Reckless Nights (Vegas Nights #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Reckless Nights (Vegas Nights #1)
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“It was amazing,” she agreed with a little sigh, disappointed when he pushed out of the bed without a word and went into the bathroom. She missed his warmth, the solid weight of his body next to hers.

She plucked at the comforter, nervous over how she should react when he came back. Would he tell her it had been real and kick her out of his room, or would he want another go-around?

Please, please want another go-around.

Sitting up, she ran her hands through her hair, grimacing when she felt what a mess it all was. She must have looked a fright. Was her makeup running? She ran her finger beneath her eye and stared at the tip, seeing the telltale black smudge that hinted she probably looked like a raccoon, with her mascara running.

Great. Maybe he would kick her out of his bed now that the mirage was disappearing and the real Reagan showed up.

“Sorry.” She jerked in surprise at his apology, since she hadn’t heard him come back into the room. He approached the bed with a casual grace, his nakedness not seeming to bother him whatsoever. Not that it bothered
, oh no. She just felt like a fool, staring at him like he was God’s gift to women, her gaze zeroed in on his cock, which was rather impressive, and it wasn’t even erect.

Her cheeks heated when he smirked at her. He knew exactly what she was doing, but he didn’t seem the least bit bothered by it.

“What are you sorry for?” she asked, feeling stupid.

“I had to go toss the condom.” He stopped at the foot of the bed, frowning. “Where are you going?”

“Oh.” She reached up, tried to smooth her hair out but it was no use. All that rolling around on the bed had turned it into a tornado around her head. “Um…” Should she be the one to say it first? That, wow, they had such a great moment, but now she needed to go?

Crap. She’d never had a one-night stand before, so her experience was zero in situations like this. She hated being unprepared and was completely out of her element with this one.

“You’re not leaving, are you? What happened to we have all night?” He came closer, until he was standing right in front of her, his cock in eye level. Mouth level.

Oh. My.

“Um.” She gazed up at him, saw that he was watching her with a mixture of concern and undeniable arousal lighting his eyes. “Do you want me to?”

“No.” He slowly shook his head, his cock hugely erect. A little smile curved his lips. “I want you to stay. As you can plainly see.”

Relief filled her. Yes. He didn’t want her to leave. Reaching out, she wrapped her fingers around the base of his cock, licking her lips. His cock hardened even more in her grip. “You recover fast.”

“Must be the woman I’m with. She’s working some sort of magic over me,” he said, his expression sincere.

His words struck deep inside her, in the vicinity of her heart, which was ridiculous. They were just words, used to flirt and tempt and have fun with. He wasn’t being serious.

As she closed her lips over the head of his cock, he settled his hands in her hair, guiding her, saying rough, dirty words, urging her to do so many things she’d never once considered doing. She pushed past embarrassment and went for it, licking and sucking him into orgasm in an amazingly short amount of time.

It was amazing. Perfect.

She never wanted this moment to end.

Chapter Five

Where the hell r u?

Reagan stared at the text message from Natalie that was delivered about two hours ago. She wanted to answer. Really she did.

But she didn’t. She still hadn’t. Why not? Why couldn’t she tell her friend the truth? Maybe because it sounded sordid and trashy and she didn’t want her friends judging her or worrying about her?

Oh, don’t mind me. I’m with Declan Carter and he just fucked my brains out for, hmm, about the past twelve hours. I think I’ve gotten maybe an hour of sleep and I’ve never felt better in my entire life. The man has made me come so many times, I swear to God my clit is sore. My entire body is sore but especially between my legs. Though if he slipped that giant cock inside me at this very moment, I wouldn’t protest. Not really. Maybe a little. Fine, more like I’d beg him to fuck me harder.

And how is your trip to Vegas so far?

Yeah. That sort of message wouldn’t go over too well. She knew her friends, and they were most likely worried about her, disgusted with her, whatever. All of those things and more rolled up into one. She hated the guilt that swamped her for ditching them. This was supposed to be a girls’ weekend, damn it. Time to reconnect and bond with her friends while having a fabulous time in Vegas.

Not a weekend for her to indulge in nonstop, amazing sex with a sexy-as-hell actor who seemed to know her body better than she did.

“I ordered breakfast,” Declan said the moment she stepped out of the bathroom. She’d taken a shower—alone, because though he’d tried to persuade her to let him join her, she’d pushed him off because though she was tempted, oh my God, she knew she couldn’t take being fucked by the man
one more time.
She needed a break.

So she washed her tender body carefully, wincing when she touched her aching thighs, the spot between her legs. She felt raw and used and so blissfully delicious, it was sort of ridiculous.

“I’m hungry,” she admitted, smoothing a hand over her wet hair. She’d twisted it into a knot, using a band she had in her purse to pull it up. She had no makeup on, her skin was pink from the hot water and she was wearing a white, fluffy terrycloth robe provided by the hotel.

When she caught her reflection in the mirror after first getting out of the shower, she thought she looked young. Naïve. And so vulnerable. She was feeling vulnerable too. After the amazing night and morning they just shared, the time was ticking by faster and faster and soon it would be
adios, Pepe
before he sent her on her way.

