Reflected in You: A Crossfire Novel

BOOK: Reflected in You: A Crossfire Novel
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Praise for


Bared to You

“Full of emotional angst, scorching love scenes, and a compelling story line.”

Dear Author

“I love the writing, the sexual tension, and the intricate dance the characters do as they get together.”

—Carly Phillips,
New York Times
bestselling author

“So hot it practically sizzles,
Bared to You
charts the life of Manhattan newbie Eva and her steamy romance with the unspeakably dashing Gideon. Move over Danielle Steel and Jackie Collins, this is the dawn of a new Day.”


“The secondary characters are just as flawed as Eva and Gideon, which makes
Bared to You
richer and more real to me than many of the contemporary books I’ve read in a while.”

Romance Junkies

“Day writes indulgent fantasy at its most enjoyable, in a story populated by high-society beauties and rakes, all of them hiding dark passions and darker secrets behind their glittering facades . . . Filled with catty socialite drama, dysfunctional personalities, and deliciously explicit love scenes,
Bared to You
takes a sensual look at a darker side of love.”

Shelf Awareness

Bared to You
was getting tons of fanfare on
. People were going crazy over it! It didn’t take long for me to understand why . . . This book was just incredible. I couldn’t put it down! The sex was so hot and the relationship was so juicy that I just had to know what was coming next!”

Read Our Lips

“Filled with equal amounts of emotion and heat,
Bared to You
can easily be devoured in one evening. Day creates two multidimensional characters in heroine Eva and hero Gideon, whose successful and attractive exteriors hide traumatized pasts. These layers will help readers connect with the pair, and make this a story that sticks in the mind.”

RT Book Reviews
(4 1/2 stars)

“I read this story over a sweltering weekend. And I was glad I had the air conditioner on full blast since this book cranked up the heat even more! Reaching the last page in this lusty, earthy book was sweet yet sad. I wanted more time with these fascinating characters.”

FIRST for Women

Bared to You
obliterates the competition with its real, emotionally intense characters that deal with pain and pleasure with honesty. I felt these characters bare their hearts and souls in this story. Sometimes it was so intense it was painful to watch as they hurt themselves and each other with actions or words. Yet, this is what makes the story unique and unforgettable. I became so attached to Eva and Gideon that I actually hurt for them. I shared their pain and their joy as they fought to keep each other.”

Joyfully Reviewed

Bared to You
is an intense novel full of hardships, heartbreak, overcoming obstacles, trust, and most of all . . . trying to find love in a relationship that may seem hopeless. I truly and wholeheartedly was amazed by this book. It literally blew my mind and after finishing it, I wasn’t able to stop thinking about it!”

Happily Ever After

A Touch of Crimson

“Will rock readers with a stunning new world, a hot-blooded hero, and a strong, kick-ass heroine. This is Sylvia Day at the top of her game!”

—Larissa Ione,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Angels and demons, vampires and lycans, all set against an inventive, intriguing story world that hooked me from the first page. Balancing action and romance, humor and hot sensuality, Sylvia Day’s storytelling dazzles. I can’t wait to read more about this league of sexy, dangerous guardian angels and the fascinating world they inhabit . . . A paranormal romance lover’s feast!”

—Lara Adrian,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Explodes with passion and heat. A hot, sexy angel to die for and a gutsy heroine make for one exciting read.”

—Cheyenne McCray,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Sylvia Day spins a gorgeous adventure in
A Touch of Crimson
that combines gritty, exciting storytelling with soaring lyricism. Adrian is my favorite kind of hero—an alpha-male angel determined to win the heart of his heroine . . . This is definitely a book for your keeper shelf.”

—Angela Knight,
New York Times
bestselling author

“Absolutely perfect! There are so many levels to this book—plots, subplots, shades of gray—it was brilliantly constructed and written . . . Not only is the story magnificent, but it is truly one of the hottest books I’ve read this year.”

Rage, Sex, and Teddy Bears

“Catapults you headfirst into the action from the very first page . . .
A Touch of Crimson
had everything I could hope for in a book. Fantastic characters, a hunk of a leading man . . . a sympathetic and headstrong leading lady and an awesome story line . . . It is packed with action, killer one-liners, and gripping cliffhangers.”

All About Me

“A gripping, touching, and scintillating page-turner. [Day] skillfully blends a timeless tale of love lost and found. [This] is a perfect romance with excellent world building that’s rich with angels, lycans, and vampires.”

RT Book Reviews
(4 1/2 stars)

Berkley titles by Sylvia Day


The Crossfire Novels





(with Shayla Black and Shiloh Walker)



(with Maya Banks and Karin Tabke)



(with Lori Foster, Erin McCarthy, Kathy Love, Jamie Denton and Kate Douglas)


Reflected in You


Sylvia Day





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Copyright © 2012 by Sylvia Day.

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Berkley trade paperback edition / October 2012

Berkley ebook ISBN: 978-1-101-60491-5

An application to register this book for cataloging has been submitted to the Library of Congress.

This one is for Nora Roberts, an inspiration and true class act.


Praise for Bared to You

Also by Sylvia Day

Title Page





Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19


About The Author



I’m so grateful to Cindy Hwang and Leslie Gelbman for their support and encouragement, and most important, their love for Gideon and Eva’s story. It takes passion to write a book and passion to sell it. I’m very thankful they have it.

I could write an entire book about everything I need to thank my agent Kimberly Whalen for. The Crossfire series is a massive multinational, multiformat endeavor and she never misses a trick. Because she’s always on the ball, I’m freed to focus on my part of our collaboration—the writing!—and I love her for it.

Behind Cindy, Leslie, Kim, Claire Pelly, and Tom Weldon are dynamic teams at Penguin and Trident Media Group. I wish I could mention everyone by name, but really, it takes a village. There are literally dozens of people to thank for their hard work and enthusiasm. The Crossfire series is being cared for and looked after by Trident and Penguin on a worldwide scale and I’m so grateful for the time you’ve all spent on my books.

My deepest gratitude to editor Hilary Sares, who is so instrumental in making the Crossfire series what it is. She keeps me straight.

Big thanks to my publicist, Gregg Sullivan, who makes my life easier in many ways.

I must also thank all of my international publishers (over three dozen of you at the time I’m writing this) for welcoming Gideon and Eva into your countries and sharing them with your readers. You’ve all been so wonderful and I appreciate you.

And to all the readers around the world who’ve embraced Gideon and Eva’s story—thank you! When I wrote
Bared to You
I was so sure I’d be the only person who loved it. I’m so thrilled that you do, too, and that we’re following along on Eva and Gideon’s journey together. Hot, bumpy roads are best traveled with friends!

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