her lips feeling the cool champagne slide down her throat as Jordan played with her body. She felt his fingers prod and rub at her g-spot at the top of her vagina. She gasped as the arousal streamed through her body at his erotic touch.

“Have some more champagne. You don’t want it to get warm.” He urged in his low husky voice. He held the glass out to her again.

Without thinking she took the glass from him and downed the remaining contents. “Jordan, are you nuts? You’re going to make me come in the restaurant.” She squirmed against his hand. She was so turned on, but maybe it was time to put an end to this erotic foreplay. After all where could it possibly go?

He smiled devilishly in response. “Yes, I’m going to make you come in the restaurant. Just have some more champagne and enjoy.” He reached over with his free hand and topped up her glass that she still held tightly in her hand.

Okay, so those words just had the effect of turning her on even more. She moaned and then took a swig of champagne.

“Why don’t you squeeze your nipples through your dress? I think you’d like that too, don’t you?”

“I never do that sort of thing,” she said feeling a little overwhelmed by his demands.

“What sort of thing?” he asked while his hands never stopped their sensual stroking.

“Uh you know, touch myself.”

He looked at her and gave her a half smile. “Really? Why don’t you start?”

She found his low voice incredibly persuasive and did as he directed feeling powerless to do anything else. The hard pinch felt so good and she felt her channel clench even further in response to this additional stimulation. She had never touched herself in front of a man before, but for some reason with Jordan it felt right. Sexually he was getting her to explore and broaden her comfort zones. She felt her juices pour onto his hand as her excitement grew.

“That’s it sweetheart. Squeeze them some more. I can tell you like it, don’t be afraid. Let your body have what is wants,” he said as he began to rub her clit harder. “Let me know when you’re coming, I want to hear you say it.”

His fingers thrust deeper. Had he added a third one? Her head tilted back against her chair as she absorbed the sensations running through her body. All she could think about was coming. He placed his other hand at the top of her mound rubbing in circular motions while pressing hard in a downward movement. His touch set off more tingling sensations in her clit and she rotated her hips against his hand. She needed more! She squeezed her nipple again harder, cursing the fabric that separated her finger from bare skin. “Oh God Jordan, it feels too good.”

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