Read Redemption Online

Authors: Amy Miles

Redemption (34 page)

BOOK: Redemption
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“I agree,” Claudia nods.
“I’ll let Nicolae know.”

As Claudia jogs back up and over the small rise, Roseline turns her gaze to the trees.
There is no sign of movement and no hint of her prey, yet she feels drawn to the forest.
Looking back over her shoulder, she knows that she is needed here, but she can’t shake the feeling that Gabriel is somewhere out there.

She tightens her grip on her ax and sprints toward the trees, terrified and exhilarated at the same time.
With each step she takes, the surer she is that Gabriel waits for her.


abriel stops and sniffs the air, checking to make sure he is on the right track.
He caught his father’s scent not long after he took down the troll. It was faint, but definitely there.
He instantly turned and ran back into the woods, away from the battle, away from his friends.

With each slap of his foot against the ice, he knows that he might never see Roseline again.
Is she still alive?
Does she search for him?

He grits his teeth, increasing his speed as he burrows deeper into the woods.
He promised never to leave her side, but loyalty to his sister and desire for revenge drove him to break that oath.
Guilt riddles him as he presses on, knowing that if he survives this day and she does not, he will never be able to live with his decision.

Take care of her,
he silently whispers in prayer.

He has no idea if there is anyone listening, but if angels and dragons can be real, then why can’t God?

A glint of steel flickers before his gaze a split second before he feels blood seeping down his chest.
He winces in pain as he turns and stares at his father.

Lucien tsks, shaking his head in mock disappointment.
“I would have thought Elias had trained you to expect a trap.”
He moves forward, surprisingly light on his clawed feet.

Gabriel realizes that his father’s arms and legs have doubled in size since he last saw him.
Lucien’s long hair has begun to fall out of his scalp in large clumps.
His lips have smoothed out into long lines and his ears have shrunken back into his head, giving him a more reptilian appearance.

“But then, I wonder if perhaps you were merely thinking about something else.
Perhaps a certain someone?”
His words come out as a soft hiss as he sways in the tiny clearing.
His tail swishes back and forth against the ground, unearthing twigs and fallen pine needles from the snow.

“Leave Roseline out of this,” Gabriel roars, reaching for his sheath.
He withdraws his sword, its blade igniting the instant it touches the air.

“She was never yours to have.
She was meant for me.”
Lucien’s toothy grin stretches wide across his face.
Gabriel can hear the scales around his mouth shifting to allow this expression.
“I planned this hundreds of years before you were born, and I don’t appreciate you messing with my plans.”

Gabriel lunges.
His sword creates a fiery arc through the air, but Lucien easily sidesteps his advance.
“I expected better from you, though.
You left her to fend for herself today.
That’s poor manners, son.
Who knows what could have happened to her?”

Gabriel fights back his growing fear.
Does Lucien know something I don’t?
Is Roseline really gone?

With a mighty roar, he spins and attacks.
Lucien’s blade parries with ease, shifting to toss him off balance.
He tsks and twirls again, beginning the beautiful dance of dueling swords.
For every attack Gabriel makes, Lucien blocks and slips away.

“Stand still and fight me like a man,” Gabriel growls.

“Ah,” his father raises a finger as he moves around to face Gabriel.
“But I am not a man.
I never have been.”

“Then what are you?”

Gabriel braces for some sort of snide comment, but Lucien surprises him by lowering his sword.
“I am the first among the Fallen Ones.
The one who was first cast out.
Haven’t you figured that out by now?”

“Sorry, didn’t really care to spend much time thinking about you.”

Lucien growls and launches himself at Gabriel.
When their blades clang together, tongues of fire drop from Gabriel’s sword.
“Insolent boy.
You are nothing to me.
Do you honestly think your foolish little sword can defeat me?”

Gabriel grins.
“Actually, I do.”

With a mighty shove, he pushes Lucien back and cuts his sword across Lucien’s stomach.
His father’s haughty grin contorts into a grimace as the fire begins to spread.
Like a match set to gasoline, it quickly eats away at his clothes.

Lucien stumbles backward, clawing at his chest as the flames rise higher. His screams turn to shrieks as he stares wildly at Gabriel.
“What magic is this?”

Gabriel holds his sword aloft.
“Only a Holy sword could take down something so wretched.”

