Redemption (36 page)

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Authors: R. K. Ryals,Melanie Bruce

Tags: #Romance, #Young Adult

BOOK: Redemption
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“To a Demon, any human weakness is a failure. The most powerful of that is love. Marcas broke the laws of both his own kind and that of the Heavens when he fell in love with an Angel. I don’t know Sophia and Marcas’ story beyond the fact that they loved each other. No one has dared repeat it for fear of Marcas’ retaliation but what is known is no less amazing. The love they shared was forbidden and, when it was discovered, both were ordered to end their relationship. They were forced to choose between each other and Heaven and Hell. For Marcas, there was no choice other than Sophia. He began a war with his own kind over her. It almost destroyed him,” Maria said. She didn’t continue.

 I looked away from the house and faced her.

“And Sophia?” I whispered.

Maria’s eyes met mine.

“It’s a choice no one should ever have to make. Heaven or Hell,” Maria answered just as quietly. The story made my heart break.

“Her choice?” I persisted.

Maria didn’t answer.

“She walked away,” a male voice said instead.

 Startled, I looked up to find Marcas standing a few feet away from the bench. I stood up. The story had made me feel inexplicably forlorn. I couldn’t say I blamed Sophia. Who could make that kind of choice? Marcas had said no to Hell. That was a lot simpler than saying no to paradise. I watched Marcas’ face for any sign of emotion but there was none.

“And you want to die because of it?” I asked.

 Marcas looked from me to Maria. His gaze remained on her.

“No. I have no interest in dying."

 I glanced between the old woman and the Demon curiously. What kind of past did they share? I stood up slowly.

“Then what is this mission really about? You said yourself you wouldn’t find dying unwelcome,” I asked.

The story had somehow smoothed down his edges. He was still scary, he was most definitely intimidating, and he was still a bastard. But he was more real now.

“I was being honest, Blainey. Dying wouldn’t be unwelcome, but I don’t seek death,” Marcas answered. His gaze stayed locked on Maria’s, and he took a determined step closer to the bench.

“Where’s the ring, Maria?” he asked sharply.

The old woman didn’t budge. I looked between them.

, Maria."

 This time he didn’t ask. He commanded with a fury that made me nervous. I moved between them. Without thinking, my hand went to Marcas’ chest.

“Look, calm down, would you?” I said.

Marcas’ gaze met mine. His eyes shone red.

“That’s your job, Blainey. Hell hasn’t given me much patience,” Marcas warned.

He glanced down at his chest and removed my hand. This time, it didn’t bother me. I looked over at Maria.

“Do you know where the ring is?” I asked. Her gaze met mine.

“It’s a fool’s trip you two go on. It isn’t natural. The ring was made for Solomon. And
Solomon. It was never meant to be used by Angels or Demons,” Maria said steadily. 

She showed no fear. Marcas huffed from beside me. He shifted forward. Heat came off of him in waves.

“It hasn’t stopped Demons from using it before,” he said. Maria’s gaze returned to his.

“No, it hasn’t. This, Demonio, is the reason why it is better protected now,” she replied.

Marcas moved around me. Maria stood up shakily, her old age apparent.

“I’m not afraid of you, Demonio. I’ve seen what you are and what you can be. I’ve spent my life among your kind because my so-called gift didn’t give me a choice."

 She took a shaky step forward.

“I am not interested in your anger or your threats. I have lived a full life. Threats do not bother me. But I will help you,” she said.

I looked at her in surprise. Marcas watched her warily.

“This time is different. Your brother has changed the rules of the game. And brought a Naphil many thought couldn't exist into the fold. It has changed everything,” she said.

Marcas moved to her.

“The ring,” he said again.

This time his voice was low, calm even. Maria reached up and placed a hand on Marcas’ shoulder. He didn’t push her away.

“I’ll help you, Demonio. But only because I’m afraid of what will happen if you two stay bound. If you won’t take her soul, then there’s little choice left. The ring isn’t in Italy,” Maria said as she dropped her hand.

