Rebound (Pro-U Book 3) (4 page)

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Chapter 6




I moved around the group of giggling cheerleaders that stood in the middle of the living room as Micah turned and walked out the back door. Every nerve ending inside of me was tingling with the desire for more of his attention. He might be a good guy, but he was bad news.

He was too much like Adam. Too nice. Too good. Too everything.

"Hey Tasha! Thank God." Clara slipped her arm into mine and pulled me toward the front porch. I was happy to go seeing that Micah disappeared out the back door moments before.

"What in the world are you doing here?" I glanced around to see if she might have come with someone. Never in a million years did I expect to see Clara at a party. She was far too prissy for that.

"Some of the swim team was talking about it this afternoon, and the girls were betting I wouldn't come." She shrugged and pushed her long hair over her shoulder as she released me. "Fuck you very much. I'm here."

I laughed and snorted. "I like it. This a new more bolder you, or just a night off from life?"

"A night off. I like being myself." She moved to the edge of the porch as her nose crinkled in disgust. "Ugh. Look at those idiots."

I glanced out on the lawn to see a bunch of half-dressed football players carrying girls on their shoulders, playing chicken.

"Oh crap. I'm pretty sure you need water for that." I jogged down the stairs and patted a young blond on the stomach. "Hey buddy. Someone is going to get hurt. How about you put the girl down?"

"What? Why?" He smiled and his whole face lit up. He was gorgeous, but trouble with a capital T.

"Aren't you Brody's little brother?" Clara walked beside me and moved behind him. "Let her fall back and I'll catch her."

"You sure?" The guy glanced back at Clara, his eyes running across her in a less than friendly way. "You're hot. I'm Talon."

"Be careful." I moved closer and reached up to help Clara, who grabbed the girl and had no trouble at all pulling her down. "Wow. You're crazy strong."

"Swimming builds up arm muscles." She ignored Talon and flexed for me.

"Why do you think you need to get into the gym?" I reached out and squeezed her arm, quite impressed. She was insanely feminine and yet still had great muscle definition.

"Coach says it will force me to swim faster." She glanced over at Talon and patted him on the chest. "Not a chance in hell, buddy."

I turned and walked toward the house beside her, trying not to laugh at the poor kid. He was hot as all get out, but there was no way any of my friends would be interested in an eighteen-year-old hot shot. Especially not when he looked like a younger version of his dick-head brother, Brody. We were too close to the drama between him and Emily not to turn a cold shoulder toward anyone associated with Providence's star quarterback.

"He's cute though, right?" I glanced back over my shoulder before wagging my eyebrows at her.

"He's crazy hot, but Dillon looks better. I’m much more into tall, dark and handsome."

"The guy you said you wouldn't give a second glance because of him being stupid?"

"He's not
from what I can tell. He just doesn't give a shit. He seems to think he's going to swim in the Olympics and nothing else matters." She shrugged and opened the door to the house. "Where that's a total possibility, don't you think anyone with sense in their head would be planning for the worst? I mean, you hope to go to the WNBA, but you're also keeping your grades up just in case. That's smart."

"I like the idea of playing basketball for a while, but to be completely honest, I'd like to open up a shelter or a pregnancy care center. I could use my business degree and do something to give back to the community." I shrugged, not sure how we got on the subject. I couldn't remember ever telling anyone what I wanted to do with my life. It suddenly dawned on me how incredibly sad it was that I hadn't shared myself with anyone. Not even Emily and she had been my roommate for three years.

"I like that idea. I think it's a great use of your talent and time." She pushed the back door open and paused. "There's our group. You don't mind me calling them mine, right? You're about the only friend I have besides my sister."

"Nope. I'm glad you're starting to hang out with us more." I walked down the stairs. "I figure Jacob might talk Em into moving into the house with him if the other guys allow it. When that happens, I'm going to get a new dorm-mate. I'm a little apprehensive about it."

"Maybe I could move in with you. My sister and I need some time apart. It's getting old being in her business all the time. You know she's the polar opposite from me. Drives me up the fucking wall with her loud music and rowdy friends." She rolled her eyes.

"What's her name again? Avery?"

"Yeah. She's a freshman this year, and my mother wanted me to keep an eye on her. So... she got us an apartment together, which was the worst thing in the world she could have done. She had to fight the dean of women on several occasions because Avery should have been in a dorm like every other stinking freshman."

"Every freshman has to be in a dorm?" I glanced up to find Micah watching me. The remembrance of his hands on my hips, or his good hand and his bandaged up appendage, blasted through my mind. I smiled and stifled a giggle. His injury was nothing to laugh at, but my desire for him was almost comical. I knew nothing about him, and I planned on keeping it that way. It was easier to live my life by myself. It meant not disappointing anyone else.

