Red Mutiny (50 page)

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Authors: Neal Bascomb

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My own visits to the Russian archives, particularly the Naval Archives in St. Petersburg, uncovered fascinating source material, including ship logs of the
and those battleships involved in the squadron sent after the
Supporting this research, I found many contemporary newspaper and journal accounts of the events as well as several extensive
document collections, such as Nevsky's
Vosstaniye na bronenostse Knyaz Potemkin Tavrichesky.
And finally, I enjoyed the benefit of countless histories by Russian scholars of the
each offering new details and insights. Most important were Gavrilov's
V borbe za svobodu: Vosstaniye na bronenostse Potemkin
and Kardashev's
Burevestniki, revolyutsii v Rossii i flot.
The only published English-language version account of the mutiny, Richard Hough's Potemkin
(1960), was also helpful, although he lacked access to the Russian archives.

The difficulty in the scale and breadth of this amount of material resides in two factors: (1) the first-person accounts often contradict one another, whether because of the failings of memory or attempts to slant recollections for one's own benefit, and (2) many document collections and much of Russian scholarship have been influenced to accentuate the role of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party. In
Red Mutiny,
my challenge was to identify the most trustworthy first-person accounts, balance these against the whole, and discern fact from revisionism in histories written after 1917.1 hope that my efforts have proved worthy, and any errors or mis-judgments are wholly my own.

Finally, in 1905, the Russian Empire used the Julian calendar, which was thirteen days behind the Gregorian calendar used in the West. Throughout the book and notes section, I employ the Russian calendar. The sole exception to this rule is the use of the Gregorian calendar in the notes when referring to the dates of Western newspapers or magazines. The author, assisted by Yaroslav Gorbachov, has employed a conventional transliteration of Russian names, one based on the BGN/PCGN system.

Archives in Russia

Central State Archive of the October Revolution, Moscow—TsGAOR

Central State Historical Archive, St. Petersburg—TsGIA

Central State Military Historical Archive, Moscow—TsGVIA

Central State Historical Archive, Moscow—TsGIA(M)

Central State Archive of the Military Naval Fleet, St. Petersburg—TsGAVMF

Contemporary Newspapers and Journals

Chicago Tribune Daily Telegraph


Journal de St. Petersburg
Manchester Guardian
Moskovskiye Vedomosti
Nasha Zhizn
New York Herald Tribune
New York Times
Novoye Vremya
Russkiye Vedomosti
Russkoye Slovo
Washington Post

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