No, she did not want to think about leaving him at the moment. That thought was just too depressing.

“I figured,” he said with a grin. He was wearing a pair of charcoal gray sweatpants and nothing else, and damn, the look was good on him. His hair was mussed, his skin gilded gold from the sunlight shining through the open curtains, and she’d never seen a more handsome sight. “Since I kept you up all night.”

She blushed like an innocent schoolgirl and silently cursed herself. What happened to the siren of last evening? The seductive woman set on getting Declan Carter naked as fast as possible? It was like she disappeared and left boring old Reagan in her wake.

It sucked.

When she didn’t answer him, he frowned, and she wondered if he could sense her discomfort. Lord knew she was being sort of weird at the moment, but she had no clue how to handle a situation like this. She felt awkward. Stay for breakfast and leave afterward? Throw off her robe and let him get a good look at her naked…possibly entice him to indulge in some more sexy times before breakfast arrived?

God, sexy times? She wanted to groan at herself but kept it in check.

“You okay?” He approached her, his hands going to her waist and grabbing on to nothing but fabric. “You seem out of sorts.”

She shrugged. “I feel out of sorts. I’m, um…not used to this.”

“Used to what?” His hands went to the front of her robe, toying with the ends of the fabric belt.

“The morning after an amazing night of sex with a virtual stranger?” she blurted out, closing her eyes the moment the words fell from her lips. Could she sound any dumber? “Uh, you know what I mean,” she said after a moment of uncomfortable silence. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, her forehead bumping into the solid wall of Declan’s chest.

“Hey.” He slipped his hand around her nape and gave her squeeze. “There’s no reason for you to feel uncomfortable.”

“There isn’t?” His touch felt so good. He was massaging her neck, easing the tension there and she wanted to melt into him.

“I like having you here.” He kissed her forehead, his touch tender. “I liked waking up to you in my bed.”

She absorbed his words, let them sink in fully, but her brain wasn’t quite processing them. No way could he mean what she thought he meant? She must be reading way too much into this.

“It may have been only one night, but it feels…” His voice trailed off, and she lifted her head, his hand still around her nape as she stared up at him.

“It feels like what?” she asked, her mouth dry, her mind scrambling. She was both eager and scared to hear his answer.

But he didn’t answer. It was as if he realized he said too much, so she didn’t push. She didn’t want to for fear he’d say something he could never take back.

He remained quiet, his hand deftly untying the knot of her belt. The robe broke open, revealing her naked body to his hungry gaze, and he stared at her, his lips parted, his breathing accelerating. Releasing his grip on her neck, he fell to his knees, his face directly in front of her sex, his warm breath feathering across her sensitive skin, and she shivered, nervous he might touch her there, where she was still so sore.

More nervous that he wouldn’t touch her there and leave her alone and disappointed.

Declan didn’t disappoint. Relief flooded her when he touched her reverently, his index finger drawing a delicate path in her pubic hair until he was teasing at the seam between her thighs.

“Spread your legs,” he commanded, his voice low and dark and full of promise. She did as he demanded, no questions asked, and when he pressed his face into her sex, she squealed in both surprise and delight.

His tongue flickered out, licking her, searching her already drenched folds, and she gripped a hold of his head. Closing her eyes, she curled her fingers into his thick hair as she tried her best to keep standing. A moan escaped her when he murmured unintelligible words against her hot flesh, his tongue working her into a frenzy. And when he added his finger into the mix, her legs shook, her belly clenched, and she knew, she just
, she was going to come at any second.

“Room service!”

The rapid knock that followed the announcement from behind the door rendered them both still and her eyes flew open at the same exact moment his gaze met hers from where he knelt between her legs.

Slowly he pulled his mouth away from her, his finger still embedded inside her body. “You want to come now or later?” he asked.

What a question. “Both?” she answered hopefully.

Chuckling, he returned his attention to her sex, his tongue flicking her clit again and again, two fingers buried inside her body. The knock came again, even more rapidly this time, and she whimpered as heat flooded her body, the orgasm knocking the very breath from her as she ground her sex against Declan’s face. He gripped her hip with his other hand, holding her in place as she sobbed through her orgasm, not bothering to be quiet for the sake of the hotel employee on the other side of the door, waiting patiently.


Declan pulled away from her, his lips shiny from her juices, a giant smile on his face. He wiped the back of his hand across his mouth before he stood, dropped a sweet kiss to her lips and started for the door.

“I’ll go get breakfast,” he called from over his shoulder.

She watched him go, her gaze locked on his perfect ass as it moved beneath those perfect sweatpants. Good Lord, he was hot. And lethal, like a dangerous weapon to her senses. He made her come with his mouth and fingers all in the space of, what? Two minutes? And all she’d been doing since last night was coming. Again and again.

Could a person come too much? Could you die from too many orgasms? If that was true, what a way to go.

On weak legs, she walked over to the couch, collapsing onto the piece of furniture as if her bones just turned to mush. She could hear Declan talking to the employee delivering their breakfast, his voice calm, his laughter ringing true. She admired his ability to adapt so quickly and wondered for a scary, too-long moment if he was faking her out somehow.

