Red Star over China

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Authors: Edgar Snow

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Red Star Over China

Books by Edgar Snow

Far Eastern
Front Living China
Red Star Over China
The Battle for Asia
People on Our Side
The Pattern of Soviet Power
Stalin Must Have Peace
Random Notes on Red China
Journey to the Beginning
Red China Today: The Other Side of the River
The Long Revolution

Edgar Snow


First Revised and Enlarged Edition

Copyright © 1938, 1944 by Random House, Inc.
Copyright © 1961 by John K. Fairbank
Copyright © 1968 by Edgar Snow

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, or the facilitation thereof, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Any members of educational institutions wishing to photocopy part or all of the work for classroom use, or publishers who would like to obtain permission to include the work in an anthology, should send their inquiries to Grove/Atlantic, Inc., 841 Broadway, New York, NY 10003.

Published simultaneously in Canada
Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 68-17724
eBook ISBN-13: 978-0-8021-9610-1

Grove Press
an imprint of Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
841 Broadway
New York, NY 10003

Distributed by Publishers Group West

To Grenville Clark
who was taller than his time
“Laid sweet in his grave,
the hope of humanity
not yet subjugated in him.”


Introduction by Dr. John K. Fairbank

Preface to the Revised Edition

Chronology: 125 Years of Chinese Revolution

Note on Chinese Pronunciation


1. Some Unanswered Questions

2. Slow Train to “Western Peace”

3. Some Han Bronzes

4. Through Red Gates


1. Chased by White Bandits

2. The Insurrectionist

3. Something About Ho Lung

4. Red Companions


1. Soviet Strong Man

2. Basic Communist Policies

3. On War with Japan

4. $2,000,000 in Heads

5. Red Theater


1. Childhood

2. Days in Changsha

3. Prelude to Revolution

4. The Nationalist Period

5. The Soviet Movement

6. Growth of the Red Army


1. The Fifth Campaign

2. A Nation Emigrates

3. The Heroes of Tatu

4. Across the Great Grasslands


1. The Shensi Soviets: Beginnings

2. Death and Taxes

3. Soviet Society

4. Anatomy of Money

5. Life Begins at Fifty!


1. Conversation with Red Peasants

2. Soviet Industries

3. “They Sing Too Much”


1. The “Real” Red Army

2. Impression of P'eng Teh-huai

3. Why Is a Red?

4. Tactics of Partisan Warfare

5. Life of the Red Warrior

6. Session in Politics


1. Hsu Hai-tung, the Red Potter

2. Class War in China

3. Four Great Horses

4. Moslem and Marxist


1. More About Horses

2. “Little Red Devils”

3. United Front in Action

4. Concerning Chu Teh


1. Casuals of the Road

2. Life in Pao An

3. The Russian Influence

4. Chinese Communism and the Comintern

5. That Foreign Brain Trust

6. Farewell to Red China


1. A Preface to Mutiny

2. The Generalissimo Is Arrested

3. Chiang, Chang, and the Reds

4. “Point Counter Point”

5. Auld Lang Syne?

6. Red Horizons


Notes to
the Revised Edition



Further Interviews with Mao Tse-tung

Biographical Notes

Leadership in the Chinese Communist Party



Dr. John K. Fairbank

Red Star Over China
is a classic because of the way in which it was produced. Edgar Snow was just thirty and had spent seven years in China as a journalist. In 1936 the Chinese Communists had just completed their successful escape from Southeast China to the Northwest, and were embarking upon their united-front tactic. They were ready to tell their story to the outside world. Snow had the capacity to report it. Readers of the book today should be aware of this combination of factors.

Edgar Snow was born in Kansas City in 1905, his forebears having moved westward by degrees from North Carolina to Kentucky and then into Kansas territory. In 1928 he started around the world. He reached Shanghai, became a journalist, and did not leave the Far East for thirteen years. Before he made his trip to report the Chinese Communists, he had toured through famine districts in the Northwest, traversed the route of the Burma Road ten years before it was operating, reported the undeclared war at Shanghai in 1932, and become a correspondent for the
Saturday Evening Post.
He had become a friend of Mme. Sun and had met numerous Chinese intellectuals and writers. Settling in Peking in 1932, he and his wife lived near Yenching University, one of the leading Christian colleges which had been built up under American missionary auspices. As energetic and wide-awake young Americans, the Snows had become widely acquainted with the Chinese student movement against Japanese aggression in late 1935. They had studied Chinese and developed a modest fluency in speaking. In addition to publishing his account of the
Japanese aggression,
Far Eastern
Front, Edgar Snow had also edited a collection of translations of modern Chinese short stories,
Living China.

