Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (2 page)

BOOK: Reed, Erika - Tabitha's Blue-Eyed Storm (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Chapter 2

“I can’t believe how the storm blew in so quickly this time,” said Tanner.

“I know, good thing we got the horses and cows fed by the time it rolled in,” Evan said as he poked at the fire he had just built in the fireplace.

“Good thing we stocked up our supplies while we were in town earlier this week. We should have enough to last a couple weeks if we need. I checked and made sure the generators had gas in them. The phone lines are already down. Thank goodness we still have electricity. Do you want me to put on a DVD since we have nothing better to pass the time with?”

“Sure, why not? You pick out the movie, Tanner.” Evan put some more logs on the fire to keep the fire warm. The wind was howling and blowing so hard he thought the trees outside were going to fall on the house.

The cabin was beautiful. It had three bathrooms and three huge bedrooms. One of the bedrooms was the size of two rooms, and it had an adjoining master bathroom big enough for three people. The cabin had been their parents’ before they died. Not too long ago Tanner and Evan had had it remodeled. They had everything updated. There were new bathrooms, and they had the kitchen gutted, with new appliances put in it. Their intentions were to make it a home for themselves and their family. They wanted something big enough to accommodate the big family they planned on having as soon as they met the woman of their dreams. Growing up, the brothers always had the same attraction to the same women. They even dated different women to see if they could live with being in a single relationship without the other brother. They found out as they got older that that was not what they wanted. Evan and Tanner had always dreamt of being in a ménage relationship. That’s when they realized they wanted to be married to the same woman for the rest of their lives.

Evan looked around the living room and pictured his wife sitting in front of the fire, cuddled up, reading a book while Tanner played with their child on the floor, laughing and making a mess for her to clean up later. His thoughts were jarred when he heard something outside. At that moment, their dog, Emma, perked her ears up, and she went to the door.

“What is it, girl?” Evan asked her.

“I think I heard something outside, too, Evan!”

“It sounded like a woman’s scream.” They quickly got on their jackets and cowboy hats. Tanner and Evan were out the front door, and Emma ran past them straight to the front gate. Emma stood in front of what appeared to be a woman lying in the snow.

“Evan, how in the world did she get here, and what happened to her?”

“I don’t know, but we better get her inside and warmed up before she goes into hypothermia.” Evan picked up the woman and carried her up the driveway through the snow that was now knee deep. “How in the world she was walking in this and why is beyond me. Oh my god, she is frozen solid. Hurry, Tanner, get inside and grab some blankets and towels. We need to get these wet clothes off her and dry her off before she goes into shock. I’ll put her front of the fire to warm her up.”

* * * *

Tanner went into the bedroom and grabbed the comforter, blankets, and a few towels along the way. When he returned to the living room, he stopped dead in his tracks. Evan was undressing her, and Tanner thought he lost his breath at the sight of the woman before him. Not only was she naked in front of the fire, but she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Evan snapped him out of his thought.

“Hurry up, Tanner. Give me the towel to dry her off before we wrap her up in the blankets to warm her up.”

Tanner noticed her creamy skin, long, thick, brown hair, and beautiful, tight-budded nipples and couldn’t move. He didn’t think he had ever seen anything more gorgeous in his life. He watched Evan bundle the woman up in front of the fire. She was shaking, and her teeth were shivering.

“Tanner, help me. This isn’t going to work. She needs our body heat or else she might go into shock. She’s on the verge of hypothermia. Help me get her into bed. We’ll have get her naked between us and use our bodies to warm her up. I think that’s our last hope. We can’t call the doctor till the storm lets up. Hurry, help me get her and these blankets into bed quickly!”

The men took her to their room and got her under the covers as fast as they could. They threw all the extra blankets on the bed, covering her. Tanner got in the bed to spoon her from behind, and Evan was spooning her front.

“Shit! She is an icicle.”

“I know. We’ll just have to hope it works. The weatherman said it should be like this nonstop for the next two days.” The room was silent for a few moments before Tanner spoke.

“Evan, did you get a good look at this woman lying between us? Doesn’t this feel natural with her here in our bed? Do you think she is the one we’ve been waiting for? I feel something, something I’ve never felt with another woman. We don’t know anything about her, how she ended up in the snow, or how she got there. I know at this moment it feels right with my arms around this stranger, but yet, she doesn’t feel like a stranger in my arms. I feel like I never want to let her go and I want to make love to her for the rest of my life.”

* * * *


Evan took a deep breath and stared down at the woman Tanner was talking about. He, too, felt it and thought he lost his breath when he saw her lying in the snow. He felt as though someone had punched him in the gut and ripped his heart out. Why was this woman lying in the snow, left for dead? Luckily, they showed up in time before it was too late.

“I felt it, too, when I saw her. I’m not sure of a lot of things right now, little brother, but we will see what happens. We’ll keep an eye on her and make sure she’s out of the woods. Now get some rest. We’ll have to take turns through the night to go check on the animals in the barn to make sure they’re all right. You take the first shift with the barn, and I’ll stay with her and keep an eye on her while you are outside.”

“Yeah right, Evan. I’ll try to sleep while we have this gorgeous woman sandwiched between us right now while we are trying to get her body temperature up. I swear, lying here with her naked has me so hard I could pound nails into something!”

“We need to concentrate on this woman and make sure she’s okay before you start thinking with your dick.”

“Shit! You are right. I shouldn’t be thinking impure thoughts about her while she is like this right now. I need to get some rest. Evan, wake me up when it’s my turn to go out and check on the animals. I hope she doesn’t freak out when she wakes up next to us.”