 I coughed. What? She was joking, right? Marcas’ back straightened, and he grabbed Maria’s arm.

“Where?” he asked.

“The SOS hid it in Egypt,” she answered.

I had to move back to the bench. I sat down hard.

“Egypt?” I whispered. Both Marcas and Maria ignored me.

“Why?” Marcas asked. Maria leaned against him slightly. She was tiring.

“The SOS was becoming afraid. You aren’t the first Demon to pursue the ring. Lilith has been the most aggressive. The SOS made the decision to move it after your mother’s last attempt. But they kept a few of Solomon’s artifacts in Italy. Only one would help you now."

Marcas took Maria by the elbow and led her to the bench. She sat down next to me.

“The carpet?” he asked. Maria nodded. I tried my best to follow.

“Who has it, Maria?”


 I wanted to ask them what they were talking about but even I recognized the need for silence. Maria looked down at her hands.

“It’s been a long time, Demonio. He may not remember you,” she warned.

Marcas backed away from the bench and motioned to me. I stood up and followed him. Maria’s hand gripped my wrist. I paused.

“Don’t do anything you feel uncomfortable with. There are always choices,” Maria told me quietly.

I looked up at Marcas. He was watching Maria with an unreadable expression. His gaze moved to mine.

“We need to go,” he ordered.

 I glanced away from him and placed a hand over Maria’s.

“I’ll be careful,” I promised. She patted my hand with her free one and let go of my wrist.

“You’ll see me again,” she promised as I walked away. I didn’t look back.

“I’m assuming you know where we’re going,” I asked Marcas shortly. He moved in front of me.

“No, Blainey. I’m just going on instinct,” he said in return. I was sick of his snide remarks. I threw him the bird behind his back. Jackass.



Chapter 28


The air is changing. The trumpet has been blown and the troops have rallied.  The SOS is only a safe house. It won’t remain safe for long. What has Damon, in his insanity, caused?



I closed my eyes and looked for my inner light. It made seeing in the dark so much easier. I just wished I could keep my eyes closed. Opening them meant I had to look at Marcas. Big joy.

“So, who’s Alessandro?” I asked.

Marcas turned a corner and moved up to a vehicle parked on the side of the road. With my new night eyes, I could tell it was red. He put his hand against the car door and it fell open. I looked around us cautiously.

“Ummm, please tell me this is some rental car you forgot to tell me about,” I hissed as I moved up behind him. Marcas gave me a bemused look then pointed at the passenger side. I sighed.

“No such luck huh? Great! Now I’m an Angel who’s committed grand larceny. Is that even legal in Heaven?” I asked as I slid into the car.

I’d never get used to being a passenger while sitting on the driver’s side. It was just wrong. Marcas placed his hand on the steering wheel and the car started up. Seriously? Watching him made me wonder what kind of powers I was supposed to have that I hadn’t managed to discover yet. So far, I could throw light balls and see in the dark. Cool, but not as cool as producing clothes out of thin air, fixing broken china or walls, and starting vehicles without a key. I felt like I was in an episode of Criss Angel Mind Freak. My stomach growled.

“Not that I’m complaining or anything . . . okay, I’m complaining, but please tell me that there’s food where ever we’re going,” I said as I buckled the seat belt. The last car ride I’d had with Marcas hadn’t been all that rad. I was seriously devoted to protective gear this time around.

Marcas glanced over at me. His eyes spoke volumes. I was getting used to this one-sided verbal communication thing. This should worry me but it didn’t.

“Don’t give me the whole 'high maintenance' look. It’s not that I have a thing against blood. I’m just part of the 'I like my food well done' fan club. Donuts, dumdums . . . now that’s fine cuisine,” I protested as Marcas drove. I was babbling again. Logically, I knew that meant I was nervous.

“You’re talking about high fructose corn syrup and fried flour, not food,” Marcas said flatly.

