Read Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) Online

Authors: Ginny Sterling

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3) (2 page)

BOOK: Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)
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Richard watched her carefully. He was intrigued with the way her bangs swept down on her forehead and the way she held her head at an angle. He watched as a delicate rose color crept up her throat and thought, “Oh, this should be good.” He felt an instant attraction and could picture her in a sleek, sexy gown begging to be touched. She had a lovely, husky voice that sounded like it was only for him.

Teri felt like the room had gotten quiet and could feel her cheeks getting hot in embarrassment. She didn’t have any real stories to share with the girls. She had dated in the past but hadn’t been impressed with the selection of boys she had grown up with. She had kissed a few guys before, but not worth repeating the experience. She hadn’t been caught doing anything bad, etc., and she hadn’t been in any compromising positions. The only regret she had, the only thing she could think of to share at this very moment, was a very precious, but simple “never, ever” event to tell her closest friends.

“I have never, ever slept with anyone. It is not much, but it is my ‘never, ever’ story,” she explained quickly as she felt stupid and rushed to sit down quickly. Her cheeks felt so hot from embarrassment. As she sat down, she was certain the whole restaurant must have been paying attention. Teri felt like she was on a stage, lights dimmed and the spotlight on her. She had just stripped bare in front of everyone by the silence that held the room.

She had certainly caught one man’s attention and he was just staring at her like she was the only woman present. Teri thought that he was gorgeous and oozed sexuality. How had she not seen him before? He was seated back across the restaurant and had been watching her closely as she stood. She had made contact with his eyes that watched her carefully. She tried to ignore him, tried not to look at him, but could not help but meet his magnetic gaze.

She thought he had the deepest tanned skin that was rippled with muscle under his t-shirt. His dark hair was extremely short on the sides of his head and a thick bunch of curls on the top of his head that just begged to be touched. His eyes looked like melted chocolate from across the room and his smile revealed a dimple in one cheek that made her feel weak. She could not help but look at him and was surprised by the attraction she felt suddenly.

Richard was floored and tried not to let his face register the surprise he felt, now that he had caught her looking at him. That was it? That was her tale to share? He thought for sure she was joking around. Maybe he did not catch her sense of humor?

The other women were sharing racy tales or telling lewd stories. Heck, he was surprised Danielle’s story was as tame as it was! She seemed like quite the adventurous girl! But his little pixie? She was a virgin?

He wondered if there was more she had never experienced and if she was willing to try him on for size! Maybe there was a lot more to her than he realized. She had definitely piqued his interest.



Teri kept stealing glances back towards the man in the corner, watching and smiling at her throughout the night. She wasn’t sure if she should be freaked out or if she should look at it as an open invitation to maybe talk and get to know each other.

She was very curious, though, since he seemed to be sitting an awfully long time at the restaurant and watching their activities. She brushed a big lock of hair out of her face, annoyed, and waved a limber arm towards Mama at the bar. She watched Mama walk over to the table with another pitcher of the “pink stuff”, as they had named their margaritas earlier.

Mama Maria walked over to the table of drunken ladies, amused. “What do you need,
Would you like some more margaritas?” she asked, wondering if she should cut off the alcohol even though they had a ride waiting patiently for them to finish their evening. Mama felt confident that one of them would be asleep or pass out soon, and hoped it was not the bride, Millicent. She was not sure how well Jacob would take the news that Millie passed out under her watch.

Teri blinked her eyelids slowly and felt woozy. “Nope, no more of that pink stuff for me, Mama,” she slurred heavily and pulled on Mama’s arm to get her to lean down. She was happy to see a smiling Mama accommodate her and lean over her. Teri pulled her close and whispered, “Who is that man over there? The hot guy that keeps looking at us?” and pointed haphazardly across the room.

Danielle, hearing the question, leaned in closely to the two women and felt she should include herself in the conversation. “Oh, Teri, that hot guy is Richard Danvers. He watches all the ladies ‘cause he is a well-known playboy. I think he has slept with most of the girls in town, isn’t that right Carrie? He’s had you, hasn’t he? Hell, he almost had me, but I said no to him,” she whispered loudly and pointed across the table to one of the older ladies sitting towards the end of the table.