“Me, too. Now go on and get some shut-eye. I will wake you if she happens to wake up.” Evan lay there staring at this beautiful woman. Tanner was right. He felt the connection with this woman the same as he did. Something about this dark-haired beauty had him in knots. He felt the need to protect her and care for her. He didn’t know how she got there or what had happened to her, but he knew he was really thankful she was there with them right now. She had him aroused, too, but he knew he had to nurse her back to health before they could get any answers from her. Hopefully, when she woke up she would answer all their questions.
She would have a few herself when she woke up next to not one, but two strange men.

Evan stayed up what seemed like all night. It was worth it to stare at this woman, and he had a million questions running through his head. Was she married? She wasn’t wearing any jewelry. How old was she? She looked to be in her late twenties. Her eyes had shadows under them, like she hadn’t slept in days. Why was she out in this storm by herself? He would never let his woman out in this mess. He was sure she had her reason. She mumbled and moaned a lot while she slept. Evan wondered what she dreamed about. Evan just sat there and watched her, watched her and held her with everything he had, waiting for her to finally wake up. Until then, he watched this mystery woman sleep and thanked god for bringing her to them.

Later that night after Tanner had returned from checking on the animals, Evan finally fell asleep, anticipating his dreams being filled with fantasies of this mysterious woman lying next to him. He needed rest so he would be able to wake up for his shift to tend to the animals in the barn.

Chapter 3

Tabitha didn’t want to open her eyes yet. Why should she when she was warm and content in bed for once in her life? She wanted to stay like this all day. She must be dreaming because she thought she had a man spooning her from behind. Her front was also warm. She ran her fingers through the fine hairs of his chest that she halfway lay on. She then felt the man behind her softly caress her hip then rub her bottom. The man in front of her rubbed her breasts then pinched her nipples that had already been in tight buds. She made a low moan in the back of her throat and thought this was the most erotic dream she had ever had and hoped she never woke up. Tabitha had never been with two men in her life. Sure, she had fantasized about it. What woman didn’t? But she had never acted on it. She had read lots of books about ménages and often used her vibrators after some sex scenes had gotten her so aroused she thought she’d explode if she didn’t make herself come. Their hands and fingers felt like magic. These men knew how to please a woman. The more they touched and sucked her breasts, the more aroused she became, and the need grew to have them inside her.

“Please, I need more. I’m burning up inside. I feel like my body’s on fire, so hot! Oh, yes!”

The one man rolled her over and started sucking her breast while the other one did the same on the other side. One man pinched and rolled her nipple between his thumb and index finger while the other man sucked her nipple so hard she thought she would come from just the initial contact of his lips covering her nipple.

“Please, I need more. It’s too good!”

The other man slid down her stomach toward her pussy to kiss her lips, and he began to lick them gently. He lightly sucked on her clit, and she almost shot off the bed. At the same time, the other man ran his tongue around her light-brown nipple and told her he knew what she needed. Then the man who was sucking her pussy added two fingers and began massaging her G-spot while running his tongue along her clit. The other man fondled and continued to lick her breast.

“Oh! God! Yes! That’s it! Please, I need to come, make me come.”

“You’re our woman. We will always take care of what is ours.” They increased their pace and made her come harder than she’d ever done in her entire life.

Tabitha felt like a wet noodle. She couldn’t move. Tabitha opened her eyes and looked at the men that had just made her so content. She never wanted to wake up from this wonderful dream she was having.

The man with the short, dark hair slid up her body and kissed her hard on the lips.

“You taste so sweet, my beauty, I could dine on your pussy all day long.”

Tabitha never tasted herself before, but when her juices were on his lips, it was the most erotic thing she had ever encountered. What these men could show and do to her, she knew would be endless. She would let them have their wicked way with her, any way they chose to.

The other man cuddled up behind her and said, “We just want to hold you, darlin’. Just let us hold you for a while.”

These men were so sexy, they obviously knew how to take care of a woman’s needs and make them keep coming back for more. She thought she felt something wet on her cheek then hot breath on her face...

* * * *

Tabitha woke, startled from her dream, into the eyes of the culprit of the wet, hot breath. She stared into the eyes of a dog that was licking her in the face. She sat up and looked around at her surroundings. The dog sat next to the bed, wagging his tail. Whose bedroom was this, and how did she get here? Tabitha noticed she was naked in the bed. Tabitha also noted that she was no longer alone in the bedroom. She looked at the doorway and saw the two most amazing-looking men she had ever seen in her entire life.

“That’s Emma, our dog. She helped us find you in the snow. She hasn’t left your side since you got here.”

Was she still sleeping? Were these the two men she was just dreaming about? It was like they had just come out of the dream she was having.

They were both just standing there staring at her, waiting for her to say something. Tabitha was so tongue tied she didn’t know if she could speak at this moment. They were gorgeous. Both of them were tall, dark, and handsome. She had to snap out of it and get some answers quick. Tabitha shook her head. She felt like she had been run over by a truck. Her body felt sore, kind of numb. Tabitha looked to these men and demanded answers.

“Where am I, and how did I get here? What happened? And why am I naked in this bed? And who are you?”

“That’s what we would like to know, darlin’! We have some questions of our own. But first things first, how do you feel?” the man with the most amazing sea-blue eyes asked.

“Um, a little sore, and I think I am okay. Where are my clothes and why am I naked?”

“Your clothes were soaking wet when we found you. We needed to get you out of them before you froze to death.” The man who had spoken wore his dark hair a little longer than the other, and he had dark-blue eyes that were so beautiful she lost herself in them. He said, “We found your half-frozen body in front of our property yesterday. We had to strip your clothes and use our body heat to keep you from getting hypothermia. We all slept in this bed last night, keeping you warm, meanwhile keeping an eye on you. You have been asleep ever since. We were wondering when you were going to wake up. You must be hungry. Can we get you anything?”

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