And then she realized she sort of didn’t care.

Her cell phone rang and she grabbed it from the coffee table in front of her, answering when she saw who it was. Natalie.

May as well get it over with.

“Oh my God, you’re alive. About time you answered,” Natalie greeted her sarcastically.

“Everything okay?” Reagan tried her best to sound neutral. Like she just hadn’t had her world rocked, but crap, she sounded breathless. Blissed out. Great orgasms had a way of doing that to a girl.

“Yes. Are
okay?” Natalie asked.

I’m fine. Perfect. The man with the most perfect lips and tongue in all the universe just tongue fucked me into yet another intense orgasm. How are you doing?

“I’m fine.” She swallowed hard, knowing she sounded extremely evasive.

“Where are you?” Natalie’s voice lowered. “Are you with Declan Carter?”

“Uh…” Reagan’s gaze went to Declan as he came into view, pushing the room service cart in front of him. He smiled, his gaze warm as it lit upon her, and she wanted to die. Melt. Fling herself at him and tell him forget breakfast. They didn’t need food. They could live on each other.

“You are, you big whore! Oh my God, I love it,” Natalie practically squealed.

Wait a minute. Her friend was happy she was with Declan? She figured Natalie would be furious. “You’re not bothered by that?”

“Hell no. Who am I to judge? He was all into you last night, so you may as well go for it, right? Especially since you’ve had such a big crush on him for so long,” Natalie rattled on, embarrassing Reagan. She could feel her cheeks warm and she glanced up, saw that Declan wasn’t looking at her. Nope, he was too busy preparing their breakfast, having taken over the job from the room service delivery person.

Weird. And sweet. She liked it. He had an attentive side she found insanely attractive.

Fine. She found everything about him insanely attractive.

“What are you up to?” Reagan asked when Natalie finally paused to take a breath. “I’m sorry I left you. I hope you’ve been having fun.”

“Oh, I’ve been having a great time,” Natalie said.

Hmm. She sounded awfully vague. “What have you and Andrea been up to?”

“Andrea? Well…she hasn’t been around either.”

“She hasn’t?” God, were they all awful friends to Natalie or what? “I’m coming to our hotel right now,” Reagan said firmly, earning a concerned look from Declan. She turned away from him, hating how bad she felt that he heard her. “I can’t believe we both left you, Nat. I’m so sorry.”

“No, no, no. Don’t bother coming back now, have fun with Declan. I’m fine. I’ve been hanging out with someone too,” she said nonchalantly.


“You wouldn’t know him.”

“Him? Try me. What’s his name,” Reagan urged.

“I won twenty-five thousand dollars,” Natalie said, completely changing the subject.

“Wait a minute. Are you serious?” Reagan leapt to her feet, her gaze going to Declan’s.

“Dead serious. I won it last night on a slot machine. Can you believe it?” Natalie squealed.

“Oh my God!” Reagan started hopping up and down, her open robe bouncing around her body. Declan started to laugh, shaking his head, and she mock glared at him, tugging the robe around her and hiding her body from his appreciative gaze. “Congratulations. That’s amazing. I can’t believe it!”

“Me either.” Natalie started to laugh. “I’m rich!”

“Yeah, you are. We should go out and celebrate.” Reagan stopped jumping and started nibbling on her lower lip. “Tonight. Let’s get a bottle of champagne and drink to your good fortune.”

“I, uh, already have plans. But we can celebrate tomorrow with breakfast before we fly home,” Natalie suggested. “What do you think?”

“Sounds good.” Her friend was being weird. Evasive. As if she was trying to hide exactly who she was hanging out with. “Where’s Andrea?”

“She met some guy last night. Last I saw her, she was lip-locked with him in a dark corner at the party. She texted me this morning, letting me know she was okay,” Natalie explained.

“Okay good. Well, congrats again,” Reagan said with a nervous laugh. “Have fun tonight.”

“You too, sweet cheeks.” Natalie ended the call before Reagan could say another word, and she set the phone back on the coffee table, turning to see Declan watching her with an expectant expression on his face, standing behind the table laden with food. He’d found two chairs and set them at the table. So domesticated and cute, she could hardly stand it.

“What happened to your friend?” he asked conversationally.

“She won twenty-five thousand dollars.” Reagan shook her head, glancing around the room to see if she could spot the belt that went with her robe. How could she sit and eat breakfast with her robe hanging open?

“That’s awesome. Good for her. Is she okay with you being here with me?” When Reagan took a while to answer, he asked, “Are

She met his gaze, saw the worry there and the concern. How could he doubt that she wasn’t okay with being with him? More like she should be asking him if he was fine with her being here with him. There were probably a hundred things he needed to do. Or wanted to do.

Hell, she didn’t know. This entire morning after thing was super confusing.

“She’s fine. Distracted by someone else, she won’t tell me who,” Reagan said, going to the table and gazing down at the contents that filled it. “Did you order the entire breakfast menu or what?”

BOOK: Reckless Nights (Vegas Nights #1)
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