Teri looked quite put out and blinked heavily again. “Really? Now, that is a shame that he acts like that. You would think that maybe he would have some pride and keep it in his pants, you know?” she whispered back and gave a massive, dejected sigh. She had honestly been really interested in him. He was stunning and was the first guy she had been attracted to since Daniel.

Daniel had been a high school sweetheart that Teri had dated for a while. He had been so very kind and considerate of her. They had made plans to go to the same college together, get a small apartment together and, eventually, get married. She remembered when he gave her his high school ring and had tenderly kissed her, telling her it was a promise ring and he would put a diamond on her slim finger someday. Only someday never came. They had been in a car accident on the way home from graduation and he had died at the scene, holding her hand. Teri’s life had never been the same.

All her plans had gone by the wayside. She never dreamt she would have to help plan and attend her significant other’s funeral. When they lowered the casket, she had collapsed on the ground. She had been certain her heart was going into the ground with him. She withdrew from college, unsure she could even go on.

Teri had been quite distraught, much to the dismay of her family and had eventually found a way to pick herself up and continue on. She decided she did not want to ever be hurt again and had stepped out of the dating scene. She had turned down several offers and decided to go into a field where she could work alone and be left alone. She opened her own office and was a contractor.

She found it fascinating to go through a house and check different aspects to ensure it was safe. She liked not having to worry about a guy at the water cooler hitting on her or “dolling herself up” for work to make an appearance.

Her day typically involved explaining that Teri was short for Teresa- and that she was the owner, not some man named Terry. She also kept it casual but professional, wearing jeans daily and a heavy tool belt when necessary. Lipstick and heels were for Millicent, not her. She was a jeans and boots gal.

Richard watched the ladies for quite some time, enjoying the drunken atmosphere. He was surprised to see Danielle grab Millie and pull her back into the seat. Falling out of chairs was a sure sign to end the evening. He could not have the bride end up with a black eye due to clumsiness.

Richard walked over to the table where the women were gathered and laughing. “All right ladies, I’m your chauffeur for the night. My name is Richard and if you will wrap up the evening’s festivities, I will pull my rig around and pick you up at the door,” he said politely. He motioned to Mama Maria. “Please don’t let them have anything else. I will be right back,” he explained quietly to her. Last thing he wanted was for someone to throw up inside of his Expedition.

Richard pulled the large SUV around and removed the keys from the ignition. He had no idea how long it would take to load the drunken crew into his SUV and ensure they were all buckled. Bringing them all home was still ten times better than an angry stripper making a scene, he thought wryly.

Richard decided to load the ladies as quickly as possible, hoping that he would be dropping off Teri last. He wanted to get her number from her and maybe a bit more information, which surprised him. She wasn’t his typical type of woman. He normally liked a lot of curves and appreciated a well-dressed woman in heels. Teri was in jeans and, while shapely, they were still jeans… and boots.

He took a quick survey, asking if any of the women got carsick. If so, they would be going next to a window! He fielded a few catcalls, one from the oldest lady in the group, asking if they were going to get to play doctor. Richard just smiled and put her in the passenger seat. He was distinctly uncomfortable since she was old enough to be his mother. He would make sure she would be dropped off first.

Seeing no raising of hands at the motion sickness question, he moved to seat the ones that were standing on their own into the third row bench. The few that were leaning against each other, or had sat down, he put close to the windows. Teri, he seated in the third row as well.

Richard spent the next hour driving around town, walking each lady to the door and waiting until he could hear the door lock click from the outside of the house. He wanted to make sure they were in the house, safe. Millie and Teri were the last ones in the vehicle.

He decided to take Millicent home to Jacob first, since Teri was softly snoring in the back seat. He couldn’t even see her head anymore. She had lay down to make herself comfortable. As he pulled into Jacob’s driveway, he was surprised to see most of the cars had left already and things had settled down. Richard could see Jacob sitting on the front porch waiting patiently. He turned off the key in the ignition, circled and got Millie out.