Thus in the period when the Japanese expansion over Manchuria and into North China dominated the headlines, this young American had not only reported the events of the day but had got behind them into some contact with the minds and feelings of Chinese patriotic youth. He had proved himself a young man of broad human sympathy, aware of the revolutionary stirrings among China's intellectuals, and able to meet them with some elementary use of the Chinese language. More than this, Ed Snow was an activist, ready to encourage worthy causes rather than be a purely passive spectator. Most of all, he had proved himself a zealous factual reporter, able to appraise the major trends of the day and describe them in vivid color for the American reading public.

In 1936 he stood on the western frontier of the American expansion across the Pacific toward Asia, which had reached its height after a full century of American commercial, diplomatic, and missionary effort. This century had produced an increasing American contact with the treaty ports, where foreigners still retained their special privileges. Missionaries had pushed into the rural interior among China's myriad villages and had inspired and aided the first efforts at modernization. In the early 1930's American foundations and missionaries both were active in the movement for “rural reconstruction,” the remaking of village life through the application of scientific technology to the problems of the land. At the same time, Chinese students trained in the United States and other Western countries stood in the forefront of those modern patriots who were becoming increasingly determined to resist Japanese aggression at all costs. Western-type nationalism thus joined Western technology as a modern force in the Chinese scene, and both had been stimulated by the American contact.

Despite all these developments, however, the grievous problems of China's peasant villages had only begun to be attacked under the aegis of the new Nationalist Government at Nanking. Harassed by Japanese aggression, Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang were absorbed in a defense effort which centered in the coastal treaty ports and lower Yangtze provinces, with little thought or motive for revolutionary change in the rural countryside. Meanwhile, in 1936, the Chinese Communists were known generally as “Red bandits,” and no Western observer had had direct contact with their leadership or reported it to the outside world. With the hindsight of a third of a century, it may seem to us now almost incredible that so little could have been known about Mao Tse-tung and the movement which he headed. The Chinese Communist Party had a history of fifteen years when Edgar Snow journeyed to its head
quarters, but the disaster which had overtaken it in the 1920's had left it in a precarious state of weakness.

When he set out for the blockaded Red area in the Northwest in June, 1936, with an introduction from Mme. Sun Yat-sen, he had an insight into Chinese conditions and the sentiments of Chinese youth which made him almost uniquely capable of perceiving the powerful appeal which the Chinese Communist movement was still in the process of developing. Through the good will of the Manchurian army forces at Sian, who were psychologically prepared for some kind of united front with the Communists, Snow was able to cross the lines, reach the Communist capital, then at Pao An (even farther in the Northwest than the later capital at Yenan), and meet Mao Tse-tung just at the time when Mao was prepared to put himself on record.

After spending four months and taking down Mao Tse-tung's own story of his life as a revolutionist, Snow came out of the blockaded Red area in October, 1936. He gave his eye-opening story to the press in articles, and finished
Red Star Over China
on the basis of his notes in July, 1937.

The remarkable thing about
Red Star Over China
was that it not only gave the first connected history of Mao and his colleagues and where they had come from, but it also gave a prospect of the future of this little-known movement which was to prove disastrously prophetic. It is very much to the credit of Edgar Snow that this book has stood the test of time on both these counts—as a historical record and as an indication of a trend.

Preface to the Revised Edition

Travels and events described in this book took place in 1936 and 1937 and the manuscript was completed in July, 1937, to the sound of gunfire by Japanese troops outside the walls of Peking, where I lived. Those guns of July in China opened eight years of Sino-Japanese battle which merged with the Second World War. The same guns also heralded the ultimate Communist victory in China which profoundly altered the balance of power, both inside and outside what was formerly called “the Communist camp.”

In time and space this report concerned an isolated fighting force in an area far removed from the West on the eve of its greatest catastrophe. The League of Nations had been destroyed when it failed to halt Japan's conquest of Manchuria in 1931–33. In 1936 the Western “Allies” permitted Hitler, still a cardboard Napoleon, to reoccupy the Rhineland without a fight. They impotently watched Mussolini seize Ethiopia. They then imposed an arms embargo against Spain under the hypocrisy of neutralism, which denied the Republic the means to defend itself against reactionary generals led by Franco, who had the open support of thousands of imported Nazi and Fascist troops and planes. They thus encouraged Hitler and Mussolini to form an alliance ostensibly aimed at Russia but clearly intended to subjugate all of Western Europe. In 1938 Hitler was allowed to swallow Austria. He was then rewarded, by Chamberlain and Daladier, with Czechoslovakia as the price of “peace in our time.” In compensation they soon received the Hitler-Stalin pact.

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