I glanced at him. Had he actually gone all normal person speak mode on me? Be still my heart, I was impressed.

“Well, well, the Demonio does speak. I beg to differ, my blood-bound Demon counterpart. Dumdums are the nectar of the Earth,” I said dramatically. Marcas snorted, and I saw his lips twitch slightly. Had he almost smiled?

“Earth bound Angels tend to have a thing for sugar. They crave it. Some even need it,” Marcas said quietly.

Was he talking about Sophia? The thought actually made me feel a little depressed. I’d ask myself why, but I wasn’t really sure I wanted the answer.

“You’re spoiling my mood, Craig. And here I thought I was one of a kind. Are you telling me I’m not the only person who eats cake frosting like it’s ice cream?” I asked sullenly. Marcas sped the car up.

“Never fear, Blainey. You’re definitely one of a kind,” Marcas muttered.

 I looked over at him. Was that a compliment or an insult? Marcas took a curb fast, and I looked down at the speedometer.

“Is there a reason we’re speeding like a bat out of Hell through what’s supposed to be one of the most beautiful countries in the world?” I asked Marcas nervously.

He glanced in my direction briefly.

“You’d feel it if you let your guard down."

 I stared. “Feel what?"

 Marcas shifted gears.

“The Demons,” he answered.

I held my breath. The
? I looked around us. The windows were dark.

“Feel it, Blainey. I know you knew what Luther and Lexi were when you met them. It’s the same difference. Just open up your mind and feel,” he ordered.

I sat back in my seat. Nothing came to me. Marcas took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it on my arm. The floodgates of Hell opened. Literally. Nausea swept through me and I doubled over in pain.

“Oh, my God!” I exclaimed. Marcas removed his hand.

“God has nothing to do with that,” he said sourly. My fists clenched the seat.

“What was that, Craig? That wasn’t just one Demon!” I cried out.

My eyes searched the night. The city was flying past my window. I didn’t know how Marcas saw to drive.

“It’s at least fifty Demons,” Marcas answered.

“Fifty! Oh, my God!”

 My heart began to beat well beyond the normal pulse rate. I was tempted to sit in Marcas’ lap. I wasn’t being a girl, I was just being smart. Right now, he was stronger than me.

“You need to learn to feel them on your own, Blainey. They’ve been following us since we landed. They aren’t as close as you think they are. They are closing in, but we still have time. Maybe a day or two. But we do need to hurry,” he said calmly.

I looked over at him.

“You’re telling me we are being followed by at least fifty Demons who I’m sure aren’t looking to make friends and you want me to take 'feeling' lessons. What is this? On the job training?” I asked bluntly.

My tone was edged with terror. Marcas moved onto a road that seemed to lead out of the city. He ignored my question. I took in deep breaths to calm my breathing.

“Who’s Alessandro?” I asked him again. Marcas picked up speed.

“He’s the head of the Swords of Solomon."

 He was what? I closed my eyes and counted slowly to ten. It didn’t work.

“What the fuck, Craig! There’s a mass of Demons wanting to see at least one of us dead, and we are driving into the hands of a group protecting an item we want to steal. Oh yeah, I see the brightness in this plan!” I yelled. Marcas didn’t so much as flinch.

“You don’t strike me as the type who enjoys taking the easy way out of anything, Blainey,” Marcas said. I shot him a look.

“You seem to forget I haven’t been given the choice. If it were up to me, I’d hit the easy button every time,” I snarled. Marcas snorted. He

“I doubt that, Blainey.”

“Fuck you!”

“If you did that, you’d at least have Damon off your back,” Marcas said.

Seriously? He went there? I covered my face with my hands and screamed. It may have been a little on the cheesy side, but the release made me feel better. I managed to regain a modicum of calm. Fine! So, there were a mass of Demons following us, we were driving to meet the leader of the Swords of Solomon, and Damon was back in little ol' Lodeston, Mississippi hoping I’d breed with his brother? How dandy! Where was my fucking easy button? I looked at Marcas.

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