Recasting India (30 page)

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Authors: Hindol Sengupta

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and Citicorp (Citibank NBFC)

and private equity fund investments

and Reserve Bank of India Act 1934

Shriram Capital

Shriram Chit

Shriram City Union Finance

Shriram Enterprise Trust

Shriram Investments

Shriram Ownership Trust

Shriram Transport Finance Company

Singh, Basha

Singh, Gauri

Singh, Maharaja Hari

Singh, Manmohan

Singh, Mulayam

Sivaramakrishnan, T. S.

soap and detergent


Paanch Bhai

social change and reform

social mobility

social rank.
See also
caste system

Sori, Soni

Soros, George


Srinivasan, Akhila

State Bank of India

stealth reforms

Subbarao, Duruvuri


Sundaram Finance (Sundaram BNP Paribas Home Finance)

Sundararajan, G. S.

Supreme Court Commissioners on Food


Swasthya Swara

Tagore, Dwarkanath

Tagore, Rabindranath

Tamil Nadu

Tata, Ratan

Tata House

Tendulkar, Suresh


Tharoor, Shashi

Thies, Bill

Thomas, Patrick

Thyagarajan, Ramamurthy (RT).
See also
Shriram Group

Togadia, Pravin

TPG Capital

Trinamool Congress Party

(holy basil)

Tundiya, Narendra

Umar, Farooq

Uncertain Glory, An
(Drèze and Sen)

Unseen: The Truth about India's
Manual Scavengers

Untouchability (Offenses) Act of 1955

Upadhyay, Madan Mohan

Uttar Pradesh

Vadra, Robert

Vanak, Fakhruddin

Vanjax Sales

Vastanvi, Ghulam

Ventureast Tenet Fund II

See also
Hiware Bazar


1969 Gujarat riots

1992 Mumbai riots

2002 Gujarat riots

2010 Kashmir stone pelting riots

2012 Delhi gang rape

against Dalits

against women

farmer suicide

female infanticide

in Hiware Bazar

sati (widow self-immolation ritual)


toll booth riots

Virani, Chandubhai

Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP)

Vyas, Jaisingh

Walia, Rajni

Wani, Omar


conservation program in Hiware Bazar




rainwater harvesting

Wilson, Horace Hayman

Yadav, Akhilesh

Yunus, Muhammad

Zode, Sunil


Hindol Sengupta
is the Editor-at-Large at
Fortune India
and the founder of India's only open-government nonprofit, the Whypoll Trust. He has worked as a political interviewer on Bloomberg TV and as an anchor and reporter with the Indian editions of CNBC and CNN. He is the author of
The Liberals,
which won praise from globally renowned economists and public policy experts. The online ideas platform IdeaMensch included him on its list of 33 global social entrepreneurs who make the world a better place.

Copyright © 2014 by Hindol Sengupta. All rights reserved. For information, address Palgrave Macmillan Trade, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.

Cover photograph © DINODIA PHOTOS / ALAMY

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The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Sengupta, Hindol.

Recasting India: how entrepreneurship is revolutionizing the world's largest democracy / Hindol Sengupta.

       pages cm

ISBN 978-1-137-27961-3 (hardback)

1. Entrepreneurship–India. 2. Small business–India. 3. Business enterprises–Social aspects–India. 4. India–Economic conditions–21st century. 5. India–Social conditions–21st century. I. Title.

HB615.S417 2014



e-ISBN 978-1-137-47478-0

First Edition: November 2014

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