"Yeah, they do unless they're in a fraternity or their parents throw a shit fit." She stopped by our group of friends and turned to me. "Or their folks live in Providence."

"Like Talon and Brody's do." Jacob wrapped his arm around Emily and kissed the side of her head. "I'm glad you're done with that asshole."

"I bet you are. More time for you?" She turned toward him and pressed herself to his chest as he leaned down and kissed her passionately

"Ugh. Come on. Shit," I grumbled and moved past them toward the bonfire. The sight of them making out was almost too hot, but letting on that I was getting tired of my three-year relationship strike wasn't going to happen.

"Don't like public displays of affection?" Micah moved up beside me and turned to face me. His cheeks were flush, and I couldn’t help but wonder why.

“Not really. Is there some reason you left me standing on the dance floor alone?” I lifted my eyebrow and tried to look like I cared. I knew that Micah was one of the only responsibly guys in the Omega house. Hell, everyone knew it.

“Yeah, just some shit I had to deal with upstairs. I hate fighting, but there’s nothing worse than watching a douchebag disrespect a woman. This one guy in the house drives all of us crazy. We need to kick his ass out, but Jacob isn’t willing to budge until he have proof that he’s the asshole we think he is.” Micah shrugged and glanced back up toward the house.

I reached over and took his beer. There was no reason to push the issue with the trouble maker he was dealing with. It wasn’t any of my business and he would talk about it more if he needed to. "How's your hand doing? Any news on getting that bandage off?"

"I'm hoping next week, but we'll see what the doc says." He shrugged and plucked the beer back from me after I took a quick sip. "I could still whoop you with both hands tied behind my back and my eyes closed."

"Oh hell no you didn't." I turned to face him and pressed my fingers into his chest, trying not to notice how strong his muscle was beneath my hand.

"I did." He chuckled and stayed his ground as I took a step forward.

"You've obviously not seen me play." I gave him a knowing look.

"Is he threatening to whoop up on you?" Jacob moved up beside me without Emily.

"He is." I glanced over at Jacob and let my hand fall from Micah's chest. It felt almost too intimate all of a sudden.

"It's his way of flirting. Pathetic and all, but you gotta love the guy anyway." Jacob wrapped his arm around Micah's broad shoulders and ruffled his hair.

"Really? Shit." Micah gave me a silly look. "Cut this fucker off. Someone. Please."

I laughed and watched them for a few more minutes as my desire to move away wore thin. They were too cute playing around with each other, and I could see why Emily was willing to look past all of Jacob's faults and try life with him. The edges of his eyes crinkled as he smiled, and his laugh was loud and deep.

A girl screamed behind us, and we turned around as Micah took off.

I watched him pick her up off the ground and walk into the house with her, holding her close to his chest like she meant something to him. Typical. He had a girlfriend and hadn't let any of us know it all this time? Or he was just like every other asshole at the Omega House and we'd all been juked.

"Who was that?" I crossed my arms over my chest and turned back to the fire.

"No clue. He's always rescuing some girl around here." Jacob chuckled and let out a long sigh before glancing up toward the stars.

"So he's just a nice guy when he wants to be?" I glanced up and let my thoughts go. I wasn't being fair, and in all reality, it didn't matter what Micah did or didn't do. He wasn't mine to begin with.

"What's that mean?" Jacob shifted to face me a little more.

"That he might have more manners than you guys, but he's really no different when it comes to women."

"Oh no. You got it all wrong. He rescues women from themselves. He's probably taking the poor girl home or putting her in his bed."

"For some fun later?" Why the hell couldn't I shut up? It's not like I wanted to know the answer to my shitty questions.

"No." Jacob glanced over his shoulder and back toward me. "He's the best guy I've ever met. He's like, pure. I don't know how to describe it. I wouldn't be surprised if he were a virgin to be completely honest. He's very respectful and cleans up after all of us."

"Sounds like a puss to me. Who are we talking about?" Jayce Moore stumbled up beside me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "You look hot in those shorts, Tasha. Damn."

"Behave." I popped him in the stomach and turned my attention back to Jacob. "Are you being serious or setting me up to believe in something that doesn't exist?"

"Believe what you want, pretty girl." Jacob reached out and tugged on a strand of my hair. "He's a goodie-goodie, and he likes it that way. I doubt you or anyone else could get him to bend."

"He didn't seem so goodie-goodie on the dance floor a few minutes ago." I put my hand on my hip, trying to get a read on Emily's main squeeze and getting nowhere.

Speaking of Em...
I glanced around looking for the girls.

"It's the beer talking." Jacob shrugged. "I'd pay someone a hundred pennies to sleep with Micah. Might help him relax a little more often."

"That's a dollar." Jayce snorted and glanced around the yard. "Where the hell is Layla? I haven't seen her in forever."

"I don't know, dude. I'll go see if I can get ahold of her." Jacob reached out and squeezed my arm. "You wanna take my bet?"

