Reign of Shadows (16 page)

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Authors: Melissa Wright

BOOK: Reign of Shadows
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It should have been over. They should have been safe.



Chapter Thirty-four



slept for three days. The fourth was spent helping Aern make the best decisions for his Council plans with the aid of her new, clearer visions. There would be no more Division, because no dissention remained anywhere among the ranks of the Seven Lines. They all followed Aern now, their rightful leader, and, Brianna suspected, held just as much allegiance to Emily. Eric and Seth had taken up the slack on some of the security issues now that Council held both the Division properties and their own. Kara had been doing her part, as well as remaining loyal to Aern, but Brianna had not forgotten the look that had passed between her and the blue-eyed prophet. Wesley was given a seat among the Council elders, and he and Ellin were working to make the changes needed now that the old threats and their old leaders were gone.

Brianna had tried to avoid
worrying over the shadow’s message, done everything she could to handle the tasks at hand and not dwell on what might be. But she had not managed to keep it farther than the back of her mind, a constant reminder that there was more to come. They had said those who held the prophecies held the future, and she was not oblivious to the possibility that the prophets could have set the whole thing up so that they would be the last remaining ancients. So that they could have all the control themselves.

she didn’t know the entire story. She didn’t know if even that much were true. There were conceivably more shadows hidden among the Seven, certainly more shadows beyond their own little world. And Brianna couldn’t foresee whether they were ancients or simply on a level with Ava and the soldiers they’d fought on the Council lawn. She didn’t know about the other prophecy, about the prediction that she and Emily would destroy their world. But what bothered her more than anything was that her visions had disappeared on the floor of that concrete warehouse, deserted her when she’d needed them most. They had come back to her shortly after, true, but she had been completely blind to the future, unable to see for that brief stretch of time.

he might never know if it was the cost of battle, the price for using a power that negated all others, or more disconcerting, if it had been their presence. The five ancient shadows with a power of prophecy that might surpass her own.

It was on the morning of the
fifth day that Logan approached her as she stood before a window overlooking the south lawn. His arms wrapped around her as he pressed a cheek to her hair, and she savored the feel of him. It was not just the strength of his arms and the warmth of his chest. She could feel something more, something wholly
. She couldn’t be certain exactly how the bond between Aern and Emily worked, but she knew this was different. Brianna did not sense what Logan was thinking, didn’t catch his emotion or feel those pushes from him—she assumed those facets of the bond must have stemmed from Aern’s power. What she felt from Logan was only their connection, that absolute surety of it, the way it felt safe, true. She sensed when he was near, knew when he reached for her, but beyond that awareness was the sensation of completeness, an ease and wholeness that only intensified when they touched.

he leaned into him, silent as they watched the rising sun throw shadows across the yard, and he brushed his lips across her cheek, pausing at the base of her ear.

“Brianna,” he whispered,
though it did little to disguise the yearning in his tone, “come home with me.”  

His apartment, away from everything, a place no one but Aern knew existed.
She felt warmth rise in her chest, and it was the first spark of hope she’d had, the first motivation to allow the burden of worry to slip. She smiled, turning into his arms with her own whispered, “Yes.”


The day melted away in peaceful contentment and a series of small, thoughtful gestures. He’d made arrangements for her, had Ellin gather clothes and supplies, made a space for her in his home. She had been grateful, and gracious enough to accept it without argument or false reservations. Because she was ready for this; she wanted to be a part of his life. When the sun began to lower, casting purple shadows across the dark-tinted window, Brianna suggested she cook them dinner.

Logan smiled, sliding his arm out from behind her where they rested, feet up on his dark leather sofa. “
you offer to cook.”

Her shoulder lifted. “Honestly, you never asked.”

“Though I’m anxious to see what you’ve got in mind, I’ll have to take a rain check.” He glanced at his watch. “We’ve got plans for dinner.”

Brianna glanced down at her jeans and casual blouse, wondering if she’d need to change, and Logan bent forward to kiss her.
“You’re perfect, Brianna. Always perfect.”

She opened her mouth, ready to question him,
when a brief knock sounded at the front door. Her eyes shot to Logan, but his grin only widened when he said, “I’ve invited the neighbors.”

He stood, gaze on the door as her
sister and Aern walked into the room. Emily gave the space a cursory glance, throwing Logan a quick smile before catching Brianna’s eye.

wiggled her brows, raising both hands… which appeared to be holding packaged hot dog buns.

“Logan said you had some sort of secret recipe. And I feel like living dangerously.”

Brianna laughed. It was a full-body, stomach-aching, whole-hearted kind of laugh. The real thing. And for the first time in as long as she could remember, Brianna knew that no matter what was to come, it truly
going to be okay.


# # #


Thank you for reading the Descendants Series

Please look for other titles by Melissa Wright


The Frey Saga


Pieces of Eight


Rise of the Seven


The Descendants Series

Bound by Prophecy

Shifting Fate

Reign of Shadows


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Special thanks to Brittany, whose feedback and enthusiasm have turned all
of this hard work into fun. I sincerely appreciate all you do. Thanks and love to author RK Ryals, with whom I’ve had the pleasure of sharing this amazing journey. It’s nice to have someone to trade delighted squeals with. I look forward to all that’s to come. To Jenn, for your eagerness, encouragement, and PoP references. You rock. And to Mom, for always caring how the writing and publishing is going.


<3 you guys


Oh hey, and Annie! You’re pretty freakin’ awesome, keep that shit up.

For information on new releases, sign up for the
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