Recipe for Kisses (24 page)

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Authors: Michelle Major

BOOK: Recipe for Kisses
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While writing a book is a solitary endeavor, it’s way more fun with a fantastic support group. I want to thank the people who help make my job the best one in the world.

Kelli Martin, my amazing editor, who puts a smile on my face with every e-mail or phone conversation.

My agent, Nalini Akolekar. I thank my lucky stars each day to have you in my corner.

Melody Guy, developmental editor extraordinaire, whose insights on my stories make them infinitely better and who is an overall rock star.

The Montlake author relations team—I’m thrilled to have such a talented group of people on my team.

Lana Williams, my critique partner, who keeps me sane and motivated. Every. Single. Day.

All of my writing friends, especially Annie and Jennie—whether on Facebook or e-mail or over lunch, thanks for helping me refill the well.

My family, who love and support me and don’t complain when I take my laptop to the beach.

My mom “co-parents”—carpools, playdates, sleepovers, and general life support. You do it all and I’m eternally grateful.


Michelle Major grew up in Ohio but dreamed of living in the mountains. Over twenty years ago, she pointed her car west and settled in Colorado. Now her house is filled with one great husband, two beautiful kids, several furry pets, and a couple of well-behaved reptiles. She’s grateful to have found her passion writing stories with happy endings. Michelle loves hearing from readers, so find her on Facebook or Twitter or at

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