"Nope. I'm not interested in sleeping around with anyone, but thank you, Sir Whoredom." I smiled and walked off to find my friends. As much as I enjoyed the sound of a challenge, where my body went, my heart often followed. I would stick to the basketball courts and let my only love in life be something I could control.

Work harder, get stronger, play better.

It was the opposite of love. Love forced you to work harder, get weaker in the process and play any and every game imaginable to try and keep up.

It required sacrifice and costs.

I was tired of paying to play only to end up the loser.

Chapter 7

Two Weeks Later




The noise in the gym as we approached was incredible. It shook the floor beneath my feet and left my heart racing. There was nothing like Midnight Madness. The whole damn school showed up and half the town around us did as well. The music blaring out of the gym door as coach opened it caused me to smile. The dance crew on campus was performing for the event. I wasn't surprised to see Aubrey out front, moving like she was made to do it. Something left me thinking that Natasha would have looked perfect up there beside her.

"Hey buddy!" Jacob reached for me as I walked in and glanced to my left to see him standing by Jayce and Lucas White.

"Hey guys." I reached out and shook everyone's hand as coach pulled at the back of my jersey. "I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit."

"Yeah you will," Jacob called after me.

I waved and turned back to walk into the gym with my fellow basketball players. Clayton Miller, one of our posts patted my back and walked beside me, towering over me.

"Damn, I love this event. Makes you feel like a king or something." He glanced down at me, his dark eyes filled with excitement.

"Agreed. Too bad we gotta share it with the girls." I smirked as he wagged his eyebrows.

"I don't mind so much. That Deja Jones makes my heart flutter a little." He laughed and moved behind me as I let my eyes scan the crowd. It was comical how many of the basketball guys were dating basketball girls. Almost like the commonality was too much to ignore. I found our group of friends and lifted my hand to wave.

Emily, Clara and Layla stood in the stands, dancing around and having a great time. Well, everyone but Clara. I would have to ask Em what was up with her. She seemed lost in her own world, like she was miserable if anyone was around. Maybe it was her way of getting attention?

The announcer came over the loud speakers. "Everyone have a seat. We're going to let the dance team perform and then we'll bring in our Providence cheerleaders."

The crowd went wild. Emily moved down out of the stands and waved toward the door, connecting with Jacob no doubt. How badly I wanted a passionate relationship like she and Jacob were sure to have, but I didn't even know where to begin. I'd long given up on having a deep relationship with anyone. Women were shallow in my opinion, or maybe that was the lie I told myself to keep from caring too much.

"Give it up for the Providence Dance Crew!"

I moved back and pressed my back to the far wall of the gym as Aubrey's team started their routine. It was the perfect time to relax and find Tasha. I was surprised to lock gazes with her as I leaned forward and smiled.

She shook her head like I was a joker and a half and turned to talk to a pretty black girl beside her.

"That Deja?" I turned back to Clayton.

"Oh yeah. Man, if that girl doesn't marry me, I might as well hang my hat up. I'm totally lost to her. She transferred in over the summer, like that new cat in your fraternity house."

I'd never heard any of the guys talk about wanting to hook up with a girl for life. Especially none of the basketball guys.

"You guys dating?" I pressed my back to the wall again and scanned the crowds, enjoying the energy in the room as the dancers finished up and the cheerleaders moved into place.

"Nope. I wish I had the balls to ask her. She's mean as shit." He chuckled. "I'll figure it out eventually."

"You're a senior, Clay. Get your ass in gear." I glanced up at him and popped him in the stomach.

"Yeah, I know." He shrugged. "My momma brought my granny in here tonight. Look at her up there dancing like it's the nineteen-fifties."

I followed the direction of his finger and laughed loudly when my eyes landed on a little blue-haired African-American woman who was dancing her heart out.

"Oh man, that's awesome. I sure as hell hope I'm loving life when I'm that old."

"Right? She's always been a baller. I need some of her courage to go ask Deja out." He sighed and leaned back against the wall next to me. "You dating that spunky point guard yet?"

"Who? Tasha?" I tried not to show the shock that pumped through my veins. Had I made it obvious to everyone but her that I was into her?

"Yep." He glanced down at me. "We all know, dude. You forced us to go to the girls games all last year. Don't think we didn't know why. Team building. Please."

"You guys didn't put up much of a fight, did you?" I straightened my shoulders as the music stopped and the announcer informed the crowd that he would be announcing the women’s basketball team first and then the men’s. We'd do a jog around the outer circle before doing a warm up routine with some drills to show off a little. The end of our show was me dunking the ball, which no one could believe I was capable of because of being just under six foot, but I could hit it every time.

"Nope. You ready to show these people that white boys can jump too?" He snorted and popped me in the side.