Lucien wails as he sinks to his knees.
The flames lick at his fingers, rising up his arms and around to his shoulders.
Gabriel lowers his sword, breathing heavily with the weight of it.
Sweat clings to his brow as he watches his father burn.
Lucien plummets to the ground, curling into a fetal position.
His pulse is frantic as he beats at the spreading flames.


He turns at Roseline’s call.
“I’m here.”

She sprints toward him with a bloodied ax clutched in her hand.
She is painted with blood and her leather corset torn in several places. Scrapes and cuts line her bare skin, but she is intact.

“I was so worried.”
He ignores his father’s shrieks as he rushes to meet her, consumed with relief.
“I should never have left you.”

She races into his arms, crushing her lips against his.
Her fingers curl around his shoulders as she molds her body to his.
“I never want to let you go again,” she breathes.

“Me either.”
He wraps his arms tightly around her.
Gabriel breathes deeply, overlooking the scent of the foul blood that clings to her pores to find the one scent unique only to her.
He smiles, pressing his lips to her bare shoulder and Lucien’s cries fade away.

She is safe,
he repeats over and over again in his mind.

As he pulls back to cup her face, he fears that he might not be able to be the man she needs.
She is so strong and independent, but as she rests her head on his chest, he knows that she still wants him, even if she doesn’t need him to protect her.

“We did it,” he whispers, pressing his lips against her hair.

Exhaustion tugs at him as the weight of what they have endured falls over him.
How many of his friends made it?
How many of their enemy still live to fight another day?

Roseline leans back to look up into his face, her smile tender and filled with loving promise.
She rests her hand over his heart.
“I love you.”

“No more than I love you.”
Her smile tugs at his heart.
He looks away, staring deep into the forest, lost in thought.
Lucien’s cries have faded.
The scent of burnt flesh stings his nose and throat.

“Are you ok?”

When Gabriel looks back at her, he knows the timing is right.
He places his hands on her waist as he smiles down at her.
“I know this isn’t the most ideal time, and certainly not the best place, but I can’t wait any longer.
I want you in my life, Rose.
Not just today or tomorrow, but for all of eternity.
With Vladimir gone, there is nothing to stop us.”

He lifts his hand to cup the back of her neck gently, holding her close. “I pledge my heart, my life, my soul to you on this day and all the days to come.
My life, bonded to yours, if you will have me.”

Tears escape from her eyes as she nods.
“My life, bonded to yours,” she repeats.

Rising up onto her tiptoes, Roseline leans in to kiss him.
Gabriel pulls her close, encircling her in his embrace.
The kiss is gentle and achingly tender.
Her tears taste salty against his lips as he pulls away.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispers, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

“You don’t look so bad yourself.”
She rests her head against his chest as he places a kiss on the crown of his head, praying this moment could last forever.

“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” he smiles as she lifts her head and steps back.
The warmth of her hand against his chest gives him the courage.
“From the moment we first met, I”

His fingers flinch against her waist at a sudden stabbing pain in his chest.

Roseline’s eyes widen in horror as a sword pierces up through the palm of her hand.

Gabriel tries to breathe, to think around the pain, but all he can focus on is Roseline’s face twisted with horror.
Lucien’s peeling face appears over his shoulder.
Gabriel can feel the heat of the flames licking at his back.
“Next time, make sure I’m dead first,” Lucien rasps.

Her shriek fills his mind as his legs give out on him. He tumbles face first to the ground, unable to stop himself.
Snow fills his nose and mouth, blocking his airway.
He tries to lift his head, but the pain in his chest is excruciating.

Roseline’s scream sounds far away.
A strange cold drapes over his body, chilling him to the bone.

Frantic fingers claw at his arm, wrestling him onto his side.
He cries out as the blade shifts in his chest.
Roseline swears as she clings to him.
Her image is blurry.

“Hold on.
I have to pull this out,” she says, cupping his face in her hand.
“I think he missed your heart.”

He tries to brace himself, knowing the pain is about to increase tenfold.
He can feel her fingers wind around the hilt.
He clamps his eyes shut.

Agony rips through his chest just before a heavy weight crushes him.
He can’t breathe, can’t think as Roseline and Lucien fight for control over the sword.
He hears her muffled cry but can’t tell if it’s in pain or outrage.
All he can focus on is the pain as the sword shifts, slicing deeper into his chest.

BOOK: Redemption
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