Jacob walked forward, smirking. “Apparently she had a few drinks?” he asked as he took her limp body into his arms to help hold her in a standing position. He was pleased to see her sigh in contentment against him as he kissed the top of her head. He thanked Richard again for taking all the ladies home. Jacob watched Millie stumble and laugh. He ended up picking her up and carrying her to the house, waving at Richard.

Richard headed back to the SUV, smiling. He thought it was sweet how Jacob adored and took care of her. At first, he thought it was comical at how smitten Jacob was over Millie, but watching the two of them together gave him the full picture. Her eyes followed Jacob. He was always touching her and the smiles they exchanged spoke volumes of the admiration they held for each other.

He hadn’t met anyone like that yet. He had some hot, lusty looks thrown his way- but not admiration or respect. Certainly not love. He wasn’t sure he was even ready for something along those lines. He enjoyed his freedom and was certain that if he was in the wrong relationship, it would be smothering.

Richard entered the Expedition and decided it was time to wake the sleeping beauty in the back seat of his vehicle. “Wake up, Sunshine. You are next to go home,” he announced loudly. He almost laughed. In the rear view mirror, he saw her disheveled head appear above the back seat. “Want to come up here and give me directions so I can take you home?”
and talk with me
, he almost tacked on. He wanted to see what made her tick and see if she was as appealing as he thought earlier. He was still surprised at the boots she wore.

Teri felt quite out of sorts. Her hair kept flopping in her face. Her throat was dry and she was surprised she had fallen asleep. His voice woke her and she almost purred in contentment at the seductive tone.
He could seduce a flea off a cat
, she thought. She could certainly see how he got a playboy reputation.

She indelicately flopped a boot over the back seat and climbed over it. It felt like quite the hurdle and she was quite proud she made it over smoothly. Teri looked up, met his eyes in the mirror and frowned. She had one more hurdle to go.

“Why, exactly, does the car have to be so damn big? Compensating?” she muttered and heard him chuckle. “Oh yeah, smooth like butter,” she continued absently as she concentrated on putting her leg up over the center console and climbed into the passenger front seat.

Richard tried not to laugh at her. She was so wobbly and it was terribly amusing. He watched her stick her shapely rear up over the seat and flop down onto the second row bench. He did let a small laugh slip as he saw the frustration on her face at not being in the front seat yet. He watched as she shoved a boot up over the armrest. She pulled on his shoulder and finally made it into the front seat, quite indelicately.

He did admire the view, however, of her bottom. Her jeans were quite snug and her polo was astray. He could see a glimpse of skin between the material of her pants and shirt. He definitely appreciated how the shirt was twisted, the unbuttoned portion was pulled off towards the side and he could see a glittery strap. Maybe the tomboy in her could appreciate a few finer things he thought happily and wondered if her panties matched her bra.

Teri flopped down in the seat smugly. “There we go,” she said aloud and rearranged herself in the seat. She blindly reached for the buckle and slapped at the B pillar a few times before finding it. She grinned broadly at him once she had herself buckled. She shut her eyes and happily leaned back into the seat, the leather still warm from the previous person. She sighed in contentment and waited.

Richard watched the scene she was making for him. She was adorable settling into the passenger side bucket seat. He looked at the seatbelt. It was twisted, however, it was buckled securely. He saw she had her eyes closed and a smile on her face. He was tempted to let her get some rest. But he had no idea where she lived or where to drop her off at. Richard cleared his throat.

Teri cracked an eye and peeked at him. She looked at his mouth and reached out to trace his lips boldly. She wanted to touch them to see if they were as wonderful as they looked. She saw him grin at her and matched his smile. Teri then frowned. “Why aren’t we moving,” she asked curiously. “I thought you were taking us all home; you all right?”

Richard couldn’t help himself. He grinned widely and chuckled at her. He pulled her hand to his mouth, finishing the route, and kissed each of her knuckles. “I’d love to take you home. We aren’t moving yet because you haven’t told me your address. Where do you live, Teri,” he said amused at her confused expression.

BOOK: Redeemed Hearts (Thoroughbred Men Series Book 3)
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