"Yep. Should be fun." I scanned the crowd, looking for my parents, but not putting too much hope into any of it. They hadn't been at one game since I started playing at seven years old. They sure as fuck weren't showing up now. "How far did your folks drive?"

"Couple of hours. Why? Yours finally show up for something?"

"Nope." I rolled my shoulders. "It's all good. They're busy making their millions. I'm sure if I had a nanny when I was growing up, then she would be here, but they were too expensive. You know how it goes."

"That's fucked up, man." He patted my back. "You can share my momma and granny with me."

"Deal. Don't tell anyone that we're not brothers though." I winked at him and turned to watch the girls prance across the floor. Natasha was in the lead, dribbling the ball like a pro. She spun around and dribbled between her legs, behind her back and showed off in high style. I loved every minute of it. I had a different routine, but I knew without a doubt that I was going to have to mimic hers, just to grab her attention and tease her a little.

Why I wanted to goad her into playing a game with me was beyond me, and probably one of the stupidest things I could have desired, but it gave me a hard-on just thinking about it. Of course the fantasy always ended with me on my back on the court and her working me with vigor, but it was possible. Anything was possible with enough courage to make it happen.

"You ready?" Clay popped my back once more.

"Yep. You scared?"

"Like a mother fucker. You?"

"Yep. I'm thinking I might shit myself." I moved out into the front of the group as they called my name over the loud speakers.

"First up tonight, and leading his team for Midnight Madness is Junior, Micah Sanders. Give a big Providence cheer for our Friars Men’s Basketball Captain. Undefeated for the last two years and Micah tells me that he's going to bring it home again this year."

The crowd went wild as I lifted my hands and caught the basketball that was launched at me. I chuckled as I locked eyes with Natasha as she stood on the far end of the court with the other girls. They were lined up, hands on their hips as if throwing attitude toward us.

The music cranked up and I moved through Tasha's routine with efficiency, using my left hand instead of my right just for fun. I'd pulled off the bandages just to keep from having to answer any questions, but I would be using my right hand for the finale. There was no way to dunk and not put pressure on my wrist, but it was testing time. I prayed like hell that I could complete the shot and not have to be worried about the season starting up and me sitting my ass on the bench.

"No, you didn't," she called out to me as I got a little closer.

"Of course I did." I winked at her and let my eyes drag across her sexy little body. "Come show me up."

I wasn't myself on the court... or maybe the cocky bastard I became every time I put on my jersey was the real me and the good boy act was just that. Naw... I was both guys and always would be.

"You asked for it." She jogged past me and stole the ball as the crowd went nuts.

I turned and lifted my hands, catching another ball as the girls moved to the other side of the court and started to run drills. My team moved through our passes as the announcer read various accolades from our previous season and went through the schedule of who we would be playing against to kick off the fall season.

My eyes moved up to the stands again, scanning in hopes of maybe just missing my folks. I wasn't sure why I kept hoping that they would show up for something - just once - but I couldn't help myself. I turned to face my teammates and chucked the ball to Clayton as he moved to the middle of the circle and did a sick-ass routine with the ball and a bit of break dancing. He finished it by shooting a three-pointer as the crowd began to chant his name.

It was the perfect way to start the season. Everyone involved in the basketball organization was there as well as the support groups. Everyone was honored and pumped up for what was sure to be the best season we would ever have... or so they led us to believe.

I moved back and positioned myself for the pass Clayton would make behind his back. My dunk was coming up, and where I expected to be nervous, I wasn't. My friends were in the stands, bouncing around and laughing together, living life in a way that made me jealous. Lucas had his arms around Aubrey and Jacob had his around Em. I wanted a relationship like that.

I glanced back to find Natasha standing with her back almost pressed to mine.

"Hey, baby. What's yo name?"

"You'd like to know." She bumped my butt with hers and caught the ball thrown to her with ease. "You wanted to show me up... my turn for paybacks."

"No fucking way." I caught my ball and took off toward the goal, turning and passing to Clayton before stepping off of one of the other guys’ locked hands. I caught the ball in the air as Clayton passed it back and spun, gripping the rim and sinking the ball into the net.

I laughed so hard tears blurred my vision as Natasha hung from the other rim, swinging and laughing. I'd never seen her so relaxed, so full of warmth. It radiated all the way through me and I realized I didn't need courage. A rejection from her would just be a point to rebound off of and try again. She was the girl for me. Now all I needed to do was convince her of it.

I dropped to the floor as the crowd stood to their feet and the music started up again. People piled from the stands and danced around in the center of the floor as the administration tried to get everyone to hush for a few minutes.

"I know everyone wants to parrrrrrrrrtay, but if we could stop where we are. Our President of Providence has a few things to say and then we'll crank up the music."

I moved toward Tasha not caring much about the party. I wanted to congratulate my counterpart for her sick dunk. She'd been practicing just to show me up. I loved it.

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